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Thread: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

  1. #121
    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Ahh, I see. Implements by other native interfaces.

    Yes, after that fix, program is stable. I edited my exampe.
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  2. #122
    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Just if somebody will expect the same issue:
    Compile error:
    Fixed or static data can't be larger than 64K"
    I wrote a little parser that modify your all 676 Static in mIID.bas to module-level variable:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Dim ff As Integer
        Dim ff2 As Integer
        Dim sz As Long, n&
        Dim s$, r$
        ff = FreeFile()
        n = 0
        Open "iid.txt" For Input As #ff
            ff2 = FreeFile()
            Open "iid_2.txt" For Output As #ff2
                Do While Not EOF(ff)
                    s = String(sz, 0)
                    Line Input #ff, s
                    If InStr(s, "Static iid As UUID") <> 0 Then
                        n = n + 1
                    ElseIf InStr(s, " = iid") <> 0 Then
                        s = Replace(s, " = iid", " = iid(" & n & ")")
                        Print #ff2, s
                    ElseIf InStr(s, "If (iid.Data1 = 0") <> 0 Then
                        s = Replace(s, "iid.", "iid(" & n & ").")
                        s = Replace(s, "iid,", "iid(" & n & "),")
                        Print #ff2, s
                        Print #ff2, s
                    End If
            Close #ff2
        Close #ff
    End Sub
    + you need add in top something like:
    Private iid(700) As UUID

  3. #123

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Have you found a way to reliably reproduce the error? Would love to take a look into it, but still haven't encountered it even in my largest projects that use upwards of 100 mIID refs.
    Edit: btw, does this occur in the IDE, when compiled, or both?
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 15th, 2018 at 04:18 PM.

  4. #124
    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    This error bored me already enough. That's why at last I decided to replace those "Static".

    No way to reproduce it reliably.
    It just happen. Depens on what I do, how many run/stop e.t.c., I think.
    The only I know, it never happen on first run after starting the project.
    I think that somewhere in runtime this counter of 'Static' accumulates for some reason.

  5. #125

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    LOL dude I think you cursed me. Never gotten that error before but tonight it just hit me. In an existing project that hadn't had any code related to static variables touched. It occured after some other errors caused an API call to behave erratically; continuing just made the triggering line change. Restarted the IDE and haven't seen it again since. Running/quitting over and over again hasn't reproduced it. Do you run MZ-Tools or CodeSMART by chance? CodeSMART frequently produces odd errors like this.

  6. #126
    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    ahah. Epidemic =))
    No, currently the only plugin I'm using it's a mouse wheel fix + patched manifest and icon resource for VB.exe + linker v14.14.

  7. #127
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    I am using a MS Access database to manage my projects at work. On a form I use a WebBrowser Control to show the content of the selected project folder, which is stored on a local network drive. It just provides Explorer functionality. My OS was recently upddated to windows 10 with the result that a warning window pops up, each time I want to open or right-click a file in the webcontrol. In the past that was fixed by reducing the security settings for the "local intranet" zone, but it seems like this is not possible any more. Thus I searched for an alternative for this control and found this project.
    Unfortunately I have no idea how to place an Explorer like control onto a form using VBA / MS Access. The samples above are for VB6 only.
    It would be great if you could give me a hint. My programming skills are not very high, but with google's help I can write some VBA to get things done.

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  8. #128

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    The best option would be to use IExplorerBrowser which lets you put a frame of Explorer nearly identical to your pic on the form.
    See [VB6, Vista+] Host Windows Explorer on your form: navigation tree and/or folder

    You can use this object in VBA with just the normal adjustments, and I'd recommend forgoing the event sink. I tested this in Excel 2013 64-bit, and it ran fine.
    This creates an ExplorerBrowser open to C:\Windows inside a frame (Frame1) on a VBA UserForm:
    Option Explicit
    Private pEBrowse As oleexp.ExplorerBrowser
    Private pidlt As Long
    Private lpck As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function ILCreateFromPathW Lib "shell32" (ByVal pwszPath As LongPtr) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetClientRect Lib "user32" (ByVal hWnd As Long, lpRect As oleexp.RECT) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Sub CoTaskMemFree Lib "ole32" (ByVal pv As Long)
    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    Dim prc As oleexp.RECT
    Dim rcf As oleexp.RECT
    Dim sPath As String
    sPath = "C:\Windows"
    pidlt = ILCreateFromPathW(StrPtr(sPath))
    pfs.fFlags = FWF_ALIGNLEFT
    pfs.ViewMode = FVM_DETAILS
    prc.Top = 18
    GetClientRect Me.Frame1.[_GethWnd], rcf
    prc.Bottom = rcf.Bottom - 8
    prc.Left = 4
    prc.Right = rcf.Right - 8
    Set pEBrowse = New ExplorerBrowser
    pEBrowse.Initialize Me.Frame1.[_GethWnd], prc, pfs
    pEBrowse.SetOptions lFlag
    pEBrowse.BrowseToIDList pidlt, 0 'if you want to use the desktop, for its own sake, or want a quick substitute
                                                 'for not having C:\ , instead of pidlt use VarPtr(0) -NOT just 0.
    CoTaskMemFree pidlt
    End Sub
    To change directories again manually, in another sub, you just need the ILCreateFromPathW and pEBrowse.BrowseToIDList functions again; you don't need to re-initialize the whole thing.
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 17th, 2018 at 10:05 PM.

  9. #129
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Thanks a lot for your support!
    One (maybe) stupid question: I created an empty form and added a Microsoft Forms 2.0 ActiveX Frame object and named it Frame1.
    Unfortunately I get an error message that the object cannot be found (GetClientRect Me.frame1.[_GethWnd], rcf).
    What am I doing wrong?


  10. #130
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Next attempt was to try it in Excel (I use office365): I created a user form, placed a frame on it (this control should be the same as the control I used in Access, but in Access I did not have a frame inside the frame.
    This time Excel stops working, when the line "pEBrowse.BrowseToIDList pidlt, 0" is executed.

    Last edited by joerg74; Aug 20th, 2018 at 04:49 AM.

  11. #131

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    For the frame, when you click on it the name should be there in the properties window. And the code is in the UserForm right, so the 'Me' is valid?

    For the error, try putting an error handler in the sub to see what's going on, and a check to make sure pidlt isn't 0. And talking about when you run the form right.. it crashed a couple times on me when I wrote on that line.

    to add:
    Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
    On Error GoTo e0
    pidlt = ILCreateFromPathW(StrPtr(sPath))
    If pidlt = 0& Then
        Debug.Print "Couldn't get pidl"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Error->" & Err.Description & ", " & Err.Number
    End Sub

    Edit: I noticed in Access 2013 there's no option to add a form in VBA... is that the case in 365? Were you trying to put it in a frame like in the table? Then yeah the 'Me' wouldn't be valid and you'd have to change it to whatever object held the frame.
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 20th, 2018 at 05:28 AM.

  12. #132
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    That did not help, as I do not get an Error when trying it in Excel. The app just crashes.
    Name:  Capture3.jpg
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    Name:  Capture2.PNG
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  13. #133

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Hm and you're sure it's on the .BrowseToIDList line, not the .Initialize line or on CoTaskMemFree?

    Could try an alternate method... like check to see if we can navigate to an IShellFolder instead...

    Private Declare PtrSafe Function SHGetDesktopFolder Lib "shell32" (ppshf As IShellFolder) As Long
    Then change the navigate command...
    'pEBrowse.BrowseToIDList pidlt, 0 'if you want to use the desktop, for its own sake, or want a quick substitute
                                                 'for not having C:\ , instead of pidlt use VarPtr(0) -NOT just 0.
    Dim psf As IShellFolder
    SHGetDesktopFolder psf
    pEBrowse.BrowseToObject psf, SBSP_DEFMODE
    Should open the desktop. Try removing the CoTaskMemFree call and the pidlt create / check block too in case it's that line and a memory issue.

  14. #134
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    With IShellFolder it worked without crashing.

    I had to comment out the CoTaskMemFree line as you proposed, even with IShellFolder method.

  15. #135

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Yeah it's not needed since pidlt isn't being used anymore. So if that's the problem, and IShellFolder works, IShellItem should work too, and it's a lot easier to use non-desktop paths without dealing with pidls.

    So to go back to any sPath value, try IShellItem instead...
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function SHCreateItemFromParsingName Lib "shell32" (ByVal pszPath As LongPtr, ByVal pbc As Long, riid As UUID, ppv As Any) As Long
    Then instead of Dim psf... BrowseToObject psf...
    Dim tiid As UUID
    tiid.Data1 = &H43826D1E: tiid.Data2 = CInt(&HE718): tiid.Data3 = CInt(&H42EE): tiid.Data4(0) = &HBC: tiid.Data4(1) = &H55: tiid.Data4(2) = &HA1: tiid.Data4(3) = &HE2: tiid.Data4(4) = &H61: tiid.Data4(5) = &HC3: tiid.Data4(6) = &H7B: tiid.Data4(7) = &HFE
    Dim psi As IShellItem
    SHCreateItemFromParsingName StrPtr(sPath), 0&, tiid, psi
     pEBrowse.BrowseToObject psi, SBSP_DEFMODE
    Hoppefully that should work as well as IShellFolder. It's finicky for me too; SHCreateItemFromParsingName crashed with the standard declare, had to switch the 2nd param from IBindCtx to Long-- make sure you copy that version of the declare from this post, because it's defined the other way in the TLB and that will crash.

  16. #136
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    This also worked fine. The next question would be how to get the same thing done in Access. There is also a frame control in Access, but is seems to be different to the frame object in Excel.
    "GetClientRect Me.Frame1.[_GethWnd], rcf"
    results in:
    "Error->Object doesn't support this property or method, 438"

  17. #137
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    This also worked fine. The next question would be how to get the same thing done in Access. There is also a frame control in Access, but is seems to be different to the frame object in Excel.
    "GetClientRect Me.Frame1.[_GethWnd], rcf"
    results in:
    "Error->Object doesn't support this property or method, 438"

  18. #138
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    I found a similar task here: but it is in German.
    The combination of their solution to get the hwnd of the Detail area of the Access form and your method to navigate to the path seems to be a solution for my problem:

    Option Compare Database
    Private Const GW_CHILD As Long = 5
    Private Const GW_HWNDNEXT As Long = 2
    Private oExplBrowser As oleexp.ExplorerBrowser
    Private hwndDetail As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetClassName Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, _
                                                    ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function GetWindow Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal wCmd As Long) As Long
    Private Declare PtrSafe Function SHCreateItemFromParsingName Lib "shell32" (ByVal pszPath As LongPtr, ByVal pbc As Long, riid As UUID, ppv As Any) As Long
    Private Function GetDetailHwnd() As Long
         Dim hWnd As Long
         Dim ret As Long
         Dim rct As RECT
         Dim sClass As String
         hWnd = GetWindow(Me.hWnd, GW_CHILD)
             sClass = String(255, 0)
             ret = GetClassName(hWnd, sClass, 255)
             sClass = Left(sClass, ret)
            hWnd = GetWindow(hWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT)
         Loop Until sClass = "OFormSub"
         GetDetailHwnd = hWnd
    End Function
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Dim rct As oleexp.RECT
        Dim pfs As oleexp.FOLDERSETTINGS
        pfs.fFlags = FWF_ALIGNLEFT 'Or FWF_NOWEBVIEW
        pfs.ViewMode = FVM_DETAILS
        rct.Bottom = Me.Section(acDetail).Height \ 15
        rct.Right = Me.InsideWidth \ 15
        Set oExplBrowser = New oleexp.ExplorerBrowser
        oExplBrowser.Initialize GetDetailHwnd, rct, pfs
        'oExplBrowser.SetOptions EBO_SHOWFRAMES
        sPath = "C:\"
        Dim tiid As UUID
        tiid.Data1 = &H43826D1E: tiid.Data2 = CInt(&HE718): tiid.Data3 = CInt(&H42EE): tiid.Data4(0) = &HBC: tiid.Data4(1) = &H55: tiid.Data4(2) = &HA1: tiid.Data4(3) = &HE2: tiid.Data4(4) = &H61: tiid.Data4(5) = &HC3: tiid.Data4(6) = &H7B: tiid.Data4(7) = &HFE
        Dim psi As IShellItem
        SHCreateItemFromParsingName StrPtr(sPath), 0&, tiid, psi
         oExplBrowser.BrowseToObject psi, SBSP_DEFMODE
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    End Sub

  19. #139

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Yeah you can draw it on any container hWnd, it doesn't have to be a frame. You could even just put it right on the form (the RECT doesn't have to fill the whole thing) since in Access there seems to be a Form.hWnd property.

    And hey that article actually uses my typelib Cool stuff

    Edit: And btw if you wanted to display a custom file list instead of a folder, or customize the columns that are shown, I recently posted this project.
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 20th, 2018 at 09:01 AM.

  20. #140
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Thank a lot for your great support!

  21. #141

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    You're welcome, any other issues pop up don't hesitate to ask.

  22. #142
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    I am wondering how to read out the actual path of the explorer. Is there an easy solution?

  23. #143
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    First post, new to this forum, have been using oleexp for a couple of months. Thank you, it is great that people are still putting all this effort into VB6.
    My interest is audio (and VB6)
    oleexp has finally given me full access to CoreAudio Device Topology, thank you.
    Yesterday I was evaluating AudioCapture but had compile error issues with IAudioClient.GetMixformat. I have just found your latest tlb version and this now works.
    I am curious, why do we have to use a Long and then memorycopy into a WaveFormatX type? I do not understand why WaveFormatX is not a valid VB data type, especially as it works ok with IAudioClient.Initialize ?????

  24. #144
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Sorry to bother you!!!! I think can answer my own question.
    WaveformatX is ok as a "read" or input parameter, but CoreAudio can NOT write into a supplied WaveFormatX. I think it creates its own WaveFormatX and so can only return the address of that WaveFormatX, hence the need to a memorycopy into a local WaveFormatX type.

  25. #145

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Quote Originally Posted by joerg74 View Post
    I am wondering how to read out the actual path of the explorer. Is there an easy solution?
    I'll have to adjust it for VBA later but in the mean time here's the VB6 code
    Dim pfv As IFolderView
    Dim lp As Long
    Dim sPath As String, lpPath As Long
    Dim pFol As IShellItem
    pEBrowse.GetCurrentView IID_IFolderView, pfv
    pfv.GetFolder IID_IShellItem, lp
    vbaObjSetAddRef pFol, lp
    If (pFol Is Nothing) = False Then
        pFol.GetDisplayName SIGDN_DESKTOPABSOLUTEPARSING, lpPath
        sPath = LPWSTRtoStr(lpPath)
        Debug.Print sPath
    End If
    Edit: You can also use the event sink (see the original explorer browser demo I posted) which has events for OnNavigationPending and OnNavigationComplete, so you'd get a pidl for each new location as it happened which can be readily turned into a path with SHGetPathFromIDListW. But I'm not sure how well or even if it would work in VBA.
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 22nd, 2018 at 09:36 AM.

  26. #146

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Quote Originally Posted by dmrvb View Post
    First post, new to this forum, have been using oleexp for a couple of months. Thank you, it is great that people are still putting all this effort into VB6.
    My interest is audio (and VB6)
    oleexp has finally given me full access to CoreAudio Device Topology, thank you.
    Yesterday I was evaluating AudioCapture but had compile error issues with IAudioClient.GetMixformat. I have just found your latest tlb version and this now works.
    I am curious, why do we have to use a Long and then memorycopy into a WaveFormatX type? I do not understand why WaveFormatX is not a valid VB data type, especially as it works ok with IAudioClient.Initialize ?????
    WAVEFORMATEX is itself a valid VB data type, but that particular method returns a pointer to a pointer. VB doesn't support passing a user-defined type in that manner. Initialize is just a regular pointer instead of a pointer-to-pointer. That was fixed in the most recent version, along with a few others (including other audio interfaces). Other languages do support passing UDT/arrays in that manner though, which is why the original definition (and oleexp until the issue was discovered) was set up differently.

    HRESULT GetMixFormat(
      WAVEFORMATEX **ppDeviceFormat
    HRESULT Initialize(
                  const WAVEFORMATEX *pFormat,
    Single * vs. Double ** pointer.
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 22nd, 2018 at 09:11 AM.

  27. #147
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    I'll have to adjust it for VBA later but in the mean time here's the VB6 code
    I receive errors for "IID_IFolderView", "vbaObjSetAddRef" and "LPWSTRtoStr"


  28. #148

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    They were all defined in the original IExplorerBrowser demo; the IIDs in mIID.bas from the oleexp download... in any case here they all are again:

    Public Declare Function SysReAllocString Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal pBSTR As Long, Optional ByVal pszStrPtr As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function vbaObjSetAddRef Lib "msvbvm60.dll" Alias "__vbaObjSetAddref" (ByRef objDest As Object, ByVal pObject As Long) As Long
    Public Function LPWSTRtoStr(lPtr As Long, Optional ByVal fFree As Boolean = True) As String
    SysReAllocString VarPtr(LPWSTRtoStr), lPtr
    If fFree Then
        Call CoTaskMemFree(lPtr)
    End If
    End Function
    Public Function IID_IShellItem() As UUID
    Static iid As UUID
    If (iid.Data1 = 0) Then Call DEFINE_UUID(iid, &H43826D1E, CInt(&HE718), CInt(&H42EE), &HBC, &H55, &HA1, &HE2, &H61, &HC3, &H7B, &HFE)
    IID_IShellItem = iid
    End Function
    Public Function IID_IFolderView() As UUID
    Static iid As UUID
     If (iid.Data1 = 0) Then Call DEFINE_UUID(iid, &HCDE725B0, CInt(&HCCC9), CInt(&H4519), &H91, &H7E, &H32, &H5D, &H72, &HFA, &HB4, &HCE)
     IID_IFolderView = iid
    End Function
    Public Sub DEFINE_UUID(Name As UUID, L As Long, w1 As Integer, w2 As Integer, B0 As Byte, b1 As Byte, b2 As Byte, B3 As Byte, b4 As Byte, b5 As Byte, b6 As Byte, b7 As Byte)
      With Name
        .Data1 = L
        .Data2 = w1
        .Data3 = w2
        .Data4(0) = B0
        .Data4(1) = b1
        .Data4(2) = b2
        .Data4(3) = B3
        .Data4(4) = b4
        .Data4(5) = b5
        .Data4(6) = b6
        .Data4(7) = b7
      End With
    End Sub
    It's just some of those might be a little iffy converting to VBA so I was going to rewrite it a bit... should have time tomorrow but there's the defs if you want to have a go at it.

  29. #149
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Using oleexp for CoreAudio. Some Help and Advice needed please.

    I am exploring data capture with IAudioClient and IAudioCaptureClient (working in Exclusive Mode) using VB6. I would like to do some essential buffer handling in a CallBack Event using IAudioClient.SetEventHandle.

    I just can not work out how to do this, is it even possible in VB6???? What do I supply as the long EventHandle required in SetEventHandle? And where does my buffer handling code go????
    In the past I have used "addressof" to supply a callback subroutine in a code module, but I think that a CallBack Event is a very different thing.

    I am hoping that the BufferFull event can be executed in a high priority callback so that it can execute even if my code is otherwise busy. If its all about sending a windows message to a Form then this is likely no good as VB6 message handling stops when my code is busy.

  30. #150
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    I'm assuming you would use CreateEvent to create your event handle.

    Have you seen this awful example? MS basically just sleeps and poles GetNextPacketSize. *shrugs*

    This code here is on the other end of the spectrum, it sets up another thread, and uses WaitForMultipleObjects, and waits for the capture event to be raised, but at least it's complete.

  31. #151
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Thanks, I have seen these links whilst searching for info. The CreateEvent API call looks like the likely way to go but I don't know how to get the resulting event in VB6. I really want the event to invoke some CallBack code rather than just a windows message.
    There is some stuff on the www about people using the Create Event then just doing await loop waiting for the event to occur!!!!.
    I am hoping to use the Event/Callback to simulate a bit of multi threading.
    As a last resort I can use a timer to poll the buffer state but this might loose data as it looks like the internal buffer is only 2 seconds long maximum which is a bit tight for my needs.

  32. #152
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Hi fafalone,

    I have a very large project here (around 350,000 lines) with lots of everything (variables, controls, procedures), and recently I'm getting "Out of memory" errors in the VB6 IDE when I try to declare a new variable. Clearly I'm touching the limits of the IDE (see VB6 Project Limitations: Now oleexp.tlb is very big and growing (which is good!), but I need only 10% of what's in it. So here's my question: How can I create a smaller custom version of it?


  33. #153
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Hi fafalone,

    I have a very large project here (around 350,000 lines) with lots of everything (variables, controls, procedures), and recently I'm getting "Out of memory" errors in the VB6 IDE when I try to declare a new variable. Clearly I'm touching the limits of the IDE (see VB6 Project Limitations: Now oleexp.tlb is very big and growing (which is good!), but I need only 10% of what's in it. So here's my question: How can I create a smaller custom version of it?


  34. #154

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Hmm.. I'm not even sure why TLB contents would effect this; only the portions that get used should be touched outside the object browser. If you compile a tiny exe that only uses a single variable or API from a typelib, the exe still just comes out to a KB or two above normal, so clearly the whole 1.2MB isn't being carried around. So first I'd be sure external depend's unused definitions even count (I highly suspect oleexp+standard refs exceeds 32k identifiers as defined in that article just by themselves).

    But if that is the case, the easiest-to-deal-with targets would be the separate systems like TaskScheduler, NetCon, Devices, CoreAudio, and DirectShow if you're not using them. Those can be removed simply by removing their includes from oleexp.odl. Also the ListView interfaces/definitions added to support undocumented features.
    #include "tasksch.odl"
    #include "exp_audio.odl";
    #include "exp_dshow.odl";
    #include "exp_device.odl";
    #include "exp_netcon.odl";
    #include "exp_listview.odl";
    There's a few more easily removable parts, mostly exp_ files, but they're a lot smaller. There's also API declares in modules named for their respective DLLs that most people declare locally instead.

    Of course, this all presumes interfaces and APIs, count, even if the whole TLB does. Removing enums outside of those files you can remove entirely might be difficult, since most of them are used by interfaces, which you'd then have to replace with a generic 'long', or remove the interface, provided it's not among the ones passed specifically by type to another interface.

    (Edit: Also in oleexp.odl is the GUID, which is advisable to change to avoid a conflict)
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 30th, 2018 at 01:13 AM.

  35. #155
    Junior Member SaschaT's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    Yeah you can draw it on any container hWnd, it doesn't have to be a frame. You could even just put it right on the form (the RECT doesn't have to fill the whole thing) since in Access there seems to be a Form.hWnd property.

    And hey that article actually uses my typelib Cool stuff
    Well, I am the author.
    I intent to publish a series of acticles from time to time to support your library. It's a pity that so many VBA developers overlook VB6 sites like this. oleexp has the potential to realize tasks that could not be acheived in any other way.

  36. #156

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Wow... well, nice article! By all means continue with other articles and even put up demo projects with them if you want; it's as fully open as its foundation olelib is.

    And yeah, that's been oleexp's mission from the beginning, to pick up where Edanmo left off and take all the cool new shell features that have come between Vista and 10 and bring VB6 into this millennium. Some people prefer calling the v-table directly with DispCallFunc to implement the interfaces, but the way I see it is apart from the simplicity and time investment (few interfaces have already been implemented in classes), the TLB approach is much more efficient for things like having your current file as an IShellItem, then pass it directly to tons of other interfaces and APIs that call for an IShellItem.
    So many VB6 apps look exactly like you'd expect from a IDE and language from the 90s; I take great pride in helping apps to look and behave indistinguishable from ones made in the latest shiny, along with others like LaVolpe and his manifest maker, and Leandro with clsMenuImage et al.
    From time to time I've considered making an independent website dedicated to it; at first there wasn't enough content, but now... would that make the reach better? Of course here wouldn't change, I really like the community so would always keep this thread current. But I see the merit... it wasn't samples here that got me hooked on shell programming, it was Brad Martinez's site and projects. But again on the other hand an effort has been made to make this thread like a mini-site with how the first through third posts are-- master list linking to project pages, intro/install/documentation/common issues. So I dunno.

    But back to the actual coding... VBA seems tough. I don't know if it's just me, do you (or anyone else reading this) get crashes when you trigger an intellisense popup while coding? The LongPtr thing inflicts some pain too. All the experience with VBA is just the issues in this thread, as it's not something I really use.
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 30th, 2018 at 01:41 PM.

  37. #157
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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    Hmm.. I'm not even sure why TLB contents would effect this; only the portions that get used should be touched outside the object browser. If you compile a tiny exe that only uses a single variable or API from a typelib, the exe still just comes out to a KB or two above normal, so clearly the whole 1.2MB isn't being carried around. So first I'd be sure external depend's unused definitions even count (I highly suspect oleexp+standard refs exceeds 32k identifiers as defined in that article just by themselves).

    But if that is the case, the easiest-to-deal-with targets would be the separate systems like TaskScheduler, NetCon, Devices, CoreAudio, and DirectShow if you're not using them. Those can be removed simply by removing their includes from oleexp.odl. Also the ListView interfaces/definitions added to support undocumented features.
    #include "tasksch.odl"
    #include "exp_audio.odl";
    #include "exp_dshow.odl";
    #include "exp_device.odl";
    #include "exp_netcon.odl";
    #include "exp_listview.odl";
    There's a few more easily removable parts, mostly exp_ files, but they're a lot smaller. There's also API declares in modules named for their respective DLLs that most people declare locally instead.

    Of course, this all presumes interfaces and APIs, count, even if the whole TLB does. Removing enums outside of those files you can remove entirely might be difficult, since most of them are used by interfaces, which you'd then have to replace with a generic 'long', or remove the interface, provided it's not among the ones passed specifically by type to another interface.

    (Edit: Also in oleexp.odl is the GUID, which is advisable to change to avoid a conflict)
    Thanks, I will try that and let you know if it makes any difference.

    Which version of MKTYPLIB.EXE do you use for compiling?

  38. #158

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Quote Originally Posted by dmrvb View Post
    Using oleexp for CoreAudio. Some Help and Advice needed please.

    I am exploring data capture with IAudioClient and IAudioCaptureClient (working in Exclusive Mode) using VB6. I would like to do some essential buffer handling in a CallBack Event using IAudioClient.SetEventHandle.

    I just can not work out how to do this, is it even possible in VB6???? What do I supply as the long EventHandle required in SetEventHandle? And where does my buffer handling code go????
    In the past I have used "addressof" to supply a callback subroutine in a code module, but I think that a CallBack Event is a very different thing.

    I am hoping that the BufferFull event can be executed in a high priority callback so that it can execute even if my code is otherwise busy. If its all about sending a windows message to a Form then this is likely no good as VB6 message handling stops when my code is busy.
    Sorry for the lo9ng delay in reply, but today I did look at some sample code for this, and it's indeed a standard event handle createable with CreateEvent; see e.g. this file. And this thread talks a little about using CreateEvent in VB6

  39. #159

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    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Quote Originally Posted by voxy View Post
    Thanks, I will try that and let you know if it makes any difference.

    Which version of MKTYPLIB.EXE do you use for compiling?
    2.30.4230; the version that came with my copy of VS6 Pro.

    And yeah definitely let me know, I'm curious about this. Set up a circumstance where you can reliably repeat the error, change nothing except oleexp, then try to raise the error again.

    Edit: Also to note, just constants, 6,282, API 577, 489 typedefs enum, 208 typedef struct so that's 7,556 identifiers without interfaces, then 755 interfaces+coclasses so there's potentially 8,311 identifiers in oleexp.
    Last edited by fafalone; Aug 30th, 2018 at 02:30 PM.

  40. #160
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    Jan 2015

    Re: [VB6] Modern Shell Interface Type Library - oleexp.tlb

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    Edit: Also to note, just constants, 6,282, API 577, 489 typedefs enum, 208 typedef struct so that's 7,556 identifiers without interfaces, then 755 interfaces+coclasses so there's potentially 8,311 identifiers in oleexp.
    Thanks for counting.

    BTW, while editing oleexp.odl I noted that "exp_wic.odl" is not referenced/included anywhere? Is that on purpose?

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