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Today, 12:44 AM
For performance-reasons - RC6 requires "manual Surface-Clearing" (when transparent Widgets are used) -
Please apply it at the top of the...
16 replies | 12077 view(s)
Today, 12:24 AM
Thank you for the sample.
I seem to be having a problem with the alpha channel.
I have remove thd dependency to RC5 and used RC6 instead and then...
16 replies | 12077 view(s)
Today, 12:01 AM
Alan Dershowitz, one of the country's most well-known Democrats, explains how the scene at the Democratic National Convention has finally caused him...
253 replies | 29560 view(s)
Yesterday, 11:13 PM
If you perceive as Good then Good if I perceive as bad then Bad. Completely Depends.
As I've come across NumericUpDown1 for first...
17 replies | 607 view(s)
Yesterday, 11:04 PM
Hey, ease up! I spend half a day googling for getting current row in listview, to find very little , or what seemed to apply to other listviews, not...
9 replies | 251 view(s)
Yesterday, 09:19 PM
You posted one... It gets the item at x,y... You can do something else besides set it as the drop highlighted item... And there's tons of search...
9 replies | 251 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:21 PM
This is a case of writing code without actually knowing what that code is supposed to do. As indicated, all four Labels are being updated at the same...
2 replies | 119 view(s)
Yesterday, 07:32 PM
can someone explain / fix it? cause these 2 items are not making any sense to me at all
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:44 PM
but i still don't see WHY i'm getting that same error in the pic in #72 with the beefaroni.. just doesn't make sense! why is it giving me 3333333 and...
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:21 PM
i think i got it! cause it's working so far.. i'll upload it if anyone wants to test it out.. but yeah, i don't see any errors on images working with...
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:15 PM
Am working with tens of thousands of files with long, complicated names from a wild variety of sources.
QB6 running Windows 10
0 replies | 54 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:05 PM
my bar images are starting to work properly so far.. it's just a matter of playing with it..
Select Case myPercentage
Case Is...
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 05:39 PM
Can anyone show me an example of .HitTest ? Would like to see what it does.
9 replies | 251 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:19 PM
My son and I made it on the TV. We were at the LSU game and a news reporter asked us to do an interview. He was so excited, it’s going to be one of...
69252 replies | 21663925 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:56 PM
The application is doing exactly what you are telling it to do, after two seconds the Tick event fires and you are assigning a value to all 4 labels....
2 replies | 119 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:56 PM
You chould ue an array andd copy the file in blocks I seen a lot of this done in the old Qbasic programs and some were fast. your other option if to...
4 replies | 185 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:43 PM
can i see the source for that?
i found these videos, but none are vb6.. vb .net and such...
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:15 PM
Greetings everyone.
I have a small demo program that, after clicking a button is attempting to assign a different string to each of 4 different...
2 replies | 119 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:14 PM
It did rain earlier today, though it didn't amount to much.
69252 replies | 21663925 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:13 PM
Today is the nicest day I've had in almost a week. No smoke, and the sun is shining. That's a bit odd, as the forecast is for rain.
69252 replies | 21663925 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:12 PM
That would make it hard to eat.
69252 replies | 21663925 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:05 PM
1.) that bar is not gradient.. it's 1 color... i guess IF you could change the color based on percentage then i would consider using it
2.) what's...
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 02:56 PM
I know you want that funky looking 'bar'. But, I would think something like this (with two shapes) makes a whole lot more sense to a user. It shows...
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 02:31 PM
k, noticing that one highlighted - if i change image from 3 to 4 i get more accurate results.. but not all the results are accurate yet.
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 02:14 PM
Hi ChrisE,
a great calculation that you have sent me :-)
Question :
What is the function of the c “ nAmount.ToString(”c") ?
How can I then...
9 replies | 727 view(s)
Yesterday, 02:03 PM
Divide onHand by Required, NOT as you have it, Required by OnHand
Also, yes, you could add .99 to each case, but with the numbers I'd expect, not...
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 01:27 PM
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
cmd.CommandText = "select...
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 01:24 PM
Mine, or his? My sample program worked just fine.
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
Yesterday, 01:05 PM
Your calculation is wrong.
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
74 replies | 1841 view(s)
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