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Today, 04:22 PM
That isn't the case, a Finalizer gets called when garbage collection occurs; this will typically be triggered by the program trying to allocate...
1 replies | 18 view(s)
Today, 04:09 PM
You'll get some pushback from others on that statement. But personally, if you know you'll never be upgrading to some SQL server (MySQL, SQLite,...
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 03:35 PM
Wherever you multiply by an integer constant (less than 32768}, add an ampersand after it for implicit conversion to Long. That should take care of...
1 replies | 43 view(s)
Today, 03:33 PM
Hi wes4dbt,
as already mentioned, I select the lines in Partial Datagridview
and transfer them to Datagridview2 until I have them all together....
34 replies | 1811 view(s)
Today, 03:31 PM
according to MS, finalize gets called whenever if ever VB feels like it, I would rather have a deterministic destructor
to test I wrote recursive...
1 replies | 18 view(s)
Today, 03:26 PM
I am unable to fix the following problem on my own so far despite like 10 hours of trying it:
There is a very good example of an edge...
1 replies | 43 view(s)
Today, 03:19 PM
Per your comment about creating tables, querying them, etc WOULD help me understand. That example I posted initially created tables and fields, and...
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 02:48 PM
I've found a couple of instances, but they're sources are... sketchy. So I'm not going to bring them up.
I did, however, find official numbers...
16 replies | 1115 view(s)
Today, 02:41 PM
Let me outline something else about DB fields. They can have spaces in them.
For instance, when creating the name field, you could have said:
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 02:36 PM
Let me do some more cleanup of that code. I just took out where you were creating a DBEngine object in the createMDBFile procedure. It's just not...
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 02:32 PM
Ok, I modified your code to use wsTheWorkspace rather than DBEngine, and all is fixed.
Here are my modifications:
Option Explicit
Dim db...
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 02:27 PM
Ahhhh, let me take another look. I didn't add the button.
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 02:27 PM
Here it is
4 replies | 190 view(s)
Today, 02:26 PM
Try TextWidth/TextHeight methods. Example:
cmdMyButton(Idx).Width = Me.TextWidth(cmdMyButton(Idx).Caption) + 100
cmdMyButton(Idx).Height =...
3 replies | 105 view(s)
Today, 02:24 PM
Ok, here's just some bootstrapping of all this stuff.
If you don't intend to use the database (MDB) in a multi-user environment, you can skip...
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 02:14 PM
I agree, it's not good but killing each other seems to be the only solutions they want. They've been doing it for over 75+ years and I don't see it...
405 replies | 202488 view(s)
Today, 02:13 PM
Thx-figured you might respond. Yeah, I know that once the file is created, it will hiccup. My error is on the command button click trying to reopen...
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 01:58 PM
A very well crafted explanation, good of you to take that much time.
It sounds very much like our laws. Here we call it "hate crimes". And it...
16 replies | 1115 view(s)
Today, 01:56 PM
Hi Sam,
Ok, this is right up my alley of expertise. First, make sure you're using "Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library" under references.
Ok, I...
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 01:44 PM
This is a different problem, you should start a new thread with a relevant title.
It sounds like your saying the numeric values loose their...
34 replies | 1811 view(s)
Today, 01:44 PM
One thing I noticed is App.EXEName. In the IDE, it's the project name, like "Project1". In the EXE, it's the base filename(No path part), and without...
7 replies | 172 view(s)
Today, 01:38 PM
Just trying to learn about DAO being used to create .mdb files (a lot of you are VERY familiar with this, but I have never used DAO before, and...
9 replies | 130 view(s)
Today, 01:28 PM
Yes, you're right. The code has been working for over 10 years and has never caused any problems. Only on the "new" win10 machine is there any...
7 replies | 172 view(s)
Today, 01:21 PM
ok sorry
Private objConnection As New ADODB.Connection
With objConnection
.CursorLocation = adUseClient
.Mode = adModeShareDenyNone...
7 replies | 172 view(s)
Today, 01:00 PM
Once again I have a problem that I don't understand,
I have in the DGV where I collect all parts 3 lines
at the end before I export it to...
34 replies | 1811 view(s)
Today, 12:13 PM
So how much is that ? How do I calculate that ?
3 replies | 105 view(s)
Today, 11:30 AM
The command button width should be greater than the text width, because of additional gap between border and the caption and also for the border width
3 replies | 105 view(s)
Today, 11:26 AM
can you zip and post project?
4 replies | 190 view(s)
Today, 11:25 AM
Also, when posting code on this forum, put said code using the "#" button on the menu of the post.
7 replies | 172 view(s)
Today, 11:24 AM
Sam. Not quite. I am getting one set of data point every 1o minutes. I need to plot (line chart) the newly received data points. These data...
4 replies | 190 view(s)
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