This is a little game of Tic Tac Toe aka Noughts and Crosses that I tried rewriting in VB6.0 from JAVA.
Change log:
Tic Tac Toe/Noughts and Crosses
Language VB6.0
Author: Nightwalker83
Version 1.0 11/04/2012 - Basic two player functions implemented.
Version 2.0 14/04/2012 - Implemented player verse computer A.I game
Version 2.1 21/05/2012 - Allows for player to choose their marker
VB Code:
Dim CLICKCOUNT, i, winner As Integer
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
'Quit the game
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPlay_Click()
'Play the game
End Sub
Private Sub cmdTile_Click(Index As Integer)
If (CLICKCOUNT Mod 2 = 1) Then
cmdTile(Index).Caption = "x"
cmdTile(Index).Caption = "o"
End If
cmdTile(Index).Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Tic Tac Toe/Noughts and Crosses
'Version 1.0
'Language VB6.0
'Author: Nightwalker83
'Version 1.0 11/04/2012 - Basic two player functions implemented.
Me.Caption = "Tic Tac Toe/Noughts and Crosses"
For i = 0 To 8
cmdTile(i).Enabled = False
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub Play()
winner = -1
For i = 0 To 8
cmdTile(i).Caption = ""
cmdTile(i).Enabled = True
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub CheckWinner()
' Horizontal row 1
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(1).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(2).Caption = "o" Then winner = 0
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(1).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(2).Caption = "x" Then winner = 1
' Horizontal row 2
If cmdTile(3).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "o" Then winner = 2
If cmdTile(3).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "x" Then winner = 3
' Horizontal row 3
If cmdTile(6).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "o" Then winner = 4
If cmdTile(6).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "x" Then winner = 5
'Vertical row 1
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(3).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "o" Then winner = 6
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(3).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "x" Then winner = 7
'Vertical row 2
If cmdTile(1).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "o" Then winner = 8
If cmdTile(1).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "x" Then winner = 9
'Vertical row 3
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "o" Then winner = 10
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "x" Then winner = 11
'Diagonal 1
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "o" Then winner = 12
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "x" Then winner = 13
'Diagonal 2
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "o" Then winner = 14
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "x" Then winner = 15
'MsgBox (winner)
If (winner = 0 Or winner = 2 Or winner = 4 Or winner = 6 Or winner = 8 Or winner = 10 Or winner = 12 Or winner = 14) Then
Result = MsgBox("Player o is victorious! Play Again?", vbYesNo)
If Result = vbYes Then
End If
End If
If (winner = 1 Or winner = 3 Or winner = 5 Or winner = 7 Or winner = 9 Or winner = 11 Or winner = 13 Or winner = 15) Then
Result = MsgBox("Player x is victorious! Play Again?", vbYesNo)
If Result = vbYes Then
End If
End If
MsgBox ("This game is a draw!")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub endGame()
For i = 0 To 8
cmdTile(i).Enabled = False
Next i
End Sub
Comments and suggestions welcome!
Last edited by Nightwalker83; May 24th, 2012 at 04:05 AM.
Reason: Adding more!
when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.
I have uploaded version 2 to the above post, version two allows a player to play again the computer. Here is the discussion thread used to get the computer moves working.
Last edited by Nightwalker83; Apr 18th, 2012 at 09:42 PM.
Reason: Fixed spelling!
when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.
cmdTile(Index).BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 200) ' lite yellow
For ii = 0 To 8
' even this randomly selected Tile is "used"
If cmdTile(Index).Enabled = False Then
Index = Int(8 * Rnd)
cmdTile(Index).BackColor = RGB(220, 255, 255) ' lite cyan
txtComputer.Text = txtComputer.Text + Trim(Index)
' ok now
txtComputer.Text = Trim(Index) + vbCrLf
Exit For
End If
Next ii
End If
If Retval = "o" Then cmdTile(Index).Caption = "x"
If Retval = "x" Then cmdTile(Index).Caption = "o"
cmdTile(Index).Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Tic Tac Toe/Noughts and Crosses
'Version 2.0
'Language VB6.0
'Author: Nightwalker83
'Version 1.0 11/04/2012 - Basic two player functions implemented.
'Version 2.0 14/04/2012 - Implemented player verse computer A.I game
'Version 2.1 21/05/2012 - Allows for player to choose their marker
Me.Caption = "Tic Tac Toe/Noughts and Crosses"
For i = 0 To 8
cmdTile(i).Enabled = False
Next i
Won = False
End Sub
Sub Play()
finished = False
Winner = -1
For i = 0 To 8
cmdTile(i).Caption = ""
cmdTile(i).Enabled = True
cmdTile(i).BackColor = vbWhite
Next i
' fill array with button text
ButtonText(0) = "Yes"
ButtonText(1) = "No"
game = MessageBox(Me.hwnd, "Do you want to play Single player a game?", vbYesNo, "Choose Player")
' fill array with button text
ButtonText(0) = "O"
ButtonText(1) = "X"
ButtonText(2) = "Cancel"
'Display the box
Retval = MessageBox(Me.hwnd, "Choose whether you want to be player O or X", vbYesNoCancel, "Choose Player")
Select Case Retval
Case 6
Retval = "o"
Case 7
Retval = "x"
Case 2
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub CheckWinner()
Dim cc
' Horizontal row 1
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(1).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(2).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 0
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(1).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(2).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 1
' Horizontal row 2
If cmdTile(3).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 2
If cmdTile(3).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 3
' Horizontal row 3
If cmdTile(6).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 4
If cmdTile(6).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 5
'Vertical row 1
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(3).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 6
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(3).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 7
'Vertical row 2
If cmdTile(1).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 8
If cmdTile(1).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 9
'Vertical row 3
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 10
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 11
'Diagonal 1
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 12
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 13
'Diagonal 2
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 14
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 15
'MsgBox (winner)
If (Winner = 0 Or Winner = 2 Or Winner = 4 Or Winner = 6 Or Winner = 8 Or Winner = 10 Or Winner = 12 Or Winner = 14) Then
Won = True
finished = True
O = MsgBox("Player o is victorious! Play Again?", vbYesNo)
If O = vbYes Then
End If
End If
If (Winner = 1 Or Winner = 3 Or Winner = 5 Or Winner = 7 Or Winner = 9 Or Winner = 11 Or Winner = 13 Or Winner = 15) Then
Won = True
finished = True
X = MsgBox("Player x is victorious! Play Again?", vbYesNo)
If X = vbYes Then
End If
End If
Me.Caption = cc
If result = vbYes And cc = 9 And Won = False Then
finished = True
End If
If result = vbNo And cc >= 10 And Won = False Then
finished = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub endGame()
For i = 0 To 8
cmdTile(i).Enabled = False
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub draw()
MsgBox ("This game is a draw!")
End Sub
Private Sub resetcount()
cc = 0
txtPlayer.Text = ""
txtComputer.Text = ""
End Sub
I forgot to add the code to change the message box button captions.
Module code:
vb Code:
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function MessageBoxEx Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxExA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal uType As Long, ByVal wLanguageId As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function UnhookWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hHook As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowLongA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal nIndex As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetCurrentThreadId Lib "KERNEL32" () As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowsHookEx Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowsHookExA" (ByVal idHook As Long, ByVal lpfn As Long, ByVal hmod As Long, ByVal dwThreadId As Long) As Long
' used for locating and changing the buttons
Private Declare Function FindWindowEx Lib "user32.dll" Alias "FindWindowExA" (ByVal hwndParent As Long, ByVal hwndChildAfter As Long, ByVal lpszClass As String, ByVal lpszWindow As String) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowText Lib "user32.dll" Alias "SetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32.dll" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long
Const GWL_HINSTANCE = (-6)
Const WH_CBT = 5
left As Long
top As Long
Right As Long
Bottom As Long
End Type
Dim hHook As Long
Dim parenthWnd As Long
Public ButtonText(0 To 3) As String
Public Function MessageBox(ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal Prompt As String, Optional ByVal Buttons As VbMsgBoxStyle = vbOKOnly, _
Optional ByVal Title As String = "", Optional ByVal HelpFile As String, Optional ByVal Context, _
Optional ByVal centerForm As Boolean = True) As VbMsgBoxResult
Last edited by Nightwalker83; May 24th, 2012 at 06:46 PM.
Reason: Adding more!
when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.
Hi, I need help regarding to this. Is it possible to add a data base on this program? Specifically a LeaderBoard?
Sure it is! Which database are you thinking of using?
when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.
Here is the code for the latest version! Just download version 2.0 and replace the form code with the below code.
Dim CLICKCOUNT, i, Winner As Integer, Won As Boolean, Index As Integer, game As String, finished As Boolean, Retval As String
'Add reference to project for Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 6.1
Dim WithEvents cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset 'this is the connection object
Dim XWin As Integer, OWin As Integer, Draw As Integer, ScoreHolder As Integer, Update As Boolean, nRun As Integer, cc As Integer
Dim strMessage As String
Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
'Quit the game
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPlay_Click()
'Play the game
End Sub
Private Sub cmdTile_Click(Index As Integer)
If game = vbNo Then
If (CLICKCOUNT Mod 2 = 1) Then
cmdTile(Index).Caption = "x"
cmdTile(Index).Caption = "o"
End If
cmdTile(Index).Enabled = False
computer (Index)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub computer(Index As Integer)
Dim ii As Integer
'Written by spoo of vbforums
nRun = nRun + 1
' set Player's tile
cmdTile(Index).Caption = Retval
cmdTile(Index).Enabled = False
txtPlayer.Text = Trim(nRun) + "--" + Trim(Index) + vbCrLf
If Won = False Then
' set Computer's tile
Index = Int(8 * Rnd)
txtComputer.Text = Trim(nRun) + "--" + Trim(Index)
' revise if "used"
If cmdTile(Index).Enabled = False Then
cmdTile(Index).BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 200) ' lite yellow
For ii = 0 To 8
' even this randomly selected Tile is "used"
If cmdTile(Index).Enabled = False Then
Index = Int(8 * Rnd)
cmdTile(Index).BackColor = RGB(220, 255, 255) ' lite cyan
txtComputer.Text = txtComputer.Text + Trim(Index)
' ok now
txtComputer.Text = Trim(Index) + vbCrLf
Exit For
End If
Next ii
End If
If Retval = "o" Then cmdTile(Index).Caption = "x"
If Retval = "x" Then cmdTile(Index).Caption = "o"
cmdTile(Index).Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Activate()
Me.BorderStyle = 1
Me.Caption = "Tic Tac Toe/Noughts and Crosses"
XWin = 0
OWin = 0
Draw = 0
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Tic Tac Toe/Noughts and Crosses
'Language VB6.0
'Author: Nightwalker83
'Version 1.0 11/04/2012 - Basic two player functions implemented.
'Version 2.0 14/04/2012 - Implemented player verse computer A.I game
'Version 2.1 21/05/2012 - Allows for player to choose their marker
'Version 3.0 24/03/2014 - Added basic sql database saving for scores
cmdPlay.Enabled = False
End Sub
Sub Play()
finished = False
Winner = -1
For i = 0 To 8
cmdTile(i).Caption = ""
cmdTile(i).Enabled = True
cmdTile(i).BackColor = vbWhite
Next i
' fill array with button text
ButtonText(0) = "Yes"
ButtonText(1) = "No"
game = MessageBox(Me.hwnd, "Do you want to play Single player a game?", vbYesNo, "Choose Player")
' fill array with button text
ButtonText(0) = "O"
ButtonText(1) = "X"
ButtonText(2) = "Cancel"
'Display the box
Retval = MessageBox(Me.hwnd, "Choose whether you want to be player O or X", vbYesNoCancel, "Choose Player")
Select Case Retval
Case 6
Retval = "o"
Case 7
Retval = "x"
Case 2
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub CheckWinner()
Dim O As VbMsgBoxResult, X As VbMsgBoxResult, result As VbMsgBoxResult
' Horizontal row 1
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(1).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(2).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 0
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(1).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(2).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 1
' Horizontal row 2
If cmdTile(3).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 2
If cmdTile(3).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 3
' Horizontal row 3
If cmdTile(6).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 4
If cmdTile(6).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 5
'Vertical row 1
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(3).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 6
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(3).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 7
'Vertical row 2
If cmdTile(1).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 8
If cmdTile(1).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(7).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 9
'Vertical row 3
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 10
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(5).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 11
'Diagonal 1
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 12
If cmdTile(0).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(8).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 13
'Diagonal 2
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "o" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "o" Then Winner = 14
If cmdTile(2).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(4).Caption = "x" And cmdTile(6).Caption = "x" Then Winner = 15
'MsgBox (winner)
If (Winner = 0 Or Winner = 2 Or Winner = 4 Or Winner = 6 Or Winner = 8 Or Winner = 10 Or Winner = 12 Or Winner = 14) Then
Won = True
finished = True
O = MsgBox("Player o is victorious! Play Again?", vbYesNo)
OWin = OWin + 1
ScoreHolder = OWin
If O = vbYes Then
End If
End If
If (Winner = 1 Or Winner = 3 Or Winner = 5 Or Winner = 7 Or Winner = 9 Or Winner = 11 Or Winner = 13 Or Winner = 15) Then
Won = True
finished = True
X = MsgBox("Player x is victorious! Play Again?", vbYesNo)
XWin = XWin + 1
ScoreHolder = XWin
If X = vbYes Then
End If
End If
Me.Caption = cc
If result = vbYes And cc = 9 And Won = False Then
finished = True
Draw = Draw + 1
ScoreHolder = Draw
End If
If result = vbNo And cc >= 10 And Won = False Then
finished = True
Draw = Draw + 1
ScoreHolder = Draw
End If
End Sub
Private Sub endGame()
For i = 0 To 8
cmdTile(i).Enabled = False
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub DrawnGame()
MsgBox ("This game is a draw!")
End Sub
Private Sub resetcount()
cc = 0
txtPlayer.Text = ""
txtComputer.Text = ""
End Sub
Private Sub score()
rs.Find "PlayerID like '" & Retval & "'"
rs.Fields("PlayerID") = Retval
rs.Fields("Score") = ScoreHolder
rs.Update 'Handle the data
End Sub
Private Sub dbConnect()
Dim Table As String, DB As String
Table = "PlayerScore"
DB = "TicTacToe"
Update = False
'instantiate the connection object
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
ConnectionString = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};" & _
"server=;" & _
"database=TicTacToe;" & _
"Option=3;" & _
"port=3306;" & _
On Error GoTo server
cn.Open ConnectionString 'open the connection
'instantiate the recordset object
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
'open the recordset
With rs
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Open Table, cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
If rs.RecordCount < 2 Then
FieldExists rs, "PlayerID"
FieldExists rs, "Score"
If Rtn = False Then MsgBox "Please setup the database first!"
Exit Sub
End If
If .EOF Then
End If
For i = 0 To 8
cmdTile(i).Enabled = False
Next i
End With
Won = False
If Not rs.Fields("Score") = "" Then ScoreHolder = rs.Fields("Score")
cmdPlay.Enabled = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Please start the database server!"
End Sub
Public Function FieldExists(ByVal rsRecSet As ADODB.Recordset, ByVal FieldName As String) As Boolean
Dim fld As ADODB.Field
Dim Rtn As Boolean
'Check to see if the correct fields and values are in the database
If Not rsRecSet Is Nothing Then
For Each fld In rsRecSet.Fields
If StrComp(fld.Name, FieldName, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
Rtn = True
Exit For
End If
Next fld
End If
FieldExists = Rtn
End Function
You will also need to include a module with the code from post #3 in it.
Edit II:
To change it so you are using an Access database to save rather than an sql database change the connect string from:
Last edited by Nightwalker83; Mar 25th, 2014 at 08:12 PM.
Reason: Adding more!
when you quote a post could you please do it via the "Reply With Quote" button or if it multiple post click the "''+" button then "Reply With Quote" button.
If this thread is finished with please mark it "Resolved" by selecting "Mark thread resolved" from the "Thread tools" drop-down menu.