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Today, 06:25 PM
Having trouble getting the row clicked. I read this should work
MsgBox ListView1.SelectedItem.index
But in the Click event, it returns 1 no...
0 replies | 1 view(s)
Today, 06:18 PM
k, re-did the bar images.. i didn't think about what if i had more ON HAND than REQUIRED.. so that works well.. ty
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 05:23 PM
hmmm.. i see the error by division by 0.. no, i don't know how to fix that.. but it still shouldn't be giving me an error as it didn't for you. all i...
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 05:19 PM
The code above is wrong. You must initialize the MyList variable by creating a new instance of List(Of String).
The methods AddRange and Add are the...
1 replies | 96 view(s)
Today, 05:05 PM
If I was that insistent upon getting vertical alignment, I'd probably use the RTB, and then figure out the RTF codes to achieve it.
Without a...
1 replies | 50 view(s)
Today, 04:39 PM
Yeah, I don't run the VB6 IDE elevated very often anymore either. I like several things that does for me:
When I compile my ActiveX DLLs, it...
14 replies | 211 view(s)
Today, 04:35 PM
I've been skimming through M$'s Windows Interface Guidelines and it showed an example of the "correct" textbox height; however, when replicating this...
1 replies | 50 view(s)
Today, 04:09 PM
k, ty i'll try it and see how it goes
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 04:06 PM
yeah the 4 images will work.. i don't need 2 greens..
EDIT: oh, sorry didn't see that you posted was still on the page
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 04:05 PM
I would trade you sun for some rain. My garden took a beating the last couple of weeks.
9 replies | 131 view(s)
Today, 03:52 PM
Thx...but, even when elevated, I still get that error. No issues otherwise.
I'll mark this thread as Resolved as I know how NOT to be the message...
14 replies | 211 view(s)
Today, 03:49 PM
Here are my seven images:
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 03:46 PM
You can, of course, use your imagelist instead of how I did it with simple images in the directory. The textbox I only added to quickly show the...
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 03:44 PM
Here, look at this:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim myPercentage As Double
myPercentage = (Combo2.Text / Combo1.Text) * 100
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 03:40 PM
now that i said that.. maybe a 4 image is better? 25%, 50%, 75% 100% ????
i'll make a new bar and see how it looks i think that might work better?...
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 03:32 PM
I'd trade you RAIN...
9 replies | 131 view(s)
Today, 03:26 PM
so we know if both numbers match, the percentage will be 100 so image 5 will show
if the percentage is half which equals 50 then we know image 3...
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 03:10 PM
it's a 5 image and no, because there is a REQUIRED number and an ON HAND number.. but yer only putting the PERCENTAGE into 1 of 5 cases which equals...
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 03:04 PM
I just looked at a previous post where you showed a six-image “home-made progress bar” and understand what you did.
my question is, if you have,...
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 03:02 PM
#37 & #38.. well #38 just shows the images that are in the project in #37 just to show the images but #37 is where i put my last upload
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 03:00 PM
I haven’t downloaded the project, and I saw what was posted using a progress bar. Are you saying you would rather create your own progress bar using...
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 02:58 PM
You can use this method to run VB6 elevated, but without having to click Yes each time, and no, you don't have to disable UAC:
14 replies | 211 view(s)
Today, 02:51 PM
i said but this is kinda what i was thinking. i NEVER said it was working.. i would need to get the PERCENTAGE in a label first and then i could try...
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 02:43 PM
What made your day today? -> SUNSHINE
We've been getting a ton of rain for weeks.....
9 replies | 131 view(s)
251 replies | 29441 view(s)
Today, 02:32 PM
& vice ‘and’. ????
strange if statements
are you saying that code works?
58 replies | 1419 view(s)
Today, 02:29 PM
Yeah, I’ve gotten out of the habit to run elevated—-don’t know why, just have. Gonna recreate my link to run elevated
14 replies | 211 view(s)
251 replies | 29441 view(s)
Today, 02:27 PM
Amazing a good deal of great advice!
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0 replies | 34 view(s)
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