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Thread: A VB6 Recent Files Lister

  1. #1

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    A VB6 Recent Files Lister

    Here is a VB6 Recent Files lister. You can remove any entries from the list and the programme also checks that the entries have not been deleted or moved.

    It is a simple programme which I hope some will find useful. One comment, do not use it from within the IDE or when VB6 is running. VB6 stores the list at startup and re-writes upon completion.

    Enjoy - Steve.
    Last edited by Steve Grant; May 3rd, 2014 at 02:32 AM. Reason: Fixes a bug in icon selection

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: A VB6 Recent Files Lister

    may be some bugs

    i can fixed


    Private Sub lstRFiles_Click(Index As Long) 'Swap the icons except for Dashed (Icon 2) entries
    If Index <> -1 Then
    cmdApply.Enabled = True
    If lstRFiles.GetItemIconIndex(Index) = 0 Then
    lstRFiles.SetItemIconIndex Index, 1
    ElseIf lstRFiles.GetItemIconIndex(Index) = 1 Then
    lstRFiles.SetItemIconIndex Index, 0
    End If
    End If

    End Sub

    ListBoxEx :

    Private Sub DrawItems()

    On Error GoTo ErrOut
    Dim LastItemVisible As Long
    Dim i As Long
    Dim TextRect As RECT
    Dim hBrush As Long
    Dim TopPos As Long
    Dim MaxTextWidth As Long
    Dim TextW As Long
    Dim xLeft As Long
    Dim AreaWidth As Long
    If Extender.Visible = False Then Exit Sub

    'If mCount = 0 Then Exit Sub

    TextH = UserControl.TextHeight("羓")

    If mIconAlign = AlingLeft Then
    If TextH > mIconSize Then
    mItemHeight = TextH + 4
    mItemHeight = mIconSize + 8
    End If
    mItemHeight = mIconSize + 16 + TextH + 4
    MaxTextWidth = mItemHeight
    End If

    ItemsVisible = UserControl.ScaleHeight \ mItemHeight

    TopPos = mItemHeight * mScrollPos
    LastItemVisible = mScrollPos + (UserControl.ScaleHeight \ mItemHeight)
    If LastItemVisible > mCount - 1 Then LastItemVisible = mCount - 1
    AreaWidth = UserControl.ScaleWidth - IIf(VScroll1.Visible, VScroll1.Width, 0) - 1

    If mIconAlign = AlingLeft Then
    mSelectionWidth = AreaWidth - 1
    xLeft = 1
    For i = mScrollPos To LastItemVisible
    TextW = UserControl.TextWidth(Item(i).Caption)
    If TextW > MaxTextWidth - 16 Then
    MaxTextWidth = TextW + 16
    End If
    If MaxTextWidth > AreaWidth Then MaxTextWidth = AreaWidth
    xLeft = (UserControl.ScaleWidth / 2) - (MaxTextWidth / 2) + 0.5
    mSelectionWidth = MaxTextWidth
    End If

    UserControl.AutoRedraw = True

    For i = mScrollPos To LastItemVisible

    If i = mItemHitText And i = mItemSelected Then
    DrawSelection xLeft, (mItemHeight * i) - TopPos + 1, mSelectionWidth, mItemHeight, 150
    If i = mItemHitText Then
    DrawSelection xLeft, (mItemHeight * i) - TopPos + 1, mSelectionWidth, mItemHeight, 50
    End If
    If i = mItemSelected Then
    DrawSelection xLeft, (mItemHeight * i) - TopPos + 1, mSelectionWidth, mItemHeight, 100
    End If
    End If
    If mIconAlign = AlingLeft Then
    ImageList_Draw himl, Item(i).IconIndex, UserControl.hdc, 4, (mItemHeight / 2) - (mIconSize / 2) + (mItemHeight * i) - TopPos, ILD_TRANSPARENT
    SetRect TextRect, mIconSize + 8, (mItemHeight * i) - TopPos, mSelectionWidth, (mItemHeight * (i + 1)) - TopPos
    DrawText UserControl.hdc, Item(i).Caption, lenw(Item(i).Caption), TextRect, DT_FLAG
    ImageList_Draw himl, Item(i).IconIndex, UserControl.hdc, xLeft + (mSelectionWidth / 2) - (mIconSize / 2), (mItemHeight * i) + 8 - TopPos, ILD_TRANSPARENT
    SetRect TextRect, xLeft, (mItemHeight * i) - TopPos, xLeft + mSelectionWidth, (mItemHeight * (i + 1)) - TopPos - 8
    DrawText UserControl.hdc, Item(i).Caption, lenw(Item(i).Caption), TextRect, DT_SINGLELINE Or DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS Or DT_CENTER Or DT_BOTTOM
    End If
    UserControl.AutoRedraw = True
    UserControl.Line (0, 0)-(UserControl.ScaleWidth - 1, UserControl.ScaleHeight - 1), mBorderColor, B
    UserControl.AutoRedraw = False

    End Sub

    Private Function lenw(str As String) As Integer
    lenw = LenB(StrConv(str, vbFromUnicode))

    End Function

  3. #3

    Thread Starter
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    Essex, UK.

    Re: A VB6 Recent Files Lister

    If Index <> -1 Then
    The above would only apply in the event that the listbox was allowed to be empty. It is not.
    If no recent files are found then that is put into the listbox as a message with an icon.
    Even though the apply button is enabled if you click on the 'No recent files found' message, nothing happens when you push it.

    As to the mods you have carried out to Leandro Ascierto's ListboxEX code, I assume this has to do with non-english conversion and I thank you very much for it.

    I will update the original post with the update once I have a chance to test it.


  4. #4
    PowerPoster Nightwalker83's Avatar
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    Adelaide, Australia

    Re: A VB6 Recent Files Lister

    Although, it might be a good idea to include that code because what if the list use empty and the user ran the program, the program would crash.
    when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
    If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.

  5. #5

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    Essex, UK.

    Re: A VB6 Recent Files Lister

    Thank you for your thoughts, however, as explained above, even if the recent files list in the registry is empty, a message to that effect is placed in the listbox to let you the user know. Try it and see if you can break it.



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