Here's how to make a specific gridview column read only when a gridview row editing event has been triggered.
See RowCreated event on making a gridview column read only. Code:
Protected Sub gvDetails_RowCreated(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles gvDetails.RowCreated
For Each cell As TableCell In e.Row.Cells
If ((Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(cell.Text)) And (cell.Text <> " ")) Then
Dim fld As BoundField
fld = DirectCast(DirectCast(cell, DataControlFieldCell).ContainingField, BoundField)
If fld.DataField = "CustomerID" Then
fld.ReadOnly = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Sample Code: ASP.NET in VB
- VS 2010
- ADO.NET Entity Framework
- Northwinds Database