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Thread: [FAQ's: OD] How do I detect if an Office app is already running/created?

  1. #1

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    Ex-Super Mod RobDog888's Avatar
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    [FAQ's: OD] How do I detect if an Office app is already running/created?

    To determine if an Office app is already running or not we can just error trap its attachment error.

    The reasons for reusing an app instance is for performance and optimizations of your app.

    For example, if you wanted to add a new workbook to an already running instance of Excel you would just use GetObject to set your app object variable to it. But the issue is that you can not depend on it always already existing. So for that we just trap the error and if raised we can make a call to the CreateObject function to start a new instance of our desired Office app.

    Also, by declaring our application object variable as "Object" we can support multiple versions of the Office app as we are using Late Binding.

    You can substitute "Excel.Application" in the example with any Office .Application class type. Ie: Access, Word, Outlook, etc.

    VB 6 And Excel 97-2007 Code Example:

    VB Code:
    1. Option Explicit
    2. 'Define our application object variable using Late Binding
    3. Private oApp As Object
    5. Private Sub Form_Load()
    6.     'Designate our error handling procedure
    7.     On Error GoTo MyError
    8.     'Test the attachment of any possible already running instances our our desired Office app
    9.     'If unsecussful then it will direct the code to execute the error handler - "MyError"
    10.     Set oApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
    11.     'Test if it failed
    12.     If TypeName(oApp) = "Nothing" Then
    13.         'If it gets to here then we have been returned from the error handler
    14.         'So we will want to create a new instance of the application object
    15.         Set oApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    16.     End If
    17.     Exit Sub
    18. MyError:
    19.     'Test for the error being "Cant create object"
    20.     If Err.Number = 429 Then
    21.         'It is so lets return to the next line of code to create a new instance of the app object
    22.         'Its possible that this could be executed twice if the CreateObject line fails
    23.         'In which case that would mean the Office app is not installed or such.
    24.         Resume Next
    25.     Else
    26.         'It was another type of error so lets display it to the user
    27.         MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
    28.     End If
    29. End Sub
    VB/Office Guru™ (AKA: Gangsta Yoda®)
    I dont answer coding questions via PM. Please post a thread in the appropriate forum.

    Microsoft MVP 2006-2011
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    System: Intel i7 6850K, Geforce GTX1060, Samsung M.2 1 TB & SATA 500 GB, 32 GBs DDR4 3300 Quad Channel RAM, 2 Viewsonic 24" LCDs, Windows 10, Office 2016, VS 2019, VB6 SP6

  2. #2
    Frenzied Member
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    Jan 2010

    Re: [FAQ's: OD] How do I detect if an Office app is already running/created?

    Here is an alternate:

        Private Function CheckExcel() As Boolean
            If UBound(Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("Excel")) > 0 Then
                Return True
                Return False
            End If
        End Function

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