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Thread: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

  1. #1

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    PowerPoster dilettante's Avatar
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    VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Note: Please see new attachment posted a few replies down!


    ShellPipe is a VB6 UserControl that can be used to "shell" (run) a child process that uses the standard I/O streams, redirecting the child's streams to the anonymous pipes created in the parent process.

    Much of this can be accomplished using the Scripting Runtime. However this has many limitations such as synchronous I/O operations that are not compatible with the event-driven model of the typical VB6 program.

    This UserControl wraps up a lot of the Win32 API calls you might do this with yourself into a "black box" easily dropped into Projects.

    Sort of like Winsock

    So the ShellPipe control has an object model somewhat like the standard Winsock control.

    Once the parent runs the child successfully (optionally passing a command line) the parent can write to the child's StdIn stream. Child events such as StdOut stream output and termination raise events in the parent.

    Minor streamlining

    Both StdOut and StdErr output from the child take one combined path back to the parent. You could easily break this out and use a second DataArrival Event or an additional parameter identifying the source.

    Output polling is done using a Timer control to support Win9x, since Win9x cannot do overlapped I/O.

    Different view of client/server

    One way to look at the relationship is to consider the parent to be a "client" and the child a "server." This is more like the COM and RPC model of communication than what we think of with TCP/IP.

    You can easily use a control array of ShellPipe controls to allow the parent to run multiple children.


    Here I have a simple child program (server) which uses the Scripting Runtime for StdIO, since it doesn't need to do any async processing. This server accepts file directory lookup requests and returns a directory listing reply.

    The parent program (client) uses a ShellPipe control to run the server. Then it awaits user input for directory lookups, formats/sends these requests to the server, and displays returned response data. While this goes on it runs a Timer-driven visual "heartbeat" to demonstrate the non-blocking nature of ShellPipe.
    Last edited by dilettante; Aug 18th, 2012 at 07:49 AM. Reason: deleted original attachment, see new one below

  2. #2
    Frenzied Member
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Error at:
    strMsg = tsStdIn.ReadLine()

    Method 'ReadLine' of object 'ITextStream" failed.
    I have made of reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime.

  3. #3

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    PowerPoster dilettante's Avatar
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    I recompiled the posted source and had no problem. Are you trying to run the "server" program in the IDE?

    Ahh, that must be it.

    No, to test the "server" separately in the IDE you would have to provide an alternate source for StdIn and StdOut.

    Here's a hacked Main module allowing manual IDE testing:
    Option Explicit
    'Requires: Microsoft Scripting Runtime.
    Private Declare Function AllocConsole Lib "kernel32" () As Long
    Private Declare Function FreeConsole Lib "kernel32" () As Long
    Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
    Private tsStdIn As Scripting.TextStream
    Private tsStdOut As Scripting.TextStream
    Private Function DirTree( _
        ByVal DirPath As String, _
        ByVal Depth As Integer, _
        Optional ByVal Level As Integer = 0) As String
        Dim strLevelIndent As String
        Dim colFolderNames As Collection
        Dim strDirItem As String
        Dim varDirPathItem As Variant
        Dim lngAttr As Long
        Const REPARSE_POINT As Long = &H400&
        strLevelIndent = Space$(4 * Level)
        Set colFolderNames = New Collection
        On Error Resume Next
        strDirItem = Dir$(DirPath, vbReadOnly Or vbHidden Or vbDirectory)
        If Err.Number Then
            DirTree = Err.Description
            Exit Function
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        Do Until Len(strDirItem) = 0
            varDirPathItem = DirPath & strDirItem
            'On Error Resume Next
            lngAttr = GetAttr(varDirPathItem)
            If Err.Number Then
                DirTree = Err.Description
                Exit Function
            End If
            On Error GoTo 0
            If (lngAttr And REPARSE_POINT) = 0 Then
                If (lngAttr And vbDirectory) <> 0 Then
                    If strDirItem <> "." And strDirItem <> ".." Then
                        colFolderNames.Add varDirPathItem & "\"
                    End If
                    DirTree = DirTree & strLevelIndent & varDirPathItem & vbNewLine
                End If
            End If
            strDirItem = Dir$()
        Level = Level + 1
        For Each varDirPathItem In colFolderNames
            DirTree = DirTree & strLevelIndent & varDirPathItem & vbNewLine
            If Level <= Depth Then
                DirTree = DirTree & DirTree(varDirPathItem, Depth, Level)
            End If
    End Function
    Private Sub Main()
        'Inbound requests:
        '   QUIT<newline>
        '   <depth>|<directory path><newline>
        'Outbound responses:
        '   QUITTING
        '   <response length><newline><directory tree>
        Dim strMsg As String
        Dim strParts() As String
        Dim IDEMode As Boolean
        On Error Resume Next
        Debug.Assert CBool(1 / 0)
        IDEMode = CBool(Err.Number)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If IDEMode Then AllocConsole
        With New Scripting.FileSystemObject
            Set tsStdIn = .GetStandardStream(StdIn)
            Set tsStdOut = .GetStandardStream(StdOut)
        End With
            strMsg = tsStdIn.ReadLine()
            If UCase$(strMsg) = "QUIT" Then
                tsStdOut.WriteLine "QUITTING"
                Exit Do
                Sleep 1500 'Hang around pretending this is lots of work.
                strParts = Split(strMsg, "|")
                strMsg = DirTree(strParts(1), CInt(strParts(0) - 1))
                tsStdOut.WriteLine CStr(Len(strMsg))
                tsStdOut.Write strMsg
            End If
        If IDEMode Then FreeConsole
    End Sub
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  4. #4
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Your're not supposed to run the server by itself. Run the client only.

    Anything I post is an example only and is not intended to be the only solution, the total solution nor the final solution to your request nor do I claim that it is. If you find it useful then it is entirely up to you to make whatever changes necessary you feel are adequate for your purposes.

  5. #5
    Frenzied Member
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Quote Originally Posted by dilettante View Post
    I recompiled the posted source and had no problem. Are you trying to run the "server" program in the IDE?

    Ahh, that must be it.

    No, to test the "server" separately in the IDE you would have to provide an alternate source for StdIn and StdOut.
    The server failed in the both IDE & EXE.

  6. #6

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    PowerPoster dilettante's Avatar
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    If you must run the server by itself it must be linked for the Console Subsystem in Windows or else you need to allocate a console as suggested above.

    The attachment here has a small script for relinking a compiled EXE. If you extract LinkConsole.vbs to the same folder as your compiled DirServer.exe, you can drag the EXE icon onto the VBS icon and drop it to relink DirServer.exe. This will cause it to open a console window when run stand-alone or you can run it within cmd.exe like any command line program.

    Check the script first. It may need to be tweaked if you installed VB6 into a non-default location, since it uses LINK.EXE from the VB6 compiler tools.
    Last edited by dilettante; Aug 18th, 2012 at 07:48 AM. Reason: delted original attachment, now included in the new one below

  7. #7

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    PowerPoster dilettante's Avatar
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Ok, let's try this again.

    The new attachment has the extra code in DirServer to create a Console window if run from the IDE. This means if you run it in the IDE, it pops up a Console window and you have to "play" being the client manually.

    That is what the Console window screenshot above was all about.

    Then you can compile and relink the DirServer.exe using LinkConsole.vbs (also in the new attachment).

    From there you can open the DirClient project which uses the ShellPipe control. This can be run within the IDE or compiled and run. Since it is a Windows Subsystem program like most VB6 programs there is no need for any relinking of DirClient.exe. When you run DirClient (whether compiled or in the IDE) it runs the compiled and relinked DirServer.exe as a child process, writes to its StdIn and reads from its StdOut. You won't see any Console windows.

    To be clear: To test DirClient you must first compile and relink DirServer.

    The readme.txt has been updated to describe relinking for DirServer.exe.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by dilettante; May 25th, 2018 at 06:11 PM. Reason: replaced corrupted attachment

  8. #8

    Thread Starter
    PowerPoster dilettante's Avatar
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Here is an update to ShellPipe.

    This is version 7 which optionally breaks out child process output, i.e. data written to StdOut and StdErr can be received separately by the parent program. There are also some minor bug fixes.

    By default the new property ErrAsOut = True, making version 7 highly compatible with earlier versions. But when ErrAsOut = False several new events, methods, and properties prefixed ErrXXXX come into play.

    The hardest part about dropping version 7 into a project previously using an earlier version is that the buffer class SmartBuffer was renamed as a more modest SPBuffer (in response to several snide remarks about the grandiose name). So to "upgrade" a Project you now need to copy the new files ShellPipe.ctl, ShellPipe.ctx, and SPBuffer.cls into the Project folder and also remove SmartBuffer.cls from the Project and add SPBuffer.cls to it instead.

    So a .VBP beginning:

    Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
    Class=SmartBuffer; SmartBuffer.cls

    Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
    Class=SPBuffer; SPBuffer.cls
    I hope you find it useful.

    ShellPipe version 7 is attached here as a ZIP archive containing a very small VB6 Project that uses it. This Project just uses ShellPipe to run cscript.exe against a supplied script test.vbs, send some input to the script via StdIn and capture output from the script via the StdOut and StdErr streams.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by dilettante; May 26th, 2014 at 02:08 PM. Reason: reposted attachment, minor cleanup & bug fix

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Quote Originally Posted by dilettante View Post
    Here is an update to ShellPipe.

    This is version 7 which optionally breaks out child process output, i.e. data written to StdOut and StdErr can be received separately by the parent program. There are also some minor bug fixes.

    By default the new property ErrAsOut = True, making version 7 highly compatible with earlier versions. But when ErrAsOut = False several new events, methods, and properties prefixed ErrXXXX come into play.

    The hardest part about dropping version 7 into a project previously using an earlier version is that the buffer class SmartBuffer was renamed as a more modest SPBuffer (in response to several snide remarks about the grandiose name). So to "upgrade" a Project you now need to copy the new files ShellPipe.ctl, ShellPipe.ctx, and SPBuffer.cls into the Project folder and also remove SmartBuffer.cls from the Project and add SPBuffer.cls to it instead.

    So a .VBP beginning:

    Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
    Class=SmartBuffer; SmartBuffer.cls

    Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
    Class=SPBuffer; SPBuffer.cls
    I hope you find it useful.

    ShellPipe version 7 is attached here as a ZIP archive containing a very small VB6 Project that uses it. This Project just uses ShellPipe to run cscript.exe against a supplied script test.vbs, send some input to the script via StdIn and capture output from the script via the StdOut and StdErr streams.
    Can you tell me what you use this;;Can do inter-process communication

  10. #10

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    PowerPoster dilettante's Avatar
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    My own uses are many.

    There are lots of command line programs that do not come in an equivalent DLL usable from VB6, or in some cases no "free" DLL when I have a customer who insists on using someting free.

    It is also possible to write formless VB6 programs or WSH scripts that can be run as background worker processes but require some back and forth communication. This communication can be commands sent to the child process and results or status returned back from such children.

    Anonymous pipes are probably the most basic form of IPC we have.

    But this does not do things like reach out to arbitrary processes. It is meant for well defined scenarios where your VB6 program starts and runs some external command line program.

  11. #11
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Quote Originally Posted by dilettante View Post
    Ok, let's try this again.

    The new attachment has the extra code in DirServer to create a Console window if run from the IDE. This means if you run it in the IDE, it pops up a Console window and you have to "play" being the client manually.

    That is what the Console window screenshot above was all about.

    Then you can compile and relink the DirServer.exe using LinkConsole.vbs (also in the new attachment).

    From there you can open the DirClient project which uses the ShellPipe control. This can be run within the IDE or compiled and run. Since it is a Windows Subsystem program like most VB6 programs there is no need for any relinking of DirClient.exe. When you run DirClient (whether compiled or in the IDE) it runs the compiled and relinked DirServer.exe as a child process, writes to its StdIn and reads from its StdOut. You won't see any Console windows.

    To be clear: To test DirClient you must first compile and relink DirServer.

    The readme.txt has been updated to describe relinking for DirServer.exe.
    can not download this demo.can you fixed?

  12. #12
    Lively Member
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Excelent code ShellPipe 7 (12.3 KB, 711 views) Many Thanks!!!

  13. #13
    Frenzied Member
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    Kallithea Attikis, Greece

    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    I got the ShellPipe control and I change it to a class. I put this in M2000 Environment (M2000 Interpreter). I use it for a chessgame to connect it to a stockfish 12 chess engine from

    Also I have another use: Just connect to a cmd.exe and write and read from it, from M2000 console.

    dilettante thanks;

  14. #14
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Quote Originally Posted by georgekar View Post
    I got the ShellPipe control and I change it to a class. I put this in M2000 Environment (M2000 Interpreter). I use it for a chessgame to connect it to a stockfish 12 chess engine from

    Also I have another use: Just connect to a cmd.exe and write and read from it, from M2000 console.

    dilettante thanks;
    How do you trigger ProcessLoop(), in control used timer control ''tmrCheck''

  15. #15
    Frenzied Member
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    Kallithea Attikis, Greece

    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    This is the example Handler2 for ShellPipe (included in info.gsb, which included in the M2000 setup file). From Revision 55 Verison 9.9 of M2000 Environment. The interpreter and environment is a VB6 application. We can run the example from the environment, we can change it without leaving the environment (works like a Repl).

    Notice 2 things:
    1. Use of withevents, to get the proper event (use of events for late bound objects)
    2. Use of Every structure (this is like a timer)

    We can use Threads in M2000 (These threads working with a kernel timer, and an inner Task Manager), so a thread is like a loop to give the processloop. We can send data to a thread's stack (used as queue). For reading purpose we can use another thread or the enent as in this example.

    PHP Code:
    Escape Off
    Form 80
    Pen 15 
    "Demo: Using a console program from M2000, using ShellPipe internal object"
    Print "Press Esc to exit, or write Exit and press enter"
    Declare withevents SP SHELLPIPE
    Print TYPE$(SP)
    with SP"Active" as IsActive"Hasline" as Sp.HasLine
    Method SP
    "Run","cmd.exe /k" as ok
    Wait 200
    Print ok
    If ok=0 then
        Method SP
    Function SP_DataArrival {
                method Sp
    "GetLine" as aLine$
    right$(aline$, len(lastcomm$)+1)<>">"+lastcommthen
    Print #-2, aLine$
    end While
    Every 20 {
    Method Sp"ProcessLoop"
    if not IsActive then exit
    keypress(27then exit
            if (
    timecount-idle)>100 then
    Print "(child)>";
    Pen 15 {Line Input comm$}
    Method SP"SendLine"comm$
    end if
    end if
    SP nothing 
    Name:  childproc.jpg
Views: 2931
Size:  42.0 KB
    Last edited by georgekar; Sep 22nd, 2020 at 02:17 AM.

  16. #16
    Fanatic Member
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Quote Originally Posted by dilettante View Post
    Here is an update to ShellPipe.

    This is version 7 which optionally breaks out child process output, i.e. data written to StdOut and StdErr can be received separately by the parent program. There are also some minor bug fixes.

    By default the new property ErrAsOut = True, making version 7 highly compatible with earlier versions. But when ErrAsOut = False several new events, methods, and properties prefixed ErrXXXX come into play.

    The hardest part about dropping version 7 into a project previously using an earlier version is that the buffer class SmartBuffer was renamed as a more modest SPBuffer (in response to several snide remarks about the grandiose name). So to "upgrade" a Project you now need to copy the new files ShellPipe.ctl, ShellPipe.ctx, and SPBuffer.cls into the Project folder and also remove SmartBuffer.cls from the Project and add SPBuffer.cls to it instead.

    So a .VBP beginning:

    Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\..\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
    Class=SmartBuffer; SmartBuffer.cls

    Reference=*\G{00020430-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}#2.0#0#..\..\..\..\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb#OLE Automation
    Class=SPBuffer; SPBuffer.cls
    I hope you find it useful.

    ShellPipe version 7 is attached here as a ZIP archive containing a very small VB6 Project that uses it. This Project just uses ShellPipe to run cscript.exe against a supplied script test.vbs, send some input to the script via StdIn and capture output from the script via the StdOut and StdErr streams.
    cannot support this format command

    With a Unicode string command

    "adb. Exe exec - out screencap - p > c:\ 桌面\ShellPipe7\Simple\screen\screen.PNG"

    Without a Unicode can perform in the CMD command can succeed

    AppLocation = "adb.Exe exec - out screencap - p > d:\ShellPipe\Simple\screen\screen.PNG"

    If SP.Run (appLocation) = SP_SUCCESS Then

    Shown here successful command execution, but actually did not succeed can not pull png to my computer

    End If

    - for the following this way

    AppLocation = Environ $(" COMSPEC ") & "/ Q"

    If SP.Run (appLocation) = SP_SUCCESS Then

    Call SP.Sendline(" adb.Exe exec - out screencap - p > d:\ShellPipe7\Simple\ screen\screen.PNG ") 'can be successful ,png on my computer

    End If



    If SP.Run ("adb devices") = SP_SUCCESS Then

    ' this command work ok . why

    End If

    can help? thanks

  17. #17
    Fanatic Member
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Quote Originally Posted by xxdoc123 View Post
    cannot support this format command

    With a Unicode string command

    "adb. Exe exec - out screencap - p > c:\ 桌面\ShellPipe7\Simple\screen\screen.PNG"

    Without a Unicode can perform in the CMD command can succeed

    AppLocation = "adb.Exe exec - out screencap - p > d:\ShellPipe\Simple\screen\screen.PNG"

    If SP.Run (appLocation) = SP_SUCCESS Then

    Shown here successful command execution, but actually did not succeed can not pull png to my computer

    End If

    - for the following this way

    AppLocation = Environ $(" COMSPEC ") & "/ Q"

    If SP.Run (appLocation) = SP_SUCCESS Then

    Call SP.Sendline(" adb.Exe exec - out screencap - p > d:\ShellPipe7\Simple\ screen\screen.PNG ") 'can be successful ,png on my computer

    End If



    If SP.Run ("adb devices") = SP_SUCCESS Then

    ' this command work ok . why

    End If

    can help? thanks
    Private Declare Function WriteFile _
                    Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, _
                                    ByVal lpBuf As Long, _
                                    ByVal cToWrite As Long, _
                                    ByRef cWritten As Long, _
                                    ByVal lpOverlapped As Any) As Long
    Private Sub WriteData()
        Dim Buffer       As String
        Dim CharsWritten As Long
        Dim ErrNum       As Long
        Dim Cancel       As Boolean
        Dim BtTest()     As Byte
        Dim Buflen       As Long
        If PipeOpenIn Then
            If BufferIn.Length > 0 Then
                BufferIn.PeekBuffer Buffer
                BtTest = StrConv(Buffer, vbFromUnicode)
                Buflen = UBound(BtTest) + 1
                If WriteFile(hChildInPipeWr, StrPtr(BtTest), Buflen, CharsWritten, 0&) <> WIN32FALSE Then
                    BufferIn.DeleteData CharsWritten
                    ErrNum = Err.LastDllError
                    RaiseEvent Error(ErrNum, "ShellPipe.WriteData.WriteFile", Cancel)
                    If Not Cancel Then
                        Err.Raise ErrNum, TypeName(Me), "WriteData WriteFile error"
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

  18. #18
    Fanatic Member
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    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    I have a question. . How to determine whether the command has been completed. Should I perform a DOS command did not return a value. If I set myself

    "adb.Exe exec - out screencap - p > d:\ShellPipe7\Simple\ screen\screen.PNG” this dos command may used times 100ms -- 2000ms. The time dalay is changing

    i chang the dos command SP.Sendline(" adb.Exe exec - out screencap - p > d:\ShellPipe7\Simple\ screen\screen.PNG") To

    SP.Sendline(" adb.Exe exec - out screencap - p > d:\ShellPipe7\Simple\ screen\screen.PNG && Complete ")

    i want check "complete" to know i will do next

    IN this sub

    Private Sub SP_DataArrival(ByVal CharsTotal As Long)

    LogOutput ' i will check “Complete” is ok。but Screenshots png no transfer to my pc

    end sub

    My workaround is to judge the PNG is readable. If there is no transfer complete, PNG read error. If there is a good method to improve shellpipe controls

    MAY be can set sp.PollInterval
    Last edited by xxdoc123; Jun 13th, 2021 at 10:46 PM.

  19. #19
    Fanatic Member Black_Storm's Avatar
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    any where

    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    hi,i used shellpipe control for zip with 7zip console but i cant get percentage in vb like as dos output how can fix that?

    this is all my code used :

    Option Explicit
    Private Declare Function GetShortPathNameW _
                    Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpszLongPath As Long, _
                                    ByVal lpszShortPath As Long, _
                                    ByVal cchBuffer As Long) As Long
    Public Function getshortpathname(ByVal pth As String) As String
        Dim ShortPath As String
        Dim Result    As Long
        Result = GetShortPathNameW(StrPtr(pth), 0, 0)
        If Result = 0 Then
            'MsgBox "GetShortPathNameW 1st call" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _
             & "System error number " & CStr(Err.LastDllError)
            getshortpathname = ""
            ShortPath = Space$(Result - 1)
            Result = GetShortPathNameW(StrPtr(pth), StrPtr(ShortPath), Result)
            If Result = 0 Then
                MsgBox "GetShortPathNameW 2nd call" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine _
                   & "System error number " & CStr(Err.LastDllError)
                getshortpathname = ""
                'MsgBox ShortPath, , "GetShortPathNameW Success"
                getshortpathname = ShortPath
            End If
        End If
    End Function
    Private Sub Command1_Click()
        Dim flname As String
        flname = App.Path & "\data\"
        flname = getshortpathname(flname)
        'extract  x -inul -hpfarhad c:\3.rar c:\
        Dim arg As String
        arg = " -p123 -mhe=on a -aoa -t7z " & getshortpathname(App.Path) & "\1.dat" & " " & flname & "*.*"
        Dim SPResult As SP_RESULTS
        Dim TextLine As String
        SPResult = sp.Run(Environ("ComSpec"), App.Path)
        Select Case SPResult
            Case SP_SUCCESS
                Text1.Text = "welcome ..."
                sp.SendLine "a.exe" & arg
                'sp.SendLine "mpv " & args
                'sp.SendLine "rar"
                MsgBox "Run failed, could not create pipe", _
                   vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, _
                MsgBox "Run failed, could not create process", _
                   vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, _
        End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
        'If sp.Active = True Then SendCommand "quit"
        sp.SendLine vbKeyControl + vbKeyC
        If sp.Active = True Then sp.SendLine "exit"
        sp.FinishChild 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub sp_ChildFinished()
        Dim lngReturnCode As Long
        'Pick up any leftover output prior to child termination.
        If sp.ErrLength > 0 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & sp.ErrGetData()
        If sp.Length > 0 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & sp.GetData()
        'If sp.ErrLength > 0 Then Text1.Text = sp.ErrGetData()
        'If sp.Length > 0 Then Text1.Text = sp.GetData()
        lngReturnCode = sp.FinishChild(0)
    End Sub
    Private Sub sp_DataArrival(ByVal CharsTotal As Long)
        Dim S As String
        With sp
            Do While .HasLine
                S = "":   DoEvents
                S = .GetLine()
                Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & S
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub sp_EOF(ByVal EOFType As SPEOF_TYPES)
        'Pick up any leftover output prior to EOF.
        If sp.Length > 0 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & sp.GetData()
        ' If sp.Length > 0 Then Text1.Text = sp.GetData()
        Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & "*EOF on StdOut*"
    End Sub
    Private Sub sp_ErrDataArrival(ByVal CharsTotal As Long)
        With sp
            Do While .ErrHasLine
                Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & .ErrGetLine()
                'If Len(Text1.Text) > 20000 Then Text1.Text = ""
                'Text1.Text = .ErrGetLine()
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub sp_ErrEOF(ByVal EOFType As SPEOF_TYPES)
        'If sp.ErrLength > 0 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & sp.ErrGetData()
        If sp.ErrLength > 0 Then Text1.Text = sp.ErrGetData()
        Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & "*EOF on StdErr*"
    End Sub
    Private Sub sp_Error(ByVal Number As Long, _
                         ByVal Source As String, _
                         CancelDisplay As Boolean)
        Text1.Text = Source
        Text1.Text = Text1.Text & vbCrLf & "Error"
        'MsgBox "Error " & CStr(Number) & " in " & Source, _
         vbOKOnly Or vbExclamation, _
        CancelDisplay = True
        sp.FinishChild 0
    End Sub
    this is what i want :

    but my result in vb is :

    links of images if fullsize images not availble :

    I have a similar problem with using other programs and I can not get some running output ...
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  20. #20
    Fanatic Member Black_Storm's Avatar
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    Sep 2007
    any where

    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    solved my problem in 7zip but still cant track some console output yet from other apps.
    my question about it here : [VB6] PipeRPC - RPC Over Named Pipes

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    For last few years I use this ShellPipe control to do ffmpeg capturing on VB6.
    So far no issues while I do single process.

    But now I need a preview also for my capturing.
    So I need to pipe the ffmpeg output to another process ffplay.
    The Example command line has a pipe symbol "|"

    So I doubt the ShellPipe control couldn't handle 2 process at a time and throwing errors and

    Unrecognized option 'x'.
    Error splitting the argument list: Option not found
    That means it assumes "|" as an output file name.
    I even tried ">" instead of "|"

    Same issue I had fixed in linux subprocess.Popen() by added universal_newlines=True.
    But I don't know how to deal here.

    Can some one help me for this ?

    Example :

    Full commandline (Piped):
    	"C:\FFMpeg VB6\ffmpeg.exe" -i "C:\Video.mpg" -f nut pipe:1 | "C:\FFMpeg VB6\ffplay.exe" -f nut pipe:0 -x 720 -y 480
    	cmd = Chr(34) & "C:\FFMpeg VB6\ffmpeg.exe" & Chr(34) & _
    	      " -i " & Chr(34) & "C:\Video.mpg" & Chr(34) & _
    	      " -f nut pipe:1 | "
    	cmd2 = Chr(34) & "C:\FFMpeg VB6\ffplay.exe" & Chr(34) & _
    		  " -f nut pipe:0 -x 720 -y 480 "
    	SPResult = ShellPipe.Run(cmd & cmd2)

    The below output is running the above command on Windows command prompt with a bat file.

    Name:  vbforum_Example-1.jpg
Views: 260
Size:  41.1 KB
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    Last edited by soorya; Jul 30th, 2024 at 09:18 PM.

  22. #22
    Fanatic Member
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    Palm Coast, FL

    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Quote Originally Posted by georgekar View Post
    I got the ShellPipe control and I change it to a class. I put this in M2000 Environment (M2000 Interpreter). I use it for a chessgame to connect it to a stockfish 12 chess engine from

    Also I have another use: Just connect to a cmd.exe and write and read from it, from M2000 console.

    dilettante thanks;
    Can you provide a simple code example of how to use your class?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: VB6 - ShellPipe "Shell with I/O Redirection" control

    Quote Originally Posted by AAraya View Post
    Can you provide a simple code example of how to use your class?
    I think you didn't ask my sample code.
    Can you please help me too ?

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