Apr 5th, 2006, 12:31 AM
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Frenzied Member
A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
Ok, I searched around quite a bit for something that could do simple math expressions, and found a few complicated examples that utilised the CodeDom namespace in the .NET framework to let C# do all the work for us. This function allows you to execute any C# code on the fly with slight modification, but for this purpose, it's primary function is as a calculator. I put this up here because all of the examples I found were quite lengthy and typically contained alot more code than I needed for this simple task.
To start, you need to either import the following namespaces, or fully qualify several of the variable declarations and method usages in the function. I think it's much cleaner to just import the namespaces:
VB Code:
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using Microsoft.CSharp;
using System.Reflection;
Now that you have the namespaces imported into your project, the following function will solve almost all mathematical expressions (Basically anything you could solve in a single line of code)
VB Code:
/// <summary>
/// A simple function to get the result of a C# expression (basic and advanced math possible)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="command">String value containing an expression that can evaluate to a double.</param>
/// <returns>a Double value after evaluating the command string.</returns>
private double ProcessCommand(string command)
//Create a C# Code Provider
CSharpCodeProvider myCodeProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
// Build the parameters for source compilation.
CompilerParameters cp = new CompilerParameters();
cp.GenerateExecutable = false;//No need to make an EXE file here.
cp.GenerateInMemory = true; //But we do need one in memory.
cp.OutputAssembly = "TempModule"; //This is not necessary, however, if used repeatedly, causes the CLR to not need to
//load a new assembly each time the function is run.
//The below string is basically the shell of a C# program, that does nothing, but contains an
//Evaluate() method for our purposes. I realize this leaves the app open to injection attacks,
//But this is a simple demonstration.
string TempModuleSource = "namespace ns{" +
"using System;" +
"class class1{" +
"public static double Evaluate(){return " + command + ";}}} "; //Our actual Expression evaluator
CompilerResults cr = myCodeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp,TempModuleSource);
if (cr.Errors.Count > 0)
//If a compiler error is generated, we will throw an exception because
//the syntax was wrong - again, this is left up to the implementer to verify syntax before
//calling the function. The calling code could trap this in a try loop, and notify a user
//the command was not understood, for example.
throw new ArgumentException("Expression cannot be evaluated, please use a valid C# expression");
MethodInfo Methinfo = cr.CompiledAssembly.GetType("ns.class1").GetMethod("Evaluate");
return (double)Methinfo.Invoke(null, null);
It is a little on the slow side, but does work. Any suggestions on how to speed up the process are encouraged.
Here are some sample calls to the function and their outputs:
VB Code:
Console.WriteLine(ProcessCommand("1+1").ToString()); //Displays 2
Console.WriteLine(ProcessCommand("Math.PI").ToString()); //Displays 3.14159265358979
Console.WriteLine(ProcessCommand("Math.Abs(-22)").ToString()); //Displays 22
Console.WriteLine(ProcessCommand("3-4+6+7+22/3+66*(55)").ToString()); //Displays 3649
I will put a VB.NET version up later this week if anyone thinks it could be usefull.
Last edited by conipto; Apr 5th, 2006 at 12:37 AM.
Reason: Removed unneccessary void Main()
Apr 13th, 2006, 03:01 PM
Re: A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
For me to be able to use this, I had to change:
Need to re-register ASP.NET?
C:\WINNT\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v#VERSIONNUMBER#\aspnet_regiis -i
(Edit #VERSIONNUMBER# as needed - do a DIR if you don't know)
Apr 14th, 2006, 04:52 AM
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Frenzied Member
Re: A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
What version of C# are you using, out of curiousity? The above was made with 2005..
Jan 16th, 2007, 03:43 AM
New Member
Re: A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
Thanks Bill,
as You said, clean and simple!
// Magnus;
Apr 26th, 2007, 12:43 AM
New Member
Re: A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
I just stumble upon this, it is great.
Now when i run it on my local machine it works great, but when I put it on my server i get a Expression cannot be evaluated, please use a valid C# expression" error on any expression. Any idea how to fix that?
and yes i realize this was posted a year ago
Apr 26th, 2007, 07:27 AM
New Member
Re: A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
probaly access rights...
This settings works for me with default settings on IIS on my server....
CSharpCodeProvider codeProvider = new CSharpCodeProvider();
CompilerParameters compilerParameters = new CompilerParameters();
compilerParameters.GenerateExecutable = false;
compilerParameters.GenerateInMemory = false;
string tmpModuleSource = "namespace ns{" + "using System;" + "class class1{" + "public static string Eval(double[] args){return \"Hello World\";}}} ";
CompilerResults compilerResults = codeProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(compilerParameters, tmpModuleSource);
// Magnus;
Apr 26th, 2007, 10:48 AM
New Member
Re: A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
Thanks for the response.
Everything in that code looks about the same except the false on generateinmemory. I tried that and no go, any other suggestions?
Apr 26th, 2007, 11:24 AM
New Member
Re: A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
I might want to add that I am using this as a web services using vs.net.
Aug 23rd, 2009, 09:45 AM
New Member
Re: A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
I know the original post was submitted years ago, but wondering if there is a VB example at all. I have tried to convert the code below to VB.NET 2008 but there is clearly something I am doing incorrectly and don't have the skills to fix.
Dec 1st, 2009, 03:21 PM
New Member
Re: A simple way to evaluate mathematical expressions using CodeDom
Hey Trevor,
I stumbled across this:
I think it may be what you need. It works perfectly in VB.NET 2008.
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