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Thread: MP3 Encoder with Blade encoder

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    Canada, Toronto

    MP3 Encoder with Blade encoder

    OK, this is something I'm sure all of you will like...

    This is basically what I've done in this thread 2 years ago.

    This app, records sound with DirectXSound, and encodes it REAL TIME to an MP3 file, no other files in between...

    You can record to MP3 in Mono or Stereo, sample rates of 48000, 44100 and 32000, and with those bitrates: 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256 and 320

    First of all, download the BladeEnc.dll from this website:
    This is the website I found by searching on the net, there are probaly many other places where you will also find the dll.
    Unzip the dll in your system folder

    From the ZIP attached, place the BladeEncVB\Release\BladeEncVB.dll in the system folder also.
    I made the BladeEncVB.dll because you cannot reference the BladeEnc.dll directly from Visual Basic, so I had to make something in between.
    I also added a digital volume, and will amplify the sound up to however much you like, in the app i made the limit up to 600%, but you can change the code to amplify much more than that.

    Now you can run the application, record away !
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    Last edited by CVMichael; Jul 26th, 2006 at 12:22 PM.

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