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Today, 05:32 AM
1. Perhaps you could revert it back to 32bit?
2. A useful link for future upgrade when you have to use a 64bit version, it might work well with...
6 replies | 7315 view(s)
Today, 05:29 AM
I am willing to give him some of the credit. I imagine his threats did have some effect on getting Hamas to the table (though I think they've been...
528 replies | 403339 view(s)
Today, 05:25 AM
I didn't know it occurred. I'd say continue - it does no harm. If you do stop then I may have to send birthday cards to everyone on the forum.
4 replies | 148 view(s)
Today, 04:48 AM
> Is the process of registering Interfaces and CoClasses actually separate from registering a TypeLib?
When you call CreateObject in VB6 it maps...
3 replies | 5270 view(s)
Today, 04:34 AM
Make it a site option to have/not have a birthday email with the default to not.
4 replies | 148 view(s)
Today, 04:27 AM
It's all about the furry face, baby.
He paid to have other people play the game to get characters to advanced levels and have all the best gear. ...
779 replies | 80934 view(s)
Today, 04:17 AM
Thank you very much for the suggestion!
3 replies | 1155 view(s)
Today, 03:40 AM
Forgot the link! LOL
13 replies | 12109 view(s)
Today, 03:22 AM
A "Stop" from me, too.
Not really necessary
4 replies | 148 view(s)
4 replies | 148 view(s)
Today, 02:53 AM
Please respond with a short answer.
Sites like VBForum have a built in function where it sends Happy Birthday emails... We've been doing it for...
4 replies | 148 view(s)
Today, 01:50 AM
Which is a quagmire of function-calls.
I have looked at the sqlite-source, and I've never been more glad that there are smarter people than me....
3 replies | 1155 view(s)
Today, 01:44 AM
Sure, that is fine.
I've given that routine to probable 25 people since I wrote it a number of years ago. I was going to post the test program...
5 replies | 3286 view(s)
Today, 01:43 AM
I think i remember posting an answer to something like this some years ago here
EDIT: And you were the Thread-Starter there, too...
2 replies | 408 view(s)
Today, 12:40 AM
PointF and RectangleF take coordinates of Type Single, as opposed to Point and Rectangle which take coordinates of Type Integer. As screen...
4 replies | 6142 view(s)
Yesterday, 11:31 PM
Thank you so much. Indeed this was very useful
Except there were two errors which has been modified and corrected in Blue
4 replies | 6142 view(s)
Yesterday, 10:56 PM
Interesting. I thought that regsvr32 called DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer in the DLL, and then the DLL simply called RegisterTypeLib or...
3 replies | 5270 view(s)
Yesterday, 10:54 PM
Updated the first post with the latest source which includes the following changes (thanks @wqweto for testing/reporting problems!):
72 replies | 26477 view(s)
Yesterday, 10:52 PM
How would it work in VB6 then? VB6 isn't even capable of compiling 64bit software.
6 replies | 7315 view(s)
Yesterday, 10:49 PM
Is there some hidden setting to disable this feature? If not, how exactly does VB6 do it? Does it directly write registery entries using registry API...
0 replies | 29 view(s)
Yesterday, 09:19 PM
if you have an array of pointapi and just pass the varptr of the first element and count one copy memory call could copy all elements at once since...
2 replies | 408 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:35 PM
I've told you what's causing the error.
11 replies | 849 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:24 PM
Public Function TrimNull(ByVal startstr As String) As String
TrimNull = Left$(startstr, lstrlenW(StrPtr(startstr)))
End Function
11 replies | 849 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:11 PM
In the mean-time, my complete test project.
Maybe this is more clear.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32"...
11 replies | 849 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:08 PM
Well, I figured it out just by looking at your code, although I don't have the opportunity to check it. Most likely, the reason is the Trim Null or...
11 replies | 849 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:05 PM
Thanks HackerVlad
Your code with one minor tweak works
11 replies | 849 view(s)
Yesterday, 08:02 PM
100% to convert to BMP only through conversion...
' Save the image to a byte array and convert it to BMP format (Windows Vista +)
4 replies | 1542 view(s)
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