Hello all,
I'm going to be honest here, I'm not entirely sure the title is correct for what i need to do.
I'm trying to re-create some MDB Queries to Crystal Reports for VB.NET and everything has been straight forward until now, one of the reports seems to be using 3 other reports as a data source and it creates its report based on those 3.
I've tried creating a sub-report in CR but I'm unsure if that's what I need to be doing - it doesn't seem to work the same, as i say it looks like i need to create the report using the other reports as the datasource.
I exported the query to a text file and it looks like this:
SELECT UnCompletedJobsQry.Job_ID AS Expr1, UnCompletedJobsQry.Job_StartDate AS Expr2, UnCompletedJobsQry.Cust_Name AS Expr3, UnCompletedJobsQry.Job_Description AS Expr4, JobSupplierCostQry.SumOfSpInv_Amount AS Expr5, JobTimeCostQry.SumOfTime_Hours AS Expr6, JobTimeCostQry.TimeCost AS Expr7

FROM UnCompletedJobsQry, JobSupplierCostQry, JobTimeCostQry;
My question is, is this possible to do with CR?
My apologies for my ignorance but I'm fairly new to CR and I'm not entirely sure what i should be searching for.
Thanks in advance.