Oct 6th, 2020, 11:43 AM
Re: Program Testers
Exmaple effects:
(Watch at 720p)
Oct 7th, 2020, 11:45 AM
Re: Program Testers
Demo of a new effect available in next update
Nov 11th, 2020, 06:17 PM
Re: Program Testers
- SoftPedia ZIP (may take some days to be updated)
Update 0.3.3180 (11-Nov-2020)
- NEW: FakeHDR2: Completely New algorithm.
- NEW: Resize2X_3; ResizeHALF3: Resize 2X and HALF for 3 channels.
- Size2X; SizeHalf: Added new algorithm and options.
- FlowPaint; FlowPaint3: Small performance improvement.
- LocalNorm: Slight improvement.
- xBiro: Completely New algorithm.
- Small Fix: Correctrly show Show App Path on Update messages.
- Small Fix: Custom MsgBox Height.
- Nicer Modules tooltip.
- Small graphic embellishment of the module currently being processed.
- Changed Watermark text.
- vbRichClient: Newest Version (RC6)
NOTE: This automatic update may fail. Do it manually: Extract the ZIP
Nov 13th, 2020, 11:14 PM
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by reexre
- vbRichClient: Newest Version (RC6)
Ah, good to know that the change to RC6 was (apparently) not causing any issues in your (in the meantime) quite large Project.
As written in the "Version-log", in the new version I've completely changed the underlying "cairo-flat-library" compiling their newest sources.
This brought indeed a speed-up, especially in "Polygon-Filling" and "PixelSurface-based blending-ops" -
(I've measured about 30-40% speed-improvements there).
But what was also changed (underneath the COM-wrapper-methods) was especially the Font-Rendering -
(which I've now completely left to cairo again, whereas in the RC5-wrapper I had to resort to using the Windows-GDI, to finally render the Glyphs in good quality).
So, if there's a chance for "different, potentially surprising behaviour" in the new RC6 - it would be the Font-Rendering you should "keep an eye on".
(I've tested this of course in a few Widget-based Apps of mine, but yours is currently one of the largest of this kind out there, I guess).
At this occasion, your recent algo- and effect-additions (BarbieDoll, Painter, StipplingV2 & Co.) are fantastic.
Nov 15th, 2020, 12:28 PM
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by Schmidt
Ah, good to know that the change to RC6 was (apparently) not causing any issues in your (in the meantime) quite large Project.
As written in the "Version-log", in the new version I've completely changed the underlying "cairo-flat-library" compiling their newest sources.
This brought indeed a speed-up, especially in "Polygon-Filling" and "PixelSurface-based blending-ops" -
(I've measured about 30-40% speed-improvements there).
But what was also changed (underneath the COM-wrapper-methods) was especially the Font-Rendering -
(which I've now completely left to cairo again, whereas in the RC5-wrapper I had to resort to using the Windows-GDI, to finally render the Glyphs in good quality).
So, if there's a chance for "different, potentially surprising behaviour" in the new RC6 - it would be the Font-Rendering you should "keep an eye on".
(I've tested this of course in a few Widget-based Apps of mine, but yours is currently one of the largest of this kind out there, I guess).
At this occasion, your recent algo- and effect-additions (BarbieDoll, Painter, StipplingV2 & Co.) are fantastic.
Yes, I had no problems upgrading to the RC6 version.
Speaking of font rendering, everything seems fine to me.
I take this opportunity to point out an anomaly that I had noticed in RC5 (and which at the moment I don't know has changed in RC6) regarding the rendering of tooltips.
I don't know how to explain it, but sometimes, (When VbCrLf characters are present) some lines at the bottom were missing.
And to remedy this, I added some space characters to the end of the text lines.
Getting compliments from you always flatters me. Thanks!
By the way I find this program very original and functional.
The possibility of "connecting" the various modules with a few clicks to your liking (plus the setting of the parameters of it) to achieve a customized effect I think is really a great thing.
But I didn't find much enthusiasm (in terms of numbers) from users.
I don't know if because I didn't do any promotion, or for some other reason, such as:
- Complicated interface (I tried to simplify it and reduce it to the bone)
- Difficulty in learning the operations that the various modules (now more than 260) carry out. (which in fact requires a non-trivial learning curve especially for newbies)
- Or some other reason.
However I am proud of this program, which over time (Absolutely not full time, but rather sporadically; in fits and starts) I have implemented and improved in quality and functions.
I'll keep an eye on Font-Rendering.
Last edited by reexre; Nov 15th, 2020 at 12:32 PM.
Nov 17th, 2020, 03:11 PM
Re: Program Testers
I updated this project (with RC6) which do an intensive use of Polygons ( PolygonSingle )
to run it fast as it can, turn on the TURBO checkbox
( It seems faster, but not sure though )
Last edited by reexre; Nov 17th, 2020 at 04:26 PM.
Nov 18th, 2020, 04:32 AM
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by reexre
I updated this project (with RC6) which do an intensive use of Polygons ( PolygonSingle )
to run it fast as it can, turn on the TURBO checkbox
( It seems faster, but not sure though )
What's faster IMO "without doing anything" is the Blending-ops (CC.RenderSurfaceContent).
And what can be made faster now (manually) is the typical "Fill and then Stroke" sequence (on a Polygon-Path):
m.CC.SetSourceColor Obj.Color, 1, Refl
m.CC.AntiAlias = CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE: m.CC.Fill True
m.CC.SetSourceColor vbBlack
m.CC.AntiAlias = CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_FAST: m.CC.Stroke
The above snippet is out of my new c3Dxxx supporting Classes, which I will integrate into the next RC6-release.
Normally, the CC.Antialias-Prop is sitting at CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT ...
(which in the RC6 version ensures a slightly better looking AntiAliasing, without loosing speed).
What's new is the enum-value CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_FAST (which looks nearly as good as the old RC5-CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_DEFAULT).
Further speedup comes from the little trick on the Fill-instructions (no Antialiasing, but that was available in RC5 as well).
In my 3D rendering tests (3000 Polygons or so), I see about:
- 15 FPS (when not touching CC.Antialias at all, leaving it at the Default)
- 25 FPS (with a "global" setting of CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_FAST - for both - Filling and Stroking)
- 36 FPS (with the little trick, which does the filling with no antialiasing, and the stroking with CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_FAST)
Just to give you some rough idea of the speed-ratios over the different modes.
Nov 18th, 2020, 02:22 PM
Re: Program Testers
@Olaf Thank you! Good to know!
I tested on CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_FAST on PhotoModularFX (Drawing Interface [Nodes and connections]) and it's faster and keeping good quality.
Next update will have this improvement
 Originally Posted by Schmidt
The above snippet is out of my new c3Dxxx supporting Classes, which I will integrate into the next RC6-release.
Wow something 3D is coming! ...
Last edited by reexre; Nov 18th, 2020 at 02:38 PM.
Feb 9th, 2021, 06:55 AM
Re: Program Testers
- SoftPedia ZIP (may take some days to be updated)
Update 0.3.3265 (09-feb-2021)
- FlowPaint; FlowPaint3: Default and 'Spiky' Algorithms performance improvement.
- HUE-Harm: Minimal Revision.
- SmoothMM: From Quadratic to Cubic polynomial Smooth.
- NOISE; NOISER: High performance improvements.
- DCT; IDCT: Some performance improvements.
- MIX4: Bug fix on SUM.
- Yxy2RGB: Bug Fix.
- Select and Move a Group of Modules at once. (by holding shift)
- Basis for Managing Modules-Groups.
- Bugs Fix.
Mar 30th, 2021, 08:59 AM
Re: Program Testers
Hi Olaf, I hope you see this post and can help me solve the problem.
So, I'm using RC6.0.0.4, and I've noticed a problem with Fonts appearing "blurry" .
This is regardless of Antialias settings or anything else (as far as I can tell).
I have custom widgets that are destroyed/created at the moment on top of another "Container" widget
CNTRL() as Object
Set CNTRL(I) = W.Widgets.Add(New cwCustomWidget .....
When Zoom is 100% no problem. Otherwise, sometimes the fonts appear blurry.
The strange thing is this:
The container widget is movable. If I move it with the mouse and release it, it happens that in some positions of the screen the Fonts are OK, while in other positions they appear blurred. (same Zoom)
This is a bizarre behavior that I can't explain.
To verify
-download the program,
-select a project that has a node with parameters,
-select that node,
-CNTRL-rotate to zoom in and move the parameter container to different positions on the screen.
you will notice that if at a certain zoom value the fonts of the widgets inside the container widget appear blurred, by moving the container widget on some places of the screen the fonts will no longer appear blurred.
Last edited by reexre; Mar 30th, 2021 at 09:04 AM.
Mar 30th, 2021, 11:23 AM
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by reexre
it happens that in some positions of the screen the Fonts are OK,
while in other positions they appear blurred. (same Zoom)
I know what caused this (since I've made some changes recently with regards to more precise Widget-Positioning with higher ZoomFactors) - but apparently failed to notice the negative side-effect this had with Font-Outputs (on my High-DPI-Display, Text is always sharp, no matter what)...
Will try to find a compromise in upcoming version 6.0.7 -
so that Font-Output remains sharp, regardless of the current Zoomfactor.
Mar 31st, 2021, 05:49 AM
Re: Program Testers
yes, on a high resolution screen it is not very noticeable and annoying.
Anyway here is an example image:
Same Zoom and different positions.
2X magnified image
Last edited by reexre; Mar 31st, 2021 at 05:58 AM.
Mar 31st, 2021, 11:33 AM
Re: Program Testers
Thanks for the Screenshot - and BTW - RC 6.0.7 was just uploaded to my Server...
Would be nice, if you could confirm whether everything works again "as before"...
Apr 7th, 2021, 11:50 AM
Re: Program Testers
Thanks, yes, now with
As far as Fonts are concerned everything is ok.
I have a (widget) custom simple button.
Now, when the coordinates of the widget (widget.move) are not integer I'm experiencing problems in the button outline. For example it disappears in one of the 4 contour sides. (Top)
.RoundedRect 0, 0, dx, dy, mBorderRadius
.SetLineWidth 1
.SetSourceColor ...
.RoundedRect 0.5, 0.5, dx - 1, dy - 1, mBorderRadius
Anyway by placing integer values on Widget.Move everything is fine.
it's a very small problem, which I didn't even intend to report.
PS : Seems to happen only at 100% Zoom
Maybe the problem is a bit more serious, because I notice that sometimes, changing Zoom, some buttons lose part of the bottom outline.
This happens even when widget.move has integer values.
[Widget.move is called only once at startup, then Zoom is changed and no more Widget.move calls.]
At the moment resolved this way:
.RoundedRect 0.5, 0.5, dx - 2, dy - 2, mBorderRadius
Last edited by reexre; Apr 11th, 2021 at 11:40 AM.
Apr 11th, 2021, 06:50 PM
Re: Program Testers
- SoftPedia ZIP (may take some days to be updated)
Update 0.3.3403 (11-apr-2021)
- NEW: Dices: Fill with dices according to grayscale.
- NEW: SandArt: Experimental SandArt effect. Very Slow! (WIP).
- CannyEdge: New 'Thinning' option.
- Quantize: Bugs fixes.
- OTSU: added 6 levels option.
- MAP3: added 'Global MinMax' option.
- Basis for the effects implementation via DX-Shader.
- vbRichClient: Newest Version (RC6)
Jul 13th, 2021, 09:09 AM
Re: Program Testers
- SoftPedia ZIP (may take some days to be updated)
Update 0.3.3420 (14-jul-2021)
- MAP3: Bug fix on 'Global MinMax' option.
- Dices: Save Text file with the name of input picture.
- Updater: removed vbRichClient dependency.
- vbRichClient: Newest Version (RC6)
Jan 10th, 2022, 04:06 PM
Re: Program Testers
- SoftPedia ZIP (may take some days to be updated)
Update 0.3.3610 (10-jan-2022)
- NEW: FLATspace: Simplify RGB pixels cloud to a plane. (experimental)
- NEW: Pointillism: Simple Pointillism effect.
- NEW: DXtestNode: Perform effect via DX-Shader.
- Mosaic: Added New Algorithm.
- QuantGNG: Rewritten Algorithm.
- QUANTIZE: Added New mode: GNG (Growing neural Gas)
- Dices: Added GNG mode.
- Canny;Edges;HmapD;PlasticWrap;Mosaic;SandArt: minor changes.
- ShapeBlur;ShapeBlur3: Re-center Shapes (E.G.:Moon)
- ThrBlur;ThrBlur3: New Poisson-Disk Algorithm.
- Settings Menu Basis.
- New theme: Neumorphism.
- New Option: Enable/Disable Node AutoConnect.
- Main Panel: Now moveable with click and drag.
- Manage missing d3dx9_43.dll error.
- vbRichClient: Newest Version (RC6)
List of Modules
Last edited by reexre; Jan 10th, 2022 at 05:17 PM.
Mar 26th, 2022, 04:31 AM
Junior Member
Re: Program Testers
I love the concept, bravo, the principle works well ...
I no longer understand anything about microsoft ... no digital key, no window saying that the author could not be identified ... bang ... smartscreen is totally absurd.
How did you get recognition from the smartscreen system?
no digital key no identifier and the software is not bothered by "unknown authors" what to do with smatscreen?
All lme asks for hundreds of euros.
Mar 26th, 2022, 07:17 PM
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by apfelgluck
I love the concept, bravo, the principle works well ...
I no longer understand anything about microsoft ... no digital key, no window saying that the author could not be identified ... bang ... smartscreen is totally absurd.
How did you get recognition from the smartscreen system?
no digital key no identifier and the software is not bothered by "unknown authors" what to do with smatscreen?
All lme asks for hundreds of euros.
thanks for your interest and compliments.
"How did you get recognition from the smartscreen system?"
The crazy thing is that I don't know. I didn't do anything in particular.
I don't know much about smartscreen.
Maybe because it's portable (no installation needed)
I think someone else more experienced can explain this.
Mar 27th, 2022, 07:24 AM
Junior Member
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by reexre
thanks for your interest and compliments.
"How did you get recognition from the smartscreen system?"
The crazy thing is that I don't know. I didn't do anything in particular.
I don't know much about smartscreen.
Maybe because it's portable (no installation needed)
I think someone else more experienced can explain this.
I don't understand anything, I removed the self-signed keyf which ONLY works on my pc. I don't know, I don't understand anything other than buying a digicert key in order to have an identity ... The software itself scrupulously respects windows .. during installation no dll is replaced if it exists whatever its version, the installation is limited to a directory in the programfile of a few MB, the environment being very compact, the software creates a janus directory in roaming (each account has its own data) such than microsoft wants, and janus desktop does not come out of these two directories. The environment runs smoothly...nothing justifies a blue screen. all that smartscreen detects is "unknown software" "unknown author" (buy me a key).
The project is on hold, awaiting a solution.
To return to the subject, the interface of your project is really pleasant to use, I would miss a small menu bar at the top with some functions ... templates and etc. Really a great project.
Last edited by apfelgluck; Mar 27th, 2022 at 07:35 AM.
Mar 27th, 2022, 07:44 AM
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by apfelgluck
The project is on hold, awaiting a solution.
You should probably ask about this problem in the main-VB6-forum -
(this one here is much less frequented).
Mar 27th, 2022, 10:37 AM
Junior Member
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by Schmidt
You should probably ask about this problem in the main-VB6-forum -
(this one here is much less frequented).
I feel like I found the scrap on my own (as usual on my own) I activated the "developer mode" in the security panel, which allows the application to be installed from any source and, no smartscreen? I test the installation on a pc under windows 11, (I will erase everything, cleaning) and start again. download and ??? (suspense)
bang smartscreen ... ******sdsdsd****sd*sd**sd*s*d*s*d**sdsdds (merde)
Microsoft provides a kit: app certification kit ... which seems to have solved this problem that made me completely gaga. Apparently no more worries on three pc test ... PUTAIN CA MARCHE !!!!
Last edited by apfelgluck; Mar 27th, 2022 at 03:46 PM.
Jun 22nd, 2022, 05:51 PM
Re: Program Testers
- SoftPedia ZIP (may take some days to be updated)
Update 0.3.3844 (22-Jun-2022)
- NEW: ShiftMean; ShiftMean3: Edge preserve smothing. Similar to ThrBlur but a lot faster.
- FlowPaint; FlowPaint3: Better quality and algorithm performance.
- SoftThr;SoftThr3: Added 'Integral SmoothStep' Algo.
- RGB>HSL; HSL>RGB: Added HSI colorspace.
- MUL; MUL3: Added 'mean base'.
- NEW: Mean-Var: Compute mean and Variance using Disk kernel.
- Added Projects toggle sort mode: By Creation Time.
- Bug Fix: Create link click & Drag.
Jun 14th, 2023, 04:58 AM
Re: Program Testers
These days I reviewed the "Stippling2" Module. I improved and modified the algorithm by providing the option to create images formed by points with fixed radius. (previously not available, as the radii of the various points were variable)
It will be available in the next update.
Jul 3rd, 2023, 05:29 AM
Re: Program Testers
- SoftPedia ZIP (may take some days to be updated)
Update 0.3.4350 (03-Jul-2023)
- STIPPLING2: Reviewed algorithm. + Option to use dots of fixed radii. + SVG and TXT export.
- Kuwahara: Minor algorithm tweak.
- MeanShift3: Bug fix Extra iterations.
- Vignette; Vignette3: Bug fix white mode.
- Sobel Kernels adjustment.
- vbRichClient: Newest Version (RC6)
Jan 9th, 2024, 03:41 PM
Last edited by reexre; Jan 9th, 2024 at 03:56 PM.
Jan 9th, 2024, 04:21 PM
Re: Program Testers
The result is beautiful, you should occasionally post updates here: https://www.vbforums.com/showthread....=1#post5628062
Skillset: VMS,DOS,Windows Sysadmin from 1985, fault-tolerance, VaxCluster, Alpha,Sparc. DCL,QB,VBDOS- VB6,.NET, PHP,NODE.JS, Graphic Design, Project Manager, CMS, Quad Electronics. classic cars & m'bikes. Artist in water & oils. Historian.
By the power invested in me, all the threads I start are battle free zones - no arguing about the benefits of VB6 over .NET here please. Happiness must reign.
Jan 10th, 2024, 02:35 AM
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by yereverluvinuncleber
The result is beautiful, ....
Thank You
Here a Video of the Pictures Above
Jan 10th, 2024, 12:00 PM
Re: Program Testers
 Originally Posted by reexre
Thank You
Here a Video of the Pictures Above
Stunning! Great work @reexre (as always)!
Jan 24th, 2024, 06:24 PM
Re: Program Testers
- SoftPedia ZIP (may take some days to be updated)
Update 0.3.4686 (24-jan-2024)
- NEW: xPainter3: 3rd version of painter effect.
- RGB>XYZ; XYZ>RGB: Added RyB Colorspace.
- RGB>YUV; YUV>RGB: Added YCoCg Colorspace.
- RGB>Lab; Lab>RGB: Added Bjorn Ottosson "OKLab" Colorspace.(WIP)
- Nodes progressbar left to right.
- Basis for Unicode Aware Folders/Files.
- Show Project File Save Date when project Loaded.
Aug 24th, 2024, 12:18 PM
Re: Program Testers

PhotoModularFX has been reviewed by Windows 11 Downloads and got 5 stars award: https://www.windows11downloads.com/w...hotomodularfx/.
WINDOWS 11 REVIEW: " One of the most innovative tools on our website is PhotoModularFX, a powerful photo editing software developed by MiorSoft. This advanced application is designed to provide in-depth photo manipulation abilities that can transform your ordinary pictures into stunning works of art.
PhotoModularFX offers a modular approach to photo editing, enabling you to layer different effects, filters, and adjustments to achieve the perfect outcome. It's the perfect tool for both novice and professional photographers who are looking for a quick and easy way to enhance their images.
The software offers a user-friendly interface that's easy to navigate, making it easy to achieve the desired outcome. It includes an extensive range of tools and filters to enable precise manipulation, including color correction, noise reduction, HDR effects, and much more.
As an added bonus, PhotoModularFX is also equipped with the latest technology that ensures optimal performance on all Windows 11 devices. Its compatibility with the latest technology means it's guaranteed to provide smooth editing and increased productivity.
In conclusion, if you're a photography enthusiast or a professional photographer, PhotoModularFX is the perfect addition to your software collection. Download it today from our website, and experience the power of professional photo editing software, right at your fingertips! "
Nov 18th, 2024, 03:36 PM
Re: Program Testers
- SoftPedia ZIP (may take some days to be updated)
- Windows11Downloads
Update 0.3.4943 (18-Nov-2024)
- NEW: xDrops: Expermiental Drops Art Effect (WIP)
- WebPage(Index.html); added Windows11Downloads.com
Take a look here at this new Effect "xDROPS"
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