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Thread: unbound column doesn't show result

  1. #1

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    unbound column doesn't show result


    VB newbe looking for some help.
    i have a datagrid with 8 columns (id, ean, name, description, price, totalprice, a spacer column and vat)

    i like to show a calculated column in a datagrid showing price inc. vat (totalprice)
    So i created a unbound column wich is on index 5 and when i try to populate that column it doesn't show the results.

            For Each r As DataGridViewRow In Me.dataGridProducts.Rows
                TotaalPrijs = r.Cells(4).Value + (r.Cells(4).Value * r.Cells(8).Value / 100)
                r.Cells(5).Value = totaalPrijs
    when i use the index of any other bound column it shows me the result in the wrong column (category column)

            For Each r As DataGridViewRow In Me.dataGridProducts.Rows
                TotaalPrijs = r.Cells(4).Value + (r.Cells(4).Value * r.Cells(8).Value / 100)
                r.Cells(6).Value = totaalPrijs
    Any help would be appriciated
    Last edited by michel vervoort; May 8th, 2013 at 06:59 PM.

  2. #2
    PowerPoster dunfiddlin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Re: unbound column doesn't show result

    If you always show this why don't you just add an expression column to the database table and then you won't ever need anything this convoluted?
    As the 6-dimensional mathematics professor said to the brain surgeon, "It ain't Rocket Science!"

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