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Today, 02:51 PM
i said but this is kinda what i was thinking. i NEVER said it was working.. i would need to get the PERCENTAGE in a label first and then i could try...
45 replies | 1281 view(s)
Today, 02:43 PM
What made your day today? -> SUNSHINE
We've been getting a ton of rain for weeks.....
7 replies | 78 view(s)
251 replies | 29399 view(s)
Today, 02:32 PM
& vice ‘and’. ????
strange if statements
are you saying that code works?
45 replies | 1281 view(s)
Today, 02:29 PM
Yeah, I’ve gotten out of the habit to run elevated—-don’t know why, just have. Gonna recreate my link to run elevated
11 replies | 135 view(s)
251 replies | 29399 view(s)
Today, 02:27 PM
Amazing a good deal of great advice!
**Links removed by Site Administrator so it doesn't look like you're spamming us. Please don't post them...
0 replies | 11 view(s)
Today, 02:22 PM
Would be hilarious to see him in a German dubbed commercial promoting this burger named after him. Hopefully he's getting something from these...
7 replies | 78 view(s)
Today, 02:21 PM
another HIDDEN lable will need to be added.. but this is kinda what i was thinking.
if lblPercentage.caption = 20 then
image1.picture =...
45 replies | 1281 view(s)
Today, 01:58 PM
I don't doubt that but the thought of Chuck Norris voice being dubbed over and speaking German is funny. Also, I had no idea he had the kind of...
7 replies | 78 view(s)
Today, 01:51 PM
I don't know why you think that, the links are .Net. The second link gives .Net examples.
It look like you have a PrimaryKey so you can use the...
8 replies | 636 view(s)
Today, 01:45 PM
see if this helps, change to your needs for Parts Inventory
Option Strict On
Public Class Form6
Private Sub Form6_Load(sender As...
8 replies | 636 view(s)
Today, 12:56 PM
There's alot of things that would make you laugh, but it's still awesome over here.
7 replies | 78 view(s)
Today, 12:55 PM
He was feelin' lucky. :bigyello:
7 replies | 78 view(s)
Today, 12:50 PM
close.. i really want to use my progress bar to be honest. but ty
i know this vid is for vb 2010.. but intead of entering the 2 numbers as they...
45 replies | 1281 view(s)
Today, 12:47 PM
A "Chuck Norris bacon cheeseburgers" in Germany. For some reason that makes me laugh.
7 replies | 78 view(s)
Today, 12:44 PM
I'm curious how the police are going to treat this case ...
25 replies | 1623 view(s)
Today, 12:29 PM
The punk went for it...
7 replies | 78 view(s)
Today, 12:20 PM
Sam, I've had the same problem. However, I've managed to work around it.
First, when adding the mscomctl.ocx, under Windows 11, I always get the...
11 replies | 135 view(s)
Today, 12:14 PM
Helped my daughter shop for a TV, followed by eating Chuck Norris bacon cheeseburgers at a popular restaurant. :)
7 replies | 78 view(s)
Today, 11:53 AM
ill chk
11 replies | 135 view(s)
Today, 11:34 AM
If you search Google for "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1} already exist in project", you will find lots of posts about an Office security...
11 replies | 135 view(s)
Today, 11:34 AM
As far as I understand it, your two links only refer to a datatable with the Find or Select method.
The other is that these are only available...
8 replies | 636 view(s)
Today, 11:26 AM
So, I changed it in that .vbp. Then repoened the project. I then unchecked MS Windows Common Controls and applied/Okayed.
Then, I reopened the...
11 replies | 135 view(s)
Today, 11:14 AM
I write two simply lines
Public MyList As List(Of String)
MyList.additem("Grey Brown", "Brown Hybrid")
MyList produce error :...
0 replies | 54 view(s)
Today, 10:59 AM
Thanks for the suggestion Calcu. With some small changes I got it to work perfectly fine using the Enter key to move to the next field and selecting...
1415 replies | 574610 view(s)
Today, 10:37 AM
Yeah, that is what I said (in many more words, that is!) :bigyello:
3 replies | 188 view(s)
Today, 10:36 AM
Yeah, but if I change it there, will my NEXT project hiccup also? Never mind, I'll test in a moment and update this thread.
Two of my other...
11 replies | 135 view(s)
Today, 10:26 AM
Use a form for the input instead.
3 replies | 188 view(s)
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