May 25th, 2015, 02:08 PM
[VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Hello. I give my module for working with COM-DLL without registration in the registry.
The module has several functions:
- GetAllCoclasses - returns to the list of classes and unique identifiers are extracted from a type library.
- CreateIDispatch - creates IDispatch implementation by reference to the object and the name of the interface.
- CreateObjectEx2 - creates an object by name from a type library.
- CreateObjectEx - creates an object by CLSID.
- UnloadLibrary - unloads the DLL if it is not used.
vb Code:
' The module modTrickUnregCOM.bas - for working with COM libraries without registration. ' © Krivous Anatolii Anatolevich (The trick), 2015 Option Explicit . . . D E C L A R A T I O N . . . Dim iidClsFctr As GUID Dim iidUnk As GUID Dim isInit As Boolean ' // Get all co-classes described in type library. Public Function GetAllCoclasses( _ ByRef path As String, _ ByRef listOfClsid() As GUID, _ ByRef listOfNames() As String, _ ByRef countCoClass As Long) As Boolean Dim typeLib As IUnknown Dim typeInf As IUnknown Dim ret As Long Dim count As Long Dim index As Long Dim pAttr As Long Dim tKind As Long ret = LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr(path), REGKIND_NONE, typeLib) If ret Then Err.Raise ret Exit Function End If count = ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoCount(typeLib) countCoClass = 0 If count > 0 Then ReDim listOfClsid(count - 1) ReDim listOfNames(count - 1) For index = 0 To count - 1 ret = ITypeLib_GetTypeInfo(typeLib, index, typeInf) If ret Then Err.Raise ret Exit Function End If ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr GetMem4 ByVal pAttr + &H28, tKind If tKind = TKIND_COCLASS Then memcpy listOfClsid(countCoClass), ByVal pAttr, Len(listOfClsid(countCoClass)) ret = ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation(typeInf, -1, listOfNames(countCoClass), vbNullString, 0, vbNullString) If ret Then ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr Err.Raise ret Exit Function End If countCoClass = countCoClass + 1 End If ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr Set typeInf = Nothing Next End If If countCoClass Then ReDim Preserve listOfClsid(countCoClass - 1) ReDim Preserve listOfNames(countCoClass - 1) Else Erase listOfClsid() Erase listOfNames() End If GetAllCoclasses = True End Function ' // Create IDispach implementation described in type library. Public Function CreateIDispatch( _ ByRef obj As IUnknown, _ ByRef typeLibPath As String, _ ByRef interfaceName As String) As Object Dim typeLib As IUnknown Dim typeInf As IUnknown Dim ret As Long Dim retObj As IUnknown Dim pAttr As Long Dim tKind As Long ret = LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr(typeLibPath), REGKIND_NONE, typeLib) If ret Then Err.Raise ret Exit Function End If ret = ITypeLib_FindName(typeLib, interfaceName, 0, typeInf, 0, 1) If typeInf Is Nothing Then Err.Raise &H80004002, , "Interface not found" Exit Function End If ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr GetMem4 ByVal pAttr + &H28, tKind ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr If tKind = TKIND_DISPATCH Then Set CreateIDispatch = obj Exit Function ElseIf tKind <> TKIND_INTERFACE Then Err.Raise &H80004002, , "Interface not found" Exit Function End If ret = CreateStdDispatch(Nothing, obj, typeInf, retObj) If ret Then Err.Raise ret Exit Function End If Set CreateIDispatch = retObj End Function ' // Create object by Name. Public Function CreateObjectEx2( _ ByRef pathToDll As String, _ ByRef pathToTLB As String, _ ByRef className As String) As IUnknown Dim typeLib As IUnknown Dim typeInf As IUnknown Dim ret As Long Dim pAttr As Long Dim tKind As Long Dim clsid As GUID ret = LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr(pathToTLB), REGKIND_NONE, typeLib) If ret Then Err.Raise ret Exit Function End If ret = ITypeLib_FindName(typeLib, className, 0, typeInf, 0, 1) If typeInf Is Nothing Then Err.Raise &H80040111, , "Class not found in type library" Exit Function End If ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr GetMem4 ByVal pAttr + &H28, tKind If tKind = TKIND_COCLASS Then memcpy clsid, ByVal pAttr, Len(clsid) Else Err.Raise &H80040111, , "Class not found in type library" Exit Function End If ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr typeInf, pAttr Set CreateObjectEx2 = CreateObjectEx(pathToDll, clsid) End Function ' // Create object by CLSID and path. Public Function CreateObjectEx( _ ByRef path As String, _ ByRef clsid As GUID) As IUnknown Dim hLib As Long Dim lpAddr As Long Dim isLoad As Boolean hLib = GetModuleHandle(StrPtr(path)) If hLib = 0 Then hLib = LoadLibrary(StrPtr(path)) If hLib = 0 Then Err.Raise 53, , Error(53) & " " & Chr$(34) & path & Chr$(34) Exit Function End If isLoad = True End If lpAddr = GetProcAddress(hLib, "DllGetClassObject") If lpAddr = 0 Then If isLoad Then FreeLibrary hLib Err.Raise 453, , "Can't find dll entry point DllGetClasesObject in " & Chr$(34) & path & Chr$(34) Exit Function End If If Not isInit Then CLSIDFromString StrPtr(IID_IClassFactory), iidClsFctr CLSIDFromString StrPtr(IID_IUnknown), iidUnk isInit = True End If Dim ret As Long Dim out As IUnknown ret = DllGetClassObject(lpAddr, clsid, iidClsFctr, out) If ret = 0 Then ret = IClassFactory_CreateInstance(out, 0, iidUnk, CreateObjectEx) Else If isLoad Then FreeLibrary hLib Err.Raise ret Exit Function End If Set out = Nothing If ret Then If isLoad Then FreeLibrary hLib Err.Raise ret End If End Function ' // Unload DLL if not used. Public Function UnloadLibrary( _ ByRef path As String) As Boolean Dim hLib As Long Dim lpAddr As Long Dim ret As Long If Not isInit Then Exit Function hLib = GetModuleHandle(StrPtr(path)) If hLib = 0 Then Exit Function lpAddr = GetProcAddress(hLib, "DllCanUnloadNow") If lpAddr = 0 Then Exit Function ret = DllCanUnloadNow(lpAddr) If ret = 0 Then FreeLibrary hLib UnloadLibrary = True End If End Function ' // Call "DllGetClassObject" function using a pointer. Private Function DllGetClassObject( _ ByVal funcAddr As Long, _ ByRef clsid As GUID, _ ByRef iid As GUID, _ ByRef out As IUnknown) As Long Dim params(2) As Variant Dim types(2) As Integer Dim list(2) As Long Dim resultCall As Long Dim pIndex As Long Dim pReturn As Variant params(0) = VarPtr(clsid) params(1) = VarPtr(iid) params(2) = VarPtr(out) For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params) list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex)) Next resultCall = DispCallFunc(0&, funcAddr, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 3, types(0), list(0), pReturn) If resultCall Then Err.Raise 5: Exit Function DllGetClassObject = pReturn End Function ' // Call "DllCanUnloadNow" function using a pointer. Private Function DllCanUnloadNow( _ ByVal funcAddr As Long) As Long Dim resultCall As Long Dim pReturn As Variant resultCall = DispCallFunc(0&, funcAddr, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 0, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, pReturn) If resultCall Then Err.Raise 5: Exit Function DllCanUnloadNow = pReturn End Function ' // Call "IClassFactory:CreateInstance" method. Private Function IClassFactory_CreateInstance( _ ByVal obj As IUnknown, _ ByVal punkOuter As Long, _ ByRef riid As GUID, _ ByRef out As IUnknown) As Long Dim params(2) As Variant Dim types(2) As Integer Dim list(2) As Long Dim resultCall As Long Dim pIndex As Long Dim pReturn As Variant params(0) = punkOuter params(1) = VarPtr(riid) params(2) = VarPtr(out) For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params) list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex)) Next resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &HC, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 3, types(0), list(0), pReturn) If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function IClassFactory_CreateInstance = pReturn End Function ' // Call "ITypeLib:GetTypeInfoCount" method. Private Function ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoCount( _ ByVal obj As IUnknown) As Long Dim resultCall As Long Dim pReturn As Variant resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &HC, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 0, ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, pReturn) If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function ITypeLib_GetTypeInfoCount = pReturn End Function ' // Call "ITypeLib:GetTypeInfo" method. Private Function ITypeLib_GetTypeInfo( _ ByVal obj As IUnknown, _ ByVal index As Long, _ ByRef ppTInfo As IUnknown) As Long Dim params(1) As Variant Dim types(1) As Integer Dim list(1) As Long Dim resultCall As Long Dim pIndex As Long Dim pReturn As Variant params(0) = index params(1) = VarPtr(ppTInfo) For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params) list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex)) Next resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &H10, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 2, types(0), list(0), pReturn) If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function ITypeLib_GetTypeInfo = pReturn End Function ' // Call "ITypeLib:FindName" method. Private Function ITypeLib_FindName( _ ByVal obj As IUnknown, _ ByRef szNameBuf As String, _ ByVal lHashVal As Long, _ ByRef ppTInfo As IUnknown, _ ByRef rgMemId As Long, _ ByRef pcFound As Integer) As Long Dim params(4) As Variant Dim types(4) As Integer Dim list(4) As Long Dim resultCall As Long Dim pIndex As Long Dim pReturn As Variant params(0) = StrPtr(szNameBuf) params(1) = lHashVal params(2) = VarPtr(ppTInfo) params(3) = VarPtr(rgMemId) params(4) = VarPtr(pcFound) For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params) list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex)) Next resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &H2C, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 5, types(0), list(0), pReturn) If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function ITypeLib_FindName = pReturn End Function ' // Call "ITypeInfo:GetTypeAttr" method. Private Sub ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr( _ ByVal obj As IUnknown, _ ByRef ppTypeAttr As Long) Dim resultCall As Long Dim pReturn As Variant pReturn = VarPtr(ppTypeAttr) resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &HC, CC_STDCALL, vbEmpty, 1, vbLong, VarPtr(pReturn), 0) If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Sub End Sub ' // Call "ITypeInfo:GetDocumentation" method. Private Function ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation( _ ByVal obj As IUnknown, _ ByVal memid As Long, _ ByRef pBstrName As String, _ ByRef pBstrDocString As String, _ ByRef pdwHelpContext As Long, _ ByRef pBstrHelpFile As String) As Long Dim params(4) As Variant Dim types(4) As Integer Dim list(4) As Long Dim resultCall As Long Dim pIndex As Long Dim pReturn As Variant params(0) = memid params(1) = VarPtr(pBstrName) params(2) = VarPtr(pBstrDocString) params(3) = VarPtr(pdwHelpContext) params(4) = VarPtr(pBstrHelpFile) For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params) list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex)): types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex)) Next resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &H30, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 5, types(0), list(0), pReturn) If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function ITypeInfo_GetDocumentation = pReturn End Function ' // Call "ITypeInfo:ReleaseTypeAttr" method. Private Sub ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr( _ ByVal obj As IUnknown, _ ByVal ppTypeAttr As Long) Dim resultCall As Long resultCall = DispCallFunc(obj, &H4C, CC_STDCALL, vbEmpty, 1, vbLong, VarPtr(CVar(ppTypeAttr)), 0) If resultCall Then Err.Raise resultCall: Exit Sub End Sub
Last edited by The trick; Jul 28th, 2015 at 10:43 AM.
Reason: Fix loading problem.
Jul 9th, 2015, 01:04 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
the download isn't working for me. What references are needed?
And do you have any examples ?
Jul 9th, 2015, 01:10 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
What references are needed?
And do you have any examples ?
It very simple. Show your nonworking code.
Jul 10th, 2015, 08:08 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
New project, paste your code into a new class file, and run...
CC_STDCALL is not defined, etc. I'm assuming you have a reference to a type library or DLL
In the VB6 IDE It's under Project-> References...
Last edited by DEXWERX; Jul 10th, 2015 at 08:14 AM.
Jul 10th, 2015, 09:43 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
You must download module by link from main post. In code that i publish here i skip declarations.
Jul 10th, 2015, 09:49 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
That makes sense now. Corporate firewall doesn't like the link. Can someone attach it here?
Go Advanced, and then Manage attachments.
Jul 10th, 2015, 09:56 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
That makes sense now. Corporate firewall doesn't like the link. Can someone attach it here?
Go Advanced, and then Manage attachments.
Of course just this source code publish in many resources and if someone find bugs then i should replace in all resources.
Last edited by The trick; Jul 28th, 2015 at 10:45 AM.
Reason: Bug fixed
Jul 10th, 2015, 10:16 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Thanks! This works without using ActCtx. Brilliant.
Jul 10th, 2015, 01:01 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
I've modified dilettante's Regfee COM demo / Pine Plugins Form_Load()
with the following lines
Set Plugins(Plugin) = CreateObjectEx2( _
path & FileName & "dll", _
path & FileName & "dll", _
FileName & "PluginClass")
Is there an easy way to generate the TLB file without installing VS/VC++?
or do I need to use CreateObjectEx and use the CLSID out of the manifest?
This seemed to work well:
Set Plugins(Plugin) = CreateObjectEx2( _
path & FileName & "dll", _
path & FileName & "dll", _
Unless anyone can find any issues, this seems like a great way to load and use COM dll's REGFREE without manifests or TLBs etc. at least in this case.
Last edited by DEXWERX; Jul 10th, 2015 at 01:28 PM.
Jul 10th, 2015, 01:45 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Is there an easy way to generate the TLB file without installing VS/VC++?
Usually tlb contained inside dll into resource, therefore you can pass same value for dll and tlb.
or do I need to use CreateObjectEx and use the CLSID out of the manifest?
If you know CLSID you can use just CreateObjectEx without tlb. For example zipfldr.dll (standart library for working with zip-files) don't contained tlb, therefore you can use CLSID for create com-objects from this DLL. If you can CLSID then it fastet than using of CreateObjectEx2.
This module contained useful function CreateIDispatch, it allow create dynamicli interfaces from TLB. For example, if you want use a ITypeLib interface you can pass this name to CreateIDispatch function and path to tlb that contained a description of ITypeLib interface. This function return pointer to IDispatch interface and further you can call any ITypeLib methods use this IDispatch interface (or CallByName etc).
Apr 3rd, 2016, 01:35 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Hi, can i use this bas to get cls members for a dll.
Apr 3rd, 2016, 05:03 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Originally Posted by loquat
Hi, can i use this bas to get cls members for a dll.
Hi, you can use ITypeInfo interface to get information about a member.
Apr 3rd, 2016, 10:06 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Thank u, I wanna use Muti-Threading in vba-based environment, like ms-office word/Excel
but there is no such demo. I have find some dlls used in vb6
Here are some dll or codes for vb6, but i can't use them in vba
Can Thread Factory used in vba? or is there any solution?
Last edited by FunkyDexter; Apr 3rd, 2016 at 02:07 PM.
Apr 3rd, 2016, 11:36 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Originally Posted by loquat
Thank u, I wanna use Muti-Threading in vba-based environment, like ms-office word/Excel
but there is no such demo. I have find some dlls used in vb6
Here are some dll or codes for vb6, but i can't use them in vba
Can Thread Factory used in vba? or is there any solution?
I think you confuse the thread. This thread is not about multithreading.
Last edited by FunkyDexter; Apr 3rd, 2016 at 02:08 PM.
Apr 3rd, 2016, 02:10 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Loquat, I've removed your attachment because we have a rule against posting closed code (exes, zips etc.) on the forum. The only place it's acceptable is in the Utilities sub-forums and then only if the associated source is included. Please refrain from doing that in the future. Thanks.
The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter - Winston Churchill
Hadoop actually sounds more like the way they greet each other in Yorkshire - Inferrd
Apr 3rd, 2016, 09:33 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
>FD and The trick
my English is not that good, and I have learn in this forum only yesterday.
sorry to bother you.
May 6th, 2020, 06:36 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
i have used your UnRegCom module for long time, and have tested your unreg control project you publish in other website.
and i have two questions.
1.how can we get the event trigger of the object created by "CreateObjectEx"?
2.many of the controls from 3rd party, can not be loaded by ControlsAdd Function, shows "need license" as such.
can we make bypass of it?
or how should i compile the usercontrol to be used in this situation?
Sep 14th, 2020, 03:45 AM
New Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
System multiple Excel Application,only get the first 。
how using process id get Excel Application object ?
Get a Collection of All Running Excel Instances?
Sep 17th, 2020, 04:47 PM
Lively Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Originally Posted by ln_0
System multiple Excel Application,only get the first 。
how using process id get Excel Application object ?
Get a Collection of All Running Excel Instances?
Google is your friend, this is the wrong thread, but googling WM_GETOBJECT Excel, will help get you on the right track
Sep 22nd, 2020, 06:45 AM
New Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Sep 22nd, 2020, 09:24 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Originally Posted by loquat
1.how can we get the event trigger of the object created by "CreateObjectEx"?
Originally Posted by loquat
2.many of the controls from 3rd party, can not be loaded by ControlsAdd Function, shows "need license" as such.
can we make bypass of it?
What you tell about?
System multiple Excel Application,only get the first 。
how using process id get Excel Application object ?
Get a Collection of All Running Excel Instances?
This question isn't related to this thread. The answer is Running Object Table.
Aug 21st, 2021, 09:21 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
rot can get all object,
so you can get hwnd by object
Sep 9th, 2021, 01:51 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Another way is to use the following function... it seems to be similar to New_c.RegFree.GetInstanceEx in Olaf's vbRichClient5.dll
Below is a part of its many association functions
The following function was not written by me, but copied from unknown Internet by someone else
Public Function getInstance(ByVal LibraryString As String, ByVal ProgIdString As String) As stdole.IUnknown
Dim newobj As stdole.IUnknown
Dim TFactory As IClassFactory
Dim classid As GUID
Dim IID_ClassFactory As GUID
Dim IID_IUnknown As GUID
Dim lib As String
Dim obj As Long
Dim vtbl As Long
Dim hModule As Long
Dim pFunc As Long
Dim arrTCoClass() As CoClass
Dim i As Long, n As Long
Dim flag As Boolean
Dim strClassname As String
n = InStr(1, ProgIdString, ".")
If n > 0 Then
strClassname = Mid(ProgIdString, n + 1)
n = InStr(1, strClassname, ".")
If n > 0 Then strClassname = Left(ProgIdString, n - 1)
strClassname = ProgIdString
End If
With IID_ClassFactory
.Data1 = &H1
.Data4(0) = &HC0
.Data4(7) = &H46
End With
With IID_IUnknown
.Data4(0) = &HC0
.Data4(7) = &H46
End With
' get all CoClasses from the type lib of the file, and find the GUID of the Prog ID
If Not getCoClasses(LibraryString, arrTCoClass) Then
Exit Function
End If
For i = 0 To UBound(arrTCoClass)
#If DEBUGMODE = 1 Then
Debug.Print arrTCoClass(i).prgid, arrTCoClass(i).Name, StringFromGUID(arrTCoClass(i).GUID)
#End If
If Len(arrTCoClass(i).prgid) > 0 Then
If StrComp(arrTCoClass(i).prgid, ProgIdString, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
flag = True
If StrComp(arrTCoClass(i).Name, strClassname, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then flag = True
End If
If StrComp(arrTCoClass(i).Name, strClassname, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then flag = True
End If
If flag Then
CpyMem classid, arrTCoClass(i).GUID(0), Len(classid)
Exit For
End If
Next i
If i = UBound(arrTCoClass) + 1 Then Exit Function
' load the file, if it isn't yet
hModule = GetModuleHandle(LibraryString)
If hModule = 0 Then
hModule = LoadLibrary(LibraryString)
If hModule = 0 Then Exit Function
End If
pFunc = GetProcAddress(hModule, "DllGetClassObject")
If pFunc = 0 Then Exit Function
' call DllGetClassObject to get a class factory for the class ID
If 0 <> callPointer(pFunc, VarPtr(classid), VarPtr(IID_ClassFactory), VarPtr(obj)) Then Exit Function
' IClassFactory VTable
CpyMem vtbl, ByVal obj, 4
CpyMem TFactory, ByVal vtbl, Len(TFactory)
' create an instance of the object
If 0 <> callPointer(TFactory.CreateInstance, obj, 0, VarPtr(IID_IUnknown), VarPtr(newobj)) Then
' Set IClassFactory = Nothing
callPointer TFactory.IUnk.Release, obj
Exit Function
End If
' Set IClassFactory = Nothing
callPointer TFactory.IUnk.Release, obj
Set getInstance = newobj
End Function
Mar 12th, 2022, 10:02 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
how can we use the tlb in dll other than id=1?
such as CreateObjectEx2("c:\windows\syswow64\vbscript.dll\3", "regexp")
Mar 13th, 2022, 02:52 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
i have found how to do it, both work
method #1
Dim reg As Object 'RegExp
Set reg = CreateObjectEx("c:\windows\syswow64\vbscript.dll", ApiStringtoGUID("{3F4DACA4-160D-11D2-A8E9-00104B365C9F}"))
method #2
Set reg = CreateObjectEx2("c:\windows\syswow64\vbscript.dll", _
"c:\windows\syswow64\vbscript.dll\3", _
Last edited by loquat; Mar 14th, 2022 at 09:50 PM.
Mar 13th, 2022, 02:58 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Let me answer later. We have storm here and no electricity for more than week already. As far as I remember you should specify / (slash) for a resource identifier.
Mar 13th, 2022, 07:41 AM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Originally Posted by PhuongNam
Another way is to use the following function... it seems to be similar to New_c.RegFree.GetInstanceEx in Olaf's vbRichClient5.dll
Below is a part of its many association functions
The following function was not written by me, but copied from unknown Internet by someone else
the code you share seems not complete.
1.IClassFactory and CoClass Type not claimed
2.getCoClasses and callPointer function not claimed
3.as well as some api such as cpymem etc.
Last edited by loquat; Mar 13th, 2022 at 07:45 AM.
Mar 14th, 2022, 09:37 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Does it work if you use a slash for a resource identifier?
Mar 14th, 2022, 09:51 PM
Hyperactive Member
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
both method work as show in #25
Jun 14th, 2024, 08:01 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Originally Posted by The trick
This module contained useful function CreateIDispatch, it allow create dynamicli interfaces from TLB. For example, if you want use a ITypeLib interface you can pass this name to CreateIDispatch function and path to tlb that contained a description of ITypeLib interface. This function return pointer to IDispatch interface and further you can call any ITypeLib methods use this IDispatch interface (or CallByName etc).
I have tried to replicate your "CreateIDispatch" example to create an IDispatch interface for ITypeLib. I used "oleexp.tlb" as an example because it contains a description for ITypeLib of type TKIND_INTERFACE.
CreateStdDispatch was executed successfully and I got an ITypeLib object but when I tried to call the "FindName" method, it produced run-time error 458 "Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic"...
Jun 14th, 2024, 09:45 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Please attach a small project.
Jun 14th, 2024, 10:42 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Ok, here's a working copy-paste BAS module for testing with a "Sub Main". It needs to have "oleexp.tlb" in the same folder for loading the "ITypeLib" interface (no references):
Option Explicit
Private Enum ConstantsEnum
End Enum
Private Enum vtbInterfaceOffsets
ITypeLib_FindName = 11 * PTR_SIZE
ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr = 3 * PTR_SIZE
ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr = 19 * PTR_SIZE
End Enum
Private Declare Function CreateStdDispatch Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal punkOuter As IUnknown, ByVal pvThis As IUnknown, ByVal ptinfo As IUnknown, ppunkStdDisp As IUnknown) As Long
Private Declare Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal pvInstance As Long, ByVal oVft As Long, ByVal cc As Long, ByVal vtReturn As VbVarType, ByVal cActuals As Long, prgvt As Any, prgpvarg As Any, pvargResult As Variant) As Long
Private Declare Function LoadTypeLibEx Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal lpszFile As Long, ByVal RegKind As Long, pptLib As IUnknown) As Long
Private Declare Sub GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (Ptr As Any, RetVal As Long)
Private ParamTypes(0 To 10) As Integer, ParamValues(0 To 10) As Long, lParamCount As Long, lpInterface As Long, vParams As Variant
Public Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print Err, Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub TestIDispatch()
Dim TypeLibIUnknown As IUnknown, TypeLibIDispatch As Object, typeInfo As IUnknown, rgMemId As Long, pcFound As Integer
If LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr("C:\Windows\SysWOW64\scrrun.dll"), REGKIND_NONE, TypeLibIUnknown) = S_OK Then
Set TypeLibIDispatch = CreateIDispatch(TypeLibIUnknown, App.Path & "\oleexp.tlb", "ITypeLib")
If Not (TypeLibIDispatch Is Nothing) Then
pcFound = 1
TypeLibIDispatch.FindName "Dictionary", 0&, typeInfo, rgMemId, pcFound
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function CreateIDispatch(obj As IUnknown, typeLibPath As String, interfaceName As String) As Object
Dim typeLib As IUnknown, typeInfo As IUnknown, retObj As IUnknown, lpAttr As Long, tKind As Long, rgMemId As Long, pcFound As Long
If LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr(typeLibPath), REGKIND_NONE, typeLib) = S_OK Then
pcFound = 1
InvokeObj typeLib, ITypeLib_FindName, StrPtr(interfaceName), 0&, VarPtr(typeInfo), VarPtr(rgMemId), VarPtr(pcFound)
If rgMemId = MEMBERID_NIL Then
InvokeObj typeInfo, ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr, VarPtr(lpAttr)
If lpAttr Then GetMem4 ByVal lpAttr + &H28, tKind
InvokeObj typeInfo, ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr, lpAttr
If CreateStdDispatch(Nothing, obj, typeInfo, retObj) = S_OK Then Set CreateIDispatch = retObj
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function InvokeObj(Interface As IUnknown, vtbOffset As Long, ParamArray ParamsArray() As Variant) As Variant
Dim lRet As Long
InvokeObj = S_FALSE: lpInterface = ObjPtr(Interface): vParams = ParamsArray
For lParamCount = 0 To UBound(vParams): ParamTypes(lParamCount) = VarType(vParams(lParamCount)): ParamValues(lParamCount) = VarPtr(vParams(lParamCount)): Next lParamCount
If lpInterface Then
lRet = DispCallFunc(lpInterface, vtbOffset, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, lParamCount, ParamTypes(0), ParamValues(0), InvokeObj)
ElseIf vtbOffset > 1024 Then
lRet = DispCallFunc(lpInterface, vtbOffset, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, lParamCount, ParamTypes(0), ParamValues(0), InvokeObj)
End If
If lRet Then Debug.Print Hex$(lRet)
End Function
Output: 458 Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
Jun 17th, 2024, 11:40 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Originally Posted by VanGoghGaming
Ok, here's a working copy-paste BAS module for testing with a "Sub Main". It needs to have "oleexp.tlb" in the same folder for loading the "ITypeLib" interface (no references):
Option Explicit
Private Enum ConstantsEnum
End Enum
Private Enum vtbInterfaceOffsets
ITypeLib_FindName = 11 * PTR_SIZE
ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr = 3 * PTR_SIZE
ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr = 19 * PTR_SIZE
End Enum
Private Declare Function CreateStdDispatch Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal punkOuter As IUnknown, ByVal pvThis As IUnknown, ByVal ptinfo As IUnknown, ppunkStdDisp As IUnknown) As Long
Private Declare Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal pvInstance As Long, ByVal oVft As Long, ByVal cc As Long, ByVal vtReturn As VbVarType, ByVal cActuals As Long, prgvt As Any, prgpvarg As Any, pvargResult As Variant) As Long
Private Declare Function LoadTypeLibEx Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal lpszFile As Long, ByVal RegKind As Long, pptLib As IUnknown) As Long
Private Declare Sub GetMem4 Lib "msvbvm60" (Ptr As Any, RetVal As Long)
Private ParamTypes(0 To 10) As Integer, ParamValues(0 To 10) As Long, lParamCount As Long, lpInterface As Long, vParams As Variant
Public Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
Debug.Print Err, Err.Description
End Sub
Private Sub TestIDispatch()
Dim TypeLibIUnknown As IUnknown, TypeLibIDispatch As Object, typeInfo As IUnknown, rgMemId As Long, pcFound As Integer
If LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr("C:\Windows\SysWOW64\scrrun.dll"), REGKIND_NONE, TypeLibIUnknown) = S_OK Then
Set TypeLibIDispatch = CreateIDispatch(TypeLibIUnknown, App.Path & "\oleexp.tlb", "ITypeLib")
If Not (TypeLibIDispatch Is Nothing) Then
pcFound = 1
TypeLibIDispatch.FindName "Dictionary", 0&, typeInfo, rgMemId, pcFound
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Function CreateIDispatch(obj As IUnknown, typeLibPath As String, interfaceName As String) As Object
Dim typeLib As IUnknown, typeInfo As IUnknown, retObj As IUnknown, lpAttr As Long, tKind As Long, rgMemId As Long, pcFound As Long
If LoadTypeLibEx(StrPtr(typeLibPath), REGKIND_NONE, typeLib) = S_OK Then
pcFound = 1
InvokeObj typeLib, ITypeLib_FindName, StrPtr(interfaceName), 0&, VarPtr(typeInfo), VarPtr(rgMemId), VarPtr(pcFound)
If rgMemId = MEMBERID_NIL Then
InvokeObj typeInfo, ITypeInfo_GetTypeAttr, VarPtr(lpAttr)
If lpAttr Then GetMem4 ByVal lpAttr + &H28, tKind
InvokeObj typeInfo, ITypeInfo_ReleaseTypeAttr, lpAttr
If CreateStdDispatch(Nothing, obj, typeInfo, retObj) = S_OK Then Set CreateIDispatch = retObj
End If
End If
End If
End Function
Private Function InvokeObj(Interface As IUnknown, vtbOffset As Long, ParamArray ParamsArray() As Variant) As Variant
Dim lRet As Long
InvokeObj = S_FALSE: lpInterface = ObjPtr(Interface): vParams = ParamsArray
For lParamCount = 0 To UBound(vParams): ParamTypes(lParamCount) = VarType(vParams(lParamCount)): ParamValues(lParamCount) = VarPtr(vParams(lParamCount)): Next lParamCount
If lpInterface Then
lRet = DispCallFunc(lpInterface, vtbOffset, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, lParamCount, ParamTypes(0), ParamValues(0), InvokeObj)
ElseIf vtbOffset > 1024 Then
lRet = DispCallFunc(lpInterface, vtbOffset, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, lParamCount, ParamTypes(0), ParamValues(0), InvokeObj)
End If
If lRet Then Debug.Print Hex$(lRet)
End Function
Output: 458 Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
how to createobject new object by oleexp.tlb?
Last edited by xiaoyao; Jun 17th, 2024 at 11:56 AM.
Jun 17th, 2024, 11:59 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
it's not itypelib ,so only can call by api
can't use: TypeLibIDispatch.FindName "Dictionary", 0&, typeInfo, rgMemId, pcFound
Private Function ITypeLib_FindName( _
ByVal obj As IUnknown, _
ByRef szNameBuf As String, _
ByVal lHashVal As Long, _
ByRef ppTInfo As IUnknown, _
ByRef rgMemId As Long, _
ByRef pcFound As Integer) As Long
Dim params(4) As Variant
Dim types(4) As Integer
Dim list(4) As Long
Dim resultCall As Long
Dim pIndex As Long
Dim pReturn As Variant
params(0) = StrPtr(szNameBuf)
params(1) = lHashVal
params(2) = VarPtr(ppTInfo)
params(3) = VarPtr(rgMemId)
params(4) = VarPtr(pcFound)
For pIndex = 0 To UBound(params)
list(pIndex) = VarPtr(params(pIndex))
types(pIndex) = VarType(params(pIndex))
resultCall = DispCallFunc2(obj, &H2C, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, 5, types(0), list(0), pReturn)
If resultCall Then err.Raise resultCall: Exit Function
ITypeLib_FindName = pReturn
End Function
Jun 17th, 2024, 12:28 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
Originally Posted by xiaoyao
it's not itypelib ,so only can call by api
It's definitely ITypeLib because you can simply declare it "As oleexp.ITypeLib" and then you can call the methods directly without any API. The purpose of the "CreateStdDispatch" function is to accomplish the same thing without referencing the TLB but it's not so simple as it seems.
Jun 19th, 2024, 11:44 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
if you can't use oletlb.tlb file
Then you can't directly use the method of late binding to call directly.If we can do this, we don't need it at all. The TLB type library
We can construct a simple one ourselves. callbynameOr operate directly with the API.Because it's not a real object, you can't even use.callbyname.
Jun 19th, 2024, 01:11 PM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
You can use oleexp.tlb just fine but that's not the point of this exercise. The whole idea behind TheTrick's function was to take an existing object, add some TypeInfo information to it describing its methods and properties and then use "CreateStdDispatch" (read the documentation) to add the "IDispatch" interface that allows you to call the object's methods by name instead of by pointer. That's all there is to it, just an exercise.
Jul 26th, 2024, 02:09 AM
Re: [VB6] - Module for working with COM-Dll without registration.
does it support x64?
COM-Dll without registration ,How many different ways can it be achieved?
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