Sep 1st, 2004, 10:26 AM
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FAQ (Read Here First)
VBForums Coding Contest
What is it?
These contests are a chance for you to test your coding skills against other members of the forum, in developing or adjusting an application!
Contests are designed to be a fun alternative from general the day to day activity in the forum. As for prizes, each contest will state what the winner gets. However this will more than likely be a custom name title for a set length of time. Once this has been running for a bit other prizes may become available.
Who Runs Them?
Contests are usually run by moderators but with special permission someone else could run one as well, but please remember if you are going to run a contest you will have to follow it through!
How Long Do You Get To Complete The Work?
Well this initially depends on the contest moderator, who will specify a time limit at the start of the contest and the deadline\announcement dates will be posted at the beginning of each contest. Usually a contest will last for one month and then it will take the contest moderator around a week to mark them (depending on the number of entries)
Where do I send my work?
To post your entries you must reply to your 'contests entry thread' located in the sub Forum 'Contest Entry'. When you reply there your post will not be visible to anyone else, only a moderator can see it and hence mark it. When time limit is over the thread will become visible for people to view and discuss the entries and contest. After it is over we ask you respond to the original thread in this forum
Once your entry has been accepted you will see something like
'Entry Recieved By Pino'
in the contest entry thread
If you have any questions regarding the rules of the contest please contact a Moderator or the Contest Moderator (if it is specific to a set contest)
How is it to be marked?
How the application is to be marked depends on what it actually is and who set the contest, the contest moderator is the person who is responsible for marking the entries usually the contest moderator and other Admin\Moderator staff will help out in judging your entries. The marking scheme will be laid out in the contest thread so everyone knows what the contest moderator is looking for in your entry!
What if someone copies me?
Identical entries will not be accepted, but there is no way someone could copy you without you giving them your code.
Can I Ask For Help With The Work?
Yes, we see no reason why not as long as it isn’t questions asking people for the whole code or the whole concept.
Please note if you are found to have completely copied work from the internet then your contest entry will be removed and suitable action will be taken.
I’m a beginner at Programming Can I still Join?
Yes anyone can join in. We plan to have different contests at different difficulty levels so you can choose which ever you think will be best for you.
What Language Can We Use?
Each contest will state the allowed languages but being a VB site they will more than likely be VB6 or VB.NET (some maybe open to both of these as well).
Have A Contest Idea?
If you have a contest idea please PM dday9 Here, he will then process your request and discuss it with the various Admin and Moderators! We will then update you on the status
Final Note
Please remember the contests are there so people can have some fun, if you fail to win the contests please don’t get upset and PM moderators etc. That isn't the idea of the contests! Hope you have fun.
The Fine Print
Unless otherwise stated, contests are open to everyone except for moderators and employees of Quinstreet Enterprise. Award of custom title has no cash value. Should any other prizes be given, then the cost of customs, taxes and any other fees would be the responsibility of the winner. Because this is a judged contest, subjectivity will be a part of the process. Decisions of the judges will be considered final. The contest leader, moderators, and judges reserve the right to make any changes to the the contests, rules, and FAQs at any time.
Last edited by dday9; Mar 31st, 2015 at 08:53 AM.
Reason: Did some updating
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