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Today, 01:11 PM
MSDN does mention that: "Since Windows Vista RT_ICON icon or RT_CURSOR cursor resource may contain PNG-compressed image data."
Just tested this...
12 replies | 950 view(s)
Today, 12:27 PM
Have you actually tried that? I bet it won't crash no mater how long your main thread is busy.
7 replies | 470 view(s)
Today, 12:27 PM
not sure what u try to do.
but this works in windows 7-11 (I know as I have windows 7 and 10 installed) probably xp-vista as well (but can't say...
12 replies | 950 view(s)
Today, 12:10 PM
You need to use Go Advanced to post images.
Looks like you need to resize the image before setting it as your front image
3 replies | 140 view(s)
Today, 12:07 PM
1. Debug step keys
F11 steps into every method called
F10 steps over and continues through your code
2 replies | 65 view(s)
Today, 12:02 PM
Btw, baka's sample code works beautifully here on Win11.
So you are targeting XP or Win9x? Which one it is?
AlphaBlend API works on XP so does...
12 replies | 950 view(s)
Today, 11:47 AM
are you messing with me? Im quite tired of this sh*t.
not sure what u are doing but the problem its u. u are doing something wrong.
and if u...
12 replies | 950 view(s)
Today, 11:41 AM
DrawIconEx, this will also cause the picture to be not smooth and blurred when it is zoomed out.
12 replies | 950 view(s)
Today, 11:37 AM
Hello baka, I put your code in a new form and it does not work. (hIcon still 0)
I have seen some sites mention that support for PNGs in...
12 replies | 950 view(s)
Today, 11:20 AM
This is not trivially simple to implement but we've been using rclone utility to sync with Backblaze storage for some years now and rclone turned out...
1 replies | 48 view(s)
Today, 11:13 AM
2. Modules
More than one, as far as I am aware there is no actual fixed upper limit - code complexity would be a bigger issue.
depends if...
2 replies | 65 view(s)
Today, 11:11 AM
vb6 WASNT abandoned. VBA needed Classic VB...
110 replies | 3881 view(s)
Today, 10:45 AM
Can anybody recommend a upload function / class developed with VB6 that is able to resume upload to cloud hosters, especially Google and...
1 replies | 48 view(s)
Today, 10:19 AM
Perfect!, Thanks.
maybe the next step is the possibility to insert a graph, a slider or something like this?
1428 replies | 620172 view(s)
Today, 10:13 AM
who used fox pro...... lets just work on VBForumCompiler. I'll make a basic interpreter
110 replies | 3881 view(s)
Today, 10:07 AM
visual fox pro,It is like a rapid development of ERP or enterprise management system MIS development tool?
It can also be used to develop similar...
110 replies | 3881 view(s)
Today, 10:05 AM
Attaching the Screenshots
Above Image is when clicked on btnGetImgFile_Click
the below Full Image of Spiderman (T-IMg .PNG) File...
3 replies | 140 view(s)
Today, 09:49 AM
nah they forgot vb6's existence
110 replies | 3881 view(s)
Today, 09:48 AM
1. Debug
Is there a setting in debugger to remain in my Code(if i do a Step in), and don't step each line in the *.cs files?(automatically step over...
2 replies | 65 view(s)
Today, 09:08 AM
A few years ago, about a thousand lines. Today, I try to keep it around 300 or less per class and modules.
11 replies | 2841 view(s)
Today, 07:35 AM
Version 1.8 released.
66 replies | 92344 view(s)
Today, 07:33 AM
There are some callbacks in this multithreading that you have to process immediately, and if you need 500 milliseconds or two seconds to complete...
7 replies | 470 view(s)
Today, 07:24 AM
Masayoshi Son of Japan's Softbank Group. has invested in a Chinese shopping site similar to Amazon. Revenue is more than $100 billion.
He made more...
110 replies | 3881 view(s)
Today, 06:54 AM
Developing a VB6 compiler is challenging primarily due to the complexity of the VB6 language specifications and the need for precise interpretation...
110 replies | 3881 view(s)
Today, 06:53 AM
You can use the Show() and Hide() methods. When a button on Form1 is clicked, you can instantiate and display Form2 using Dim form2 As New Form2...
4 replies | 913 view(s)
Today, 06:51 AM
Yeah. TB isnt even identical to VB6. We need to make our VBForumCompiler..
110 replies | 3881 view(s)
Today, 05:51 AM
In your latest demo that you posted here, are you not using CreateObject anymore?
Public Function CreateObject(sProgID As String) As Object
61 replies | 5329 view(s)
Today, 05:39 AM
None (zero) of my VB6 projects can run in TB as is.
And if I need to rewrite/analize most of the code probably I would go directly to VB.Net, so,...
110 replies | 3881 view(s)
Today, 04:45 AM
Update released.
Included the ColTextIndent property and CellTextIndent event.
The ColTextIndent property (As Boolean) defines of whether or...
1428 replies | 620172 view(s)
Today, 03:56 AM
"off of" ? What is an "off of"?
I think he means "Looking for someone to work on a project based on VB4"
1 replies | 2360 view(s)
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