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Thread: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

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    VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    As the title says, just an example for dynamic Menu and ToolBar-handling,
    based on the Graphics-Classes (the Widget- and Form-Engine) of vbRichClient5.dll:

    The contained Modules of the Demo:

    Option Explicit
    'this function returns a dynamically created Menu as a JSON-String (which could be stored in a DB, or elsewhere)
    Public Function ExampleMenuAsJSONString() As String
    Dim Root As cMenuItem
      Set Root = Cairo.CreateMenuItemRoot("MenuBar", "MenuBar")
      AddFileMenuEntriesTo Root.AddSubItem("File", "&File")
      AddEditMenuEntriesTo Root.AddSubItem("Edit", "&Edit")
      AddEditMenuEntriesTo Root.AddSubItem("Disabled", "&Disabled", , False)  'just to demonstrate a disabled entry
      AddExtrMenuEntriesTo Root.AddSubItem("Extras", "E&xtras")
      AddHelpMenuEntriesTo Root.AddSubItem("Help", "&Help")
      ExampleMenuAsJSONString = Root.ToJSONString
    End Function
    Public Sub AddFileMenuEntriesTo(MI As cMenuItem)
      MI.AddSubItem "New", "&New", "Document-New"
      MI.AddSubItem "Sep", "-"
      MI.AddSubItem "Open", "&Open...", "Document-Open"
      MI.AddSubItem "Save", "&Save", "Document-Save"
      MI.AddSubItem "SaveAs", "&Save as...", "Document-Save-As"
      MI.AddSubItem "Sep2", "-"
      MI.AddSubItem "ExitApp", "E&xit Application", "Application-Exit"
    End Sub
    Public Sub AddEditMenuEntriesTo(MI As cMenuItem)
      MI.AddSubItem "Cut", "C&ut", "Edit-Cut"
      MI.AddSubItem "Copy", "&Copy", "Edit-Copy"
      MI.AddSubItem "Paste", "&Paste", "Edit-Paste", CBool(Len(New_c.Clipboard.GetText))
      MI.AddSubItem "Delete", "&Delete", "Edit-Delete"
      MI.AddSubItem "Sep", "-" '<- a Menu-Separatorline-Definiton
      MI.AddSubItem "Select all", "&Select all", "Edit-Select-All"
    End Sub
    Public Sub AddExtrMenuEntriesTo(MI As cMenuItem)
    Dim SubMenuPar As cMenuItem, SubSubMenuPar As cMenuItem
      MI.AddSubItem "Item1", "Menu-Item&1", "MenuIconKey1"
      MI.AddSubItem "Item2", "Menu-Item&2", "MenuIconKey3", False
      MI.AddSubItem "Item3", "-" '<- a Menu-Separatorline-Definiton
      MI.AddSubItem "Item4", "&Menu-Item2 disabled", "MenuIconKey1", , True
      Set SubMenuPar = MI.AddSubItem("Item5", "This pops up a &SubMenu", "MenuIconKey2")
        'two entries into the SubMenu (as children of 'Item5' of the above Code-Block)
        SubMenuPar.AddSubItem "SubItem1", "Caption SubItem1", "MenuIconKey1"
        Set SubSubMenuPar = SubMenuPar.AddSubItem("SubItem2", "Caption SubItem2", "MenuIconKey2")
          'and just 1 entry into the SubSubMenu (children of 'SubItem2' of the above Code-Block)
          SubSubMenuPar.AddSubItem "SubSubItem1", "Caption SubSubItem1", "MenuIconKey1"
    End Sub
    Public Sub AddHelpMenuEntriesTo(MI As cMenuItem)
      MI.AddSubItem "About", "&About", "About-Hint"
      MI.AddSubItem "Sep", "-"
      MI.AddSubItem "Index", "&Index...", "Help-Contents"
      MI.AddSubItem "Find", "&Find...", "Edit-Find"
    End Sub
    and modToolBarResources.bas
    Option Explicit
    Public Sub CreateToolBarEntriesOn(ToolBar As cwToolBar)
      ToolBar.AddItem "Home", "go-home", , , "normal Icon with 'IsCheckable = True'", , True
      ToolBar.AddItem "Undo", "go-previous", , , "normal Icon"
      ToolBar.AddItem "Redo", "go-next", , , "disabled Icon", False
      ToolBar.AddItem "Search", "page-zoom", , ddDropDown, "Icon with DropDownArrow"
      ToolBar.AddItem "Sep", , "-", , "Separator-Line"
      ToolBar.AddItem "TxtItem1", , "TxtItem1", , "plain Text-Item"
      ToolBar.AddItem "TxtItem2", "Document-Save-As", "TxtItem2", , "Text-Item with Icon"
      ToolBar.AddItem "Sep2", , "-", , "Separator-Line"
      ToolBar.AddItem "TxtItem3", , "TxtItem3", ddDropDown, "Text-Item with DropDown"
      ToolBar.AddItem "TxtItem4", "Edit-Find", "TxtItem4", ddDropDown, "Text-Item with Icon and DropDown"
      ToolBar.AddItem "Sep3", , "-", , "Separator-Line"
      ToolBar.AddItem "TxtItem5", "Document-Open", "TxtItem5", ddCrumbBar, "Text-Item with Icon and CrumbBar-Style-DropDown"
      ToolBar.AddItem "TxtItem6", , "TxtItem6", ddCrumbBar, "Text-Item with CrumbBar-Style-DropDown"
      ToolBar.AddItem "TxtItem7", , "TxtItem7", , "plain Text-Item"
    End Sub
    ... contain the lines of code which are needed, to construct and achieve the following output:


    ToolBar-DropDown as the result of a DropArrow-Click (showing a dynamic PopUp-Menu):

    The constructed Menus use String-Keys to refer to previously loaded Icon and Image-Resources -
    and they can be serialized to JSON-Strings (storable in a DB for example).

    Any imaginable modern Alpha-Image-Resource can be used, as e.g. *.png, *.ico - but also
    (as shown in the Demo) *.svg and *.svgz Vector-Images.

    The example is completely ownerdrawn and truly independent from any MS-Menu-APIs, so one
    can adapt *anything* as needed (e.g. the shape of the dropdown-form, colors, fonts, etc.) -
    though the Demo as it is tries for a moderate style, mimicking a Win7-look roughly (with some
    slight differences I personally like, but the whole thing is adaptable as said).

    The code which implements this Menu-System is contained in one 'cf'-prefixed cWidgetForm-class
    (cfPopUp for the hWnd-based Popups) - accompanied by 6 additional 'cw'-prefixed cWidgetBase-derived Classes:

    cwMenuBar + cwMenuBarItem for the Menu-Strip
    cwMenu + cwMenuItem for the DropDown-menus
    cwToolBar + cwToolBarItem for the simple ToolBar-Implementation

    I post this example more with regards to those, who want to learn how to program Widgets using
    the vbRichClient-lib...
    The above mentioned cwSomething Classes are programmable very similar to a VB-UserControl
    (internally the same Event-Set is provided with KeyDown, MouseMove, MouseWheel, MouseEnter/MouseLeave etc.)

    E.g. the cwToolBar-WidgetClass has only 100 lines of code - and the cwToolBarItem only 130 -
    that's quite lean for what it does and offer, when you compare that with the efforts needed,
    when "fighting" with SubClassing and SendMessage Calls against e.g. the MS-CommonControls.

    There's not a single Win-API-call throughout the implementation - but that's normal
    for any framework, since they usually try to abstract from the underlying system.
    The Menu- and ToolBar-Textrendering is Unicode-capable.

    Have fun with it - here's the Zip-Download-Link:

    Last edited by Schmidt; May 22nd, 2014 at 09:53 AM.

  2. #2
    Frenzied Member
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Nice, Olaf. Quick 'behavioural' report; when one presses ALT the first menu item is activated (as it should be) but the arrow-left/right keys do not do anything (like they should).

    However, if one presses ALT, followed by 'ESC', the arrow-key behaviour functions correctly. Haven't had time to trouble-shoot the code for this as yet so thought I'd post in case you were aware of a quick fix, being the author....
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  3. #3

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    Nice, Olaf. Quick 'behavioural' report; when one presses ALT the first menu item is activated (as it should be) but the arrow-left/right keys do not do anything (like they should).

    However, if one presses ALT, followed by 'ESC', the arrow-key behaviour functions correctly. Haven't had time to trouble-shoot the code for this as yet so thought I'd post in case you were aware of a quick fix, being the author....
    Ok, thanks for the report... "quick-fix-applied now"... (just re-download).

    The behaviour is only seen, because I wrote this Demo using cWidgetForm-Panels, and then
    placed them on a normal VB-TopLevel-Form as the Host.

    In case a cWidgetForm is used as the TopLevel-HostForm, then the mis-behaviour you've encountered is not happening.


  4. #4
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Working as expected, though I have observed some other quirks which I can report if you're interested?

    For example, press ALT, and then press ALT-X. Notice that you now appear to have two 'active' menus (though, of course, only one actually is) i.e. two top-level menus now have the 'active' outline effect.
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  5. #5

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    Working as expected, though I have observed some other quirks which I can report if you're interested?

    For example, press ALT, and then press ALT-X. Notice that you now appear to have two 'active' menus (though, of course, only one actually is) i.e. two top-level menus now have the 'active' outline effect.
    Ah thanks - fixed now as well - also encountered that whilst a Bar-Menu is already in dropped-down-state
    (e.g. when the File-Menu is dropped down), that you couldn't activate another Top-Menu per accelerator-keys
    (e.g.per <Alt>+<x>, to switch over from the dropped-down-FileMenu to the Extras-Menu).

    Download with these newest fixes again from the same link...


  6. #6
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    I'll check it out...

    I also noticed that when a sub-menu pops-up, the first item has the mouse-over effect even though the mouse isn't yet (and may never be) over that item. Looking at the code, I can see why this is; the line (from memory) about W.Focused or W.MouseOver is true because the first sub-menu item is focused as soon as the sub-menu's window is created, correct? Anyhow, perhaps the sub-menu window should remain un-activated until a mouse-over or key-press activates it? Just a thought.

    More of a quirk in behaviour than something that creates a real problem although it could be argued that it is unclear to the user what will happen when they press the enter key since the mouse is over one menu item but the focus is on another. Hope that makes sense.
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  7. #7

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    I'll check it out...

    I also noticed that when a sub-menu pops-up, the first item has the mouse-over effect even though the mouse isn't yet (and may never be) over that item. Looking at the code, I can see why this is; the line (from memory) about W.Focused or W.MouseOver is true because the first sub-menu item is focused as soon as the sub-menu's window is created, correct? Anyhow, perhaps the sub-menu window should remain un-activated until a mouse-over or key-press activates it? Just a thought.

    More of a quirk in behaviour than something that creates a real problem although it could be argued that it is unclear to the user what will happen when they press the enter key since the mouse is over one menu item but the focus is on another. Hope that makes sense.
    Makes sense perfectly - though not really a problem (IMO) - since when using the Mouse,
    the Enter-Key will (with high probability) not be used - whilst when using the Keyboard for
    Menu-Interaction, the behaviour could almost be considered "a feature" <g>.


  8. #8
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Indeed. When using the keyboard, the current behaviour is as expected since the pop-up doesn't appear until the user presses the right arrow key and, in that case, it is natural for the first sub-menu item to become 'active' since it's parent window is also active. Just thought I'd mention it anyway even though I know that you do not necessarily subscribe to the idea that Windows UI behaviour should be meticulously mimicked.

    btw, not to side-track the thread but any news on that DirectDraw issue?
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  9. #9
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Gah! Just noticed that latest version crashes when using the keyboard;
    'path key has to start with the key of this item, which is; Menubar'
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  10. #10

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    Gah! Just noticed that latest version crashes when using the keyboard;
    'path key has to start with the key of this item, which is; Menubar'
    Oops, sorry - this is due to an enhancement on the cMenuItem.SubItemByPathKey method,
    which now understands also PathKeys, which do not include the Key of the cMenuItem itself
    (e.g. the Key of the RootObject doesn't have to be given anmyore in the newest, not yet
    uploaded Version of the RichClient, which now supports both, the old mode and this new,
    shorter notation)... the problem was, that I didn't switch back the Demo-Sources to the
    older (longer) path-Keys after my tests.

    I've re-uploaded the Demo with the older Path-Key-Notations, which the older RC5-version supports.


  11. #11
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Cool. Loving it that you can describe a hard crash as the result of an enhancement, btw; ever considered a career in politics
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  12. #12

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    Cool. Loving it that you can describe a hard crash as the result of an enhancement, btw; ever considered a career in politics
    Nah, an active SubClassing (as in cwMenu) can cause IDE-Crashes when unhandled COM-Errors are involved -
    if you'd use the cf and cw-Classes from a Dll-Binary (I've copied the Classes as Private ones into this Demo,
    to avoid vbWidgets.dll) - then you would have got a clean (debuggable) Error for the non-resolvable
    (too short) Key, your current RC5 doesn't support yet.


  13. #13
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Actually, it was trying its best to allow me to debug the error (the IDE debug dialog did appear) but it crashed hard if I tried to take up its offer!
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  14. #14

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    Actually, it was trying its best to allow me to debug the error (the IDE debug dialog did appear) but it crashed hard if I tried to take up its offer!
    Just an attempt to explain the "why"...

    ... I get the same "hard freeze" here, when I cause an unhandled error in a routine
    which in IDE-mode would jump to the line in question - but that attempt of the IDE will then
    interact with the SubClassing in a way which is not healthy...

    The SubClasser within RC5 (cSubClass) is already hardened for userplaced IDE-Breakpoints,
    which it allows and survives - and it also has code in it, which survives IDE-StopButton presses -
    where it doesn't offer a safety-nets yet, is direct jumping of the IDE to the place where an
    unhandled Error "just happened" (in a context which involved an Event on a hWnd which was

    And this latter problem becomes only apparent in (IDE-reachable) classes which use cSubClass -
    and are not (yet) contained and used from a Dll. In our case this class is cwMenu, which is using
    cSubClass to detect Non-Client-Area Mouseclicks (namely the Hosting-Forms Caption),
    to be able to immediately hide the Popup-Window in this case...

    Ok, but since cwMenu is the only WidgetClass in the whole vbWidgets-Project which uses internal
    SubClassing - and since what it subclasses is not "mission-critical" - I've now built-in a switch which
    simply disables the SubClassing when cwMenu is "exposed" as sourcecode in the IDE.

    Uploaded a new version.


  15. #15
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Thanks for taking the time to explain.
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  16. #16
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Just took another look at this as I (and it's a personal thing) found that mouse-over behaviour on the sub-menus a little annoying. Anyway, I made these code changes to get the effect I prefer.

    Private Sub ShowSubMenu(ByVal MenuItem As cwMenuItem, ByVal WithFocus As Boolean)
      End If
      Set mSubMenu = New cwMenu
          mSubMenu.Widget.FontSize = MenuItem.Widget.FontSize
          mSubMenu.InitAndShow MenuItem.Widget, WithFocus, MenuItem.SubMenuDS
    End Sub
    Public Sub InitAndShow(InitiatorWidget As cWidgetBase, WithFocus As Boolean, Optional DataSource As cMenuItem, Optional ByVal DirectionBehaviour As enmMenuPopUpPosition)
    Dim MenuItem As cwMenuItem, PopupPosX As Single, PopupPosY As Single, MousePosX As Long, MousePosY As Long
      If Not TypeOf mInitiatorWidget.object Is cwMenu Then
        mInitiatorWidget.Root.BlockKeyEvents True, PopUp.Form
        Set SC = New_c.SubClass
        If App.LogMode Then SC.Hook mInitiatorWidget.Root.DialogFormHwnd
      Else 'a SubMenu
        If WithFocus And Widgets.Count Then Widgets(1).Widget.SetFocus
      End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub W_BubblingEvent(Sender As Object, EventName As String, P1 As Variant, P2 As Variant, P3 As Variant, P4 As Variant, P5 As Variant, P6 As Variant, P7 As Variant)
    Dim SW As cWidgetBase
        Case "ShowSubMenu"
          Set mActiveMenuItem = Sender
          ShowSubMenu P1, False
      End Select
    '  Debug.Print "W_BubblingEvent", MenuItemKeyPath
    End Sub
    Public Sub KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
         Case vbKeyRight
          If Not MItem Is Nothing Then
            If MItem.Widget.Enabled And Not MItem.SubMenuDS Is Nothing Then
              ShowSubMenu MItem, True
              Exit Sub
            End If
          End If
    Public Sub ShowPopUp()
      MenuBar.CurPopUp.Widget.FontSize = W.FontSize
      MenuBar.CurPopUp.InitAndShow W, True, mDataSource, PopupBehaviourDropDownLeftAligned
    End Sub
    Private Sub ToolBar_ArrowClick(Sender As cwToolBarItem)
    Dim PopupRoot As cMenuItem
      Set PopupRoot = Cairo.CreateMenuItemRoot("PopUp", "PopUp")
      AddEditMenuEntriesTo PopupRoot
      Set PopUp = New cwMenu
          PopUp.InitAndShow Sender.Widget, True, PopupRoot, PopupBehaviourDropDownRightAligned
    End Sub
    I think that's all the changes - if I missed one here and there I'm pretty sure that it's obvious what I've done. And maybe you won't even like it anyway!
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  17. #17

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Thanks Colin,

    the behaviour makes more sense this way, so I've updated the Demo-project in this thread appropriately
    (just re-download again).

    Though I've changed the position of the 'WithFocus' Param to the end of the Public Methods (as an optional
    Param), to not break applications which might already use the Menu-Classes from vbWidgets.dll.

    (I keep the cwMenu-stuff from this Demo here in sync with vbWidgets.dll).


  18. #18
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidt View Post

    Though I've changed the position of the 'WithFocus' Param to the end of the Public Methods (as an optional
    Param), to not break applications which might already use the Menu-Classes from vbWidgets.dll.
    Oops, yes, should've thought of that...

    btw, just noticed that it is still a little imperfect; when moving the mouse off of a sub-menu and returning it to it's parent menu, the mouse effect remains on the sub-menu (which it shouldn't). Easily fixed if it's possible to make the 'just-departed' cwMenuItem lose its 'focused' state?
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  19. #19
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Been playing around a bit more with this to get more 'compliance' with conventional menus mouse behaviour; just a few small changes and I think it's there:

    'New module-level declaration
    Private mDeactivatedViaMouseLeave As Boolean
    'New Property
    Public Property Get IsActive() As Boolean
       IsActive = W.MouseOver Or (W.Focused And Not mSubMenuDS Is Nothing) Or (W.Focused And Not mDeactivatedViaMouseLeave)
    End Property
    'New event handler
    Private Sub W_GotFocus()
       mDeactivatedViaMouseLeave = False
    End Sub
    'modified event handler
    Private Sub W_MouseLeave(ByVal MouseEnterWidget As cWidgetBase)
      Set tmrSubMenuHover = Nothing
      mDeactivatedViaMouseLeave = True
    End Sub
    'change to Draw sub
    Private Sub Draw(CC As cCairoContext)
      If mCaption = "-" Then
        CC.DrawLine IcoOffsX, 4, dx - 2, 4, True, 1, &HD0D0D0, Alpha
        CC.DrawLine IcoOffsX, 5, dx - 2, 5, True, 1, vbWhite, Alpha
        If IsActive Then
          W.Alpha = 0.6
          CC.SetLineWidth 1, True
          Cairo.Theme.DrawTo CC, W, thmTypeListSelection, 0, 2, 0, dx - 4, dy, 3
        End If
    End Sub

    'change to event handler
    Public Property Get MenuItemKeyPath() As String
      If Not mActiveMenuItem Is Nothing And Not mActiveMenuItem.IsActive Then Exit Property
      If mDataSource Is Nothing Then Exit Property
      MenuItemKeyPath = MenuKeyPath
      If Not mActiveMenuItem Is Nothing Then MenuItemKeyPath = MenuItemKeyPath & ">" & mActiveMenuItem.Widget.Key
    End Property
    Now, when the mouse leaves the menu form, nothing is highlighted and an enter key press will not do anything (standard behaviour)
    Last edited by ColinE66; Jun 7th, 2014 at 10:39 AM.
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  20. #20
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Actually, IsActive can be reduced to
    Public Property Get IsActive() As Boolean
       IsActive = W.Focused And (Not mSubMenuDS Is Nothing Or Not mDeactivatedViaMouseLeave)
    End Property
    Since MouseEnter always sets focus to the widget

    Also, need another line in here to handle cases where a widget already has focus
    Private Sub W_MouseEnter(ByVal MouseLeaveWidget As cWidgetBase)
      If Not mSubMenuDS Is Nothing Then
       Set tmrSubMenuHover = New_c.Timer(350, True)
       Debug.Print mSubMenuDS.Caption, W.Parent.Active
    End If
       mDeactivatedViaMouseLeave = False
    End Sub
    Hopefully, that's it!
    Last edited by ColinE66; Jun 7th, 2014 at 10:53 AM.
    If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there...

    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  21. #21
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Throwing another one in - discard if you don't like! This one makes the up/down keys loop through the menu items so that, when the last item is bypassed the first is selected (or vice verse). If these are becoming unwelcome for any reason just say the word!

    Public Sub KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
      If Not mSubMenu Is Nothing Then mSubMenu.KeyDown KeyCode, Shift: Exit Sub
      Dim i As Long, j As Long, MItem As cwMenuItem, MItemIdx As Long, RM As cwMenu
        Case vbKeyUp
          For i = 1 To Widgets.Count
             j = MItemIdx - i
             If j < 1 Then j = Widgets.Count
            If Widgets(j).Widget.Enabled Then Widgets(j).Widget.SetFocus: Exit For
          Next i
        Case vbKeyDown
          For i = 1 To Widgets.Count
             j = MItemIdx + i
             If j > Widgets.Count Then j = 1
            If Widgets(j).Widget.Enabled Then Widgets(j).Widget.SetFocus: Exit For
          Next i
    End Sub
    If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there...

    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

  22. #22

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Thanks Colin,

    re-uploaded the example in post #1 with your changes (also updated vbWidgets.dll).
    Edit: now also with your new Menu-cycling from your post above

    Any further differences always preferrably from that Zip, to not get "out of sync" in
    our efforts - thanks again.

    Last edited by Schmidt; Jun 7th, 2014 at 03:11 PM.

  23. #23
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Thanks. Just the change in #21 if you want that behaviour (I changed the code form the previous zip but no impact either way)
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    My VB6 love-children: Vee-Hive and Vee-Launcher

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Yep, #21 is now also in the Zip.


  25. #25
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Last few for now - sorry to bombard you. This time, just refining the pWithFocus param I introduced in the first of my changes back in #16:

    cwMenuBar [ensure first menu item is active as it was triggered via keyboard]
    Private Sub W_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
        Case vbKeyDown:
          If Not MenuBarItem Is Nothing Then
            MenuBarItem.Widget.MouseLeave Nothing
            MenuBarItem.ShowPopUp True
          End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub CurPopUp_MenuBarEntryShift(ByVal ShiftLeft As Boolean)
      mBlockDestroy = True
      MenuBarItem.ShowPopUp True
      mBlockDestroy = False
    End Sub
    cwMenuBarItem [ensure first menu item is active as it was triggered via keyboard]
    Private Sub W_AccessKeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
      If W.Root.IsHidden Then Exit Sub
      If InStr(1, W.AccessKeys, Chr$(KeyAscii), vbTextCompare) Then
        W.Parent.object.CleanupActiveState W
        ShowPopUp True
      End If
    End Sub
    Public Sub ShowPopUp(Optional pWithFocus As Boolean)
    Dim MenuBar As cwMenuBar
      If Not W.Enabled Then Exit Sub
      Set MenuBar = W.Parent.object
      If Not MenuBar.CurPopUp Is Nothing Then
        If Not MenuBar.CurPopUp.DataSource Is mDataSource Then MenuBar.CurPopUp.DestroyPopup
      End If
      Set MenuBar.CurPopUp = New cwMenu
      MenuBar.CurPopUp.Widget.FontSize = W.FontSize
      MenuBar.CurPopUp.InitAndShow W, mDataSource, PopupBehaviourDropDownLeftAligned, pWithFocus
    End Sub
    Public Sub InitAndShow(InitiatorWidget As cWidgetBase, Optional DataSource As cMenuItem, Optional ByVal DirectionBehaviour As enmMenuPopUpPosition, Optional ByVal WithFocus As Boolean)
      If Not TypeOf mInitiatorWidget.object Is cwMenu Then
        mInitiatorWidget.Root.BlockKeyEvents True, PopUp.Form
        Set SC = New_c.SubClass
        If App.LogMode Then SC.Hook mInitiatorWidget.Root.DialogFormHwnd
    '  Else 'a SubMenu 'Remove this line
    '    If WithFocus And Widgets.Count > 0 Then Widgets(1).Widget.SetFocus 'Remove this line
      End If
        If WithFocus And Widgets.Count > 0 Then Widgets(1).Widget.SetFocus
    End Sub

    If I got that right, the only time the first menu item is ever activated is when the menu was triggered to appear via the keyboard; no mouse-triggered menu appearance should have any menu item active.
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Ok, updated and re-uploaded with the changes in #25 now...


  27. #27
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    HI again. I've successfully added keyboard shortcuts to menu items (Ctrl+V) for paste, etc. Currently, I am adding a suffix to a menu's caption to implement this

    e.g. MI.AddSubItem "Save", "&Save|Ctrl+Shift+V", "Document-Save"

    and then, when setting the DataSource for a cwMenuBar, I recursively walk down the menu, populating a cCollection with the MenuItem path. Each member of this collection has a key representing the required Ctrl-Shift Modifier + Keycode)

    i.e. 3+86 = Ctrl(1) + Shift(2) + Keycode for letter V (86) contains Edit>Copy

    Whilst doing this, I build up a string for the KeyWatcher containing all the KeyCodes to be monitored and have modified the KeyWatcher's KeyDown event so that it calls a new sub

    Private Sub CheckForKeyBoardShortcut(vKey As Integer)
    Dim pMenuItemPath As String
       If mKeyboardShortcuts.Exists(mCtrlDown + mShiftDown & "+" & vKey) Then
          pMenuItemPath = mKeyboardShortcuts(mCtrlDown + mShiftDown & "+" & vKey)
          If mDataSource.SubItemByPathKey(mDataSource.Key & ">" & pMenuItemPath).Enabled Then
             CurPopUp_Click pMenuItemPath
          End If
       End If
    End Sub
    I can continue with this if you like but will need some support from you, I suspect. For instance, re-setting the KeyWatcher with a new comma-separated list appears to stop it from functioning if it has already been started, regardless of what I try. Help!

    Also, I will need to re-measure all the MenuItems in order to right-align the short-cut text tidily.

    Also, also, not sure that implementing via the caption text is a good idea; opinion, please. Maybe it belongs in the underlying cMenuItems class. I just did it this way as proof-of-concept.

    Ask, if something didn't make sense or you want to see more code...
    Last edited by ColinE66; Jun 8th, 2014 at 03:30 PM.
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  28. #28

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    I've successfully added keyboard shortcuts to menu items (Ctrl+V) for paste, etc. Currently, I am adding a suffix to a menu's caption to implement this

    e.g. MI.AddSubItem "Save", "&Save|Ctrl+Shift+V", "Document-Save"
    Also, I will need to re-measure all the MenuItems in order to right-align the short-cut text tidily.
    That alone would be a nice addition to have (detecting the Pipe in a Caption-Description,
    recalcalculating the resulting lenght of the Menu-Text - and then rendering that Info-Text
    right-aligned in the cwMenuItem.

    But I would stop there for the moment (the Menu-Item only showing the Info-Text) -
    not really sure what would be the best way to proceed from there (where the Events
    should be handled or raised from).

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    I can continue with this if you like but will need some support from you, I suspect. For instance, re-setting the KeyWatcher with a new comma-separated list appears to stop it from functioning if it has already been started, regardless of what I try. Help!
    Normally it should work, when you overwrite an existing (WithEvents declared)
    cKeyWatcher-Instance with a new one...

    Private WithEvents MyKeyWatcher As cKeyWatcher

    Set MyKeyWatcher = New_c.KeyWatcher(NewVKeyList)

    Hmm, not yet sure if I'd rather like to handle this <Ctrl>+Key stuff over Form KeyPreview -
    and Keydown/Up-Events, implementing the <Ctrl>+Something Handling there (fullfilling
    the Promise of the Menu's "Info-only Captions" not in the Menu-System itself).

    If you find a way to solve it over the Key-Watcher directly, resulting in a Menu-Event,
    then Ok - but some Control-widgets as e.g. the cwTextBox already come with their
    own KeyDown-Event Handling for <Ctrl>+C and <Ctrl>+V etc. - though that could
    be solved with an Extra-Property on the Textbox perhaps - or by checking in the central
    <Ctrl>+C Handler, if the currently focused Widget if of Type cwTextBox ...
    If TypeOf cWidgetForm.Root.ActiveWidget Is cwTextBox...

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    ... also, not sure that implementing via the caption text is a good idea; opinion, please. Maybe it belongs in the underlying cMenuItems class. I just did it this way as proof-of-concept.
    I see nothing wrong with the Pipe-Char delimiter in the Caption-String - since the Caption-Strings
    are potential candidates to have defined in a language-resource - and what's written in english as:
    would in a german language-table-column written as:

    So, it's indeed a good idea to have it in the Caption itself, to already cover proper translation in one place.


  29. #29
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Just a quick note as I'm off to work; it is not implemented in a form keypreview - it's in the cwMenuBar class. I think this is a good place for it as only menu items on a menu bar should have shortcuts. Here's a few code snips to give you a better idea (not tidied up as I'm still playing).

    Public Property Set DataSource(NewValue As cMenuItem)
       Set KWatch = Nothing
       Set mKeyboardShortcuts = New cCollection
       mKeyWatcherCodes = "9,16,17,18"
      For i = 0 To mDataSource.SubItemCount - 1
        TxtWidth = CC.GetTextExtents(mDataSource.SubItemByIndex(i).Caption, FontHeight)
        RegisterKeyboardShortcuts mDataSource.SubItemByIndex(i), mDataSource.SubItemByIndex(i).Key
      Next i
      Set KWatch = New_c.KeyWatcher(mKeyWatcherCodes)
    End Property
    Private Sub RegisterKeyboardShortcuts(pItem As cMenuItem, pPath As String)
    Dim i As Long, s() As String, ModifierValue As Long, KeyCode As Long
       Debug.Print pItem.Caption, pItem.Key, pPath
       If InStr(pItem.Caption, "|") Then
          s = Split(pItem.Caption, "|")
          ModifierValue = IIf(InStr(s(1), "Ctrl+"), 1, 0) + IIf(InStr(s(1), "Shift+"), 2, 0)
          s = Split(s(1), "+")
          KeyCode = Asc(s(1))
          If Not mKeyboardShortcuts.Exists(ModifierValue & "+" & KeyCode) Then
            mKeyboardShortcuts.Add pPath, ModifierValue & "+" & KeyCode
            mKeyWatcherCodes = mKeyWatcherCodes & "," & KeyCode
          End If
       End If
       For i = 0 To pItem.SubItemCount - 1
         RegisterKeyboardShortcuts pItem.SubItemByIndex(i), pPath & ">" & pItem.SubItemByIndex(i).Key
       Next i
    End Sub

    Private Sub KWatch_VKeyDown(ByVal vKey As Integer, ByVal MapIdx As Long)
      If vKey = 9 Or vKey = 16 Or vKey = 17 Then TabOrShiftOrCtrlKeyDown = True
      If vKey = 17 Then mCtrlDown = 1
      If vKey = 16 Then mShiftDown = 2
      CheckForKeyBoardShortcut vKey  
      If vKey = 18 And Not TabOrShiftOrCtrlKeyDown Then
        AltDown = CurPopUp Is Nothing
        If Not Screen.ActiveForm Is Nothing Then 'we send an Esc-KeyUp-Event in case of a VB-Form as TopLevel-Host
          Dim Evt(0 To 27) As Byte: Evt(0) = 1: Evt(4) = vbKeyEscape: Evt(8) = 2 '<- flagged as KeyUp
          SendInput 1, Evt(0), UBound(Evt) + 1
        End If
        If Not CurPopUp Is Nothing Then
          Set CurPopUp = Nothing
        End If
      End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub CheckForKeyBoardShortcut(vKey As Integer)
    Dim pMenuItemPath As String
       If Not CurPopUp Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
       Debug.Print mCtrlDown + mShiftDown, vKey
       If mKeyboardShortcuts.Exists(mCtrlDown + mShiftDown & "+" & vKey) Then
          pMenuItemPath = mKeyboardShortcuts(mCtrlDown + mShiftDown & "+" & vKey)
          If mDataSource.SubItemByPathKey(mDataSource.Key & ">" & pMenuItemPath).Enabled Then
             CurPopUp_Click pMenuItemPath
          End If
       End If
    End Sub
    That's not everything but it should help to clarify my approach...
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  30. #30
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidt View Post
    I see nothing wrong with the Pipe-Char delimiter in the Caption-String - since the Caption-Strings
    are potential candidates to have defined in a language-resource - and what's written in english as:
    would in a german language-table-column written as:
    Just a thought - but in some cases we might want to offer dynamic user-defined captions, and a user might want to use the pipe character (however unlikely). This would need some extra escaping code, so perhaps it would be better to use vbTab for the separator? I guess a knock against it is that it would involve a bit of extra typing though... "&Save" & vbTab & "Ctrl+Shift+V"

    A more complete approach (though perhaps too much effort?) would be to have a Shortcut property and corresponding class that offered properties such as Enabled (Boolean), Ctrl (Boolean), Alt (Boolean), Shift (Boolean), KeyCode (Integer) and then the menu drawing class itself could handle displaying the shortcut in the appropriate language (although this would also required a mechanism to provide translations, but this could become a community effort).

  31. #31

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    Just a thought - but in some cases we might want to offer dynamic user-defined captions, and a user might want to use the pipe character (however unlikely). This would need some extra escaping code, so perhaps it would be better to use vbTab for the separator? I guess a knock against it is that it would involve a bit of extra typing though... "&Save" & vbTab & "Ctrl+Shift+V"
    I'd like a "typeable char", which is easy to enter into a DataGrid-Cell or a TextBox
    (without causing Focus-Switching or something like that - always having the
    "language-translator-guy" in mind, who's wading through the text-columns).

    The Pipe-Char is (IMO) already unlikely enough - and we could handle it in the same way
    as the &-Char currently is handled (a user who wants it in a normal Caption would have
    to "escape" it by typing it twice).

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    A more complete approach (though perhaps too much effort?) would be to have a Shortcut property and corresponding class that offered properties such as Enabled (Boolean), Ctrl (Boolean), Alt (Boolean), Shift (Boolean), KeyCode (Integer) and then the menu drawing class itself could handle displaying the shortcut in the appropriate language (although this would also required a mechanism to provide translations, but this could become a community effort).
    The Enabled-State, as well as the Alt-Key Handling (per &) is already covered in the current approach.
    There's only the <Ctrl>+Something and the <Shift>+Something which needs to be added...

    And there is already an Event which can be used for dynamic Menu-Text-Translations
    (named 'ReplaceCaption' and raised by the cwMenu-Class shortly before "showing")

    The following Zip contains a ProjectGroup (_TestGroup.vbg),
    which joins the two Projects: PopUpDemo.vbp and vbWidgets.vbp
    and shows the usage of this Event in cfMain.cls of the PopupDemo-Project.
    (showing the interaction of a Cut/Copy/Paste/SelectAll popup with the cwTextBox-Widget,
    including dynamic lang-switching)


  32. #32
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Right guys, I suspect there's more mileage left in the language discussion but I'm posting my code as of now just so y'all can see it in action and think a little more about the best way to implement this. As it stands, if the words 'Ctrl' and 'Shift' are not universal then this approach is a complete non-starter!

    I have made no attempt to version control my changes in the attachment, I'm afraid, as I'm still playing around but the changes are not significant; Olaf will spot them immediately given that he is the original author, of course.

    It's just presented here for information and to provoke thought about implementation details...
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  33. #33

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    Right guys, I suspect there's more mileage left in the language discussion but I'm posting my code as of now just so y'all can see it in action and think a little more about the best way to implement this. As it stands, if the words 'Ctrl' and 'Shift' are not universal then this approach is a complete non-starter!
    I've introduced two Public String-Properties (LocalizedCtrlMarker and LocalizedShiftMarker) into cwMenuBar to handle that
    (those are per default at the english localized Strings "Ctrl" and "Shift")

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    I have made no attempt to version control my changes in the attachment, I'm afraid, as I'm still playing around but the changes are not significant; Olaf will spot them immediately given that he is the original author, of course.
    Thanks for the Code - so far everything is looking nice - so I took over your changes (only slight adaptions in cwMenuBar) -
    and recommend a new download of the original Demo in Post #1, to work further from there, for the next potential "Diff"
    (Ping-Pong-principle so to say, when you post a Zip with changes, wait for the update of the "Post #1 download-sources"
    before adding new stuff).

    But if possible in small(er) increments, since these are easier to follow... (sometimes that's difficult, I know)


  34. #34
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Downloaded new zip from #1...

    fyi, it wasn't my intention that you'd need to pick through the stuff in #32 to find the differences; I'd have done that for you had you been happy with the approach I took and the way it functioned. Anyway, hope it wasn't too onerous for you...

    btw, how much more robust do you want me to make the modifier/keycode parsing? You will have seen that it was pretty much thrown-together up til now. Obviously, this aspect could grow by quite a few lines of code, if you'd like? However, it isn't really that difficult for the developer to conform to a (e.g.) '|Ctrl+Shift+V' style of notation. Your call....?

    I meant to point out that the current design has implications on what will be returned by the Caption property of a cwMenuItem and also the fact that the property Let for the Caption property will not, of course, re-trigger the re-population of the shortcut handling collection in the parent cwMenuBar. Just food for thought...
    Last edited by ColinE66; Jun 10th, 2014 at 11:40 AM.
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  35. #35

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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    Downloaded new zip from #1...

    fyi, it wasn't my intention that you'd need to pick through the stuff in #32 to find the differences; I'd have done that for you had you been happy with the approach I took and the way it functioned. Anyway, hope it wasn't too onerous for you...
    No - the larger change took (in Sum) perhaps the same time, as 3 smaller ones -
    it's just that those 3 smaller ones could be handled "somewhere in-between" more
    easily - larger changes require a larger "contiguos timespan", which is not available everyday -
    but Monday was a Holiday in germany - so I had this larger timeframe to react immediately -
    no problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    btw, how much more robust do you want me to make the modifier/keycode parsing? You will have seen that it was pretty much thrown-together up til now. Obviously, this aspect could grow by quite a few lines of code, if you'd like? However, it isn't really that difficult for the developer to conform to a (e.g.) '|Ctrl+Shift+V' style of notation. Your call....?
    I would leave it as it is for the time being - we already tried to think ahead with the two new Public Props on
    the interface, which allow to specify the "Ctrl" and "Shift" parsing-strings for other locales.
    The Public interface is what makes the most worries later on, when it's lacking some things - internal stuff
    can be fixed and hardened over time...

    I plan to include at least the intrinsic-Widgets (CommandButton, Label, Frame, TextBox, Image -
    as well as the MenuSystem we have isolated here) directly into vbRichClient6 at the end of the year -
    for that the Public Interfaces need to be stable - the internal stuff is easier to understand, fix and enhance,
    when it's still kept as simple as possible in each Widget - so let's keep up with KISS for a while longer

    Quote Originally Posted by ColinE66 View Post
    I meant to point out that the current design has implications on what will be returned by the Caption property of a cwMenuItem and also the fact that the property Let for the Caption property will not, of course, re-trigger the re-population of the shortcut handling collection in the parent cwMenuBar. Just food for thought...
    Yes - I'm aware of that - but thought that your current parsing-routine (the one which currently
    takes the MenuItem as its first Parameter) could be made Friend - and then just called from the
    "deeper-layers" of the Menu-Hierarchy, since it is quite easy to reach the Parent-Widget (in this case
    cwMenuBar) from any Child-Widget deeper down (then in turn calling the Friend-tagged Parsing-Function).

    I perhaps forgot two or three stumbling-points, but still think that it's solvable internally
    (without introducing new things on the Public Widget-Interfaces...).

    Thanks again for your work on this.

    Last edited by Schmidt; Jun 11th, 2014 at 04:46 AM.

  36. #36
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    OK - I'll leave the parsing as-is, then...

    One last change. Remember how, occasionally, a menubaritem can appear to be 'active? You can replicate this by pressing alt and clicking on another app's window and back again; notice how the menu still appears to be active (outline effect)?

    Well, anyway, it occurred to me that this could be eliminated by reacting to when the app loses focus. Now, I know that your WidgetForms support such an event so there may be a better way of solving this 'issue' but, in terms of your vb-Form-hosted demo, I got around the problem as follows:

    Private WithEvents SC As cSubClass
    Private Sub SC_WindowProc(Result As Long, ByVal Msg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long)
      Select Case Msg 
        Case &H1C 'app activate/deactivate
          MenuBar.CleanupActiveState , True
      End Select
      Result = SC.CallWindowProc(Msg, wParam, lParam)
    End Sub

    Public Sub CleanupActiveState(Optional ExcludeW As cWidgetBase, Optional AppFocusedStateChanged As Boolean)
    Dim MenuBarItem As cwMenuBarItem
       mKeyWatcherCodesChanged = AppFocusedStateChanged
      For Each MenuBarItem In Widgets
        If Not ExcludeW Is MenuBarItem.Widget Then MenuBarItem.Widget.MouseLeave W
    End Sub
    It basically codes around your IsTopWindowActive test in Sub ShortcutActivation and has the side-effect of turning the KeyWatcher on and off. As said, that is just a side-effect but, because the impact of that is so minimal, it seems like a good one-line-of-code-fix to a problem, even if that solution is not necessarily elegant or intuitive with regard to future code maintenance.


    Actually, I should explain a little more: Without resetting the mKeyWatcherCodesChanged flag, it will have required many more lines of code to achieve a fix because of the behaviour of the widget's refresh mechanism i.e. always calling the ShortcutActivation sub and therefore failing the IsTopWindowActive test when the app loses focus. I'm sure you know that anyway but it only took a few seconds more to read this!
    Last edited by ColinE66; Jun 11th, 2014 at 01:50 PM.
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    I've now built-in a solution for the HoveredMenu-Deactivation-Routine (without SubClassing, using a Timer) -
    and also cleaned up a bit around the mKeyWatcherCodesChanged-stuff (which is gone
    and not needed anymore).

    Please check-out the new version from #1...


  38. #38
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    All good, Olaf. I now declare your menus to be officially awesome
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  39. #39
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    I've discovered a couple of issues with the current/latest menu implementation. I'm trying to familiarize myself with the code to see if I can fix the issues myself, but I figured I would report them here in case Olaf or Colin can see a quick and easy fix (being more familiar with the code).

    1) If you move focus to another program, then return focus to the demo app, then press Alt+F (to try to activate the file menu), then only the parent menu bar gets focus (the menu doesn't appear). A subsequent Alt+F will flash the menu, but it will disappear. A third Alt+F will show the menu as expected.

    2) In native Windows menus, pressing Alt (and releasing) and then pressing F will show the File menu. This doesn't happen with the vbWidgets menus.

  40. #40
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    Re: VB6 Dynamic Menu-, Popup- and Toolbar-Demo (vbRichClient-based)

    Good catch.

    With regard to (2), this will fix it if Olaf is happy with it:

    Private Sub W_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
      If Not CurPopUp Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
      Dim MenuBarItem As cwMenuBarItem
      For Each MenuBarItem In Widgets
        If MenuBarItem.Widget.MouseOver And KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then 
          Exit For
        ElseIf InStr(1, MenuBarItem.Widget.AccessKeys, Chr$(KeyCode), vbTextCompare) Then
          KeyCode = vbKeyDown 'pretend the down arrow was pressed
          Exit For
        End If
      Select Case KeyCode
        Case vbKeyEscape
          If Not MenuBarItem Is Nothing Then MenuBarItem.Widget.MouseLeave Nothing
          W.Root.Widget.MouseUp 0, 0, -1, -1
        Case vbKeyDown:
          If Not MenuBarItem Is Nothing Then
            MenuBarItem.Widget.MouseLeave Nothing
            MenuBarItem.ShowPopUp True
          End If
        Case vbKeyLeft:  CurPopUp_MenuBarEntryShift True
        Case vbKeyRight: CurPopUp_MenuBarEntryShift False
      End Select
    End Sub
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