Re: Lambert W function for Excel, work on real and complex number
Thank you also.
One minor quibble: there seems to be an issue with the results that come from input values between 0 and -0.0212. As soon as it hits -0.0212 it's like hitting a wall, beyond that the results are wildly off:
-0.0218 > -0.02229
-0.0217 > -0.02219
-0.0216 > -0.02208
-0.0215 > -0.02198
-0.0214 > -0.02187
-0.0213 > -0.02177
-0.0212 > -5.51714
-0.0211 > -5.57716
...and so on, all input values from there to zero are similarly off.
Can anyone see why? Unfortunately I just lack the coding skills to pick it apart - gave it a go, but just no experience there whatsoever :-(
Any help much appreciated.
Last edited by Chipmunker; Mar 27th, 2014 at 12:40 PM.
"If x is within the sub interval (-1/e, 0), the calculator returns two values."
And for x = -0.0211, the calculator returns -5.577162 and -0.02156, both values are valid.
In Excel, the function return only 1 of them, I will check if i can return the more suitable one.
Re: Lambert W function for Excel, work on real and complex number
I searched high and low for access top a vba routine for Lambert W.
This was the best - BUT it sometimes gives the -ve branch solutions instead of the +ve.
It is also complex which i do not need.
For others I will post my solution here.
It returns the +ve branch solution only, is accurate to 9dp for most of the useful space and is reasoanbly faast
Here it is and hope others find it useful.
Bob J.
Public Function myLambertW(x As Double) As Double
' Function provided on the web seems to have starting problems and uses complex Nos where I only need real
' This version solves for the upper branch of the solution only
' It uses standard Newton iteration
' The starting value is log(x+1) which is within 40% of target from -0.33 < x < 10^100
' Results are accurate to about 9dp from -0.3678 < x < 10^100
' Values for second Branch are not computed ie -0.36788... < x < 0, W(x) < -1
' There is some potential to reduce iterations for smaller +ve x values
' but may need to increase as x approaches -1
' RB Jordan 3/2/2015
Dim xTry As Double
Dim Iter As Integer
If x < -Exp(-1) Then
myLambert = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
xTry = Log(1 + x)
For Iter = 1 To 9
xTry = xTry - (xTry - x / Exp(xTry)) / (1 + xTry)
Next Iter
myLambertW = xTry
End Function
Re: Lambert W function for Excel, work on real and complex number
There is a very nice presentation of the Lambert's W function (W0) and a method to calculate it based upon Halley's method in MATLAB at (Google: The Lambert W Function Cleve Moler if link inactive).
Re: Lambert W function for Excel, work on real and complex number
This is a very old thread, but there's some great code in it! However, all these formulae apparently work on the principal branch. I need a formula that will work on the -1 branch (as well as the principal branch). Is there such a thing?