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Thread: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

  1. #1

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    Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    Hi, I am having a strange problem. I open a bin file, run and concatenate a word for a checksum in firmware.

    Code below seems pretty straight forward:
    1) open bin file - read all bytes
    2) convert to integer
    3) calculate the check sum to be added on (ignore the POLY portion)
    4) add poly and checksum to byte array
    5) Save byte file

    The problem is, whenever I save the bin file, I get the same number of bytes whether the following portion of code is included or not (note this is the highlight of this post, and what is not working) -
     Dim dummy(7) As Byte
                    array.Resize(byteRead, byteRead.Length + dummy.Length)
                    Dim temp_array() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(integerStore(count - 1))
                    temp_array.CopyTo(byteRead, startIndex)
                    Dim temp_array2() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(integerStore(count))
                    temp_array2.CopyTo(byteRead, startIndex + 4)
    So my adding the bytes to the end of the byte array is not working properly. The strange thing is, if I put a break point right before saving the file, I do see the bytes in the byte array!? They just don't save???? Any clues?

    Dim openFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog()
                'Set settings for openfiledialog object
                openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.Desktop
                openFileDialog1.Filter = "bin files (*.bin)|*.bin|All files (*.*)|*.*"
                openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 1
                openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = True
                'Allow user to select file
                If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
                    Dim filepath As String = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(openFileDialog1.FileName)
                Dim byteRead() As Byte
                Dim POLY As UInt32 = &H4C11DB7&
                byteRead = IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filepath)
                    Dim saveFileDialog1 As New SaveFileDialog()
                    saveFileDialog1.Filter = "bin files (*.bin)|*.bin|All files (*.*)|*.*"
                    saveFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2
                    saveFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = True
                    If saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
                        'Set default file properties
                        With saveFileDialog1
                            .OverwritePrompt = True
                            .Filter = "bin File|*.bin"
                            .DefaultExt = ".bin"
                            ' .AddExtension = True
                            '  .InitialDirectory = "C:\"
                        End With
                        Dim integerStore(100000) As UInteger
                        Dim count As Integer = 0
                        Dim crc_check As UInteger = 0
                    For i As Integer = 0 To byteRead.Length - 1 Step 4
                        Dim one, two, three, four As UInteger
                        one = byteRead(i)
                        one = one << 24
                        two = byteRead(i + 1)
                        two = two << 16
                        three = byteRead(i + 2)
                        three = three << 8
                        four = byteRead(i + 3)
                        'four = four << 24
                        integerStore(count) = one Or two Or three Or four
                        count = count + 1
                    integerStore(count) = POLY
                    Dim C_S As UInt32 = 0
                    For check_sum As Integer = 1 To count Step 1
                        C_S = C_S + integerStore(check_sum)
                    Dim C_S_Final As UInt32 = 2 ^ 32 - C_S
                    Dim test As UInt32 = C_S_Final + C_S
                    count = count + 1
                    integerStore(count) = C_S_Final
                    Dim startIndex As Integer = byteRead.Length
                    Dim dummy(7) As Byte
                    array.Resize(byteRead, byteRead.Length + dummy.Length)
                    Dim temp_array() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(integerStore(count - 1))
                    temp_array.CopyTo(byteRead, startIndex)
                    Dim temp_array2() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(integerStore(count))
                    temp_array2.CopyTo(byteRead, startIndex + 4)
                    Dim binfile As String = saveFileDialog1.FileName.ToString & ".bin"
                    filepath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(saveFileDialog1.FileName)
                    IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, byteRead)
                    End If
                End If
    Last edited by si_the_geek; Jun 22nd, 2018 at 09:54 AM. Reason: added Code tags

  2. #2
    Sinecure devotee
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    Re: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    Array.Resize is a function which returns the array.
    You should probably assign it back to your variable.

    byteRead = array.Resize(byteRead, byteRead.Length + dummy.Length)

  3. #3

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    Re: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    Hmmm...when I add that line of code, I get errors.

  4. #4
    Super Moderator Shaggy Hiker's Avatar
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    Re: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    What errors? What's the error message?
    My usual boring signature: Nothing

  5. #5

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    Re: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    Quote Originally Posted by Shaggy Hiker View Post
    What errors? What's the error message?
    Two things:
    1) - i do not see anything indicating that the array.resize is returning a value? And it doesn't make sense (to me) to assign a value to my array in that manner.
    2) adding "byteRead = array.Resize(byteRead, byteRead.Length + dummy.Length)" causes build errors - "expression does not produce a value"

  6. #6
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    Re: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    <Forget this post altogether, I need to wake up apparently>
    I guess you're correct. I'll have to figure out what I was referencing.
    I wonder if the Overwrite option has anything to do with it. If you're writing out the whole array, it doesn't seem like you would want to overwrite the old file, you would want to replace it with a bigger file, i.e. it should be just an Output mode. But that's talking off the top of my head, even more so than my previous post, which I though was correct. This one I'm not sure at all.
    Last edited by passel; Jun 22nd, 2018 at 11:34 AM.

  7. #7
    Sinecure devotee
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    Re: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    As a sanity check, did you check the modification date of the file? Is it actually being written to, just not the correct size, or is the file somehow being written to a different place or name?

    For instance, assuming you have a safe copy of the file, when you read it in, change a few bytes at the front of the array, and then verify after you write it out whether you see those bytes being modified.

  8. #8

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    Re: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    Thanks for the input passel. I definitely do write to a file, and save it as a new name. I can use the new file to program a device and it works. So everything is being saved, just not the last two bytes I concatenate, but I do see those bytes in the watch window of the file I am saving.

  9. #9
    Powered By Medtronic dbasnett's Avatar
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    Re: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    I wrote this test. It reads all the bytes of a file to a List. It then concatenates some bytes to the end and writes it back to the file. Works like a charm. This is a text file so it converts 0 to 32 in the concat.

        Private count As Integer = 32
        Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
            count += 1
            Dim concat() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(count)
            For idx As Integer = 0 To concat.Length - 1
                If concat(idx) < 32 Then
                    concat(idx) = 32 'spaces
                End If
            Dim path As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop)
            path = IO.Path.Combine(path, "foo.txt")
            Dim byts As List(Of Byte) = IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path).ToList '<< to list
            byts.AddRange(concat) '<< concat
            IO.File.WriteAllBytes(path, byts.ToArray)
        End Sub
    The use of List makes things easier.
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  10. #10
    Sinecure devotee
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    Re: Concatinating bytes to bin file not being saved to output file

    p.s. I'm in a meeting so it took a long time to respond, so dbasnett got in while my focus was diverted, so you have two examples that don't have a problem. It still seems like somehow you may be interpreting your results incorrectly somehow. I don't know if your files are on a network, and there would be any flush/update time problem, but it seems unlikely.

    I don't see what the problem is. It doesn't make any sense to me.
    Also you are concatenating 8 bytes, but say "just not the last two bytes" are concatenated. You also say the file size doesn't change, which doesn't match with what you're saying.
    Also, you say even if they write to a new file, the size is not correct.

    I don't know how you can have these problems. It seems like you should be able to write a stand alone test to confirm the I/O method you're using.
    For instance, I wrote a quick test, created an empty file in the directory of my choice, and had the code read the bytes in, add eight bytes to array read in, and write back out to the same file. Each time I read in, I print out the number of bytes read. I see the file increase by 8-bytes each time. If I look at the contents of the file I see the data I wrote to the file.
    I can't see what your problem is.
    Public Class Form1
      Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim filepath As String = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("C:\c\test.bin")
        Dim byteRead() As Byte
        Dim POLY As UInt32 = &H4C11DB7&
        Dim EndTag As UInt32 = &H4030201
        byteRead = IO.File.ReadAllBytes(filepath)
        Dim startIndex As Integer = byteRead.Count
        Debug.Print("Bytes read = {0}", startIndex.ToString)
        Array.Resize(byteRead, byteRead.Count + 8)
        Dim temp_array() As Byte = BitConverter.GetBytes(POLY)
        temp_array.CopyTo(byteRead, startIndex)
        temp_array = BitConverter.GetBytes(EndTag)
        temp_array.CopyTo(byteRead, startIndex + 4)
        IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filepath, byteRead)
      End Sub
    End Class
    Output in the Immediate window from the first run for 5 presses of the button.
    Bytes read = 0
    Bytes read = 8
    Bytes read = 16
    Bytes read = 24
    Bytes read = 32
    Last edited by passel; Jun 25th, 2018 at 03:32 PM.

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