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Today, 04:31 AM
I told here before that Trump did a mistake with the debate, pommeling Biden and forced the democrats to change leader too soon.
So now it's suppose...
4 replies | 3334 view(s)
Today, 04:07 AM
You might want to look at the solution here https://www.codeproject.com/questions/1073484/winforms-resize-image-width-height-keep-aspect-rat for the...
6 replies | 318 view(s)
Today, 03:21 AM
YES, I did survive.
NO ELECTRICITY Thursday - Friday and up till 5:30pm Saturday.
My Mobile Home Park has 654 units... and in 3.5 years of...
30 replies | 6950 view(s)
Today, 03:18 AM
Well Olaf, here an almost complete OCX.
I still need some small details, but it is very complete Thanks to your codes Olaf:
It has animation...
24 replies | 789 view(s)
Today, 02:49 AM
I haven't tested it yet, but I could leave a .bat file on the client's machine and register the dlls there.
I'm not familiar with this Binary...
26 replies | 1080 view(s)
Today, 02:34 AM
One more observation that when directly clicking on btnGetFrontImg_Click Event both the images appear
background as well as front image. like the...
6 replies | 318 view(s)
Today, 02:14 AM
Recent history.
That means the votes are counted, the elections is decided, and then the BS begins. Just like last time.
Most of us do. I...
4 replies | 3334 view(s)
Today, 02:14 AM
if u use GDI+ u need to initialize it and also close it. especially if u use an older OS (that u should have mentioned)
wqweto code, just edit...
17 replies | 1062 view(s)
Today, 02:14 AM
For drawing graphs you can use the owner drawn events
1429 replies | 620644 view(s)
Today, 02:11 AM
With Messager you mean the message function of Facebook?
I thought you were using iMessage on the iPhone..
I’ve never used the message tool of...
12 replies | 549 view(s)
Yesterday, 11:00 PM
How does VB6 realize the automatic arrangement and drawing layout of pictures?
The image is located at four corners, or right in the middle. Or...
0 replies | 46 view(s)
Yesterday, 09:50 PM
.Paul Sir,
Yes Incorporated the below function in full code
Public Shared Function ResizeImage(ByVal InputBitmap As Bitmap, width As Integer,...
6 replies | 318 view(s)
Yesterday, 09:15 PM
That would be nice. Without all the lies of a stolen election like last time. But Trump is still spreading that lie so unless he wins it will...
4 replies | 3334 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:56 PM
Hello again. I got wqweto's solution working perfectly except for one thing. If I don't run any GDI+ code, after I end the program, when the IDE...
17 replies | 1062 view(s)
Yesterday, 07:07 PM
Hard to say, but why would you fear keeping the election honest?
How does one "initially win" an election? Do you mean before the vote has been...
4 replies | 3334 view(s)
Yesterday, 07:06 PM
- Edit: I have put all files together in a single zip in my previous post. -
67 replies | 5525 view(s)
Yesterday, 07:05 PM
Hello all! baka was fed up with me, and no-one else had responded so throughout the entire day I looked for a solution. Just came back here to post...
17 replies | 1062 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:46 PM
The ActiveX exe also needs to be written to the registry and requires administrator privileges to register. Run.
registeractiveobject,make exe as...
67 replies | 5525 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:42 PM
I have attached the Twinbasic project.
Please ignore the childish over-explaining variable names. I had to make some sense of it, and doing that...
67 replies | 5525 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:38 PM
I tried it 10 times with a pause of 1 second between each attempt, so 10 seconds altogether. That should be enough, right?
It works fine on my...
67 replies | 5525 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:38 PM
"Invalid syntax" is raised when the moniker name is not recognized. Probably should retry GetObject call (with a timeout) untill Shell completes...
67 replies | 5525 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:15 PM
I suspected that this would be the error that I experience on some customers computer, but the error occurs here:
Private m_sProxyName_Aka_UUID$
67 replies | 5525 view(s)
Yesterday, 02:19 PM
I've been down this road of messing with PNGs with alpha using VB6.
Here, this might help you: ...
17 replies | 1062 view(s)
Yesterday, 02:04 PM
With my old cell with WiFi connection, I can connect to FB / Messager...no SIM card
With Whatsapp, one must need a SIM, so...they can see my...
12 replies | 549 view(s)
Yesterday, 01:51 PM
This works on XP using GDI+
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetModuleHandle Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetModuleHandleA" (ByVal...
17 replies | 1062 view(s)
Yesterday, 01:11 PM
MSDN does mention that: "Since Windows Vista RT_ICON icon or RT_CURSOR cursor resource may contain PNG-compressed image data."
Just tested this...
17 replies | 1062 view(s)
Yesterday, 12:27 PM
Have you actually tried that? I bet it won't crash no mater how long your main thread is busy.
7 replies | 518 view(s)
Yesterday, 12:27 PM
not sure what u try to do.
but this works in windows 7-11 (I know as I have windows 7 and 10 installed) probably xp-vista as well (but can't say...
17 replies | 1062 view(s)
Yesterday, 12:10 PM
You need to use Go Advanced to post images.
Looks like you need to resize the image before setting it as your front image
6 replies | 318 view(s)
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