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Thread: Controlling forecolor on wpf datagrid row at app startup

  1. #1

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    Controlling forecolor on wpf datagrid row at app startup

    I am using VS2013 express wpf On startup, I have the app populate a datagrid bound to an observablecollection, so that the datagrid acts like an activity log. I dynamically add rows to that datagrid. However, on that datagrid based activity log, I want to be able to add selective rows with a red forecolor, as a way of logging when a system problem has occurred and needs attention.

    The problem that I am facing is that I can programmatically select a specific datagrid row and change its forecolor, but only after I have clicked the datagrid with the mouse. On startup, I cannot anticipate that the user will click the datagrid with the mouse, so I would like a workaround. How do I gain control of programmatic datagrid row selection if the datagrid never gets clicked by the mouse?

  2. #2
    Super Moderator dday9's Avatar
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    Re: Controlling forecolor on wpf datagrid row at app startup

    Moved to WPF.
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