Feb 16th, 2022, 03:13 AM
Addicted Member
Re: Utility: LANegram - NET SEND Replacement [VB6]
Why is there a tray app and a send app ?
Why isn't the functionality of send app in the tray app.
Feb 16th, 2022, 10:51 AM
Re: Utility: LANegram - NET SEND Replacement [VB6]
 Originally Posted by jg.sa
Why is there a tray app and a send app ?
Why isn't the functionality of send app in the tray app.
I can't speak to the author's reasoning, as I used client-to-client direct communication via the server. But if I was to guess, I would say that send was designed to send messages to multiple destinations in the background, as there is no visible form. One app to create the message in the foreground, and one app to send the message in the background as the destinations become available. The tray program simply receives the message.
J.A. Coutts
Last edited by couttsj; Feb 16th, 2022 at 11:02 AM.
Dec 27th, 2024, 12:19 PM
New Member
Re: Utility: LANegram - NET SEND Replacement [VB6]
Has anyone had problems with Windows 10 recently where the LANeGram receiver stops listening completely a random times?
Brief history: We've been using it for many years on Surface 4 and 5 tablets, along with several desktops. The problem is that within the past week or so, LANeGram has started to randomly stop listening on one of the Tablets. It's been rebooted, and LANegram restarted numerous times. Doesn't seem to matter if tablet goes to sleep or not, LANEgram just quits working with no warning. Tablet is on WiFi, desktops are wired, all on same vlan, and tablet can still send successfully to desktop or other tablet.
We've been using it to message between floors in the house because it's much easier than texting on a phone.
Anyone have an idea on what to check into to figure out why?
Jan 14th, 2025, 10:21 AM
Re: Utility: LANegram - NET SEND Replacement [VB6]
Check antimalware software updates to see if they are interfering. Also, make sure that the power settings are set to never turn off network hardware.
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