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Today, 02:03 PM
Divide onHand by Required, NOT as you have it, Required by OnHand
66 replies | 1639 view(s)
Today, 01:27 PM
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn
cmd.CommandText = "select...
66 replies | 1639 view(s)
Today, 01:24 PM
Mine, or his? My sample program worked just fine.
66 replies | 1639 view(s)
Today, 01:05 PM
Your calculation is wrong.
66 replies | 1639 view(s)
66 replies | 1639 view(s)
Today, 01:03 PM
Find a program that actually copies faster, if one exists, then look at how.
A lot of things that might have mattered for 80s or 90s hardware...
3 replies | 136 view(s)
Today, 12:58 PM
atm, it's giving stupid numbers for the percentage.. like 200 or 400 so ofcourse the images are not showing properly. the only one that does is if...
66 replies | 1639 view(s)
Today, 12:52 PM
I changed the fonts to Calibri....'resized' each textbox with the mouse (as described above). Difference between font Height and textbox height is...
8 replies | 233 view(s)
Today, 12:44 PM
Works fine for me as well.
Dim xstatus as Boolean (You did, correct?)
3 replies | 123 view(s)
Today, 11:46 AM
On Form_Load, all controls report Visible=False.
You can call Me.Show and then get the correct value.
3 replies | 123 view(s)
Today, 11:14 AM
Works fine for me. You probably need to provide more code context than just those two lines of code, or better yet a bare bones project that...
3 replies | 123 view(s)
Today, 10:58 AM
i have a problem with getting the correct status of textbox.visible. when the textbox property is set to .visible = True, the textbox shows...
3 replies | 123 view(s)
Today, 09:49 AM
I thought I read decades ago that ...
(1) there is a API fast copy that works on Vista and beyond
(2) that windows does some copy double buffering...
3 replies | 136 view(s)
Today, 09:18 AM
While scouring through an old forum post I found this solution.
I'd recommend putting in the same folder as VB6, it worked for me.
7 replies | 432 view(s)
Today, 09:03 AM
Truth doesn't matter to them.
15 replies | 304 view(s)
Today, 08:53 AM
Oh, wait a minute...I see that 75 is the difference between textbox height and font height. So, 1/2 of that is padding on top, and 1/2 on the...
8 replies | 233 view(s)
Today, 08:49 AM
Been playing around with this a bit....So, I created three textboxes, each of Font Ariel. First Font is 12PT, second Font is 24Pt and third Font is...
8 replies | 233 view(s)
Today, 07:32 AM
I know, Elroy, but why do that? :) Just create it the 'right' size in the first place. Of course it would be dependent upon fontsize, but, jeez,...
8 replies | 233 view(s)
Today, 07:20 AM
-There's an option in project settings 'Project - Auto prettify Source Code; change it to no to turn off caps and space correction.
-You can...
1 replies | 114 view(s)
Today, 06:57 AM
BETA 601 of the twinBASIC programming IDE is now available...
Download from here... https://github.com/twinbasic/twinbasic/releases
Click on...
332 replies | 78912 view(s)
Today, 06:55 AM
BETA 600 of the twinBASIC programming IDE is now available...
Download from here... https://github.com/twinbasic/twinbasic/releases
Click on...
332 replies | 78912 view(s)
Today, 06:42 AM
Thank you again. Am presently dealing with other and unexpected file-related programming challenges. The most frustrating is my...
17 replies | 1356 view(s)
Today, 06:18 AM
I figured he pulled the two lines populating the list from a method and placed it under the class level line just for show here, and I should've...
6 replies | 494 view(s)
Today, 06:05 AM
Blame them anyway. They're use to it. :bigyello:
15 replies | 304 view(s)
Today, 06:02 AM
That's some screwy weather you have over there, going from summer forest fires to snow.
We had something similar to hurricane weather about a...
15 replies | 304 view(s)
Today, 05:56 AM
Hello TwinBasic Community,
I’ve been exploring TwinBasic with enthusiasm, appreciating the potential it brings as a modern successor to VB6....
1 replies | 114 view(s)
Today, 05:38 AM
That code makes no sense as it is. You can only specify an access level, e.g. Public, on a variable if it is declared at the class level but the next...
6 replies | 494 view(s)
Today, 05:20 AM
He took a shot at it, the aim may have been a little off target :o
2 replies | 133 view(s)
Today, 04:51 AM
I live in the part of the of the "corn belt" where very few farms are irrigated. They count, for the most part, on the predictable seasons. As I...
15 replies | 304 view(s)
Today, 04:47 AM
you are right my mistakes....was outside a sub
thank you
6 replies | 494 view(s)
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