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Thread: Import CSV text error when text there ;

  1. #1

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    Fanatic Member mutley's Avatar
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    Question Import CSV text error when text there ;


    I trying to import a text file (CSV ) , but inside text there are one or more in text that there is ;

    1;XX;17.062.00;;"Outros bolos industrializados e produtos de panificação não especificados anteriormente; exceto casquinhas para sorvete e pães";;30,93
    The text "Outros bolos industrializados e produtos de panificação não especificados anteriormente; exceto casquinhas para sorvete e pães" must to be only a column, but there a ; inside , how can I to do a workaround ?

     Dim file_name As String
        Dim fnum As Integer
        Dim whole_file As String
        Dim lines As Variant
        Dim one_line As Variant
        Dim num_rows As Long
        Dim num_cols As Long
        Dim the_array() As String
        Dim R As Long
        Dim C As Long
        Dim STR_IE As String 
        Dim str_sql As String
        '-DELETe records
        gDatabase.DbExecuteSQL "BEGIN  DELETE  WRK_CEST_IE; COMMIT; END;"
        file_name = App.Path
        If Right$(file_name, 1) <> "\" Then file_name = _
           file_name & "\"
        file_name = file_name & "test.csv"
        file_name = txtArquivo
        ' Load the file.
        fnum = FreeFile
        Open file_name For Input As fnum
        whole_file = Input$(LOF(fnum), #fnum)
        Close fnum
        ' Quebra o arquivo em Linhas
        lines = Split(whole_file, vbCrLf)
        ' Dimensiona o array
        num_rows = UBound(lines)
        one_line = Split(lines(0), ";")
        num_cols = UBound(one_line)
        ReDim the_array(num_rows, num_cols)
        STR_IE = "E"
        If Len(lines(0)) > 0 Then
            one_line = Split(lines(0), ";")
            For C = 0 To num_cols
                    'the_array(0, C) = one_line(C)
                Next C
            End If

  2. #2
    Frenzied Member
    Join Date
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    VB6 dinosaur land

    Re: Import CSV text error when text there ;

    You could do
    num_cols2 = UBound(one_line)
    after second Split command and if
    num_cols2 <> num_cols
    then you know there are extra ; somewhere at least. If the only possibility is that text field then you can manipulate the one_line array to join the segments back together. Don't forget to add back the ; that was removed by the Split function.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Import CSV text error when text there ;

    CSV normally uses "," but in locales that use "," as their decimal point symbol the ";" is normally substituted as the column delimiter for convenience. So I understand that you have a non-comma-CSV format file.

    If you have column data with the column delimiter (here ";") in it then by common CSV practice the column value should be quoted using the text-qualifier symbol (typically the quotation mark). If the program that wrote this file failed to do that it is pretty tough for a program reading the file to guess which ";" means what.

    But your sample line does use text-qualifiers, so you're ok.

    You can't rely on the newbie "split-de-split" technique for parsing this data and wil have to get a little more elaborate or use something like the Jet Text IISAM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Import CSV text error when text there ;

    Split-de-splits eats RAM and CU time, but with a little hacking text-delimiters can be accomodated. Example:

    Private Function ParseSemicolonCSV(ByVal FileName As String) As String()
        'This code assumes that the first row of the file data has the
        'maximum number of columns of all rows.
        Dim F As Integer
        Dim Rows() As String
        Dim RowMax As Long
        Dim Parts() As String
        Dim Part As Long
        Dim ColMax As Long
        Dim Data() As String
        Dim Row As Long
        Dim Col As Long
        F = FreeFile(0)
        Open FileName For Input As #F
        Rows = Split(Input$(LOF(F), #F), vbNewLine)
        Close #F
        RowMax = UBound(Rows)
        'Deal with the possible "empty row" at the end of the file:
        If Len(Rows(RowMax)) < 1 Then
            RowMax = RowMax - 1
        End If
        'Examine 1st Row of text to determine ColMax:
        Parts = Split(Rows(0), """")
        For Part = 0 To UBound(Parts) Step 2
            Parts(Part) = Replace$(Parts(Part), ";", vbNullChar)
        Parts = Split(Join$(Parts, ""), vbNullChar)
        ColMax = UBound(Parts)
        ReDim Data(RowMax, ColMax)
        'Now process each Row and copy into Data:
        For Row = 0 To RowMax
            Parts = Split(Rows(Row), """")
            For Part = 0 To UBound(Parts) Step 2
                Parts(Part) = Replace$(Parts(Part), ";", vbNullChar)
            Parts = Split(Join$(Parts, ""), vbNullChar)
            For Col = 0 To ColMax
                Data(Row, Col) = Parts(Col)
        ParseSemicolonCSV = Data
    End Function
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #5
    Frenzied Member Gruff's Avatar
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    Scappoose Oregon USA

    Re: Import CSV text error when text there ;

    Another approach would be to make a single pass through the line copying each segment when a semi-colon is encountered.
    If a quote character is encountered set a boolean flag variable that overrides ending your segment until another quote character is encountered at which point you turn your flag off.

    Option Explicit
    Const Quote As String * 1 = """"
    Dim TestInput As String
    Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
      TestInput = "12.125;3;54.87;'Wigglesworth; by jove';26.30;'Fortunately not.';78"
      TestInput = Replace(TestInput, "'", Quote)
    End Sub
    Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
      Dim Cells() As String
      Cells = ParseColumns(TestInput)
        'Display test results
      Dim Item As String
      For Each Item In Cells
        List1.AddItem Item
      Next Item
    End Sub
    Private Function ParseColumns(Line As String) As String()
      Dim Cells() As String
      Dim Seg As String, C As String * 1
      Dim x As Integer, i As Integer
      Dim isText As Boolean
      ' Make sure text ends with a semicolon
      If Right$(Line, 1) <> ";" Then Line = Line & ";"
      i = -1
      isText = False
      For x = 1 To Len(Line)
        C = Mid$(Line, x, 1)
        If C = Quote Then
          isText = Not (isText)  'Toggle Flag
        ElseIf C = ";" Then
          If isText Then
            Seg = Seg & C
            i = i + 1
            ReDim Preserve Cells(i) As String
            Cells(i) = Seg
            Seg = ""
          End If
          Seg = Seg & C
        End If
      Next x
      ParseColumns = Cells
    End Function
    Last edited by Gruff; Jul 3rd, 2016 at 02:33 PM.
    Burn the land and boil the sea
    You can't take the sky from me


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Import CSV text error when text there ;

    It can be quicker to parse in linear fashion but more work than "split-de-splits." I'd think InStr() would be quicker than most other alternatives such as extracting character-by-character.

    As long as the file(s) are not large the costs of keeping two copies in RAM during the process and the extra CPU you burn don't matter a lot though. Reading and parsing a line at a time would at least avoid the extra RAM required.

    In the end unless you do have large files you just want the problem solved with accuracy and reliability though. Performance doesn't matter... until it does.

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