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Today, 10:47 AM
Yes, now that another problem has arisen, I work with cybersecurity and was using the DLL to try a reflective DLL injection technique in other...
26 replies | 37887 view(s)
Today, 10:39 AM
Is that directed at me? If so, I've got no clue what you're getting at.
26 replies | 902 view(s)
Today, 10:27 AM
I formatted the PC and installed Windows 11.
Many times in projects that previously worked well, the error
error 16 expression too complex
12 replies | 12151 view(s)
Today, 10:26 AM
Exactly, NetShareAdd and setting folder permissions using code that someone posted on microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion newsgroup (I think it...
21 replies | 480 view(s)
Today, 10:18 AM
Team Fuki has just hopped into a DeLorean and time-traveled back to 1979 on one of their most perilous journeys yet! What incredible mission are they...
322 replies | 42895 view(s)
Today, 10:05 AM
I know that some people will feel offended by what I'm about to write, but I miss the assembler of the 6510 of the Commodore 64, with the "PHP" and...
12 replies | 167 view(s)
Today, 09:49 AM
I wouldn’t mind seeing a discussion of that. I find it useful in several circumstances. And, I’ve never seen a language where that doesn’t work. ...
12 replies | 167 view(s)
Today, 09:45 AM
I've not heard of Krool's vbFlexGrid. There are lots of grids out there. I started off 2 decades ago with VB's own MSFlexGrid, then found the...
10 replies | 245 view(s)
Today, 09:44 AM
So it's the same misspelt variable name from a 18 year-old post! :D
5 replies | 89 view(s)
Today, 09:37 AM
Down at the assembly level all these "Exit Do" and "Exit For" equate to the same jump instruction as "GoTo". The advantage of "GoTo" is that it can...
12 replies | 167 view(s)
Today, 09:35 AM
Never ever "manipulate" a Control-Variable of a For-Loop (a.k.a assigning a Value to it within the loop).
It might work in your case, but...
12 replies | 167 view(s)
Today, 09:33 AM
Just another alternative, once you understand how loops work:
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i=0 To 100
For j=0 To 100
12 replies | 167 view(s)
Today, 09:30 AM
In the way the question is posed: ideological
Goto is a sure fire way to produce spaghetti-code, nevermind that you have to do Flow-Control by hand...
12 replies | 167 view(s)
Today, 09:25 AM
I wouldn't want to use a "sub/function" or use a "boolean flag". The smartest solution seems to rewrite the outer loop from a "For/Next" to a...
12 replies | 167 view(s)
Today, 09:25 AM
Open your VBP file with Notepad, and post the lines that begin with Object= and Reference= here.
I have stopped using MS Office and have been...
6 replies | 161 view(s)
Today, 09:12 AM
Try this to make sure there are no extra characters in the string:
Debug.Print "'" & Text1.Text & "'"
This should print:
5 replies | 89 view(s)
Today, 09:09 AM
5 replies | 89 view(s)
Today, 09:03 AM
It's not. Period!
I've shown 2 "standard" ways how to do it.
A 3rd way would be to put the nested loops (and just them) into a Sub/Function,...
12 replies | 167 view(s)
Today, 09:01 AM
Make a dllName2, then compare them at the byte level to see if they really are the same, because if they are, this seems like mistaking the...
5 replies | 89 view(s)
Today, 08:51 AM
Probably but why ask a programming question for an answer of "run a different program that does it for you"?
In that case OP would be better off...
21 replies | 480 view(s)
Today, 08:46 AM
Win-Win Situation?
13 replies | 381 view(s)
Today, 08:39 AM
Can it be the same problem as described in these threads?:...
6 replies | 161 view(s)
Today, 08:35 AM
Ida was 2021, I did not stay for that one.
69264 replies | 21733145 view(s)
Today, 08:34 AM
I recently installed Office 365 and didn't notice any problems with VB6 due to that.
6 replies | 161 view(s)
Today, 08:33 AM
What's the "tliob" variable and where do you initialize it?
5 replies | 89 view(s)
Today, 08:27 AM
Hi wes4dbt,
First of all, thank you very much for your help.
I did the debugging, first with the breakpoint
you suggested, no errors.
18 replies | 1099 view(s)
Today, 08:23 AM
Always happens, though they are usually too shy to post.
17 replies | 990 view(s)
Today, 08:22 AM
Vin veritas?
13 replies | 381 view(s)
Today, 08:20 AM
What kind of build times are you seeing?
1 replies | 114 view(s)
Today, 08:18 AM
"Exit For i" produces a "Syntax error" compile error. As far as I know only PHP allows specifying how many nested loops you can break out of (with...
12 replies | 167 view(s)
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