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Thread: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

  1. #1

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    VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Some stuff for the advanced VB-users among the community (or the curious) ...

    I was recently working on some things in this area (preparations for the
    C-Emitter of a new VB6-compiler, with regards to "C-style defined Classes") -
    and this Tutorial is more or less a "by-product".

    I've just brought parts of it into shape, since I think this stuff can be
    useful for the community even whilst working with the old compiler.

    To gain more IDE-safety (and keep some noise out of the Tutorial-Folders),
    I've decided to implement the Base-stuff in its own little Dll-Project:

    The sources for this Helper-Dll are contained in an appropriate Folder
    (vbFriendlyInterfaces\vbInterfaces-Dll\...) in this Tutorial-Zip here:

    The Dll-Project currently contains vbFriendly (Callback-) Interfaces for:
    - IUnknown
    - IDispatch
    - IEnumVariant
    - IPicture

    Feel free to contribute stuff you think would be useful to include in the
    Dll-Project itself - although what it currently contains with regards to
    IUnknown and IDispatch, allows to develop your own vtMyInterface-stuff
    already "separately" (in a normal VB-StdExe-project for example).

    Before entering the Tutorial-Folder and start running the Examples, please make
    sure, that you compile the vbInterfaces.dll first from the above mentioned Folder.

    The above Zip contains currently a set of 10 Tutorial-Apps, all in their own Folders
    (numbered from 0 to 9, from "easy to more advanced") - and here is the
    .. 0 - LightWeight COM without any Helpers
    .. 1 - LightWeight LateBound-Objects
    .. 2 - LightWeight EarlyBound-Objects
    .. 3 - LightWeight Object-Lists
    .. 4 - Enumerables per vbIEnumVariant
    .. 5 - MultiEnumerations per vbIEnumerable
    .. 6 - Performance of vbIDispatch
    .. 7 - Dynamic usage of vbIDispatch
    .. 8 - Simple SOAPDemo with vbIDispatch
    .. 9 - usage of vbIPictureDisp

    For the last two Tutorial-Demos above I will post separate CodeBank articles,
    since they are larger ones - and deserve a few Extra-comments.

    Maybe some explanations for NewComers to the topic, who want to learn what
    the terms "LightWeight COM", or "C-style Class-implementation" mean:

    First, there's a clear separation to be made between "a Class" and "an Object",
    since these terms mean two different things really, which we need to look at separately.

    - "a Class" is the "BluePrint", which lives in the static Memory of our running Apps or Dlls
    - "an Object" (aka "an Instance of a Class") lives as a dynamic Memory-allocation (which refers back to the "BluePrint").

    And VB-Objects (the ones we create as Instances from a VB-ClassModules "BluePrint" per New) are quite "large animals" -
    since they will take up roughly 116 Bytes per instance-allocation, even when they don't contain any Private Variable Definitions.

    A Lightweight COM-Object can be written in VB6 (later taking up only as few as 8Bytes per Instance),
    when we resort to *.bas-Modules (similar to the code-modules one would write in plain C).

    Here's some Code, how one would implement that (basically the same, as contained in Tutorial-Folder #0):

    Let's say we want to implement a lightweight COM-Class (MyClass), which has only a single
    Method (AddTwoLongs) in its Public Interface (IMyClass).

    We start with the "BluePrint", and the VB-Module which implements that "C-style" would contain only:
    Private Type tMyCOMcompatibleVTable
      'Space for the 3 Function-Pointers of the IUnknown-Interface
      QueryInterface As Long
      AddRef         As Long
      Release        As Long
      'followed by Space for the single Function-Pointer of our concrete Method
      AddTwoLongs    As Long
    End Type
    Private mVTable As tMyCOMcompatibleVTable 'preallocated (static, non-Heap) Space for the VTable
    Public Function VTablePtr() As Long 'the only Public Function here (later called from modMyClassFactory)
      If mVTable.QueryInterface = 0 Then InitVTable 'initializes only, when not already done
      VTablePtr = VarPtr(mVTable) 'just hand out the Pointer to the statically defined mVTable-Variable
    End Function
    Private Sub InitVTable() 'this method will be called only once (and is thus not "performance-critical")
      mVTable.QueryInterface = FuncPtr(AddressOf modMyClassFactory.QueryInterface)
      mVTable.AddRef = FuncPtr(AddressOf modMyClassFactory.AddRef)
      mVTable.Release = FuncPtr(AddressOf modMyClassFactory.Release)
      mVTable.AddTwoLongs = FuncPtr(AddressOf modMyClassFactory.AddTwoLongs)
    End Sub
    I assume, the above is not that difficult to understand (most "static things" are easy this way) -
    what it ensures is, that it "gathers things in one static place" - in this case:
    "Function-Pointers in a certain Order" - this "List of Function-Pointers" remains (in its defined order)
    behind the static UDT-variable mVTable - and that was it already...

    What remains (perhaps a bit more difficult to understand to "make the leap") is,
    how the above code-definition will interact, when we now come to the "dynamic part"
    (the Objects and their instantiations from a BluePrint).

    To have the dynamic part more separated, let's use an additional module (modMyClassFactory):

    And as the choosen name (modMyClassFactory) suggests, this is the part which finally hands out
    the new Instances (similar to one of the 4 exported Functions, which any ActiveX-Dll needs to support,
    which is named 'DllGetClassFactory' for a reason).

    So let's show the ObjectCreation-Function in that *.bas Module first:
    Note, that UDT struct-definitions are only there for the compiler to "have info about needed space" -
    (I've marked these Length-Info parts in light orange below - and the dynamic allocation part in magenta)...
    Private Type tMyObject 'the Object-Instances will occupy only 8Bytes (that's half the size of a Variant-Type)
      pVTable As Long
      RefCount As Long
    End Type
    'Factory Helper-Function to create a new Class-Instance (a new Object) of type IMyClass
    Public Function CreateInstance() As IMyClass '<- this Type is defined in a little TypeLib, contained in TutorialFolder #0
    Dim MyObj As tMyObject 'we use our UDT-based Object-Type in a Stack-Variable for more convenience
        MyObj.pVTable = modMyClassDef.VTablePtr 'whilst filling its members (as e.g. pVTable here)
        MyObj.RefCount = 1 '<- the obvious value, since we are about to create a "fresh instance"
    Dim pMem As Long
        pMem = CoTaskMemAlloc(LenB(MyObj)) 'allocate space for our little 8Byte large Object
        Assign ByVal pMem, MyObj, LenB(MyObj) 'copy-over the Data from our local MyObj-UDT-Variable
        Assign CreateInstance, pMem 'assign the new initialized Object-Reference to the Function-Result
    End Function
    What remains now, is to provide the Implementation-code for the 4 VTable-methods (which is contained in that same Module)
    Public Function QueryInterface(This As tMyObject, ByVal pReqIID As Long, ppObj As stdole.IUnknown) As Long '<- HResult
      QueryInterface = &H80004002 'E_NOINTERFACE, just for safety reasons ... but there will be no casts in our little Demo
    End Function
    Public Function AddRef(This As tMyObject) As Long
      This.RefCount = This.RefCount + 1
      AddRef = This.RefCount
    End Function
    Public Function Release(This As tMyObject) As Long
      This.RefCount = This.RefCount - 1
      Release = This.RefCount
      If This.RefCount = 0 Then CoTaskMemFree VarPtr(This) '<- here's the dynamic part again, when a Class-instance dies
    End Function
    'IMyClass-implementation (IMyClass only contains this single method)
    Public Function AddTwoLongs(This As tMyObject, ByVal L1 As Long, ByVal L2 As Long, Result As Long) As Long '<- HResult
      Result = L1 + L2 'note, that we set the Result ByRef-Parameter - not the Function-Result (which would be used for Error-Transport)
    End Function
    Finally (to have it complete) a Helper-Function and a few APIs, which are contained in another small *.bas Module
    Declare Function CoTaskMemAlloc& Lib "ole32" (ByVal sz&)
    Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32" (ByVal pMem&)
    Declare Sub Assign Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Dst As Any, Src As Any, Optional ByVal CB& = 4)
    Function FuncPtr(ByVal Addr As Long) As Long 'just a small Helper for the AddressOf KeyWord
      FuncPtr = Addr
    End Function
    So, what was (codewise) posted above, is complete - and how a bare-minimum-implementation
    for a lightweight "8-Byte large COM-object" could look like in VB6 (and not much different in C) -
    no need to copy it over into your own Modules because as said, this is all part of the first little
    Demo (in Tutorial-Folder #0, which also includes the needed TypeLib to run the thing).

    Happy studying and experimenting...

    Last edited by Schmidt; Oct 17th, 2015 at 11:34 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Hi Olaf,

    Thanks for this demo, I've been experimenting with it and it has been very interesting. I have a couple of questions/observations:

    In addition to the memory savings, your light-weight COM method also appears to be much faster to instantiate. For example, I tried creating 100,000 lightweight COM objects and it took about 30ms. Creating the same # of VB6 Class module objects took almost 200ms. This is nice if you are creating a lot of objects

    I have one situation where this is indeed the case - I have a paper form layout engine that use objects extensively, sometimes many thousands of them for representing different pages, object types, properties, if I can get a bit of a performance boost by refactoring it to use lightweight COM, then that would be great.

    The problem I've run into is that I use your RC5 collection (and collections of collections) to hold references to the layout objects, but if I try to add the lightweight COM object to the RC5 collection I get a type mismatch error. Is there any solution for this?

    Next as a warning to others - don't press END while debugging in the IDE using this lightweight COM method, or you'll blow up real good

    Thanks again!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    I've just taken a look at the LightWeight Object-Lists demo, and I think it may have the answers to my question re: adding lightweight COM objects to a collection. I'll study it and see.

  4. #4

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    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    The problem I've run into is that I use your RC5 collection (and collections of collections) to hold references to the layout objects, but if I try to add the lightweight COM object to the RC5 collection I get a type mismatch error. Is there any solution for this?
    I guess, you used the Demo #0 (which constructs a "naked" COM-Object,
    and comes - for brevity's sake - without a decent QueryInterface-Handling...)
    That would explain the type-mismatch error (due to the HResult I've returned there).

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    Next as a warning to others - don't press END while debugging in the IDE using this lightweight COM method, or you'll blow up real good
    That also seems related to Demo #0 (the one I've explained in the opener-post).

    The other Demos (1 to 9) should behave with proper IDE-safety - and survive a few

    That's because I work through the vbInterfaces.dll in these cases (1 to 9).

    As for "large Object-Lists" (in Collection- or Array-Containers)...

    You are right, Demo #3 contains an example with some performance-comparisons...
    And whilst it's true, that it is (slightly) faster when doing instantiations, compared
    with the "classic VB-Objects", the even larger advantage comes when Objects
    need to be destroyed.

    A larger bunch of VB-Object-Instances (no matter if those sit in an Array - or a Collection)
    will take *significantly* more time for destroying than the lightweight ones.

    In case of Demo #3 (with 100000 Objects) the time for construction is:
    - in case of the classic Method roughly 320msec
    - with the lightweight method roughly 250msec

    But more importantly, the timing for desctruction is:
    - in case of the classic Method roughly 1550msec
    - with the lightweight method roughly 35msec

    The latter case (aside from less memory-consumption) is the main-reason,
    why someone might want to "go lightweight"...



  5. #5
    Frenzied Member
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    Kallithea Attikis, Greece

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    lightweight objects list demo:
    548 sec, 198sec to destroy,1129 to find 273 persons from 10000 objects
    609 sec, 1150sec to destroy, 1062 to find 273 persons from 10000 objects

    Run on a VirtualBox with XP. I have Ubuntu Studio, with AMD 6100 3.3 Mhz, and I have 1 GByte for XP from total 4Gbyte.

  6. #6
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    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Thanks Olaf - I've been away for a few days, but I am going to take a closer look at the other demos today. I ran (compiled) your demo #3 and here are my results (to compare with georgekar's).

    Create: 329ms
    Destroy: 1638ms
    Find: 608ms

    Create: 218ms
    Destroy: 53ms
    Find: 662ms

    So a huge "destroy" improvement, a modest "create" improvement, and equal "find" performance means an overall win for the lightweight COM approach. Thanks again for posting these demos!

  7. #7

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    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Thanks for the feedback with regards to the timings guys...

    Yep, that basically matches with what I measure here too.

    Yours are a bit "off" (although the relations are roughly the same too) - did you compile natively?
    Though maybe it's the AMD-CPU (I measured on a relative modern Intel-CPU).

    The (slightly) slower performance of the lightweight-list in the "Find Birthdays" method
    is caused by the QueryInterface-calls when doing a:

    For Each ConcreteObjType In Col

    It's not that the early-Bound calls on the lighweight-instances are
    slower somehow - no, the difference is only caused by the way
    "For Each Enumerations work" in VBClassic.

    In VBs (IEnumVariant-based) Enumerations on Object-Containers,
    there's always a (QueryInterface-based) cast involved (from the
    Variant-Value of IUnknown which the Enumerator returns, to the concrete Object-Type.

    And these casts have to run through the (String-IID based)
    QueryInterface-callbacks in case of the lightweight-instances -
    whilst the VBRuntime does these QueryInterface-IID-compares
    on the "native GUID-struct" without IID-String-Conversions.

    I've optimized my current vbInterfaces-Dll-project already in this regard,
    but it's nothing "critical" at the moment - so I'll wait a bit with an update -
    maybe some other things or ideas come up in addition after a few more
    weeks in the wild...


  8. #8
    Frenzied Member
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    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Yesterday I boot from another hard disk with XP (original). As I see when my language run uses only 17% of CPU power, because only one thread can be used from six. When XP run on VirtualBox I gave to it only two from six processors, and there can run faster because the main program VirtualBox who handles graphics and I/O runs on the other side.
    If I run two instances of m2000.exe (the interpreter of M2000) and put a graphics program with rendering screen then I can get 99%. So The numbers, in your example, are not quite good because one thread is used, in an environment with two infront and 4 hidden, used from Ubuntu (I can run Windows 7 and Xp on Ubuntu, and I can make an internal network, to check pipes...and they work). So check your program how much CPU use when you get those numbers. (And how many cpu have your machine...can you tell that??)
    Last edited by georgekar; Oct 27th, 2015 at 08:50 PM.

  9. #9
    New Member
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    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Thank you Olaf for yet another well structured insightful tutorial! Can't over state how much help you've been in my development process. Also, for any of those interested this will work in VBA with very few modifications (mostly just the obvious one; changing the form objects to userforms).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    I'm trying to convert some TypeScript interfaces into VB6 code, I'd like to know if vbFriendlyInterfaces could do something here.

     * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
    'use strict';
    // -- raw grammar typings
    export interface ILocation {
    	readonly filename: string;
    	readonly line: number;
    	readonly char: number;
    export interface ILocatable {
    	readonly $vscodeTextmateLocation?: ILocation;
    export interface IRawGrammar extends ILocatable {
    	repository: IRawRepository;
    	readonly scopeName: string;
    	readonly patterns: IRawRule[];
    	readonly injections?: { [expression: string]: IRawRule };
    	readonly injectionSelector?: string;
    	readonly fileTypes?: string[];
    	readonly name?: string;
    	readonly firstLineMatch?: string;
    export interface IRawRepositoryMap {
    	[name: string]: IRawRule;
    	$self: IRawRule;
    	$base: IRawRule;
    export type IRawRepository = IRawRepositoryMap & ILocatable;
    export interface IRawRule extends ILocatable {
    	id?: number;
    	readonly include?: string;
    	readonly name?: string;
    	readonly contentName?: string;
    	readonly match?: string;
    	readonly captures?: IRawCaptures;
    	readonly begin?: string;
    	readonly beginCaptures?: IRawCaptures;
    	readonly end?: string;
    	readonly endCaptures?: IRawCaptures;
    	readonly while?: string;
    	readonly whileCaptures?: IRawCaptures;
    	readonly patterns?: IRawRule[];
    	readonly repository?: IRawRepository;
    	readonly applyEndPatternLast?: boolean;
    export interface IRawCapturesMap {
    	[captureId: string]: IRawRule;
    export type IRawCaptures = IRawCapturesMap & ILocatable;
    export interface IOnigLib {
    	createOnigScanner(sources: string[]): OnigScanner;
    	createOnigString(sources: string): OnigString;
    export interface IOnigCaptureIndex {
    	start: number;
    	end: number;
    	length: number;
    export interface IOnigMatch {
        index: number;
        captureIndices: IOnigCaptureIndex[];
        scanner: OnigScanner;
    export interface OnigScanner {
    	findNextMatchSync(string: string | OnigString, startPosition: number): IOnigMatch;
    export interface OnigString {
    	readonly content: string;
    	readonly dispose?: () => void;
    Last edited by dreammanor; Jun 18th, 2019 at 10:15 PM.

  11. #11
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    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Deleted ...
    Last edited by SearchingDataOnly; May 29th, 2021 at 07:34 AM.

  12. #12
    Addicted Member
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    Jun 2022

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Note: I am actually the same member as JAAFAR but I lost the email I initially registered with so I had to register a second time under a new name.

    Thanks for sharing this nice tutorial.

    I am trying to adapt the basic code example shown in post#1 so that it works similar to the Implements VB keyword .

    I have this Interface class (IMyInterface):
    Option Explicit
    Public Function AddTwoLongs(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
    End Function
    An then, in a Bas module I have this code
    Option Explicit
    Private Type tMyCOMcompatibleVTable
      'Space for the 3 Function-Pointers of the IUnknown-Interface
      QueryInterface As Long
      AddRef         As Long
      Release        As Long
      'followed by Space for the single Function-Pointer of our concrete Method
      AddTwoLongs    As Long
    End Type
    Private Type tMyObject 'the Object-Instances will occupy only 8Bytes (that's half the size of a Variant-Type)
      pVTable As Long
      RefCount As Long
    End Type
    Private mVTable As tMyCOMcompatibleVTable 'preallocated (static, non-Heap) Space for the VTable
    Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr)
    Declare Function CoTaskMemAlloc Lib "ole32" (ByVal sz As Long) As Long
    Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32" (ByVal pMem As Long)
    Declare Sub Assign Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Dst As Any, Src As Any, Optional ByVal CB& = 4)
    Public Function VTablePtr() As Long 'the only Public Function here (later called from modMyClassFactory)
      If mVTable.QueryInterface = 0 Then InitVTable 'initializes only, when not already done
      VTablePtr = VarPtr(mVTable) 'just hand out the Pointer to the statically defined mVTable-Variable
    End Function
    Private Sub InitVTable() 'this method will be called only once (and is thus not "performance-critical")
      mVTable.QueryInterface = VBA.CLngLng(AddressOf QueryInterface)
      mVTable.AddRef = VBA.CLngLng(AddressOf AddRef)
      mVTable.Release = VBA.CLngLng(AddressOf Release)
      mVTable.AddTwoLongs = VBA.CLngLng(AddressOf AddTwoLongs)
    End Sub
    'Factory Helper-Function to create a new Class-Instance (a new Object) of type IMyClass
    Public Function CreateInstance() As Class1 '<- this Type is defined in a little TypeLib, contained in TutorialFolder #0
    Dim MyObj As tMyObject 'we use our UDT-based Object-Type in a Stack-Variable for more convenience
        MyObj.pVTable = VTablePtr 'whilst filling its members (as e.g. pVTable here)
        MyObj.RefCount = 1 '<- the obvious value, since we are about to create a "fresh instance"
        Dim pMem As Long
        pMem = CoTaskMemAlloc(LenB(MyObj)) 'allocate space for our little 8Byte large Object
         Assign ByVal pMem, MyObj, LenB(MyObj)
        Assign CreateInstance, pMem 'copy-over the Data from our local MyObj-UDT-Variable
    End Function
    Public Function QueryInterface(This As tMyObject, ByVal pReqIID As Long, ppObj As stdole.IUnknown) As Long '<- HResult
      QueryInterface = &H80004002 'E_NOINTERFACE, just for safety reasons ... but there will be no casts in our little Demo
    End Function
    Public Function AddRef(This As tMyObject) As Long
    MsgBox "addref"
    '  This.RefCount = This.RefCount + 1
    '  AddRef = This.RefCount
    End Function
    Public Function Release(This As tMyObject) As Long
    '  This.RefCount = This.RefCount - 1
    '  Release = This.RefCount
    '  If This.RefCount = 0 Then CoTaskMemFree VarPtr(This)  '<- here's the dynamic part again, when a Class-instance dies
      MsgBox "releaseref"
    End Function
    'IMyClass-implementation (IMyClass only contains this single method)
    Public Function AddTwoLongs(This As tMyObject, ByVal L1 As Long, ByVal L2 As Long, Result As Long) As Long '<- HResult
      Result = L1 + L2 'note, that we set the Result ByRef-Parameter - not the Function-Result (which would be used for Error-Transport)
    '  MsgBox Result
    End Function
    Now. The followng Test sub is supposed to create a new instance of IMyInterface and call its only public Method.
    Sub Test()
        Dim x As IMyInterface
        Set x = CreateInstance
        MsgBox x.AddTwoLongs(2, 8)
    End Sub
    The above works for creating the new light weight instance of IMyInterface BUT crashes at the call of the AddTwoLongs Method.

    Can someone explain the reason why the code crashes when it reaches AddTwoLongs ?


  13. #13

    Thread Starter
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    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Quote Originally Posted by AngelV View Post
    The above works for creating the new light weight instance of IMyInterface BUT crashes at the call of the AddTwoLongs Method.

    Can someone explain the reason why the code crashes when it reaches AddTwoLongs ?
    This is a duplicate of the question, which was answered in the main-VB6-forum here:


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    how to make Lightweight com with methodpen,close

    like ,make ado class like cRecordset:
    Dim RS As New cRecordset
            RS.OpenRecordset "select top 1 * from WxMyFenSi where FSuserid='13647' and FSBgFg=54 ", Cnn
   "select top 1 * from WxMyFenSi where FSuserid='13647' and FSBgFg=54 ", Cnn,1,3
          MsgBox RS.RecordCount
    I want to completely replace ADO with cconnection and CRecordset objects.
    I hope you can replace the data type of each variable without modifying the code.
    For example, rs.Close is required after adding ADO, but CRecordset does not Close method.
    Openf method of ADO recordset: SQL, CNN, 1,3
    But CRecordset only needs SQL
    If some interfaces can be masked in the virtual COM object, or two call parameters can be ignored, the four parameters can be forcibly changed to only one parameter.
    Suppose I forge a new lightweight COM object:
    dim Drs as dRecordset
    In fact, DRS is equivalent to CRecordset, but the interface name is different. OpenRecordset
    Drs.close, in fact, is ignored directly, and crecordset Close (he does not have this interface)
    Last edited by xiaoyao; Jun 15th, 2022 at 03:52 AM.

  15. #15
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Is there a specific reason for doing this?
    I assumed light weight objects are particularly useful when adding thousands of them to a collection, not when having a single instance.

  16. #16
    Frenzied Member
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    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Quote Originally Posted by xiaoyao View Post
    how to make Lightweight com with methodpen,close

    like ,make ado class like cRecordset:
    Dim RS As New cRecordset
            RS.OpenRecordset "select top 1 * from WxMyFenSi where FSuserid='13647' and FSBgFg=54 ", Cnn
   "select top 1 * from WxMyFenSi where FSuserid='13647' and FSBgFg=54 ", Cnn,1,3
          MsgBox RS.RecordCount
    I want to completely replace ADO with cconnection and CRecordset objects.
    I hope you can replace the data type of each variable without modifying the code.
    For example, rs.Close is required after adding ADO, but CRecordset does not Close method.
    Openf method of ADO recordset: SQL, CNN, 1,3
    But CRecordset only needs SQL
    If some interfaces can be masked in the virtual COM object, or two call parameters can be ignored, the four parameters can be forcibly changed to only one parameter.
    Suppose I forge a new lightweight COM object:
    dim Drs as dRecordset
    In fact, DRS is equivalent to CRecordset, but the interface name is different. OpenRecordset
    Drs.close, in fact, is ignored directly, and crecordset Close (he does not have this interface)
    Option Explicit
    Implements RC6.cRecordset
    Private mRS As RC6.cRecordset
    Public Sub Close_()
        Set mRS = Nothing
    End Sub

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Quote Originally Posted by AngelV View Post
    Note: I am actually the same member as JAAFAR but I lost the email I initially registered with so I had to register a second time under a new name.

    Thanks for sharing this nice tutorial.

    I am trying to adapt the basic code example shown in post#1 so that it works similar to the Implements VB keyword .

    I have this Interface class (IMyInterface):
    Option Explicit
    Public Function AddTwoLongs(ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long) As Long
    End Function
    An then, in a Bas module I have this code
    Option Explicit
    Private Type tMyCOMcompatibleVTable
      'Space for the 3 Function-Pointers of the IUnknown-Interface
      QueryInterface As Long
      AddRef         As Long
      Release        As Long
      'followed by Space for the single Function-Pointer of our concrete Method
      AddTwoLongs    As Long
    End Type
    Private Type tMyObject 'the Object-Instances will occupy only 8Bytes (that's half the size of a Variant-Type)
      pVTable As Long
      RefCount As Long
    End Type
    Private mVTable As tMyCOMcompatibleVTable 'preallocated (static, non-Heap) Space for the VTable
    Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As LongPtr)
    Declare Function CoTaskMemAlloc Lib "ole32" (ByVal sz As Long) As Long
    Declare Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32" (ByVal pMem As Long)
    Declare Sub Assign Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Dst As Any, Src As Any, Optional ByVal CB& = 4)
    Public Function VTablePtr() As Long 'the only Public Function here (later called from modMyClassFactory)
      If mVTable.QueryInterface = 0 Then InitVTable 'initializes only, when not already done
      VTablePtr = VarPtr(mVTable) 'just hand out the Pointer to the statically defined mVTable-Variable
    End Function
    Private Sub InitVTable() 'this method will be called only once (and is thus not "performance-critical")
      mVTable.QueryInterface = VBA.CLngLng(AddressOf QueryInterface)
      mVTable.AddRef = VBA.CLngLng(AddressOf AddRef)
      mVTable.Release = VBA.CLngLng(AddressOf Release)
      mVTable.AddTwoLongs = VBA.CLngLng(AddressOf AddTwoLongs)
    End Sub
    'Factory Helper-Function to create a new Class-Instance (a new Object) of type IMyClass
    Public Function CreateInstance() As Class1 '<- this Type is defined in a little TypeLib, contained in TutorialFolder #0
    Dim MyObj As tMyObject 'we use our UDT-based Object-Type in a Stack-Variable for more convenience
        MyObj.pVTable = VTablePtr 'whilst filling its members (as e.g. pVTable here)
        MyObj.RefCount = 1 '<- the obvious value, since we are about to create a "fresh instance"
        Dim pMem As Long
        pMem = CoTaskMemAlloc(LenB(MyObj)) 'allocate space for our little 8Byte large Object
         Assign ByVal pMem, MyObj, LenB(MyObj)
        Assign CreateInstance, pMem 'copy-over the Data from our local MyObj-UDT-Variable
    End Function
    Public Function QueryInterface(This As tMyObject, ByVal pReqIID As Long, ppObj As stdole.IUnknown) As Long '<- HResult
      QueryInterface = &H80004002 'E_NOINTERFACE, just for safety reasons ... but there will be no casts in our little Demo
    End Function
    Public Function AddRef(This As tMyObject) As Long
    MsgBox "addref"
    '  This.RefCount = This.RefCount + 1
    '  AddRef = This.RefCount
    End Function
    Public Function Release(This As tMyObject) As Long
    '  This.RefCount = This.RefCount - 1
    '  Release = This.RefCount
    '  If This.RefCount = 0 Then CoTaskMemFree VarPtr(This)  '<- here's the dynamic part again, when a Class-instance dies
      MsgBox "releaseref"
    End Function
    'IMyClass-implementation (IMyClass only contains this single method)
    Public Function AddTwoLongs(This As tMyObject, ByVal L1 As Long, ByVal L2 As Long, Result As Long) As Long '<- HResult
      Result = L1 + L2 'note, that we set the Result ByRef-Parameter - not the Function-Result (which would be used for Error-Transport)
    '  MsgBox Result
    End Function
    Now. The followng Test sub is supposed to create a new instance of IMyInterface and call its only public Method.
    Sub Test()
        Dim x As IMyInterface
        Set x = CreateInstance
        MsgBox x.AddTwoLongs(2, 8)
    End Sub
    The above works for creating the new light weight instance of IMyInterface BUT crashes at the call of the AddTwoLongs Method.

    Can someone explain the reason why the code crashes when it reaches AddTwoLongs ?

    it's run err

  18. #18

    Thread Starter
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Please stop spamming discussion-threads, you did not read (or understand).

    The problem of AngelV was addressed in post #13 already.


  19. #19
    Hyperactive Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    i have tried to transport this code to twinbasic but x64 not work. a little difficult for me.

  20. #20

    Thread Starter
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    Jun 2013

    Re: VB6 LightWeight COM and vbFriendly-BaseInterfaces

    Quote Originally Posted by loquat View Post
    i have tried to transport this code to twinbasic but x64 not work. a little difficult for me.
    Perhaps Wayne himself can help you with that?

    I say this, because support for such a "COM-instance-subclassing" (that's what it basically is) -
    would ideally sit at a lower level (e.g. where Wayne currently creates the COM-instances for TBs own Classes).

    The "extended SubClassing-Events" as demonstrated here, could then be made available e.g.:
    - parallel (in addition) to the already existing Class_Initialize/Class_Terminate-events in the TB-IDE

    I'd consider such "Object-SubClassing-features" or the support for "Lightweight-" or "Weak-referenced" Objects
    (which comes along with that) - a very useful addition to this heavily COM-based language,
    when integrated at Compiler-Level (and exposed via additional Class_Events).


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