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Thread: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

  1. #1

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    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    I was recently made aware that a function I've used from time to time for calling virtual functions of COM objects was perfectly adept at calling functions from just about any standard DLL out there. So, I whipped up a 'generic' class that can call both standard DLL functions & COM VTable functions. No thunks are used, just a couple of supporting API calls in the main class, including the low-level core API function: DispCallFunc

    What does this mean for you? Well, it does allow you to call DLL functions from nearly 10 different calling conventions, including the two most common: StdCall & CDecl. It also allows you to call virtual functions from COM objects. And if you wish, it means you do not have to declare a single API function declaration in your VB project. Though, personally, I'd use it for calling DLL conventions other than StdCall.

    I'd consider this topic advanced for one reason only. This is very low level. If you provide incorrect parameter information to the class, your project is likely to crash. For advanced coders, we have no problem doing the research to understand what parameter information is required, be it variable type, a pointer, a pointer to a pointer, function return types, etc, etc. Not-so-advanced coders just want to plug in values & play, but when playing at such a low level, that usually results in crashes, frustration.

    The attachment includes very simple examples of calling DLL functions and calling a COM virtual function. You will notice that the form has no API function declarations, though several DLL functions are called & executed correctly. A sample call to the class might look like:
    Debug.Print myClass.CallFunction_DLL("user32.dll", "IsWindowUnicode", STR_NONE, CR_LONG, _
                                            CC_STDCALL, Me.hWnd)
    For DLL calls, the class takes the DLL name and function name to be called. Technically, you aren't passing the function pointer to the class. However, the class does make the call to the pointer, not via declared API functions. Just thought I'd throw this comment in, should someone suggest we aren't really calling functions by pointer. The class is, the user calling the class is not, but can be if inclined to modify the code a bit.

    Limitations: Callbacks from non-StdCall DLLs/functions
    If whatever function you are calling requires a callback pointer, then stack corruption is likely from all calling conventions where you pass a VB function pointer as the callback address. The exceptions are stdCall DLLs and also CDecl calls, if the thunk/patch option in the class is used.

    Tip: If you really like this class, you may want to instantiate one for each DLL you will be calling quite often. This could speed things up a bit when making subsequent calls. As is, the class will load the requested DLL into memory if it isn't already. Once class is called again, for a different DLL, then the previous DLL is unloaded if needed & the new DLL loaded as needed. So, if you created cUser32, cShell32, cKernel32 instances, less code is executed in the class if it doesn't have to drop & load DLLs.
    vb Code:
    1. ' top of form
    2. Private cUser32 As cUniversalDLLCalls
    3. Private cKernel32 As cUniversalDLLCalls
    4. Private cShell32 As cUniversalDLLCalls
    6. ' in form load
    7. Set cUser32 = New cUniversalDLLCalls
    8. Set cKernel32 = New cUniversalDLLCalls
    9. Set cShell32 = New cUniversalDLLCalls
    10. ' now use cUser32 for all user32.dll calls, cKernel32 for kernel32, cShell32 for shell32, etc
    Tip: When using the STR_ANSI flag to indicate the passed parameters include string values destined for ANSI functions, the class will convert the passed string to ANSI before calling the function. Doing so, default Locale is used for string conversion. If this is a problem, you should ensure you convert the string(s) to ANSI before passing it to the class. If you do this conversion, use STR_NONE & pass the string via StrPtr(). FYI: strings used strictly as a buffer for return values should always be passed via StrPtr() and the flag STR_NONE used; regardless if destined for ANSI or unicode functions. ANSI strings are never passed to COM interfaces. Always use StrPtr(theString) for any string parameters to those COM methods.
    vb Code:
    1. ' how to have a VB string contain ANSI vs Unicode
    2. myString = StrConv(myString, vbFromUnicode, [Locale ID])
    3. ' how to convert the returned ANSI string to a proper VB string
    4. myString = StrConv(myString, vbUnicode, [Locale ID])
    Tip: If you ever need to call a private COM interface function by its pointer/address, post #24 below shows how that can be done. A slight modification to the attached class is required.

    Change History
    - 28 Nov 2014. Added thunk/patch/workaround for passing a VB function address to a CDECL dll that expects a CDECL callback address. Sample found in post #10 below

    See this thread for more info. Win10 update broke paramarrays in some scenarios. Within the CallFunction_DLL & CallFunction_COM methods of the enclosed class, modify these lines of code in both methods:
    Change this:
    vParams() = FunctionParameters()                    ' copy passed parameters, if any
    pCount = Abs(UBound(vParams) - LBound(vParams) + 1&)
    To this:
    If UBound(FunctionParameters) <> -1 Then
        vParams() = FunctionParameters()                ' copy passed parameters, if any
        pCount = Abs(UBound(vParams) - LBound(vParams) + 1&)
    End If
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Sep 2nd, 2019 at 10:12 AM. Reason: updated comments
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  2. #2

    Thread Starter
    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Beside Waldo

    Interface Definitions, VTables, etc

    This post will be dedicated to linking to known good posts/URLs of interfaces that not only provide their GUID, but the VTable Order. Will update this post from time to time as others add information to this thread.

    So if you researched an Interface and want to share it, please post it & include at least these 3 basic pieces of information: GUID, VTable order & link describing the virtual functions. An example would be appreciated also.

    You cannot assume that the listing of functions provided on MSDN pages is the actual VTable order. It used to be, but no longer is reliable. Order is extremely important, because virtual functions are called relative to their offset from the inherited IUnknown interface. VTable entries are in multiples of four.

    A starter page. Layout of the COM object

    So, you have a string GUID, how do you get it to a Long value for passing to appropriate functions? Simple:
    Private Declare Function IIDFromString Lib "ole32.dll" (ByVal lpszProgID As Long, piid As Any) As Long
    ' sample of getting the IDataObject GUID
    Dim aGUID(0 To 3) As Long
    Call IIDFromString(StrPtr("{0000010e-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"), ByVal VarPtr(aGUID(0)))
    How do we know if an object supports a specific interface? We ask the object...
    Dim IID_IPicture As Long, aGUID(0 To 3) As Long, sGUID As String
    Dim c As cUniversalDLLCalls
    Const IUnknownQueryInterface As Long = 0&   ' IUnknown vTable offset to Query implemented interfaces
    Const IUnknownRelease As Long = 8&          ' IUnkownn vTable offset to decrement reference count
        ' ask if Me.Icon picture object supports IPicture
        sGuid = "{7BF80980-BF32-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB}"
        Set c = New cUniversalDLLCalls
        c.CallFunction_DLL "ole32.dll", "IIDFromString", STR_NONE, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, StrPtr(sGUID), VarPtr(aGuid(0))
        c.CallFunction_COM ObjPtr(Me.Icon), IUnknownQueryInterface, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, VarPtr(aGUID(0)), VarPtr(IID_IPicture)
        If IID_IPicture <> 0& Then
            ' do stuff
            ' Release the IPicture interface at some point. QueryInterface calls AddRef internally
            c.CallFunction_COM IID_IPicture, IUnknownRelease, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL
        End If
    Here's a few interfaces to start this thread out...

    IUnknown: GUID {00000000-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
    VTable Order: QueryInterface, AddRef, Release

    IPicture: GUID {7BF80980-BF32-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB}
    VTable Order: GetHandle, GetHPal, GetType, GetWidth, GetHeight, Render, SetHPal, GetCurDC,
    SelectPicture, GetKeepOriginalFormat, SetKeepOriginalFormat, PictureChanged, SaveAsFile, GetAttributes

    IDataObject: GUID {0000010e-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
    VTable Order: GetData, GetDataHere, QueryGetData, GetCanonicalFormatEtc, SetData,
    EnumFormatEtc, DAdvise, DUnadvise, EnumDAdvise

    Tip #1. Get the IDataObject from the Data parameter of VB's OLEDrag[...] events
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal length As Long)
    Dim IID_DataObject As Long
    CopyMemory IID_DataObject, ByVal ObjPtr(Data) + 16&, 4&
    ' you now have an unreferenced pointer to the IDataObject
    Tip #2. Get IDataObject of the clipboard
    Private Declare Function OleGetClipboard Lib "ole32.dll" (ByRef ppDataObj As Long) As Long
    Dim IID_DataObject As Long
    OleGetClipboard IID_DataObject
    ' if IID_DataObject is non-null, you have a referenced pointer to the IDataObject
    ' Referenced pointers must call IUnknown.Release
    IOLEObject: GUID {00000112-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
    VTable Order: SetClientSite, GetClientSite, SetHostNames, Close, SetMoniker, GetMoniker,
    InitFromData, GetClipboardData, DoVerb, EnumVerbs, Update, IsUpToDate, GetUserClassID, GetUserType, SetExtent, GetExtent, Advise, EnumAdvise, GetMiscStatus, SetColorScheme

    IStream: inherits IUnknown:ISequentialStream. GUID {0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
    VTable Order: Read [from ISequentialStream], Write [from ISequentialStream], Seek, SetSize,
    CopyTo, Commit, Revert, LockRegion, UnlockRegion, Stat, Clone

    ITypeLib: GUID {00020402-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
    VTable Order: GetTypeInfoCount, GetTypeInfo, GetTypeInfoType, GetTypeInfoOfGuid, GetLibAttr,
    GetTypeComp, GetDocumentation, IsName, FindName, ReleaseTLibAttr

    : GUID {00020401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
    VTable Order: GetTypeAttr, GetTypeComp, GetFuncDesc, GetVarDesc, GetNames,
    GetRefTypeOfImplType, GetImplTypeFlags, GetIDsOfNames, Invoke, GetDocumentation, GetDLLEntry, GetRefTypeInfo, AddressOfMember, CreateInstance, GetMops, GetContainingTypeLib, ReleaseTypeAttr, ReleaseFuncDesc, RelaseVarDesc
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Nov 2nd, 2019 at 11:09 AM.
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  3. #3
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Very nice example LaVolpe! I had discovered something similar, just not as sophisticated

    I was able to set form caption using the loadlibrary/freelibrary/getprocaddress/callwindowproc apis.

    Why I wanted to do this is because a user could use their own APIs once the project is compiled, without having to recompile the whole project with the api that he needs to use. Kind of like using the script control which you can write your own function/subs on a compiled (exe) program, and execute them. This would allow users to call APIs from your compiled program with a simple textbox.

    I will examine your code more closely when I get time, this is exactly what I was trying to get to, with the little experience I got

  4. #4

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    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Think you'll have fun playing with it. Gotta make sure you pass the parameters to class in proper variable type (VarType).

    What will get ppl in trouble is assuming a value is Long when it's Integer. For example, if you pass the class the number 5 for a parameter that the API expects to be Long vartype, probably gonna have issues. Why? Well, Debug.Print VarType(5) = vbInteger returns true. Whole numbers have the vartype Integer, Long, Double depending on their value & the inclusive min/max ranges of the various vartypes. Likewise, if one were to declare a variable as Variant and pass that variable as a function parameter, same issue if the function expects Long vartypes. In the class' code comments, I stressed to use VB's conversion functions when in doubt, i.e., CLng(), CInt(), etc.

    Edited: VB doesn't have this issue, because you declare a Function with ByRef/ByVal and the parameter type, i.e., ByVal hWnd As Long. The class has no way of knowing the function's definition because there are none. I could've forced the user to include the vartype with each parameter, but felt that was too cumbersome. What I didn't want to do was basically build a complete parsing engine, somewhat similar to what VB must be doing.

    Strings sent to an ANSI function, passed as values or variable names, will be converted to ANSI if the STR_ANSI flag is passed. If these are not passed with that flag, gonna get bad results. One thing that is awkward is passing a string variable to an ANSI function, changes that variable's contents. Take a look at this example:

    - variable strCaption = "Form1"
    - strCaption is passed to an ANSI function with STR_ANSI flag set
    - function call works flawlessly, but...
    - now strCaption was changed because the class needed to convert the contents of the unicode variable strCaption to ANSI
    :: was Form1 using 10 bytes (unicode), now is Form1 using 5 bytes (ANSI)

    I could've reversed the process after the function was called to fix it, but felt this issue wouldn't be the norm. Also, would've had to set up some tracking system to know when to revert & when not to. Feel informing users more beneficial to all, which is what I'm using this reply for. Though I may consider readdressing this via code... ?

    Above said, a workaround in these cases, pass the variable like so: strCaption & ""
    -- VB sends a copy of the concatenated variable to the class, not the variable itself. No change to strCaption.

    If not wanting to concatenate, pass enclosed with parentheses: (strCaption). Same result -- no change to strCaption
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Nov 23rd, 2014 at 02:53 PM.
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  5. #5
    Default Member Bonnie West's Avatar
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    Re: Interface Definitions, VTables, etc

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    So if you researched an Interface and want to share it, please post it & include at least these 3 basic pieces of information: GUID, VTable order & link describing the virtual functions. An example would be appreciated also.
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidt View Post
    To keep the VTable-order of the method-signatures correct, you cannot rely on the MSDN - they sort alphabetically, which is almost always the wrong order.
    I usually take a good look into e.g. the Wine-Implementations (or -Documentation), where the real VTable-Order can be seen:

    . . .

    On Local Error Resume Next: If Not Empty Is Nothing Then Do While Null: ReDim i(True To False) As Currency: Loop: Else Debug.Assert CCur(CLng(CInt(CBool(False Imp True Xor False Eqv True)))): Stop: On Local Error GoTo 0
    Declare Sub CrashVB Lib "msvbvm60" (Optional DontPassMe As Any)

  6. #6

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Bonnie, nice link for a ton of interfaces, their VTables, & function descriptions. I didn't see any GUIDs.

    One thing that concerns me, for example, is the VTable description for IDataObject. The one listed at that site has 3 more public functions than what is documented on MSDN. Not only that, the 3 functions are intermixed. I can only assume that the IDataObject described is a different GUID/class than that listed on MSDN? Similar situation for IStream. This is where the GUID would be helpful.

    Hmmm, another ok reference for OLE & multimedia interfaces
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Nov 24th, 2014 at 08:41 AM.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    I was recently made aware ...
    I'd personally prefer smaller functions instead of the large "one size fits all" approach you've posted...

    The module you got your inspiration from, basically contained the needed pieces already -
    (you gave nice background-infos for Users new to this topic though)...

    To describe what I mean, here's the Unicode-capable "W"-version of the stdcall:
    (directly callable from a *.bas-module - a Class is not really needed for this stuff)

    Public Function stdCallW(sDll As String, sFunc As String, ByVal RetType As VbVarType, ParamArray P() As Variant)
    Dim i As Long, V(), HRes As Long
      V = P 'make a copy of the params, to prevent problems with VT_Byref-Members in the ParamArray
      For i = 0 To UBound(V)
        If VarType(P(i)) = vbString Then V(i) = StrPtr(P(i))
        VType(i) = VarType(V(i))
        VPtr(i) = VarPtr(V(i))
      Next i
      HRes = DispCallFunc(0, GetFuncPtr(sDll, sFunc), CC_STDCALL, RetType, i, VType(0), VPtr(0), stdCallW)
      If HRes Then Err.Raise HRes
    End Function
    I'd think, with such dedicated functions the DispCallFunc-API looks far less "scary" to NewComers -
    and is easier to call (less Parameters to type or fiddle with).

    Also note, how I handled the automatic String-Pointer-passing (the Param-Array-Members can hand it out directly to you).

    The other Problem you encountered, is the Back-conversion of ANSI-String-params, which could be handled
    automatically this way:

    Public Function stdCallA(sDll As String, sFunc As String, ByVal RetType As VbVarType, ParamArray P() As Variant)
    Dim i As Long, pFunc As Long, V(), HRes As Long
      V = P 'make a copy of the params, to prevent problems with VT_Byref-Members in the ParamArray
      For i = 0 To UBound(V)
        If VarType(P(i)) = vbString Then P(i) = StrConv(P(i), vbFromUnicode): V(i) = StrPtr(P(i))
        VType(i) = VarType(V(i))
        VPtr(i) = VarPtr(V(i))
      Next i
      HRes = DispCallFunc(0, GetFuncPtr(sDll, sFunc), CC_STDCALL, RetType, i, VType(0), VPtr(0), stdCallA)
      For i = 0 To UBound(P) 'back-conversion of the ANSI-String-Results
        If VarType(P(i)) = vbString Then P(i) = StrConv(P(i), vbUnicode)
      Next i
      If HRes Then Err.Raise HRes
    End Function
    With the complete module (code further below), one can then write
    (without any StrConv-Calls in case of the ANSI-calls)...

    Into a Form:
    Option Explicit
    'VTable-order according to:
    Enum eIPicture
      '... a.s.o.
    End Enum
    Private Sub Form_Click()
    AutoRedraw = True: Cls
    Dim Unk As stdole.IUnknown, lHandle As Long, lWidth As Long, lHeight As Long
      'vtbl function calls (against a COM-interface, in this case IPicture - see Enum-Def above)
      Set Unk = Me.Icon 'cast to IUnknown, so that we can call the VTable directly  without further ado
      Print vbLf; "COM interface calls..."
        vtblCall ObjPtr(Unk), eIPicture.IPic_Handle, VarPtr(lHandle)
        vtblCall ObjPtr(Unk), eIPicture.IPic_Width, VarPtr(lWidth)
        vtblCall ObjPtr(Unk), eIPicture.IPic_Height, VarPtr(lHeight)
      Dim Ico As IPictureDisp: Set Ico = Me.Icon 'just for the Printouts, another cast of our Icon
      Print , "Me.Icon.Handle = "; Ico.Handle, " IPicture.Handle = "; lHandle
      Print , "Me.Icon.Width = "; Ico.Width, " IPicture.Width = "; lWidth
      Print , "Me.Icon.Height = "; Ico.Height, " IPicture.Height = "; lHeight
    '********************** now calling flat Dlls ***************************
    Dim lLen As Long, sFmt As String, sBuf As String
      'stdcall functions (normal Win-API)
      Print vbLf; "ANSI string parameters..."
        lLen = stdCallA("user32", "GetWindowTextLengthA", vbLong, hWnd)
        sBuf = String$(lLen, vbNullChar)
        lLen = stdCallA("user32", "GetWindowTextA", vbLong, hWnd, sBuf, lLen + 1&)
      Print , "Form caption is: "; Left$(sBuf, lLen); "<<<"
      Print vbLf; "UNICODE string parameters..."
        lLen = stdCallW("user32", "GetWindowTextLengthW", vbLong, hWnd)
        sBuf = String$(lLen, vbNullChar)
        lLen = stdCallW("user32", "GetWindowTextW", vbLong, hWnd, sBuf, lLen + 1&)
      Print , "Form caption is: "; Left$(sBuf, lLen); "<<<"
      'cdecl function calls
      sFmt = "P1=%s, P2=%d, P3=%.4f, P4=%s": sBuf = String$(1024, vbNullChar)
      Print vbLf; "cdecl ANSI parameters..."
        lLen = cdeclCallA("msvcrt", "sprintf", vbLong, sBuf, sFmt, "ABC", 123456, 1.23456, "xyz")
      Print , "printf: "; Left$(sBuf, lLen)
      Print vbLf; "cdecl Unicode parameters..."
        lLen = cdeclCallW("msvcrt", "swprintf", vbLong, sBuf, sFmt, "ABC", 123456, 1.23456, "xyz")
      Print , "printf: "; Left$(sBuf, lLen)
    End Sub
    Here the *.bas Module-Code for DispCallFunc which allows the above:
    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function DispCallFunc Lib "oleaut32" (ByVal pvInstance As Long, ByVal offsetinVft As Long, ByVal CallConv As Long, ByVal retTYP As Integer, ByVal paCNT As Long, ByRef paTypes As Integer, ByRef paValues As Long, ByRef retVAR As Variant) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpProcName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
    Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function lstrlenA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (Dst As Any, Src As Any, ByVal BLen As Long)
    End Enum
    Private LibHdls As New Collection, VType(0 To 63) As Integer, VPtr(0 To 63) As Long
    Public Function stdCallW(sDll As String, sFunc As String, ByVal RetType As VbVarType, ParamArray P() As Variant)
    Dim i As Long, V(), HRes As Long
      V = P 'make a copy of the params, to prevent problems with VT_Byref-Members in the ParamArray
      For i = 0 To UBound(V)
        If VarType(P(i)) = vbString Then V(i) = StrPtr(P(i))
        VType(i) = VarType(V(i))
        VPtr(i) = VarPtr(V(i))
      Next i
      HRes = DispCallFunc(0, GetFuncPtr(sDll, sFunc), CC_STDCALL, RetType, i, VType(0), VPtr(0), stdCallW)
      If HRes Then Err.Raise HRes
    End Function
    Public Function cdeclCallW(sDll As String, sFunc As String, ByVal RetType As VbVarType, ParamArray P() As Variant)
    Dim i As Long, pFunc As Long, V(), HRes As Long
      V = P 'make a copy of the params, to prevent problems with VT_Byref-Members in the ParamArray
      For i = 0 To UBound(V)
        If VarType(P(i)) = vbString Then V(i) = StrPtr(P(i))
        VType(i) = VarType(V(i))
        VPtr(i) = VarPtr(V(i))
      Next i
      HRes = DispCallFunc(0, GetFuncPtr(sDll, sFunc), CC_CDECL, RetType, i, VType(0), VPtr(0), cdeclCallW)
      If HRes Then Err.Raise HRes
    End Function
    Public Function stdCallA(sDll As String, sFunc As String, ByVal RetType As VbVarType, ParamArray P() As Variant)
    Dim i As Long, pFunc As Long, V(), HRes As Long
      V = P 'make a copy of the params, to prevent problems with VT_Byref-Members in the ParamArray
      For i = 0 To UBound(V)
        If VarType(P(i)) = vbString Then P(i) = StrConv(P(i), vbFromUnicode): V(i) = StrPtr(P(i))
        VType(i) = VarType(V(i))
        VPtr(i) = VarPtr(V(i))
      Next i
      HRes = DispCallFunc(0, GetFuncPtr(sDll, sFunc), CC_STDCALL, RetType, i, VType(0), VPtr(0), stdCallA)
      For i = 0 To UBound(P) 'back-conversion of the ANSI-String-Results
        If VarType(P(i)) = vbString Then P(i) = StrConv(P(i), vbUnicode)
      Next i
      If HRes Then Err.Raise HRes
    End Function
    Public Function cdeclCallA(sDll As String, sFunc As String, ByVal RetType As VbVarType, ParamArray P() As Variant)
    Dim i As Long, pFunc As Long, V(), HRes As Long
      V = P 'make a copy of the params, to prevent problems with VT_Byref-Members in the ParamArray
      For i = 0 To UBound(V)
        If VarType(P(i)) = vbString Then P(i) = StrConv(P(i), vbFromUnicode): V(i) = StrPtr(P(i))
        VType(i) = VarType(V(i))
        VPtr(i) = VarPtr(V(i))
      Next i
      HRes = DispCallFunc(0, GetFuncPtr(sDll, sFunc), CC_CDECL, RetType, i, VType(0), VPtr(0), cdeclCallA)
      For i = 0 To UBound(P) 'back-conversion of the ANSI-String-Results
        If VarType(P(i)) = vbString Then P(i) = StrConv(P(i), vbUnicode)
      Next i
      If HRes Then Err.Raise HRes
    End Function
    Public Function vtblCall(pUnk As Long, ByVal vtblIdx As Long, ParamArray P() As Variant)
    Dim i As Long, V(), HRes As Long
      If pUnk = 0 Then Exit Function
      V = P 'make a copy of the params, to prevent problems with VT_ByRef-Members in the ParamArray
      For i = 0 To UBound(V)
        VType(i) = VarType(V(i))
        VPtr(i) = VarPtr(V(i))
      Next i
      HRes = DispCallFunc(pUnk, vtblIdx * 4, CC_STDCALL, vbLong, i, VType(0), VPtr(0), vtblCall)
      If HRes Then Err.Raise HRes
    End Function
    Public Function GetFuncPtr(sDll As String, sFunc As String) As Long
    Static hLib As Long, sLib As String
      If sLib <> sDll Then 'just a bit of caching, to make resolving libHdls faster
        sLib = sDll
        On Error Resume Next
          hLib = 0
          hLib = LibHdls(sLib)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If hLib = 0 Then
          hLib = LoadLibrary(sLib)
          If hLib = 0 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError, , "Dll not found (or loadable): " & sLib
          LibHdls.Add hLib, sLib '<- cache it under the dll-name for the next call
        End If
      End If
      GetFuncPtr = GetProcAddress(hLib, sFunc)
      If GetFuncPtr = 0 Then Err.Raise 453, , "EntryPoint not found: " & sFunc & " in: " & sLib
    End Function
    Public Function GetBStrFromPtr(lpSrc As Long, Optional ByVal ANSI As Boolean) As String
    Dim SLen As Long
      If lpSrc = 0 Then Exit Function
      If ANSI Then SLen = lstrlenA(lpSrc) Else SLen = lstrlenW(lpSrc)
      If SLen Then GetBStrFromPtr = Space$(SLen) Else Exit Function
      Select Case ANSI
        Case True: RtlMoveMemory ByVal GetBStrFromPtr, ByVal lpSrc, SLen
        Case Else: RtlMoveMemory ByVal StrPtr(GetBStrFromPtr), ByVal lpSrc, SLen * 2
      End Select
    End Function
    Public Sub CleanupLibHandles() 'not really needed - but callable (usually at process-shutdown) to clear things up
    Dim LibHdl
      For Each LibHdl In LibHdls: FreeLibrary LibHdl: Next
      Set LibHdls = Nothing
    End Sub
    Last edited by Schmidt; Nov 24th, 2014 at 06:28 PM.

  8. #8

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    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    To each their own.

    Personally, for simplicity, I'll keep a one-size fits all vs a ANSI/Unicode call for each of the possible calling conventions. I feel the routines are simple enough to follow for most coders. Basically, the routine I offered for DLL calls consist of 3 sections: DLL loading/unloading, ANSI string conversion if needed, parameter referencing. The routine for COM calls consists of just the parameter referencing section. Remove all the lengthy comments and amount of code is amazingly little.

    Regarding "The other Problem you encountered, is the Back-conversion of ANSI-String-params, which could be handled..." I took that out of my routines, like your solution I was looping thru the parameters on function return to convert ANSI back to 2-byte characters. However, I felt that the callers should control that should LocaleID be an issue.

    Inspiration? Inspiration for this unique API came in early 2007 when I was looking for a solution for Drag & Dropping of unicode file names. The code that inspired me can be found on planet source code at this link which does include a comment from me. My first attempt of using that API can be seen in a project at the same site with this link. Since then, Ive used this API dozens of times. I've become comfortable with it over the past 7.5 years. It was your comment in another thread, that led to this posting, when you said the API could be used for standard DLLs and that thunks for calling CDecl_ DLLs were unnecessary.

    Do I expect anyone to build a production application using no API function declarations? No. This project is for the curious. I can see it being used, possibly streamlined, for CDECL calls and/or COM calls primarily. I know I wouldn't use it for calling STDCALL. Though I will be posting another project this week that does use the COM call portion of this project
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Nov 24th, 2014 at 11:03 PM. Reason: added references
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    Super Moderator FunkyDexter's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    I've split off a thread with GeoRaker's questions to a new thread here.
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  10. #10

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Project updated to include a patch/thunk for passing a VB function address (_stdCall) as a callback to a _CDecl function expecting a _CDecl callback address. A simple test can be performed using the C runtime dll & it's quick sort function

    1) Ensure you downloaded latest version from post #1 above.
    2) In a button's click event, add this:
        Dim c As New cUniversalDLLCalls
        Dim vData(0 To 9) As Double
        Dim lCallback As Long
        Dim Index As Long
        For Index = 0 To 9: vData(Index) = Rnd * 100: Next
        ' generate a CDECL compatible callback that wraps the VB callback function
        lCallback = c.ThunkFor_CDeclCallbackToVB(AddressOf qsort_compare_dn, 2)
        ' 4 qsort params:
        '   pointer to data to be sorted
        '   number of items to be sorted
        '   size in bytes of each item
        '   _CDecl callback function
        Call c.CallFunction_DLL("msvcrt20.dll", "qsort", STR_NONE, CR_None, CC_CDECL, _
                                VarPtr(vData(0)), 10&, 8&, lCallback)
        ' done with the wrapper, release it
        c.ThunkRelease_CDECL lCallback
        For Index = 0 To 9: Debug.Print Index + 1, vData(Index): Next
    3) In a bas module add these 2 functions. Notice params are Double because we are passing an array of Doubles to qsort
    Public Function qsort_compare_dn(ByRef arg1 As Double, ByRef arg2 As Double) As Long
      Select Case arg2 - arg1
      Case Is < 0: qsort_compare_dn = -1
      Case Is > 0: qsort_compare_dn = 1
      End Select
    End Function
    Public Function qsort_compare_up(ByRef arg1 As Double, ByRef arg2 As Double) As Long
      Select Case arg2 - arg1
      Case Is < 0: qsort_compare_up = 1
      Case Is > 0: qsort_compare_up = -1
      End Select
    End Function
    Two new methods added. Be sure to review their comments:
    1) ThunkFor_CDeclCallbackToVB
    2) ThunkRelease_CDECL

    Reason for a thunk:
    _CDecl: The caller cleans the stack. _StdCall: The callee cleans the stack
    When _CDecl calls to _StdCall while expecting _CDecl, stack corruption occurs because both are trying to clean the stack causing access violations. When the reverse order occurs, then stack not cleaned.

    The core API used in the attached class will do the cleaning from _StdCall to _CDecl but since that API can't be used for callbacks, we need a way to prevent one of the calling conventions from cleaning the stack. That's where the thunk comes in. It is a wrapper around a VB callback function address. _CDecl calls the wrapper, the wrapper copies the stack & calls the VB callback function. VB cleans the stack, then the wrapper ignores it's role in cleaning. _CDecl now cleans the original stack. 28 bytes of commonsense genius provided by Paul Caton, whose work is linked/credited in the ThunkFor_CDeclCallbackToVB function
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Apr 7th, 2019 at 03:57 PM.
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  11. #11
    Default Member Bonnie West's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    One thing that concerns me, for example, is the VTable description for IDataObject. The one listed at that site has 3 more public functions than what is documented on MSDN. Not only that, the 3 functions are intermixed. I can only assume that the IDataObject described is a different GUID/class than that listed on MSDN? Similar situation for IStream. This is where the GUID would be helpful.
    Isn't the information regarding the VTable order documented in the Windows header files? For instance, I believe the following is the IDataObject's definition from the ObjIdl.h header file:

    #if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(CINTERFACE)
        IDataObject : public IUnknown
            virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetData( 
                /* [unique][in] */ FORMATETC *pformatetcIn,
                /* [out] */ STGMEDIUM *pmedium) = 0;
            virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetDataHere( 
                /* [unique][in] */ FORMATETC *pformatetc,
                /* [out][in] */ STGMEDIUM *pmedium) = 0;
            virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryGetData( 
                /* [unique][in] */ __RPC__in_opt FORMATETC *pformatetc) = 0;
            virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE GetCanonicalFormatEtc( 
                /* [unique][in] */ __RPC__in_opt FORMATETC *pformatectIn,
                /* [out] */ __RPC__out FORMATETC *pformatetcOut) = 0;
            virtual /* [local] */ HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE SetData( 
                /* [unique][in] */ FORMATETC *pformatetc,
                /* [unique][in] */ STGMEDIUM *pmedium,
                /* [in] */ BOOL fRelease) = 0;
            virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumFormatEtc( 
                /* [in] */ DWORD dwDirection,
                /* [out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt IEnumFORMATETC **ppenumFormatEtc) = 0;
            virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DAdvise( 
                /* [in] */ __RPC__in FORMATETC *pformatetc,
                /* [in] */ DWORD advf,
                /* [unique][in] */ __RPC__in_opt IAdviseSink *pAdvSink,
                /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pdwConnection) = 0;
            virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE DUnadvise( 
                /* [in] */ DWORD dwConnection) = 0;
            virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE EnumDAdvise( 
                /* [out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt IEnumSTATDATA **ppenumAdvise) = 0;
    #else 	/* C style interface */
        typedef struct IDataObjectVtbl
            HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryInterface )( 
                __RPC__in IDataObject * This,
                /* [in] */ __RPC__in REFIID riid,
                /* [annotation][iid_is][out] */ 
                __RPC__deref_out  void **ppvObject);
            ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *AddRef )( 
                __RPC__in IDataObject * This);
            ULONG ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *Release )( 
                __RPC__in IDataObject * This);
            /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetData )( 
                IDataObject * This,
                /* [unique][in] */ FORMATETC *pformatetcIn,
                /* [out] */ STGMEDIUM *pmedium);
            /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetDataHere )( 
                IDataObject * This,
                /* [unique][in] */ FORMATETC *pformatetc,
                /* [out][in] */ STGMEDIUM *pmedium);
            HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *QueryGetData )( 
                __RPC__in IDataObject * This,
                /* [unique][in] */ __RPC__in_opt FORMATETC *pformatetc);
            HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *GetCanonicalFormatEtc )( 
                __RPC__in IDataObject * This,
                /* [unique][in] */ __RPC__in_opt FORMATETC *pformatectIn,
                /* [out] */ __RPC__out FORMATETC *pformatetcOut);
            /* [local] */ HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *SetData )( 
                IDataObject * This,
                /* [unique][in] */ FORMATETC *pformatetc,
                /* [unique][in] */ STGMEDIUM *pmedium,
                /* [in] */ BOOL fRelease);
            HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *EnumFormatEtc )( 
                __RPC__in IDataObject * This,
                /* [in] */ DWORD dwDirection,
                /* [out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt IEnumFORMATETC **ppenumFormatEtc);
            HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *DAdvise )( 
                __RPC__in IDataObject * This,
                /* [in] */ __RPC__in FORMATETC *pformatetc,
                /* [in] */ DWORD advf,
                /* [unique][in] */ __RPC__in_opt IAdviseSink *pAdvSink,
                /* [out] */ __RPC__out DWORD *pdwConnection);
            HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *DUnadvise )( 
                __RPC__in IDataObject * This,
                /* [in] */ DWORD dwConnection);
            HRESULT ( STDMETHODCALLTYPE *EnumDAdvise )( 
                __RPC__in IDataObject * This,
                /* [out] */ __RPC__deref_out_opt IEnumSTATDATA **ppenumAdvise);
        } IDataObjectVtbl;
        interface IDataObject
            CONST_VTBL struct IDataObjectVtbl *lpVtbl;
    #ifdef COBJMACROS
    #define IDataObject_QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryInterface(This,riid,ppvObject) ) 
    #define IDataObject_AddRef(This)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> AddRef(This) ) 
    #define IDataObject_Release(This)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> Release(This) ) 
    #define IDataObject_GetData(This,pformatetcIn,pmedium)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetData(This,pformatetcIn,pmedium) ) 
    #define IDataObject_GetDataHere(This,pformatetc,pmedium)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetDataHere(This,pformatetc,pmedium) ) 
    #define IDataObject_QueryGetData(This,pformatetc)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> QueryGetData(This,pformatetc) ) 
    #define IDataObject_GetCanonicalFormatEtc(This,pformatectIn,pformatetcOut)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> GetCanonicalFormatEtc(This,pformatectIn,pformatetcOut) ) 
    #define IDataObject_SetData(This,pformatetc,pmedium,fRelease)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> SetData(This,pformatetc,pmedium,fRelease) ) 
    #define IDataObject_EnumFormatEtc(This,dwDirection,ppenumFormatEtc)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> EnumFormatEtc(This,dwDirection,ppenumFormatEtc) ) 
    #define IDataObject_DAdvise(This,pformatetc,advf,pAdvSink,pdwConnection)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> DAdvise(This,pformatetc,advf,pAdvSink,pdwConnection) ) 
    #define IDataObject_DUnadvise(This,dwConnection)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> DUnadvise(This,dwConnection) ) 
    #define IDataObject_EnumDAdvise(This,ppenumAdvise)	\
        ( (This)->lpVtbl -> EnumDAdvise(This,ppenumAdvise) ) 
    #endif /* COBJMACROS */
    #endif 	/* C style interface */
    If this information is already given away by Microsoft, then why should we have to rely on 3rd party sites?

    Question: Can DispCallFunc be used to invoke an arbitrary member of a class running in another thread? Can it be used to raise an event (via a public Sub) of a class running in the main GUI thread by a routine running in another thread?

    BTW, for those interested in a faster way of obtaining a string from a given pointer, check out the comparisons here.
    On Local Error Resume Next: If Not Empty Is Nothing Then Do While Null: ReDim i(True To False) As Currency: Loop: Else Debug.Assert CCur(CLng(CInt(CBool(False Imp True Xor False Eqv True)))): Stop: On Local Error GoTo 0
    Declare Sub CrashVB Lib "msvbvm60" (Optional DontPassMe As Any)

  12. #12

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Bonnie, depends on the class. Obviously the header files are of great use for people that know where to search for them & want to download them. But for custom classes, TLBs may be needed or vendor documentation. Me, it's not like I'm doing low-level stuff every day, so I go out & get the info when I need it. Another link that could be helpful is this one, again 3rd party, and the only way to ensure you have a listing of the most current definitions, no listing will be newer than the originator.

    Questions: Are you asking if it's thread-safe? No documentation on MSDN indicates otherwise. If you are asking about cross-processes, then don't know, never had the need to try to attach to a class outside the immediate process. I think the problem here is scope. Pointers in another process do not point to same memory address of the current process. If an object can be transferred via OLE, then that may be a possibility if the O/S does the marshalling?
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Nov 29th, 2014 at 03:03 PM.
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  13. #13
    Default Member Bonnie West's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    Are you asking if it's thread-safe?
    Somewhat like that. I was wondering whether it could be useful in this specific scenario: The main GUI thread instantiates & initializes a class that in turn spawns a background worker thread (via CreateThread or SHCreateThread or some other API). When the worker thread finishes up, it uses DispCallFunc to invoke a Sub exposed by its parent class and that Sub then raises a TaskComplete() event or something similar. There would be just 1 thread per class instance so the Synchronization APIs would probably not be necessary. It would be great if that's possible.
    On Local Error Resume Next: If Not Empty Is Nothing Then Do While Null: ReDim i(True To False) As Currency: Loop: Else Debug.Assert CCur(CLng(CInt(CBool(False Imp True Xor False Eqv True)))): Stop: On Local Error GoTo 0
    Declare Sub CrashVB Lib "msvbvm60" (Optional DontPassMe As Any)

  14. #14

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Bonnie, if you build a test project and verify one way or the other, post back as others may find the results beneficial. Keep in mind to execute a Sub from an interface, the interface instance must be obtainable too and the VTable offset of the sub must be known in advance.

    For custom classes/interfaces that support IDispatch, should be able to get this info via IDispatch if the sub Name is known.
    - QueryInterface for IDispatch implementation
    - IDispatch:GetIDsOfNames (VTable offset) called to retrieve the DispID of the sub's Name and its parameter info
    - IDispatch:Invoke (VTable offset) would be called to execute that Sub
    I've used IDispatch:GetIDsOfNames in the past. I've never called IDispatch:Invoke manually
    For a truly complicated, twisted, project that used IDispatch:GetIDsOfNames and VB VTable parsing/hacking see this one which overrides usercontrol propertysheet items for customized enumerations
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  15. #15
    Default Member Bonnie West's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    Bonnie, if you build a test project and verify one way or the other, post back as others may find the results beneficial.
    OK, I will! Thanks for the tips!

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    For a truly complicated, twisted, project that used IDispatch:GetIDsOfNames and VB VTable parsing/hacking see this one which overrides usercontrol propertysheet items for customized enumerations
    Yeah, I've seen that project of yours. I'll take a look again and see if I can fully comprehend it this time!
    On Local Error Resume Next: If Not Empty Is Nothing Then Do While Null: ReDim i(True To False) As Currency: Loop: Else Debug.Assert CCur(CLng(CInt(CBool(False Imp True Xor False Eqv True)))): Stop: On Local Error GoTo 0
    Declare Sub CrashVB Lib "msvbvm60" (Optional DontPassMe As Any)

  16. #16

    Thread Starter
    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Bonnie, if this is a Sub from a VB class you want to call, and you know the method's name, far easier:
    :: Copy pointer to uninitialized object and call the Object.SubName, remove pointer from that object, done

    Now, for a bit of fun, let's do a simple example of calling the object's IDispatch.Invoke method instead
    1) Create new class, leave default name & add these 2 methods
    Public Sub TestMe()
        MsgBox "Test"
    End Sub
    Public Function TestMe2() As Long
        MsgBox "Test2" & vbNewLine & "vRtn should equal " & ObjPtr(Me)
        TestMe2 = ObjPtr(Me)
    End Function
    2) Within the form add a command button & this sample code. Ensure project also includes the attached cUniversalDLLCalls class
    Private Type DISPPARAMS
        rgVarg As Long      ' pointer to array of variant agruments
        rgDispID As Long    ' pointer to array of DISPIDs of named argument
        cArgs As Long       ' number of arguments
        cNamedArgs As Long  ' number of named arguments
    End Type
    ' sample of getting the IDataObject GUID
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
        Const IUnknownRelease As Long = 8&
        Const IDispatchIDsOfNames As Long = 20&
        Const IDispatchInvoke As Long = 24&
        Dim IID_Dispatch As Long, lDispID As Long
        Dim aGUID(0 To 3) As Long, sName As String
        Dim DP As DISPPARAMS, vRtn As Variant
        Dim c As New cUniversalDLLCalls, tc As Class1
        Set tc = New Class1
        sName = "{00020400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" ' GUID for IDispatch
        c.CallFunction_DLL "ole32.dll", "IIDFromString", STR_NONE, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, StrPtr(sName), VarPtr(aGUID(0))
        ' ensure object implements IDispatch...
        c.CallFunction_COM ObjPtr(tc), 0&, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, VarPtr(aGUID(0)), VarPtr(IID_Dispatch)
        If IID_Dispatch <> 0& Then
            Erase aGUID()
            sName = "TestMe2" ' << change to another known method in the class
            Call c.CallFunction_COM(IID_Dispatch, IDispatchIDsOfNames, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, VarPtr(aGUID(0)), VarPtr(sName), 1&, 0&, VarPtr(lDispID))
            If lDispID <> 0 Then
                Call c.CallFunction_COM(IID_Dispatch, IDispatchInvoke, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, lDispID, VarPtr(aGUID(0)), 0&, 1&, VarPtr(DP), VarPtr(vRtn), 0&, 0&)
                Debug.Print "return value if any: "; vRtn
                Debug.Print "method ["; sName; "] not found"
            End If
            ' Release the interface at some point. QueryInterface calls AddRef internally
            c.CallFunction_COM IID_Dispatch, IUnknownRelease, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL
        End If
    End Sub
    change sName = "TestMe2" to sName = "TestMe" to test the other sub. Note: that if parameters exist, then this gets more difficult and the DISPPARAMS structure needs to be filled out completely

    Edited: If wanting to pursue this further, here's a bit of help with the DISPPARAMS structure

    1) declare a variable vArgs() As Variant, size it to the number of parameters the method expects
    2) populate it in reverse order and ensure the correct vartype of each param, example:
    method's params: (Index As Integer, NewValue As Long)
    NewValue would be: vArgs(0) = 15&, CLng(15), just ensure Long vartype
    Index would be: vArgs(1) = 1%, CInt(1), just ensure Integer vartype
    3) the structure members: DP.cArgs = nrArgs: DP.rgVarg = VarPtr(vArgs(0))
    4) The 3rd from last parameter in that IDispatchInvoke sample call above is 1&. That is the constant for DISPATCH_METHOD, aka, vbMethod

    So how do we NOT pass an optional parameter to a VB class? Per docs, we must pass Variant of type Error with a specific error code in place of the optional parameter. How that parameter is coded determines whether VB sees it as passed or not passed. The following shows how to NOT provide the final Optional parameter of a method. Remember last parameter is 1st in the array:
    Const DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND As Long = &H80020004
    ' tweak to force variant type of Error. Can use CopyMemory API if desired, but...
    c.CallFunction_DLL "kernel32.dll", "RtlMoveMemory", STR_NONE, CR_None, CC_STDCALL, _
                                VarPtr(vArgs(0)), VarPtr(vbError), 2&
    ' Note: Proper way would be to have VB give us a Variant of Error vartype, i.e., 
    ' vArgs(0)= CVErr(DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND) but that errors
    Ok, that was fun. If anyone is asking what's difference between a parameter and a named parameter? See this MSDN link. If you wish to use named parameters/arguments with IDispatch, you have to get the DISPID of each named argument when you made the call to DispatchIDsOfNames, passing a array of names & a return array for the DISPIDs. These are then populated separately in the DISPPARAMS members. Here is a bit more info. Bottom line, more work but doable.

    Last but not least, haven't tried messing with methods that take ParamArrays, I'll let someone else play with that if they wish
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Dec 1st, 2014 at 06:43 PM.
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  17. #17
    Default Member Bonnie West's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    Bonnie, if this is a Sub from a VB class you want to call, and you know the method's name, far easier:
    :: Copy pointer to uninitialized object and call the Object.SubName, remove pointer from that object, done
    But, would that work across threads (specifically, from a thread where the VB6 runtime environment hasn't been initialized)?

    Anyway, thanks again for your examples and links! I'm sure they'll prove invaluable in helping me figure out a solution to this multi-threading problem.
    On Local Error Resume Next: If Not Empty Is Nothing Then Do While Null: ReDim i(True To False) As Currency: Loop: Else Debug.Assert CCur(CLng(CInt(CBool(False Imp True Xor False Eqv True)))): Stop: On Local Error GoTo 0
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  18. #18

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonnie West View Post
    But, would that work across threads (specifically, from a thread where the VB6 runtime environment hasn't been initialized)?
    You can initialize COM onto the thread via OleInitialiize or CoInitialize/Ex. Don't know if that helps or not.
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    You can initialize COM onto the thread via OleInitialiize or CoInitialize/Ex. Don't know if that helps or not.
    That doesn't help - unless the COM-Class (or -Dll) supports (within its hidden ClassFactory-creation-routine) so called MTAs
    (MultiThreaded Apartments) ... VB-generated COM-Dlls do not support this mode - the best you can switch on in our
    VB-Compiler (when creating ActiveX-dlls) is "Apartment-Threaded" - which will support at least the creation of COM-
    instances on different STAs (within the same Process) - this is due to "legacies" into the (transactional threading)
    of DCOM and COM+ hosting-processes, where VB-Classes (VB-generated COM-Dlls) once played a major role.

    Such a started STA (which fully initializes its ThreadLocalStorage only, when you e.g. create a VB-Class-instance
    on the new Thread in question) runs basically with an "isolated Memory-Allocator", which e.g. creates separate
    allocations for all the Public-Variables which are defined in *.bas-Modules inside a given VB-Dll-Project anew -
    on each new STA-Thread which sees such a new (first) ClassInstance of a given VB-Dll (one can log that e.g.
    with an appropriate ThreadID-writing function in the Dlls Sub Main, which is also jumped into for each STA-thread
    anew, on first instantiation of a VBClass from a given Dll on this new given STA-thread...

    So the TLS-issues is the main-culprit for the unpredictable behaviour (and crashes) we see, when we want to talk
    "across STAs directly" - that's also the reason why we see problems, when VB-defined callbacks are jumped into
    from System-APIs which run on different (System-)Threads.

    MTAs (which VB doesn't support) are far more robust in this regard - but then you will have to handle Thread-
    synchronizing yourself again.

    So, to talk across STAs in a safe way, one has to use the System-provided Marshaling-Functions for that:
    CoMarshalInterThreadInterfaceInStream ->
    CoGetInterfaceAndReleaseStream ->
    which will ensure a synchronous communication - as well as serialization of any passed Params into complete Data-Copies - with each
    Method-call to the other Target-Interface in question.

    For a bit more flexibility I've implemented my own Variant-Array-based serialization-routines for the STA-Threading-Support
    in vbRichClient5 (which communicates over Pipes, achieving a somewhat better performance than normal COM-marshaling this way).


  20. #20

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Take your word for it, however, I believe it can be done just don't know the details. Several years ago, was playing with VB DLL injection and got it to work for the most part. The idea was to catch VB's compilation and tweak the switches to compile the DLL as standard vs active-x. But, as you know, still can't use VB commands/objects for the most part, but a subset can be used with help of TLBs for APIs and String constants. The injection worked but was too cumbersome for me to continue with it. In the process of trying to figure out how to use VB in all of its glory in a thread that wasn't initialized for it, came across another coder that made it work using pure VB. He wouldn't release his secret, but did give me hints. Among those hints was timing & getting COM on the thread. Sorry for the vagueness, this was 8-10 years ago.

    Above being said, I personally have no desire to re-visit that challenge. And hopefully, your insight shines a bit of light for Bonnie
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    Default Member Bonnie West's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Thanks a lot for the additional info, guys!

    I've been doing some research about this lately and unfortunately, it appears it's impossible to safely use the DispCallFunc API for cross-thread method invocation. According to The Rules of the Component Object Model:

    Quote Originally Posted by MSDN
    Apartment Threading Model

    The details of apartment-model threading are actually quite simple, but must be followed carefully, as follows:

    Every object lives on a single thread (within a single apartment).

    • All calls to an object must be made on its thread (within its apartment). It is forbidden to call an object directly from another thread. Applications that attempt to use objects in this free-threaded manner will likely experience problems that will prevent them from running properly in future versions of the operating systems. The implication of this rule is that all pointers to objects must be marshalled between apartments.
    The Inside COM+ e-book mentioned by LaVolpe on the other (VBForums) thread also states basically the same thing:

    Quote Originally Posted by Inside COM+
    Single-Threaded Apartments

    The STA model owns any COM+ objects instantiated by its thread, so all method calls on the object are executed by the thread that created the object. The fact that the same thread that created an object is always used to execute its methods is important to objects that have thread affinity; an object that requires thread affinity must be executed by a particular thread. For example, some objects use thread local storage (TLS) to associate data with a specific thread. An object using TLS expects that the same thread will be used to execute all of its methods. If a different thread executes a method, any attempt to access TLS data will fail. Because objects running in the MTA or NA model can be executed on a variety of different threads, they cannot use TLS. Only objects running in an STA may have thread affinity.
    Oh well, it's too bad DispCallFunc didn't turn out to be as useful in this regard as I had hoped. Sorry for cluttering your thread...


    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    ... came across another coder that made it work using pure VB.
    Could it be this guy? Advanced VB6 DLL Construction by Mathimagics
    Last edited by Bonnie West; Dec 8th, 2014 at 04:45 AM.
    On Local Error Resume Next: If Not Empty Is Nothing Then Do While Null: ReDim i(True To False) As Currency: Loop: Else Debug.Assert CCur(CLng(CInt(CBool(False Imp True Xor False Eqv True)))): Stop: On Local Error GoTo 0
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonnie
    Could it be this guy? Mathimagics
    That's him. I noticed he updated his thread in 2007. Maybe he has now released all his insight? I stopped pursuing that line of logic before 2007, but dang, now I'll have to go and download his documentation in case it shows me where I went wrong way back then... Thanx a ton Bonnie, was happily content before & now I'll be tortured again. jk
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    That's him. I noticed he updated his thread in 2007. Maybe he has now released all his insight? I stopped pursuing that line of logic before 2007, but dang, now I'll have to go and download his documentation in case it shows me where I went wrong way back then... Thanx a ton Bonnie, was happily content before & now I'll be tortured again. jk
    I have few links but website is in Chinese about Hook ANY API Function. I don't know whether you can understand. I sms you.
    Last edited by Jonney; Dec 10th, 2014 at 08:44 AM.

  24. #24

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    TIP: If by any chance, you wish to call a private method on a COM interface/class (i.e., a VB class, form, usercontrol, etc) you can, but the following modification needs to be made:

    1) Within the CallFunction_COM method, you will need to remove the test for the InterfacePointer parameter being zero
    2) Obviously, you will need to know or somehow locate the target private method function pointer/address

    The end result, is that the call to the private method is treated just like a call to a standard DLL, with the additional requirement of passing the COM ObjPtr as the 1st parameter of that method. Example
    Debug.Print myClass.CallFunction_COM (0&, [private function address], STR_NONE, CR_LONG, _
                            CC_STDCALL, ObjPtr(ComInterface), [any private method parameters])
    Edited: See post #35 below for more details.
    We do not need to necessarily know the function pointer of the class instance and its target method, but we definitely need to know where in the vTable the function exists. Let's say we have a simple class that has 10 methods in it and we want to call the last private method. The 10th method would be offset 36 (10*4-4) from the 1st method. We know that the 1st offset in the class will be &H1C or 28 (see post #35 on how we know this). So the adjusted vTable for the 10th method is: 28 + 36 = 64. To call that 10th method:
    myClass.CallFunction_COM(ObjPtr(theClass), 64&, STR_NONE, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, [any method parameters])
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Feb 22nd, 2016 at 03:15 PM.
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    sorry if my question is stupid, but I am a beginner in this sort of loo level coding, and I started with Learning with you

    I try in vain to call the EnumElements form a IStorage......

    I there any body who could help me a little ?

    Private Sub Command2_Click()
       Dim strFilename            As String
       Dim objStorage             As stdole.IUnknown   ' oleexp3.IStorage
       Dim reserved1 As Long, reserved2 As Long, reserved3 As Long
       Dim objESE                 As stdole.IUnknown
       Dim lngESE                 As Long
       Dim lngResult              As Long
       Dim c                      As cUniversalDLLCalls
       strFilename = "C:\OLEObject\oleObject2.bin"
       Set c = New cUniversalDLLCalls
       If StgIsStorageFile(StrPtr(strFilename)) = S_OK Then
          Debug.Assert 0
          lngResult = StgOpenStorage(StrPtr(strFilename), ByVal 0&, _
                                     STGM_DIRECT Or STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE Or STGM_READWRITE, _
                                     ByVal 0&, ByVal 0&, objStorage)
          If lngResult = S_OK Then
             ' METHOD EnumElements ( _                              ' VTable offset = 44
             '      BYVAL prm_reserved1 AS LONG _                      ' [in] reserved1 VT_I4 <Long>
             '      , BYVAL prm_reserved2 AS DWORD _                     ' [in] *reserved2 VT_VOID <Dword>
             '      , BYVAL prm_reserved3 AS LONG _                      ' [in] reserved3 VT_I4 <Long>
             '      , BYREF prm_ppenum AS VBStorageIStrorage _        ' [in][out] **ppenum IStrorage <interface>
             '      )
             'Olaf Schmit way
             'vtblCall ObjPtr(objStorage), 11, VarPtr(reserved1), VarPtr(reserved2), VarPtr(reserved3), ObjPtr(objESE)
             Dim IID_IStrorage As Long, aGUID(0 To 3) As Long
             Const IUnknownQueryInterface As Long = 0&   ' IUnknown vTable offset to Query implemented interfaces
             Const IUnknownRelease As Long = 8&     ' IUnkownn vTable offset to decrement reference count
             Const IStrorageEnumElements As Long = 44&
             ' GUID for IStrorage {0000000B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
             c.CallFunction_DLL "ole32.dll", "CLSIDFromString", STR_UNICODE, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, "{0000000B-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}", VarPtr(aGUID(0))
             c.CallFunction_COM ObjPtr(objStorage), IUnknownQueryInterface, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, VarPtr(aGUID(0)), VarPtr(IID_IStrorage)
             If IID_IStrorage <> 0& Then
                ' get the EnumElements & then Release the IStrorage interface. QueryInterface calls AddRef internally
                Const STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER = &H80030057
                Const STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER = &H80030009
                lngResult = c.CallFunction_COM(IID_IStrorage, IStrorageEnumElements, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, VarPtr(reserved1), VarPtr(reserved2), VarPtr(reserved3), VarPtr(objESE)) 'ObjPtr(objESE))
                Debug.Print "&H" & Hex(lngResult)
                Debug.Assert 0
                c.CallFunction_COM IID_IStrorage, IUnknownRelease, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL
             End If
          End If
       End If
    End Sub


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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Thierry. What is the problem? Do you get an object assigned to objESE, i.e., ObjPtr(objESE) <> 0 ?

    Edited: Don't know why you are testing whether the objStorage object implements IStorage? StgOpenStorage returns the objStorage which is IStorage. So, if you remove that portion of the code, replace IID_Storage with ObjPtr(objStorage) when retrieving the IEnumStatStg object.

    objESE is another interface. That interface has methods that must be called to enumerate the IStorage. objESE is a IEnumSTATSTG interface. Its VTable order, after IUnknown, is:
    Next, offset of 12
    Skip, offset of 16
    Reset, offset of 20
    Clone, offset of 24

    The link I provided describes each of the IEnumSTATSTG methods.

    P.S. Remove the VarPtr() from the 1st 3 parameters. That is likely part of the problem. With my function, VarPtr() is used for ByRef, [in/out], [out] type of parameters only. The final parameter is correct in using VarPtr(). As is, instead of passing 0, 0, 0 you are passing 0 variable pointer, 0 variable pointer, 0 variable pointer all of which will be non-zero.

    If you have questions on how to use IEnumSTATSTG, please post it in the questions portion of the forum. Myself, Olaf, Fafalone & others are likely to reply
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Nov 28th, 2015 at 11:34 AM.
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Thanks a lot for your quick and cleaver answer...
    At this time, I was googling a lot... and found threads from you, Olaf, Fafalone, The Trick... I am far to understand all I read, but I love what I found...
    First I need to go step by step to understand more deeper the out-of-the-word samples you give us....

    When I will succes, promise I will share the solution I found.... but fisrt I need to learn more before post stupid question

    NB I know the "IEnumSTATSTG interface".... all my work is for a code share here that I try to make better (with no Tlb referece) =>
    Last edited by Thierry76; Nov 28th, 2015 at 11:59 AM.

  28. #28

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by Thierry76 View Post
    Thanks a lot for your quick and cleaver answer... but fisrt learn before post stupid question
    Not a stupid question & glad you posted code, otherwise, we could've gone around in circles if I didn't see you using VarPtr(), incorrectly, with my function. Assuming Olaf's & my functions work identically was a just a tad bit foolish . Regarding the QueryInterface call, no harm, no foul; just not needed.
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    I have one question for the experts... All the methods in MS Interfaces I used return a vbLong ( alias VT_I4)... is it alvway the case ? ? ? it can make my code more simple ...
    Last edited by Thierry76; Nov 29th, 2015 at 12:15 PM.

  30. #30
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    TIP: If by any chance, you wish to call a private method on a COM interface/class (i.e., a VB class, form, usercontrol, etc) you can, but the following modification needs to be made:

    1) Within the CallFunction_COM method, you will need to remove the test for the InterfacePointer parameter being zero
    2) Obviously, you will need to know or somehow locate the target private method function pointer/address

    The end result, is that the call to the private method is treated just like a call to a standard DLL, with the additional requirement of passing the COM ObjPtr as the 1st parameter of that method. Example
    Debug.Print myClass.CallFunction_COM (0&, [private function address], STR_NONE, CR_LONG, _
                            CC_STDCALL, ObjPtr(ComInterface), [any private method parameters])
    Dear Lavolpe,

    I tried to hide form 2 in standard exe project.It hides if I use tc.hide directly where tc is form2 object.
    But when I try to hide form2 using CallFunction_COM giving 516 as the address of Hide method
    'ie, vtableoffset as per interface _Form which derives from IDispatch located in vb6.olb in vb98 folderwhen we view the typelib using oleview.Hide is the 122th method+3(for IUnknown)+4(for IDispatch)=129*4bytes=516.
    the Hide method of the form2 is not called.

    Can you clarify me where I am doing wrong.
    I am attaching the sample standard exe project.I have used your cUniversalDLLCalls class from sample.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  31. #31

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Ok, here's what I see.

    When you are trying to call a public method/property from IDispatch, you do not need any offsets. You simply need the dispatch ID. You almost got the right mix with these two attempts 1) per your zip and 2) per your PM to me. The blue highlighted range of characters is the difference between the two. #2 is more correct & its fixes are described below.
    1. Call c.CallFunction_COM(IID_Dispatch, IDispatchInvoke, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, ObjPtr(tc), VarPtr(aGUID(0)), 0&, 1&, VarPtr(DP), VarPtr(vRtn), 0&, 0&)
    2. Call c.CallFunction_COM(IID_Dispatch, IDispatchInvoke, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, lDispID, VarPtr(aGUID(0)), 0&, 1&, VarPtr(DP), VarPtr(vRtn), 0&, 0&)
    To get it working, two things are needed, with statement #2 above.

    1. Elsewhere in your code, change 516& below to 0&. You want to call QueryInterface, offset of zero, to get the IDispatch interface pointer
    c.CallFunction_COM ObjPtr(tc), 516&, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, VarPtr(aGUID(0)), VarPtr(IID_Dispatch)
    2. The return item from IDispatch is Variant. You cannot pass VarPtr(vRtn). Just use vRtn. Passing VarPtr() will have the class interpret the parameter as Long not Variant. This, alone, will prevent the call from working

    Where the offsets can come into play is if you are trying to call public or private methods of a class/form, etc, relative to the object's VTable. But that is far more difficult and generally never needed unless attempting to call a private method that is not exposed by IDispatch.

    FYI: VB's CallByName is a wrapper, of sorts, for IDispatch.Invoke. This would have worked also...
    CallByName tc, "Hide", vbMethod

    Also note that if IsObject(someObj)=True then ObjPtr(someObj) returns the IDispatch pointer. Your code could be reduced quite a bit to the following. Also know that lDispID can be negative or zero & testing for <> 0 is not quite correct.
        sName = "Hide" ' << change to another known method in the class
        Call c.CallFunction_COM(ObjPtr(tc), IDispatchIDsOfNames, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, VarPtr(aGUID(0)), VarPtr(sName), 1&, 0&, VarPtr(lDispID))
        If lDispID <> 0 Then
            Call c.CallFunction_COM(ObjPtr(tc), IDispatchInvoke, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, lDispID, VarPtr(aGUID(0)), 0&, 1&, VarPtr(DP), vRtn, 0&, 0&)
        End If
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Feb 20th, 2016 at 06:11 PM.
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  32. #32
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Dear Lavolpe,

    Thankyou for the reply.It worked fine.

    But regarding VTables,

    Where the offsets can come into play is if you are trying to call public or private methods of a class/form, etc, relative to the object's VTable. But that is far more difficult and generally never needed unless attempting to call a private method that is not exposed by IDispatch.

    I have gone thru how to replace virtual table of a class method Method1 with another

    method Method2 of the same class using SwapMethods method.I am replacing Method1 public

    method with Method2 method of the same class.The sample works fine.

    But when I use the same code for main form form1 as well as new form form2 public

    methods instead of class methods as above the code does'nt work.Please clarify whether

    there is any difference between form and class methods in terms of their vtable and where I

    am doing wrong.I think both the class and forms derive from IDispatch interface.For class

    &H1C(i.e,4*8) is the offset to first vtable public method.But when I use the same for forms it

    doen'st work.I also used (146+3+4=153)*4=612& since already 145 entries are there in interface _form and then I use 146 as the next entry.But it didnt work.How can I do the same for forms.I am attaching code which is standard exe project.

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  33. #33
    Hyperactive Member
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Dear Lavolpe ,

    Sorry it is &H1C (decimal 28 or 4*7) since IUnknown+IDispatch(3+4=7*4) and I misspelled as 4*8=32 for the class
    Byte offset of first index in Virtual Function Table.


  34. #34
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Dear Lavolpe,

    You said that is far more difficult and generally never needed unless attempting to call a private method that is not exposed by IDispatch
    Can you give me example of such private methods which are not exposed by IDispatch along with the above clarification with how to find
    vtable offset of both types(IUnknown and IDispatch exposed interfaces) .


  35. #35

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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    The offsets you will want are in multiples of 4 as expected. For a class, these start at &H1C, but not always. The following are relative to IDE, uncompiled, and should be verified when compiled to see if things change...

    1. VB places Public methods first in the VTable, then private and friend methods. The sort order, from some quick tests, are: Public methods first, in same order listed in the class. Then private and friend, in same order listed in the class. It appears, VB makes no distinction between friend and private, as far as sorting goes, when creating the vTable for the class

    2. If the class contains any public variable declarations, i.e., Public mOwner As Long, then the first item in the class is offset and no longer at &H1C. From tests, it appears each Public variable declared at top of the class offsets the first method in the class by 8 bytes or 12 bytes. VB creates a Property Get/Let for such public variables. 8 bytes for non-Object/Variant variables (Get/Let), 12 bytes for Object/Variant variables (Get/Let/Set). These appear to be in order declared and the Property Get is before Property Let/Set in the vTable.

    As you've stated, the class with no public variables declared, starts at offset &H1C. Forms start at &H6F8, this includes mdi forms, mdi child forms, as well as 'normal' forms.

    Using a class as an example, with no public declared variables
    Private Sub Test1()
        Debug.Print "got private sub"
    End Sub
    Public Sub Test2()
        Debug.Print "got public sub"
    End Sub
    Friend Sub Test3()
        Debug.Print "got friend sub"
    End Sub
    A call might look like the following... where o is an instance of the test class above. Notice the order of the subs above and the order that was called after the code below is executed
    Call c.CallFunction_COM(ObjPtr(o), &H1C, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL)
    Call c.CallFunction_COM(ObjPtr(o), &H1C + 4&, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL)
    Call c.CallFunction_COM(ObjPtr(o), &H1C + 8&, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL)
    ' the print out would look like:
    got public sub
    got private sub
    got friend sub
    As you can see, calling VB objects by vTable is far more difficult and absolutely requires knowledge of the vTable order. Personally, I would not use my class for calling public methods/properties that are accessible from IDispatch. Use a class instance directly or indirectly via VB's CallByName. Calling private methods of a class can be a niffty way of communicating with the class without making the method public or friend, but I'd imagine only a few scenarios may exist where you want to obfuscate in this manner.

    Edited: Adding Implements to the class offsets the first method also. Once you know the structure of the class and it is finally set, then your offsets can be better determined. Adding, removing, or moving methods within the class change offsets.

    Here is a routine that can help. If it fails, it will crash. Use for testing only...
    1. Pass to it an instantiated VB-only code object: form, class, usercontrol
    :: note: from outside the usercontrol, use ObjPtr(UserControl[xxx].Object)
    :: from within the usercontrol, use ObjPtr(Me)
    2. That object must have at least one private, public or friend method/property else crash
    3. The debug.print statement will show the vTable offset where the first method occurs
    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
    Private Sub zProbe(o As Object)
        Dim nStart As Long, nAddr As Long
        Dim nEntry As Long, bSig As Byte
        If o Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        CopyMemory nStart, ByVal ObjPtr(o), 4&
        nAddr = nStart
            CopyMemory nEntry, ByVal nAddr, 4&
            If nEntry <> 0& Then
                CopyMemory bSig, ByVal nEntry, 1&
                If bSig = &H33 Or bSig = &HE9 Then ' native or pcode signature
                    Debug.Print "first method from vTable "; nStart; " is "; nAddr - nStart
                    Exit Do
                End If
            End If
            nAddr = nAddr + 4&
    End Sub
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Feb 22nd, 2016 at 05:46 PM.
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  36. #36
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Dear Lavolpe,
    Thankyou very much for the awesome reply.Now swapping works fine.
    In the following test code given I want to know

    1.How to differentiate between public,private members/methods.
    2.If I comment Exit Do and run the code how to make it give all total members/methods without crashing.Here &H33 and &HE9 are used.How to know about this constants.
    3.You said that is far more difficult and generally never needed unless attempting to call a private method that is not exposed by IDispatch.What are those private methods not exposed by IDispatch.

    Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (ByRef Destination As Any, ByRef Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

    Private Sub zProbe(o As Object)

    Dim nStart As Long, nAddr As Long
    Dim nEntry As Long, bSig As Byte

    If o Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
    CopyMemory nStart, ByVal ObjPtr(o), 4&
    nAddr = nStart
    CopyMemory nEntry, ByVal nAddr, 4&
    If nEntry <> 0& Then
    CopyMemory bSig, ByVal nEntry, 1&
    If bSig = &H33 Or bSig = &HE9 Then ' native or pcode signature
    Debug.Print "first method from vTable "; nStart; " is "; nAddr - Start
    Exit Do
    End If
    End If
    nAddr = nAddr + 4&

    End Sub


  37. #37

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    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    If I comment Exit Do and run the code how to make it give all total members/methods without crashing.Here &H33 and &HE9 are used.How to know about this constants.
    Here is a project on planet-source-code site that was developed by Paul Caton. The snippet I provided for getting the code offset comes from that project. In that project, you can see how Paul used IsBadCodePtr API to locate the final method of the code page. That project may help understanding the logic. As far as where the bSig constants come from, I assume that was the result of Paul decompiling and/or debugging compiled code. Those constants were only used to locate the initial offset of the code page. Paul used another routine to take that starting point and scan memory, from that starting point, to locate the final method. Note that those constants are likely applicable to VB-code pages only. I doubt that logic will work on all COM objects.

    How to differentiate between public,private members/methods
    Not sure I understand the question. If you know how many methods exist in the code page and how many methods are exposed by IDispatch, then the difference is the private/friend method count. To get the number of public methods from IDispatch might be doable by first getting the ITypeInfo interface. The ITypeInfo interface can be retrieved via IDispatch::GetTypeInfo. From that you can call ITypeInfo.GetTypeAttr which fills in a TYPEATTR structure. In that structure are the counts you are curious about. I would be curious if TYPEATTR.cbSizeVft returns the size of the vTable with or without private methods

    Edited: Note that Friend methods ,within VB only, can be exposed when an object is early bound, not late bound (i.e., something declared as generic Object). Friend functions are not exposed via IDispatch.

    What are those private methods not exposed by IDispatch.
    All private/friend methods of the code page are not exposed by IDispatch. Only public methods are exposed. There is no way that I know of that will allow you to determine the parameter information or return types of any private/friend methods.

    In any case, it is usually a requirement to know the vTable in advance before modifying it or calling methods from it. Trying to discover the vTable count (including private methods) and method details of each method associated with the vTable, on the fly, as far as I know, is not possible. If it is possible, you'll likely find that on sites that discuss hacking and VB decompiling.

    Edited: Follow-up based solely on curiosity...
    Get the ITypeInfo interface, then the TYPEATTR structure
    Private Type TYPEATTR
        guid(0 To 3)            As Long
        lcid                    As Long
        dwReserved              As Long
        memidConstructor        As Long
        memidDestructor         As Long
        pstrSchema              As Long
        cbSizeInstance          As Long
        TYPEKIND                As Long
        cFuncs                  As Integer
        cVars                   As Integer
        cImplTypes              As Integer
        cbSizeVft               As Integer
        cbAlignment             As Integer
        wTypeFlags              As Integer
        wMajorVerNum            As Integer
        wMinorVerNum            As Integer
        tdescAlias              As Long
        idldescType             As Long
    End Type
    .... test code, o is a test class
    Dim ITInfo As IUnknown 
    Dim pAttrs As Long, uTA as TYPEATTR
        ' offset 16 = IDispatch.GetTypeInfo
        c.CallFunction_COM ObjPtr(o), 16&, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, 0&, 0&, VarPtr(ITInfo)
        If Not ITInfo Is Nothing Then
             ' offset 12 = ITypeInfo.GetTypeAttr
             c.CallFunction_COM ObjPtr(ITInfo), 12&, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, VarPtr(pAttrs)
             If pAttrs <> 0 Then
                 CopyMemory uTA, ByVal pAttrs, LenB(uTA)
                 ' offset 76 = ITypeInfo.ReleaseTypeAttr
                 c.CallFunction_COM ObjPtr(ITInfo), 76&, CR_LONG, CC_STDCALL, pAttrs
             End If
             Set ITInfo = Nothing
        End If
    Using the above code in a couple different scenarios, the uTA members show this:
    1) Standard class with just 1 public method
    :: uTA.cFuncs = 1: uTA.cbSizeVft = 32 (IUnknown+IDispatch+1 method -- [3+4+1]*4 = 32 )
    2) Standard class with 1 public & 1 private method
    :: uTA.cFuncs = 1: uTA.cbSizeVft = 36 (IUnknown+IDispatch+2 methods -- [3+4+2]*4 = 36 )
    3) Standard class with 1 public & 1 private method & 1 publicly declared variable
    :: uTA.cFuncs = 3: uTA.cbSizeVft = 44 (IUnknown+IDispatch+2 methods+1 Get/Let-- [3+4+2+1+1]*4 = 44
    :: note that uTA.cFuncs changed because of the VB-generated public Get/Let for the variable

    1. The uTA.cbSizeVft appears to be correct size to include all methods
    2. The uTA.cFuncs includes only public methods, including VB-generated Get/Let/Set
    3. If adding an Implements statement to the class, the uTA.cbSizeVft increases, but other key uTA members do not change. uTA.cbSizeInstance does change.
    4. With a form, not a class, just 1 private method. uTA.cbSizeVft returns 1788 = &H678+4

    Getting the offset for the final method in the class, assuming all Public methods are listed first in the class, is fairly straightforward: uTA.cbSizeVft - 4

    Getting the 1st method's offset using ITypeInfo is not so straightforward. If no public methods exist at all, then don't see how ITypeInfo will help. Paul Caton's logic may be the only way.

    1. If no public variables are declared, then it is straightforward.
    - Call ITypeInfo.GetFuncDescr for function index 0
    - Read returnPointer+28 into an Integer and that is the vTable offset
    - Release the pointer

    2. If public variables exist then I don't see a way to locate the first public method unless that first method is NOT a property, i.e., a public sub or function. Otherwise, the first function offset will be the Property Get of the 1st declared public variable. If first method is a public function or sub, then:
    - Call ITypeInfo.GetFuncDesc in a loop from 0 to uTA.cFuncs-1 (see notes above)
    - Read returnPointer+16 into a Long and that determines if method is property or not
    - If method type is a property (not = 1), release pointer & continue looping
    - Else read returnPointer+28 into an Integer and that is the vTable offset, release pointer, exit loop
    Last edited by LaVolpe; Feb 24th, 2016 at 10:19 AM. Reason: had offset incorrect, fixed
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  38. #38
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Dear Lavolpe,
    Thank you very much for the offset correction by editing and thunks reply.
    I have gone thru your reply about thunks.
    I wrote one thunk for calling form object member function using redirection from a function called thru addressof operator since we cannot call member functions directly using addressof.
    I am unable to get my form object Friend Function WndProc to run even though I use thunking .
    I am sending the project zip as attachement.
    I took the byte codes in pushparamthunk UDT object thunk .
    To execute the asm byte codes in pushparamthunk UDT I use CallwindowProc.Is this the only way to execute asm.Are there any other methods.
    Am I missing something because when I run the code the app crashes.
    Please clarify.
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  39. #39

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    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    I do not know if your ASM is correct, don't know if stack corruption is occurring or not. The flow seems simple enough, create ASM that will push the objptr on the stack along with the subclass parameters, then forward to the static module function address. Whether your ASM is doing this correctly or not, I do not know.

    Since your questions no longer apply to this thread (the class posted at top of thread), you may want to post your questions in the VB forum, not the codebank. Here are some possible solutions. But I don't want to use this thread to discuss subclassing techniques.

    Google for these key terms: self-subclass paul caton. Any hits that are on planetsourcecode are what you want. Paul has produced reliable classes that are templates for subclassing to methods within any class, form, usercontrol, etc. Those classes already include the ASM and the ASM source, if interested in reviewing/modifying it.

    Subclassing to a private method in form or class can be done a bit easier if you are already using a module. May want to look at this thread
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  40. #40
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    Re: [VB6] Call Functions By Pointer (Universall DLL Calls)

    Dear Lavolpe,
    Thankyou for the response.
    Here is the asm code for pushparamthunk

    'asm code
    push [esp]
    mov eax, 1234h // Dummy value, pushed parameter
    mov [esp + 4], eax
    nop // nop Adjustment so the next long is aligned
    mov eax, 5678h // Dummy value, destination function
    jmp eax

    I generated byte codes thru the use of vc++ win32 app in which I dissembled the asm and took code bytes thru the vc++ IDE for the

    'asm code
    push [esp]
    mov eax, 1234h // Dummy value, pushed parameter
    mov [esp + 4], eax
    nop // nop Adjustment so the next long is aligned
    mov eax, 5678h // Dummy value, destination function
    jmp eax



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