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Thread: Java - Two Collections. The same elements or have no elements in common

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    Dazed Member
    Join Date
    Oct 1999
    Ridgefield Park, NJ

    Java - Two Collections. The same elements or have no elements in common

    Two methods are needed in this case.
    boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c)
    boolean disjoint(Collection<?>c1 Collection<?>c2)
    Since [i]containsAll(Collection<?> c)[i] is defined within the Collection interface all concrete implementations will be able to use this method. disjoint(Collection<?>c1 Collection<?>c2) is defined within the Collections class.

    Using both of these methods is pretty straight forward. containsAll(Collection<?> c) is an instance method so naturally it must be invoked on an object. disjoint(Collection<?>c1 Collection<?>c2) is defined as Static within the Collections class so all that is needed is to invoke it using the class name ie Collections.disjoint(Collection<?>c1 Collection<?>c2).

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