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Thread: Game: Under & Over 7

  1. #1

    Thread Starter
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Game: Under & Over 7

    I realized I posted this in the regular code bank, where as it should really go here.

    I have just started learning VB today and wanted to experiment with it re-creating this simple game.

    I have included the rules to the game in the menu bar, under Help.

    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Public Class Form1
        Dim PlayersName, PlayersBet, PlayersAnte As String
        Dim Die1, Die2, DieResults, PlayersTotal, DealersTotal As Integer
        Dim DelearsPotTotal, PlayersPotTotal As Double
        Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            PlayersName = InputBox("What is your name?")
            Enigma.Text = PlayersName
        End Sub
        Private Sub PlacePlayerBetButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PlacePlayerBetButton.Click
            PlayersBet = PlayersBetBox.Text
        End Sub
        Private Sub PlacePlayerAnteButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PlacePlayerAnteButton.Click
            PlayersAnte = PlayersAnteBox.Text
        End Sub
        Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
            If PlayersBet = "" Then
                MsgBox("Please input a bet!")
                Exit Sub
            ElseIf PlayersAnte = "" Then
                MsgBox("Please input an ante!")
                Exit Sub
            End If
            Die1 = Int(Rnd() * 10)
            Die2 = Int(Rnd() * 10)
            DieResults = Die1 + Die2
            RollResults.Text = DieResults
            RollResults.Visible = True
            If DieResults > 7 Then
                MsgBox("Payout is 1:1 because results were > 7")
                If PlayersBet = ">" Then
                    MsgBox("You were right!")
                    DelearsPotTotal = DealersPot.Text
                    PlayersPotTotal = PlayersPot.Text
                    DealersPot.Text = DelearsPotTotal - PlayersAnte
                    PlayersPot.Text = PlayersPotTotal + PlayersAnte
                    MsgBox("You were wrong!")
                    DelearsPotTotal = DealersPot.Text
                    PlayersPotTotal = PlayersPot.Text
                    DealersPot.Text = DelearsPotTotal + PlayersAnte
                    PlayersPot.Text = PlayersPotTotal - PlayersAnte
                End If
                ElseIf DieResults < 7 Then
            MsgBox("Payout is 1:1 because results are < 7")
            If PlayersBet = "<" Then
                MsgBox("You were right!")
                DelearsPotTotal = DealersPot.Text
                PlayersPotTotal = PlayersPot.Text
                DealersPot.Text = DelearsPotTotal - PlayersAnte
                PlayersPot.Text = PlayersPotTotal + PlayersAnte
                MsgBox("You were wrong!")
                DelearsPotTotal = DealersPot.Text
                PlayersPotTotal = PlayersPot.Text
                DealersPot.Text = DelearsPotTotal + PlayersAnte
                PlayersPot.Text = PlayersPotTotal - PlayersAnte
            End If
                ElseIf DieResults = 7 Then
            MsgBox("Payout is 5:5 because results were 7!")
            If PlayersBet = "=" Then
                MsgBox("You were right!")
                PlayersAnte = PlayersAnte * 5
                DelearsPotTotal = DealersPot.Text
                PlayersPotTotal = PlayersPot.Text
                DealersPot.Text = DelearsPotTotal - PlayersAnte
                PlayersPot.Text = PlayersPotTotal + PlayersAnte
                MsgBox("You were wrong!")
                DelearsPotTotal = DealersPot.Text
                PlayersPotTotal = PlayersPot.Text
                DealersPot.Text = DelearsPotTotal + PlayersAnte
                PlayersPot.Text = PlayersPotTotal - PlayersAnte
            End If
                End If
        End Sub
        Private Sub AboutTheGameToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AboutTheGameToolStripMenuItem.Click
            MsgBox("There are three outcomes of the dice" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "1: The sum of the die is < 7" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "2: The sum of the die is > 7" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "3: The sum of the die is = 7" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "The payout that you recieve depends on the outcome." & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "1 & 2 results in 1:1 payout (Depending on your difficulty choice)" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "3 results in a 5:5 payout (Once again, depending on your difficulty)" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "You and the banker both start with 10,000 cash." & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "If you run out of money, you lose." & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "If the banker runs out, you beat the house" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "In order to play, you must first put in your bet." & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "This is your guess to which outcome the dice will be: <, >, =" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "Next you must put in an ante. The amount you are gambling" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "Depending on the outcome, you will lose or win this amount" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   "(Or 5x the amount if you bet 7 and won)" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "Next move is to roll the die by clicking the roll button." & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "The rest is self self explanatory!" & Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   Environment.NewLine & _
                   "Enjoy the game!")
        End Sub
    End Class
    Since I don't know how you are suppose to send one user your source + all required files (In this case, just two images) I am also uploading the .zip with the build version.
    Last edited by Hack; Nov 3rd, 2011 at 05:45 AM. Reason: Removed Attachment

  2. #2
    I'm about to be a PowerPoster! Hack's Avatar
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    Re: Game: Under & Over 7

    Thank you for your CodeBank submission.

    Per this CodeBank policy, which is clearly posted at the top of each CodeBank forum section, I have removed your attachment as it contained nothing but a single, compiled, file.

    We welcome and appreciate all entries into our Codebank and require that source code only be included with anything attached.

    Thank you.

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