Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
ActiveX Control Version released. It can run in the VBA environment from the beginning.
However, there is the VBA mysterious arrow key shift control focus issue.
Due to the fact that IOleInPlaceActiveObject::TranslateAccelerator is not catched by VBA. (same "issue" with the VBCCR ActiveX)
If somebody has an solution please let me know. But at least all can "run" in VBA without crashes.
Click 'Fill'.
Click below the last row.
See the whole grid scrolling to the left.
Not wanted of course...
.Cell(FlexCellLeft, .Rows - 1, .Cols - 1)
Seems to be the cause.
Click 'Make cell range red'.
A single cell becomes red, but not the range.
.Cell(FlexCellBackColor, 1, 0, 3, 3) = vbRed
I understand row #1, col #0 to row #3 to col #3.
But setting the range has no effect.
My misunderstanding or a bug?
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Karl77
The FormatString doesn't work for me.
See attached example.
Thank you
It's not a bug, it's a feature.
Reason is because the FormatString needs a FixedRow.
In the VBFlexGrid it is not possible to have fixed rows and no cells.
So, instead of:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
With VBFlexGrid1
.Rows = 1
.Cols = 3
.FixedCols = 1
'.Redraw = False
End With
VBFlexGrid1.FormatString = Headline
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
With VBFlexGrid1
.Rows = 2
.Cols = 3
.FixedCols = 1
.FixedRows = 1
'.Redraw = False
End With
VBFlexGrid1.FormatString = Headline
End Sub
I added this point in the incompatibilities. (that it is not possible to have fixed rows and no cells)
Originally Posted by Karl77
Click 'Fill'.
Click below the last row.
See the whole grid scrolling to the left.
Not wanted of course...
.Cell(FlexCellLeft, .Rows - 1, .Cols - 1)
Seems to be the cause.
Stupid behavior issue.
The MSFlexGrid does scrolling to current cell. Similar to the .CellEnsureVisible method in the VBFlexGrid.
So in order to be compatible I also do a .CellEnsureVisible when calling .CellLeft. (or indirectly via .Cell)
Originally Posted by Karl77
Click 'Make cell range red'.
A single cell becomes red, but not the range.
.Cell(FlexCellBackColor, 1, 0, 3, 3) = vbRed
I understand row #1, col #0 to row #3 to col #3.
But setting the range has no effect.
My misunderstanding or a bug?
Not a bug. Just make .FillStyle = FlexFillStyleRepeat and then it works.[/QUOTE]
Originally Posted by Karl77
Can I get the width of the vertical scrollbar?
(Now I get it using GetSystemMetrics - perhaps there is a property in the Grid I don't know of?)
Could be included. Have noted .ScrollBarSize like in the SysInfo control.
Or maybe ScrollBarWidth and ScrollBarHeight to have CX and CY values...
Originally Posted by Karl77
An AutoSizeColumn feature would be highly appreciated.
Already noted from your previous posts.
Originally Posted by Karl77
AutoSizeColumn could also work on a doubleclick between columns.
Yes yes, there would be a lot more possible.
First goal was to have a working replacement in place so I can migrate projects.
Originally Posted by Karl77
I think GridLines/GridLinesFixed is mixed, or I get the meaning wrong.
GridLines is for the cells and GridLinesFixed for the fixed cells. I see no problem there. Can you explain more?
Originally Posted by Karl77
Something like IntegralHeight would be useful.
Now I do: .Height = ((Int(.Height / .CellHeight)) * .CellHeight)
Yes your manual way works as the heights of the cells are equal.
But how to manage integral height when all the cell heights are different?
Originally Posted by Karl77
it is also quite fast.
That was my priority from the beginning. To have it efficient and fast. At least not slower than MSFlexGrid.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Stupid behavior issue.
The MSFlexGrid does scrolling to current cell. Similar to the .CellEnsureVisible method in the VBFlexGrid.
So in order to be compatible I also do a .CellEnsureVisible when calling .CellLeft. (or indirectly via .Cell)
Hmm, not so cool.
I thought the .Cell feature advantage is that we don't have to change the selection in order to get or set cell properties.
So I would expect .Cell doesn't do stupid things.
We don't have such a comfy .Cell thing in the original.
Seeing this, can't we avoid stupidity?
Could be included. Have noted .ScrollBarSize like in the SysInfo control.
Or maybe ScrollBarWidth and ScrollBarHeight to have CX and CY values...
I didn't think of the SysInfo control.
That's enough, no need for such a property.
Already noted from your previous posts.
Sorry for the repeat, I should have known you don't forget.
First goal was to have a working replacement in place so I can migrate projects.
Up to now there are only minor obstacles.
And easy to deal with with your assistance.
Yes your manual way works as the heights of the cells are equal.
But how to manage integral height when all the cell heights are different?
Yes, you are right.
So forget it, to do it manually (with the same cell height) is not that much effort and good enough.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
When I do this:
With VBFlexGrid1
.Cell(FlexCellFontName, 1, 0) = "Marlett"
.Cell(FlexCellText, 1, 0) = "a"
Debug.Print "Font: ", .Cell(FlexCellFontName, 1, 0)
End With
The cell seems to have got the font.
It should show a check mark.
Instead it shows "a".
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Karl77
Hmm, not so cool.
I thought the .Cell feature advantage is that we don't have to change the selection in order to get or set cell properties.
So I would expect .Cell doesn't do stupid things.
We don't have such a comfy .Cell thing in the original.
Seeing this, can't we avoid stupidity?
The (obvious) reason why .CellLeft is scrolling the focused cell into view is that .CellLeft is used to place a TextBox or ProgressBar (or whatever) control in this cell rectangle.
And of course that makes only sense when the cell is in view (visible)
In this context it actually does make sense to keep this logic in .Cell.
Because what makes it a difference when I want to put a TextBox (or whatever) control on the focused cell (.CellLeft) or an arbitrary cell (.Cell)?
What you are looking for is the current extent location of the cell, even if it is far beyond the current client edge.
This you could calculate by a workaround to sum up the Width's of the fixed columns and from the .LeftCol to your actual cell column.
Than you have your .Left you need.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
What you are looking for is the current extent location of the cell, even if it is far beyond the current client edge.
This you could calculate by a workaround to sum up the Width's of the fixed columns and from the .LeftCol to your actual cell column.
What I really want to detect is if I clicked outside a cell.
The dark grey area:
The Width sum works fine for the X direction.
For Y I need the position of the cell.
And when I ask for the Top, the same effect kicks in.
When I sum up the cell heights, I don't have the correct position.
Or is it all too complicated what I want, and there is a better method that I don't see?
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Karl77
What I really want to detect is if I clicked outside a cell.
The dark grey area:
The Width sum works fine for the X direction.
For Y I need the position of the cell.
And when I ask for the Top, the same effect kicks in.
When I sum up the cell heights, I don't have the correct position.
Or is it all too complicated what I want, and there is a better method that I don't see?
What about the .HitTest method and check .HitResult = FlexHitResultNoWhere? (Not available in MSFlexGrid, but here in VBFlexGrid.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Karl77
When I do this:
With VBFlexGrid1
.Cell(FlexCellFontName, 1, 0) = "Marlett"
.Cell(FlexCellText, 1, 0) = "a"
Debug.Print "Font: ", .Cell(FlexCellFontName, 1, 0)
End With
The cell seems to have got the font.
It should show a check mark.
Instead it shows "a".
What do I do wrong?
I also tried WingDings - no success.
When I set WingDings for the whole VBFlexGrid, it works.
But not for a single cell.
Other fonts, e.g. Times New Roman or Courier New do work ok.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Karl77
When I do this:
With VBFlexGrid1
.Cell(FlexCellFontName, 1, 0) = "Marlett"
.Cell(FlexCellText, 1, 0) = "a"
Debug.Print "Font: ", .Cell(FlexCellFontName, 1, 0)
End With
The cell seems to have got the font.
It should show a check mark.
Instead it shows "a".
What do I do wrong?
Ok, here comes an additional issue in place. In VBFlexGrid is a CellFontCharset property available, whereas in MSFlexGrid this is not available.
Solution for your problem would be to change not only the FontName but also the FontCharset, like following:
Const SYMBOL_CHARSET As Long = 2
With VBFlexGrid1
.Cell(FlexCellText, 1, 0) = "a"
.Cell(FlexCellFontName, 1, 0) = "Marlett"
.Cell(FlexCellFontCharset, 1, 0) = SYMBOL_CHARSET
Debug.Print "Font: ", .Cell(FlexCellFontName, 1, 0)
End With
Possible bugfix would be that the FontCharset will be overwritten automatically when changing the FontName and not that later the FontCharset breaks up the FontName.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Update released.
FontCharset issue resolved. Whenever the FontName is changed the FontCharset will be amended as well by default. Thus always working.
However, afterwards the FontCharset can be changed manually, if necessary.
Second fix is actually more important. By update on 23-Nov-2017 (VBA support) it caused an huge performance drop. Reason was that in VBA another extra refresh is necessary. However, this caused the control in VB6 to make the refresh always immediately and resulted finally in 2x draws.
This fix should improve the performance of the control a lot. A big lot.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Krool, thank you very much for this absolutely amazing control!
I have a weird issue with mouse wheel scrolling. I thought it wasn't supported at all, until i tried to swipe the wheel really hard!
To best describe the issue, it only works when you make a single fast full 360 rotation of the wheel. Anything less than a full rotation (no matter how fast) has no effect.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by immortalx
To best describe the issue, it only works when you make a single fast full 360 rotation of the wheel. Anything less than a full rotation (no matter how fast) has no effect.
I use the control because it supports the mouse wheel, and MSFLEXGRID not.
There are other reasons, too.
In short, scrolling works perfect in vertical direction.
Immortal, can you post a small sample project, so that we can see the error?
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Thanks Karl, that's why I want to use it as well and avoid the hook methods.
I've attached a sample for the ActiveX version. I also tried the included example in the Std-EXE version and it has the same effect.
Also, there's no difference whether it runs in the IDE or compiled.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by immortalx
Thanks Karl, that's why I want to use it as well and avoid the hook methods.
I've attached a sample for the ActiveX version. I also tried the included example in the Std-EXE version and it has the same effect.
Also, there's no difference whether it runs in the IDE or compiled.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
chosk & karl, thanks for testing it guys.
That's odd. I installed VB on my work PC and it works perfectly. At home I use a Microsoft wireless mouse that's been rock solid for years and works with every application without a hitch. It also works with other controls that support the mousewheel, and within the IDE itself with the mousewheelfix. I'll try my work mouse at home and will report back.
Again, thank you very much for the help!
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by immortalx
...At home I use a Microsoft wireless mouse ...
Bought the same thing about 3 years ago - and encountered the same "issues"...
in short - the MS-MouseDrivers are more "fine-grained" and require an accumulation
of the incoming (smaller) Rotation-delta-values.
@Krool (maybe that gives you some ideas)
Below is a little Helper-Function I had to write for the RC5-Form- and -WidgetEngine
(which is doing the accumulation in a Static-Variable at function-level):
Public Function GetMouseWheelLineOffset(ByVal MouseKeys As Long, ByVal Rotation As Long) As Long
Static Delta As Long, LastRotation As Long
If Sgn(Rotation) <> Sgn(LastRotation) Then Delta = 0
Delta = Delta + Rotation
If Abs(Delta) >= 120 Then
GetMouseWheelLineOffset = IIf(MouseKeys And &H1000, Delta \ 120, -Delta \ 120)
Delta = Delta - (Delta \ 120) * 120
End If
LastRotation = Rotation
End Function
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Schmidt, it seems you're absolutely right. I just tried my work mouse and works as expected. However, I just read a Microsoft document describing that some applications misinterpret partial (30) events as full-line (120) or completely ignore them.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Schmidt
@Krool (maybe that gives you some ideas)
Below is a little Helper-Function I had to write for the RC5-Form- and -WidgetEngine
(which is doing the accumulation in a Static-Variable at function-level):
Public Function GetMouseWheelLineOffset(ByVal MouseKeys As Long, ByVal Rotation As Long) As Long
Static Delta As Long, LastRotation As Long
If Sgn(Rotation) <> Sgn(LastRotation) Then Delta = 0
Delta = Delta + Rotation
If Abs(Delta) >= 120 Then
GetMouseWheelLineOffset = IIf(MouseKeys And &H1000, Delta \ 120, -Delta \ 120)
Delta = Delta - (Delta \ 120) * 120
End If
LastRotation = Rotation
End Function
Before I put an update out I want to be sure if it works as I cannot test this. (I do not have a mouse for testing that has a finer-resolution wheel)
If VBFlexGridWheelScrollLines > 0 Then
Dim WheelDelta As Long, WheelDeltaPerLine As Long
WheelDelta = HiWord(wParam)
If Abs(WheelDelta) >= 120 Then
WheelDeltaPerLine = (WheelDelta / VBFlexGridWheelScrollLines)
If Sgn(WheelDelta) = -1 Then
While WheelDelta <= WheelDeltaPerLine
SendMessage hWnd, WM_VSCROLL, MakeDWord(SB_LINEDOWN, 0), ByVal 0&
WheelDelta = WheelDelta - WheelDeltaPerLine
While WheelDelta >= WheelDeltaPerLine
SendMessage hWnd, WM_VSCROLL, MakeDWord(SB_LINEUP, 0), ByVal 0&
WheelDelta = WheelDelta - WheelDeltaPerLine
End If
End If
WindowProcControl = 0
Exit Function
End If
After: (suggestion)
If VBFlexGridWheelScrollLines > 0 Then
Static WheelDelta As Long, LastWheelDelta As Long
If Sgn(HiWord(wParam)) <> Sgn(LastWheelDelta) Then WheelDelta = 0
WheelDelta = WheelDelta + HiWord(wParam)
If Abs(WheelDelta) >= 120 Then
Dim WheelDeltaPerLine As Long
WheelDeltaPerLine = (WheelDelta / VBFlexGridWheelScrollLines)
If Sgn(WheelDelta) = -1 Then
While WheelDelta <= WheelDeltaPerLine
SendMessage hWnd, WM_VSCROLL, MakeDWord(SB_LINEDOWN, 0), ByVal 0&
WheelDelta = WheelDelta - WheelDeltaPerLine
While WheelDelta >= WheelDeltaPerLine
SendMessage hWnd, WM_VSCROLL, MakeDWord(SB_LINEUP, 0), ByVal 0&
WheelDelta = WheelDelta - WheelDeltaPerLine
End If
End If
LastWheelDelta = HiWord(wParam)
WindowProcControl = 0
Exit Function
End If
Can you please confirm? Thanks again for your help.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by immortalx
Schmidt, it seems you're absolutely right. I just tried my work mouse and works as expected. However, I just read a Microsoft document describing that some applications misinterpret partial (30) events as full-line (120) or completely ignore them.
I believe this is because even the original MSDN examples didn't correctly account for partial scrolls, or bother retrieving the global setting, and the rest of the internet has copied the error for decades.
another thing people never acount for is that if you retrieve a -1 from the global scroll size setting, that means to scroll by 1 page. Once upon a time, on another far away site, i posted a proper example for scrolling a flexgrid.
here's essentially how i handled it back then.
FlexWheelScroll m_Grid, CSng(GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(wParam)) / WHEEL_DELTA
Exit Function
Private Function FlexWheelScroll(Grid As MSHFlexGrid, ByVal Rotation As Single) As Long
Static ScrollLines As Long
If ScrollLines = 0 Then SystemParametersInfoW SPI_GETWHEELSCROLLLINES, 0, ScrollLines, 0
Dim StepSize As Long
If ScrollLines < 0 Then
StepSize = FlexPageSize(Grid, True)
StepSize = ScrollLines
End If
If Grid.Rows - Grid.FixedRows = 0 Then Exit Function
Dim NewRow As Long
NewRow = Grid.TopRow - Rotation * StepSize
Dim MaxRow As Long
MaxRow = Grid.Rows - FlexPageSize(Grid, True)
If NewRow > MaxRow Then
Grid.TopRow = MaxRow
ElseIf NewRow < Grid.FixedRows Then
Grid.TopRow = Grid.FixedRows
Grid.TopRow = NewRow
End If
End Function
although looking at it now - using a single probably wouldn't really work. You probably have to accumulate rotation as Schmidt has shown.
Last edited by DEXWERX; Dec 21st, 2017 at 03:34 PM.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
While we are at the scrolling.
We can scroll vertical only, which is ok so far.
Recently I discovered that in Paint.NET, when the mouse is over a horizontal scrollbar, the wheel acts this scrollbar.
Perhaps a nice addition to the VBFlexGrid, and for VBCCR as well.
Some years ago I had such a MS mouse, and I thought it is broken.
I bought another one...
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Karl77
An AutoSizeColumn feature would be highly appreciated.
I want to start working on such a functionality. But I want to put out a question in the room for some feedback.
Similar like in the ListView I want to be able to auto size in two ways. 'ToItems' and 'ToHeader'
So which font should be considered by the auto size method?
'ToItems' it should consider of course the .Font property. But what about the .CellFont ? Ignore or also consider such exceptions.
'ToHeader' it should consider the .FontFixed (if applied) and else the .Font property. But again what about .CellFont exceptions?
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Krool
I want to start working on such a functionality. But I want to put out a question in the room for some feedback.
Similar like in the ListView I want to be able to auto size in two ways. 'ToItems' and 'ToHeader'
So which font should be considered by the auto size method?
'ToItems' it should consider of course the .Font property. But what about the .CellFont ? Ignore or also consider such exceptions.
'ToHeader' it should consider the .FontFixed (if applied) and else the .Font property. But again what about .CellFont exceptions?
Oh sorry, I saw this very late.
The .CellFont should be in the calculation.
(While I use only the same font for all cells.)
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Update released.
Included the TextWidth/TextHeight function that calculates for the current or an arbitrary cell the width and height length.
For multiline text the heights are cumulated and for the width the line with the greatest width is taken. Similar to VB.Form's TextWidth function.
Takes current cell font. However text must be passed in any case.
If you want to get text for current cell and text of that cell just do:
MsgBox VBFlexGrid1.TextWidth(VBFlexGrid1.Text)
Originally Posted by Karl77
Do you plan to implement something like AutoSizeColWidth?
Today I have to put the col content into a label, AutoSize=true, read the width, and then set the col width.
That is the opposite of fast and cumbersome as well.
Now instead using a label control control you can use the new TextWidth function.
However, an handy autosize functionality will follow soon. But this for now enables manual handling of such things and is very general for many scenarios.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Originally Posted by Krool
Now instead using a label control control you can use the new TextWidth function.
However, an handy autosize functionality will follow soon. But this for now enables manual handling of such things and is very general for many scenarios.
Thank you, good to know.
For me, it makes no sense to switch over to the new functionality.
The new TextWidth function requires more effort than just using a label, I would have to track the maximum width.
With a label, this is automatic (AutoSize).
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Included the AutoSize method.
.AutoSize(RowOrCol1 As Long, [RowOrCol2 As Long = -1], [Mode As FlexAutoSizeModeConstants], [Scope As FlexAutoSizeScopeConstants], [Equal As Boolean], [ExtraSpace As Long])
If RowOrCol2 is omitted only RowOrCol1 is processed, else the range between RowOrCol1 and RowOrCol2 is processed.
The Mode argument specifies if column widths or row heights are adjusted.
The Scope argument indicates if all cells, only fixed cells or only scrollable cells are evaluated.
Equal argument, if True, the range between RowOrCol1 and RowOrCol2 are set to the same sizes.
ExtraSpace argument allows to specify extra spacing, in twips, which can be useful when picture dimensions need to be taken into consideration.
Re: VBFlexGrid Control (Replacement of the MSFlexGrid control)
Krool I noticed that properties RowIsVisible, ColIsVisible return always true, no matter if the respective Row or Col are hidden or not.
Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?