My object it's a 2D Sprite 2.0 control.
it's very easy to use it
with these object you can create your 2D Games Quickly and Easy and it's very easy to use it
-Making Games Quickly and Easy;
-Having some Graphics Effects;
-Transparency(hide the backcolor, you can change the color); Stretch; change 1 color to another one; Black and White; Tiles(copy the image by Sprite control size); Rotation the image; Mirror the image; shadow(position and color); entire image transparent(only in 50% state and not excelent); change the backcolor; autosize the control;
-Having the Events that normaly we use in games and more:
Collision; Mouse Exit; Mouse Enter; Mouse Scrolling; Move and NotMove; Joystick; the KeyDown event don't the Delay; Create;
-Very Easy to Use:
- Has property pages for be easy to use in Project Mode.
-More propertyies and methods:
- you can use Strips images(1 big image wiht very subimages that you can make 1 animation), Collision Precise(you can change the Collision rectangule).
- you can change the colision object list;
-Reading more images(animated too):
- Can read animated gif files(except the methods gif files, for now ), animated cursors(in FileName property, in Cursor Icon too); Important: every time that you use a new version, don't forget change some code. because some events\methods\properies and otherthings can be changed, updated.
what you think about my Sprite control?
(i need coments and sugestions)
Last edited by joaquim; Jan 16th, 2010 at 01:59 PM.
Reason: something that i forgot correct;)
the new version is almost burn
these new version is in tests(because i found some bugs and errors in last version) and put new things
(pelase comments. your comments can be your next update)
Last edited by joaquim; Dec 6th, 2009 at 07:37 AM.
It is playable, as such, but it would be a good basis to build. ... Covering every genre imaginable 2D game: a simple puzzle to advanced multilayered ... fast-paced combat, ships and equipment, and a large galaxy to explore.