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Thread: Moving Data from Silverlight to via SQl server

  1. #1

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    Fanatic Member vuyiswamb's Avatar
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    Moving Data from Silverlight to via SQl server

    Good Evening All

    I want to create a unique value for my User in Silverlight and access this value on the page that is part of the silverlight website. So i cant use cookies because they wont work and i cant do the client site cookie thing because it does not work for my design, its complicated.

    This is my current implementation, i created a temp table that i store a value on t he SQL and retrieve it on the SQL immediately, because the created or the value and the access of the value happens between 1 nanosecond. so i don't want to depend on that because on a multi user system that will be a problem.

    So basically i need to store any unique value that i can retrieve from the database even in a multi user environment.


  2. #2
    Frenzied Member Lightning's Avatar
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    Re: Moving Data from Silverlight to via SQl server

    You could use a GUID and pass that to the temp-table AND to the Silverlightpage
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  3. #3

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    Fanatic Member vuyiswamb's Avatar
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    Re: Moving Data from Silverlight to via SQl server

    You are right, i cant use GUID, but now in a Multi-user environment , i will be will need to know who does the GUID belongs to from the ? how will i know that a certain GUID belongs to a certain user?

    Thanks for your reply

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