I'm using the code below to get text from controls, if the text only contains English letters, it works well. Once there are unicode characters involved, then the text becomes unreadable code.

Private Sub GetTextFromControls(oControl as Object)
    Dim lRC As Long
    Dim byt() As Byte
    Dim lTextLen As Long

    lTextLen = SendMessage(oControl.Hwnd, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0)
    If lTextLen > 0 Then
        ReDim byt(1 To lTextLen) As Byte
        Call SendMessage(oControl.Hwnd, WM_GETTEXT, ByVal lTextLen + 1, byt(1))
        oForm.txtControlText.Text = " " & Trim(StrConv(byt, vbUnicode))
        oForm.txtControlText.Text = ""
    End If
End Sub
For example, the text is "立即", oForm.txtControlText.Text will become "¨¢¡é?¡ä".

Thank you
