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Today, 12:11 AM
Select refno, code, sum(amount) as sumamount from sometable group by refno, code order by refno, code
6 replies | 197 view(s)
Yesterday, 10:04 PM
If you declare a variable 'a' in a form or wherever else then it's not a member of My.Settings, is it? No, so writing My.Settings.a makes no sense....
2 replies | 133 view(s)
Yesterday, 09:01 PM
The reason is clipboard has previous data. The new versions of the OS is not clearing data. Issue a Clipboard.clear before the settext.It works
18 replies | 1714 view(s)
Yesterday, 07:43 PM
When not using version control and storing projects on a server I've had similar issues. Deleting the Obj and Bin folders sometimes works. ...
6 replies | 212 view(s)
Yesterday, 07:40 PM
yes, it does because it still hasn't gotten to the point of EDITING and DELETING an entry.. yes, we do have ADD entries but not the final 2 parts.....
94 replies | 2481 view(s)
Yesterday, 07:37 PM
i never said i couldn't do it.. and i don't need an AI to do it for me.
94 replies | 2481 view(s)
Yesterday, 06:08 PM
I tried deleting the bin and obj folders. At first, that did nothing, as I got the errors back. I then rebuilt, and they went away. Rebuilding...
6 replies | 212 view(s)
Yesterday, 05:57 PM
Another suggestion-start a New thread!!!! In your first post you can include your latest project. But this thread has gone down too many rabbit...
94 replies | 2481 view(s)
Yesterday, 05:54 PM
Look at that code you were given about letters only. You should be able to create one for numbers only.
to find the values you need, set form...
94 replies | 2481 view(s)
Yesterday, 05:40 PM
Awesome! Thank you. :thumb:
23 replies | 700 view(s)
Yesterday, 05:18 PM
I have a small script that creates a small png. This is the part i'm having trouble with...
header('Content-type: image/png');
0 replies | 62 view(s)
Yesterday, 05:00 PM
Or, a combination of a UDT and a multi-dimension array. :)
4 replies | 110 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:57 PM
Something like this?
Private Type tSequence
lStart As Long
lFinish As Long
End Type
Dim arr() As tSequence
4 replies | 110 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:53 PM
I'm not at all clear on what you want, but it sounds like UDTs might be the answer for you. UDTs give you an easy way to have nested arrays (nested...
4 replies | 110 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:48 PM
OMG, my brain fog is clearing.
Will this work ?
Private Type tSchStartStopType
lStartTime As Long
lStopTime As Long
End Type...
4 replies | 110 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:47 PM
@AAraya: You should show us your bad and fixed code. I bet your problem was also associated with the sign bit. More specifically, I'm guessing you...
7 replies | 226 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:41 PM
I know I am going to have a hard time explaining.
What I need is:
Array of sDay()
containing an array of sJob()
4 replies | 110 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:40 PM
You need to show your current relevant code. Just saying "it does not update" is to vague. What happens? Does it error?
12 replies | 869 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:36 PM
Israel's willingness to kill innocent Palestinians is still going strong,...
402 replies | 192951 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:27 PM
anyone with input?
94 replies | 2481 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:23 PM
Yeah, custom UCs are sort of fun once you get your head around everything that needs to happen in them: pass-thru properties, pass-thru events, save...
23 replies | 700 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:11 PM
Fortunately these flag constants usually move up in powers of two so they can be easily used in bitwise operations and the next one after &H8000&...
12 replies | 241 view(s)
Yesterday, 04:03 PM
Not just &H8000 but that through &HFFFF needs the second &
12 replies | 241 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:47 PM
Adding & at the end tells the compiler to treat the value as Long. You would have this problem for any value above &H7FFF:
Debug.Print &H7FFF '...
12 replies | 241 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:01 PM
Possibly useful links:
2 replies | 133 view(s)
Yesterday, 03:01 PM
And I think if you open on main monitor, and MOVE it away....you will see the Icon
14 replies | 618 view(s)
Yesterday, 02:59 PM
Well...very good, Elroy (as usual)!
23 replies | 700 view(s)
Yesterday, 02:52 PM
@Zvoni Hi, I've decided to go with a local database. I have a Table with the same column names. If you could help me with SQL query that would be...
6 replies | 197 view(s)
Yesterday, 02:23 PM
Many thanks for this Ctl!!!
34 replies | 5497 view(s)
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