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Today, 06:37 PM
You are OK with selling pardons???
17 replies | 490 view(s)
Today, 06:28 PM
Perhaps one day, twinbasic will become an NPM package that gives vba,vb6 Compile 64-bit DLL, exe, you only need a command line, it can automatically...
3 replies | 212 view(s)
Today, 06:22 PM
Compile to OCX or DLL.or DLL.These common functions all become an address of the virtual table, so they all actually belong to the same memory...
16 replies | 855 view(s)
Today, 06:13 PM
Private Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As...
13 replies | 786 view(s)
Today, 05:18 PM
Just read the posts in this thread. It is all there!
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 05:12 PM
A further update.
Just to find out what happens I pre-sorted an array and loaded it directly into a list box. Then used the ordinary quick...
4 replies | 632 view(s)
Today, 05:09 PM
Can anyone tell me what code I should be using in my function?
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 05:00 PM
Well, I don't want to put a damper on your jubilation, but, (for example):
The line myInteger = Convert.ToString(a)
on the line before you...
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 04:55 PM
I don't have a clue of what you are saying, but that's "normal". (I've read it twice. Maybe with several more times I could start guessing, but I'm...
13 replies | 786 view(s)
Today, 04:54 PM
This is just a practice exercise for me in two areas.
1) To learn how to put commas into numbers
2) To learn how write a function.
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 04:41 PM
My very first Function.... yayyyyy.
And I reduced all the code in the Sub to just one line of code.
Private Sub Button7_Click(sender As Object,...
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 04:22 PM
I would recommend combining my code from post 7 and 10 along with PlausiblyDamp's suggestion of using Option Strict. I'd also wrap the method call in...
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 04:12 PM
Option Strict being off doesn't mean your code is running perfectly, it simply means vb isn't warning you about potential problems.
If you put...
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 04:06 PM
Option strict is off and my code is running perfectly.
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
40 replies | 18270 view(s)
Today, 03:46 PM
Option Strict is Off by default, that is why I added it in the code I posted - see it at the top.
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 03:45 PM
Your Visual Studio may have it default to Off. In the Solution Explorer Select MyProject, then Compile. You'll find it there.
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 03:38 PM
I have no idea what option strict is. So there's no way I could have set it to off.
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 03:21 PM
Xiaoyao, that actually helps me tremendously. For some time, I too have been just clicking past your posts, marking them as read without reading...
13 replies | 786 view(s)
Today, 02:42 PM
i did that, but using 'friend' the class instance don't have access... using public, you only can use the standard types and not UDT's.. POINTAPI is...
16 replies | 855 view(s)
Today, 02:37 PM
No it doesn't. It only works because you've set Option Strict to Off (which you shouldn't unless absolutely necessary) and the compiler is...
26 replies | 1882 view(s)
Today, 02:29 PM
BETA 671 of the twinBASIC programming IDE is now available...
Download from here... https://github.com/twinbasic/twinbasic/releases
Click on...
420 replies | 126120 view(s)
Today, 02:23 PM
Small update to add the change log and switched to using HTMLDocument, string was fine for just getting the version, https://imgur.com/a/j9Qn5ho
3 replies | 212 view(s)
Today, 02:22 PM
when usercontrol_show()
call getclassname(usercontrol.hwnd)
not f5 run project,not run on exe
it,s only Design patterns, such as when a user...
13 replies | 786 view(s)
Today, 02:18 PM
I'm OK with his pardon. He has spent @ 11yr in jail. That's a substantial amount of time.
Let hope he doesn't go back to using his super...
17 replies | 490 view(s)
Today, 02:13 PM
I wanted to wrap VB6 into a 64-bit version by calling com DLLs dynamically and loading VB. Net DLL functionality dynamically. And it failed.
17 replies | 3124 view(s)
13 replies | 786 view(s)
Today, 02:04 PM
Friend sub test(te1 as type1)
public sub test2(t2 as type1)
16 replies | 855 view(s)
Today, 02:02 PM
That's all the same crime, just under different offences. It all stems from his involvement with the website, but it is important to be accurate in...
17 replies | 490 view(s)
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