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Today, 01:30 PM
Pretty sure you need to write your own GetProcAddress function as the official one works only with modules loaded via GetModuleHandle or LoadLibrary.
30 replies | 37965 view(s)
Today, 01:20 PM
ok, but how can I then carry out the update so that
the data in table1 is updated ?
Sorry I'm still a beginner when it comes to this.
20 replies | 1125 view(s)
Today, 01:15 PM
As far as I know, the expression too complex error comes after using the "Not Not Array" syntax to check whether an array is initialized or not....
13 replies | 12168 view(s)
Today, 01:10 PM
I will try to incorporate that code.
5 replies | 190 view(s)
Today, 01:01 PM
If the Output Window is displaying displaying as predicted and your not getting any errors. Then what's the problem? That's all that code is...
20 replies | 1125 view(s)
Today, 12:50 PM
Btw, you get the Admin/Elevation/UAC dialogs for free when shelling net.exe/icacls.exe (though repeated in this case)
24 replies | 526 view(s)
Today, 12:41 PM
Yeah, I thought there might be others who did this.
Personally, I just think of a "For/Next" loop as a "Do/Loop" with an "If" test as the first...
14 replies | 213 view(s)
Today, 12:30 PM
I want to mention that making the net share and/or adding the folder permissions need admin rights (about the permissions I'm sure, about the net...
24 replies | 526 view(s)
Today, 12:23 PM
BETA 604 of the twinBASIC programming IDE is now available...
Download from here... https://github.com/twinbasic/twinbasic/releases
Click on...
336 replies | 81022 view(s)
Today, 12:19 PM
I don't think its a bad practice at all.
for next is basically a loop and we can manipulate the variables inside the loop without someone screaming...
14 replies | 213 view(s)
Today, 12:18 PM
You don't need the OLEGuids.tlb when using the OCX.
1421 replies | 580552 view(s)
30 replies | 37965 view(s)
Today, 12:04 PM
NEVER MIND>...Yes Erwin, I did, and then came back to this thread. Solved. (I had not downloaded the OCX.)...all is fine.
1421 replies | 580552 view(s)
Today, 12:03 PM
Did you register the OCX? Something like this:
regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System32\VBFLXGRD17.ocx"
1421 replies | 580552 view(s)
Today, 11:52 AM
Latest version (1.7)....
I have two of your earlier versions, 1.3 and 1.6 'installed'. I just downloaded 1.7. BUT, I forgot how to...
1421 replies | 580552 view(s)
Today, 11:48 AM
' modMainDLL.bas - ????????????? DLL (Apartment threaded)
' © ??????? ???????? ??????????? (The trick), 2014
Option Explicit
30 replies | 37965 view(s)
Today, 11:41 AM
See this article as well:
Fixing the Microsoft Windows Common Control Library (MSCOMCTL.OCX) Security Update:...
8 replies | 193 view(s)
Today, 11:30 AM
Yes...it has all the telltale signs of the incorrect version in the References. Had that issue. I have 2021 on one computer (actually on two but I...
8 replies | 193 view(s)
Today, 11:24 AM
Please attach the project.
30 replies | 37965 view(s)
Today, 11:23 AM
Yup same concept, thanks
24 replies | 526 view(s)
Today, 11:17 AM
Well, that's cool. Check out Krool's stuff if you get the opportunity. MAYBE their vbFlexGrid is better??? Not sure as I don't have the vsGrid.......
11 replies | 276 view(s)
Today, 11:14 AM
Are you doing a Build or a Rebuild? I may be wrong but I think a Rebuild builds everything regardless if it changed or not. Build just does the...
2 replies | 139 view(s)
Today, 10:47 AM
Yes, now that another problem has arisen, I work with cybersecurity and was using the DLL to try a reflective DLL injection technique in other...
30 replies | 37965 view(s)
Today, 10:39 AM
Is that directed at me? If so, I've got no clue what you're getting at.
26 replies | 931 view(s)
Today, 10:27 AM
I formatted the PC and installed Windows 11.
Many times in projects that previously worked well, the error
error 16 expression too complex
13 replies | 12168 view(s)
Today, 10:26 AM
Exactly, NetShareAdd and setting folder permissions using code that someone posted on microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion newsgroup (I think it...
24 replies | 526 view(s)
Today, 10:18 AM
Team Fuki has just hopped into a DeLorean and time-traveled back to 1979 on one of their most perilous journeys yet! What incredible mission are they...
322 replies | 42965 view(s)
Today, 10:05 AM
I know that some people will feel offended by what I'm about to write, but I miss the assembler of the 6510 of the Commodore 64, with the "PHP" and...
14 replies | 213 view(s)
Today, 09:49 AM
I wouldn’t mind seeing a discussion of that. I find it useful in several circumstances. And, I’ve never seen a language where that doesn’t work. ...
14 replies | 213 view(s)
Today, 09:45 AM
I've not heard of Krool's vbFlexGrid. There are lots of grids out there. I started off 2 decades ago with VB's own MSFlexGrid, then found the...
11 replies | 276 view(s)
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