Feb 21st, 2012, 12:05 PM
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Fanatic Member
[RESOLVED] hyperlink in code vb.net silverlight 2010
I was looking for how to simply use the browser of the phone to jump to a link from my application.
I found what seems to be used in c# which looks reasonable:
I just want to know how to do this in VB.net, the reason I am not using a hyperlinkButton is because I am binding some titles and they don't fit on one line and the hyperlinkButton cannot wrap text so I need to do this on tap in code
Please advise
Feb 22nd, 2012, 09:37 AM
Re: hyperlink in code vb.net silverlight 2010
Wrapping style for a hyperlink button: http://www.pitorque.de/MisterGoodcat...ton-style.aspx
Here's the C# code translated
Private Sub Button_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles Button.Click
Dim url As New Uri(TryCast(sender, Button).Tag.ToString(), UriKind.Absolute)
HtmlPage.Window.Navigate(url, "_blank")
End Sub
I would recommend creating the 1st option myself.
Feb 22nd, 2012, 11:00 AM
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Fanatic Member
Re: hyperlink in code vb.net silverlight 2010
Hi, thanks for reply
I get this error:
'HtmlPage' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
HtmlPage comes from System.Windows.Browser as I found in the msdn documentation, but I don't seem to have it in the references list. I also forgot to mention this is Windows Phone app using Visual Studio for Windows Phone if that makes any difference.
Feb 22nd, 2012, 11:07 AM
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Fanatic Member
Re: hyperlink in code vb.net silverlight 2010
Hi again,
I actually just discovered this code that works ! :
WebBrowserTask task = new WebBrowserTask();
task.URL = "http://www.stackoverflow.com";
Thanks for help, resolved
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