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Thread: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

  1. #1

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    Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here, so if I am missing something please let me know!

    I work with a vb5 program written 20 years ago by someone who doesn't work here anymore. He did not know how to code and was teaching himself as he was building it. The programs use is to sort and interact with archaeological collections. It has been in use since he built it and while it isn't perfect by any means it does work.

    Around 2011 someone in the collection took over handling of human remains and build his own access form to handle it. It never worked right and the data was spotty at best. This year someone else is taking over so I planned on merging the data set from the access form to the old program (since we have about 20 modules there and they all work together anyway). I have hit a bit of a snag.

    The main problem is Rich Text. The 2011 access form uses rich text to display everything and of course, the old data base is done entirely with plain text txtData boxes. Between this and the control array used I'm not sure how to handle the situation as my knowledge of coding isn't exactly the strongest, particularly in VB5.

    I have gotten everything to work so far, but I can't get it to prompt to save changes on removal of focus.

    No matter what I do the Rich Text box will not prompt a message box. Since he has this... gibberish way of doing things I can't even really translate what he is doing. Is there a simple way to check an RTB for changes, pop a message box confirming, and write said changes to an access table?

    Or is there a way to display rich text in a textbox without the coded symbols?

    Thanks for taking the time to read through it. I can supply anything needed to help answer it.


  2. #2
    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Hi Lyzarus,

    First and foremost, welcome to the forums.

    From what you've said, it's somewhat difficult to understand exactly what you need. But I'll give a few ideas that, maybe, will help.

    First, if it were me, I'd convert that VB5 project to VB6 (with the Service Pack 6 (SP6) installed in the VB6 IDE (development environment)). Any VB5 program should directly load, run, and compile in the VB6 IDE. Again, if you install the VB6 IDE, be sure to also install SP6. The SP6 is cumulative so no need to mess with prior SPs. (However, when going to .NET, things are very different, and I'd stay away from .NET).

    Next, I'm unclear on exactly what you're trying to save. The RTB (rich text box) has a .Text property. So, in a sense, it can be used much like the regular TextBox if that's all you want. Now, however, if you load text into the RTB using its .Text property, you will lose any formatting you had. Also, if you had any pictures (or other non-text objects) you will lose those as well.

    I just don't know how involved you were getting with the RTB.

    Now, if you're wishing to save formatting, the RTB also has a .TextRTF property. I hope you're a bit familiar with the Rich Text Format (RTF). This is ASCII text with ASCII codes that indicate the formatting. This RTF can also contain pictures and other objects (like tables, etc). So, as an alternative, you could use this.TextRTF property of the RTB to load and save your text. Now, this .TextRTF can get quite large (with all the coding for formatting), so you will need to use a Memo field (and not a Text field) in your database to save it.

    Also, if you needed to, you could load your old text (non RTF) into the .Text field of a RTB, and then use the .TextRTF property from that point forward.

    Maybe that'll help you. Also, possibly consider posting some code.

    Be sure to use the # button (above on the toolbar) to create a code-block for your posted code.

    Good Luck,
    Any software I post in these forums written by me is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, and permission is hereby granted, free of charge and without restriction, to any person obtaining a copy. To all, peace and happiness.

  3. #3

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Thanks for the reply!

    Sorry I wasn't super clear, let me explain the system:

    There is an access database with a single table and a number of fields. One of these fields contains a "correspondence" section that contains all of the information of the back and forths between people involved in the cases. Since each case is a single line each section of the correspondence is a single "cell" (Access doesn't really use cells, as you probably already know). Some of these cells are up to 10 pages in length in a word document.

    This is an AWFUL design but it is the way it was implemented 20 years ago and I don't have a way to change it now. We are working on purchasing software to fix this, so I don't want to work too deeply on that just now. The program made with VB5 has a search box. Once a search is entered the found information from the access database populates the fields in the form. Any changes in the form are then saved to the database itself once confirmed.

    The original code was written with just textboxes but a few years ago someone started using rich text format in the database which causes the textboxes to either be full of ASCII or to be one long jumbled mess of text without any breaks. 10 pages of that is impossible to deal with.

    If there is no way to view rich text without ASCII and with the formatting in a textbox (which I don't think there is) then I just need to get the one rich text box that pulls that Rich text formatted data to confirm changes when changes have been made in the form.

    I hope I cleared that up. The code is a mess, but I can post it if you want it.

    Thanks again!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    You could post the source code so that others could understand your problem more clearly. It doesn't seem too complicated.

  5. #5

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    I'll have to break it up, it is about 8k characters too long for the box. Here is the first half:

    Option Explicit
    Public boxTrack As Long
    Private Sub CheckMe()
     Dim Mess As String
     Dim Temp1 As String
     Dim J As Long
     Dim Verify As Integer
     Dim NoChange As Boolean
     If Val(txtData(boxTrack)) = 0 Then Exit Sub
     NoChange = True
     For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1 ' Track
      If UCase(txtData(J)) <> UCase(CheckSave(J)) Then
       NoChange = False
       Temp1 = UCase(Trim(lblFieldName(J)))
       If Len(CheckSave(J)) < 100 Then
        Mess = Mess & Temp1 & " Field has changed from ' " & UCase(CheckSave(J)) & " ' To ' " & UCase(txtData(J)) & " '" & Chr(13)
        If Right(Temp1, 1) = ":" Then Temp1 = Left(Temp1, Len(Temp1) - 1)
        Mess = Mess & Temp1 & " Field has changed, (field too large for message box)." & Chr(13)
       End If
      End If
     Next J
     If NoChange = True Then Exit Sub
     Mess = Mess & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "DO YOU WISH TO SAVE CHANGES"
     Verify = MsgBox(Mess, vbYesNo, txtData(0) & " (" & txtData(9) & ") RECORD CHANGED BUT NOT SAVED")
     If Verify = vbNo Then Exit Sub
     J = CheckSave(txtData.Count)
     lstView.ListItems(J).Selected = True
     Call cmdUpDate_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub CheckHUMR(mSiteID As String)
     Dim db As Database
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim CRtype As String
      lblIdHummer.Visible = False
      lblIdHummer = "No record of Hum. Remains w/ FMSF"
      txtData(3) = "NO"
      ReportForm.MousePointer = vbHourglass
      mSiteID = Mid(mSiteID, 2)  ' cut off the 8
      Set db = OpenDatabase("", dbDriverNoPrompt, False, FSFCONNECT)
      sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM ID_HUMR WHERE SITEID LIKE '" & mSiteID & "*';"
      Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
      If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
       lblIdHummer = "FMSF record in ID_HUMR"
       txtData(3) = "YES"
       sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM ID_JOIN WHERE SITEID LIKE '" & mSiteID & "*';"
       Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
       If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
        CRtype = Trim(rst.Fields("CR_TYPE"))
        sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM tblFieldList WHERE Code LIKE '*" & CRtype & "*' "
        sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " AND ParentId = 3318;"
        Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
        If rst.RecordCount > 0 Then
          lblIdHummer = "NO, " & rst.Fields("Instruction")
          If InStr(UCase(lblIdHummer), "CEMETERY") > 0 Then
           txtData(3) = "YES"
           lblIdHummer = "FMSF record as Cemetery"
          End If
        End If
       End If
      End If
      lblIdHummer.Visible = True
      ReportForm.MousePointer = vbNormal
    End Sub
    Private Sub FindHummers()  ' used by tools
     Dim db As Database
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim J As Long
     Dim mSiteID As String
     Call Clear_txtBox
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE (SiteID NOT LIKE '*00000') "
     sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "AND (RemainsEncountered LIKE '*YES*' OR RemainsRemoved LIKE '*YES*') "
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
     Call lstView_Populate(rst)
     lblFound = rst.RecordCount & " records"
     If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
     J = lstView.ListItems.Count
     Do While J > 0
      mSiteID = lstView.ListItems(J)
      Call CheckHUMR(mSiteID)
      If UCase(Left(lblIdHummer, 2)) = "NO" Then
       lstView.ListItems(J).ForeColor = vbRed
       lstView.ListItems.Remove J
      End If
      J = J - 1
     If lstView.ListItems.Count > 0 Then
      Call lstView_Click
      Call Clear_txtBox
     End If
     lblFound = lstView.ListItems.Count & " records"
    End Sub
    Private Sub Find_OverDo()
     Dim db As Database
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim mDate As String
     Call Clear_txtBox
     mDate = CStr(Date + 1)
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE NextActionDate < #" & mDate & "# "
     sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "AND NOT left(ucase(STATUS),6) LIKE 'CLOSED'"
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
     Call lstView_Populate(rst)
     lblFound = rst.RecordCount & " Expired Action Date(s)"
     Call lstView_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub FindOpen()
     Dim db As Database
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Call Clear_txtBox
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE left(ucase(STATUS),6) NOT LIKE 'CLOSED'"
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
     Call lstView_Populate(rst)
     lblFound = rst.RecordCount & " Open Case File(s)"
     Call lstView_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub FindFedsInvolved()
     Dim db As Database
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Call Clear_txtBox
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE left(ucase(FedsInvolved),2) NOT LIKE 'NO'"
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
     Call lstView_Populate(rst)
     lblFound = rst.RecordCount & " Case(s) flagged having Federal Involvement"
     Call lstView_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub chkADDtoLIST_Click()
     If cmdEmptyList.Visible = True Then
      cmdEmptyList.Visible = False
      cmdEmptyList.Visible = True
     End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub chkOpenOnly_Click()
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdAF_Click()
     Call mnuFind_AdvancedFind_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
     frameFirstReport.Visible = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdDelete_Click()
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim db As Database
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim Yndex As Long
     Dim J As Long
     Dim Mess As String
     Yndex = Val(txtData(boxTrack)) 'track
     If Yndex = 0 Then Exit Sub
     sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE Track = " & CStr(Yndex)
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenDynaset)
     If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then
      Exit Sub
     End If
     Mess = "OK TO DELETE THIS RECORD:" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
     For J = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1
      Mess = Mess & Chr(13) & rst.Fields(J).Name & ": " & rst.Fields(J)
     Next J
     J = MsgBox(Mess, vbOKCancel, "DELETE RECORD")
     If J = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
     Yndex = lstView.SelectedItem.Index
     If Yndex - 1 > 0 Then Yndex = Yndex - 1
     Call Clear_txtBox
     lstView.ListItems.Remove lstView.SelectedItem.Index
     If lstView.ListItems.Count > 0 Then
      lstView.ListItems(Yndex).Selected = True
     End If
     Call lstView_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdEmptyList_Click()
     Call Clear_txtBox
     lblFound = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim db As Database
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim FormatThis As String
     Dim CancelEdit As Boolean
     Dim J As Long
     Dim Verify As Integer
     Dim Mess As String
     If txtData(0).BackColor = vbBlack Then
      For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
       If Len(txtData(J)) > 0 Then
        Mess = "The NEW RECORD you started is not saved (new record is not Updated))." & Chr(13)
        Mess = Mess & "Do you wish to SAVE this record?" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
        Verify = MsgBox(Mess, vbYesNoCancel, "UPDATE button also saves a new entry or edit.")
        If Verify = vbCancel Then txtData(0).SetFocus: Exit Sub
        If Verify = vbYes Then Call cmdUpDate_Click
        If Verify = vbNo Then WriteNew = False
        Exit For
       End If
      Next J
     End If
     If Val(txtData(boxTrack)) > 0 Then
      Call CheckMe
     End If
     For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
      txtData(J).BackColor = txtNormalColor
      txtData(J).ForeColor = vbBlack
     Next J
     Call Clear_txtBox
     If mnuFind_All.Checked = False And Len(Trim(txtFind)) = 0 Then Exit Sub
     If (mnuFind_All.Checked = False And chkADDtoLIST.Value = 0) Or mnuFind_All.Checked = True Then
     End If
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     If mnuFind_AnyField.Checked = True Then
      sqlQuery = "[SiteID] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [Status] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [872File] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [AdHoc] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [UpDateFMSF] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [RemainsEncountered] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [RemainsRemoved] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [LocationOfRemains] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [Comment] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [Summary] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [NoticeDetails] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [NativeAmerican] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [NoticeNeeded] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [CaseNum] LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
      If IsDate(txtFind) = True Then
       sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "OR [FirstReportDate] LIKE '#" & txtFind & "#' "
      End If
     End If
     If mnuFind_All.Checked = True Then
       sqlQuery = "[Track] > -1 "
     End If
     If mnuFind_SiteID.Checked = True Then
      CancelEdit = False
      FormatThis = txtFind
      Call Formats.Format_SiteId(FormatThis, CancelEdit)
      If CancelEdit = False Then txtFind = FormatThis
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " SiteID LIKE '" & txtFind & "*' "
     End If
     If mnuFind_CaseNum.Checked = True Then
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " CaseNum LIKE '" & txtFind & "*' "
     End If
     If mnuFind_Contact.Checked = True Then
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " Contact LIKE '*" & txtFind & "*' "
     End If
     If chkOpenOnly.Value = 1 Then
      sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE (" & sqlQuery & " ) AND NOT Status Like 'CLOSED*' "
      sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE " & sqlQuery
     End If
     sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "ORDER BY [FirstReportDate];"
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
     If rst.RecordCount = 1 Then
      lblFound = rst.RecordCount & " record matching " & txtFind
      lblFound = rst.RecordCount & " records matching " & txtFind
     End If
     If rst.EOF = True Then Exit Sub
     Call lstView_Populate(rst)
     txtFind = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub lstView_FormatColumns()
     lstView.View = lvwReport ' Set View property to Report.
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 1, , "SiteID"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 2, , "Status" ''' no txtbox
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 3, , "872File"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 4, , "UpDateFMSF" ''' no txtbox
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 5, , "RemainsEncountered"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 6, , "RemainsRemoved"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 7, , "AdHoc"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 8, , "LocationOfRemains"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 9, , "Comment"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 10, , "FirstReportDate"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 11, , "Track"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 12, , "NextActionDate"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 13, , "Contact"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 14, , "Federal Involvement"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 15, , "NoticeNeeded"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 16, , "NoticeDetails"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 17, , "Summary"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 18, , "NativeAmerican"
     lstView.ColumnHeaders.Add 19, , "CaseNum"
     Call LstView_RestoreDimensions
     boxTrack = 10
    End Sub
    Private Sub LstView_RestoreDimensions()
     Dim X As Integer
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(1).Width = 890       'column widths
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(2).Width = 1560
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(3).Width = 2085
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(4).Width = 930
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(5).Width = 1695
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(6).Width = 2040
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(7).Width = 1215
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(8).Width = 930
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(9).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(10).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(11).Width = 100
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(12).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(13).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(14).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(15).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(16).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(17).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(18).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(19).Width = 1000
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(1).Position = 1       'column order/position
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(2).Position = 2
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(3).Position = 3
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(4).Position = 4
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(5).Position = 5
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(6).Position = 6
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(7).Position = 7
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(8).Position = 8
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(9).Position = 9
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(10).Position = 10
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(11).Position = 13
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(12).Position = 11
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(13).Position = 12
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(14).Position = 14
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(15).Position = 15
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(16).Position = 16
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(17).Position = 17
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(18).Position = 18
     lstView.ColumnHeaders(19).Position = 19
     lstView.SortOrder = lvwAscending
     lstView.SortKey = 1
    End Sub
    Public Sub lstView_Populate(rst As Recordset)
     Dim ItmX As ListItem
     Dim Temp1 As String
     Dim J As Long
     Dim AddMe As Boolean
     If rst.EOF = True Then Exit Sub
     With rst
      Do While .EOF = False
        AddMe = True
        If chkADDtoLIST.Value = 1 Then
         For J = 1 To lstView.ListItems.Count
          If rst.Fields("Track") = lstView.ListItems(J).SubItems(10) Then AddMe = False
         Next J
        End If
        If AddMe = True Then
         If IsNull(rst.Fields("SiteID")) = True Then
          Temp1 = "No Data"
          Temp1 = .Fields("SiteId")
         End If
         Set ItmX = lstView.ListItems.Add(, , Temp1)
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("Status")) Then ItmX.SubItems(1) = CStr(.Fields("Status"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("872File")) Then ItmX.SubItems(2) = CStr(.Fields("872File"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("UpDateFMSF")) Then ItmX.SubItems(3) = CStr(.Fields("UpDateFMSF"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("RemainsEncountered")) Then ItmX.SubItems(4) = CStr(.Fields("RemainsEncountered"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("RemainsRemoved")) Then ItmX.SubItems(5) = CStr(.Fields("RemainsRemoved"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("AdHoc")) Then ItmX.SubItems(6) = CStr(.Fields("AdHoc"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("LocationOfRemains")) Then ItmX.SubItems(7) = CStr(.Fields("LocationOfRemains"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("Comment")) Then ItmX.SubItems(8) = CStr(.Fields("Comment"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("FirstReportDate")) Then ItmX.SubItems(9) = CStr(.Fields("FirstReportDate"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("Track")) Then ItmX.SubItems(10) = CStr(.Fields("Track"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("NextActionDate")) Then ItmX.SubItems(11) = CStr(.Fields("NextActionDate"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("Contact")) Then ItmX.SubItems(12) = CStr(.Fields("Contact"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("FedsInvolved")) Then ItmX.SubItems(13) = CStr(.Fields("FedsInvolved"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("NativeAmerican")) Then ItmX.SubItems(14) = CStr(.Fields("NativeAmerican"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("NoticeNeeded")) Then ItmX.SubItems(15) = CStr(.Fields("NoticeNeeded"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("NoticeDetails")) Then ItmX.SubItems(16) = CStr(.Fields("NoticeDetails"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("Summary")) Then ItmX.SubItems(17) = CStr(.Fields("Summary"))
          If Not IsNull(.Fields("CaseNum")) Then ItmX.SubItems(18) = CStr(.Fields("CaseNum"))
        End If  'if addme true
     End With
     lstView.SortKey = 0
     lstView.ListItems(1).Selected = True
     Call lstView_Click
    End Sub

  6. #6

    Thread Starter
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    Jan 2018

    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    And here is the second half:

    Private Sub cmdFindFirstDate_Click()
     Dim db As Database
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim mDate1 As String
     Dim mDate2 As String
    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' DATA VALIDATIONS
     If IsDate(txtStartDate) = False Then
      Exit Sub
     End If
     If IsDate(txtEndDate) = False Then
      Exit Sub
     End If
     mDate1 = CDate(txtStartDate)
     mDate2 = CDate(txtEndDate)
     If CDate(mDate1) > CDate(mDate2) Then
      Exit Sub
     End If
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE FirstReportDate >= #" & mDate1 & "# "
     sqlQuery = sqlQuery & "AND FirstReportDate <= #" & mDate2 & "#"
     If chkOpenOnly.Value = 1 Then
      sqlQuery = sqlQuery & " AND NOT Status Like 'CLOSED*'"
     End If
    Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenSnapshot)
     If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then
      MsgBox "NO NEW RECORDS IN RANGE " & mDate1 & " TO " & mDate2, vbInformation, "FIRST REPORT DATE"
      Exit Sub
     End If
     Call Clear_txtBox
     Call lstView_Populate(rst)
     lblFound = rst.RecordCount & " First Report Date(s)"
     Call lstView_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdMemory_Click()
     Dim J As Long
     If Len(txtData(0)) = 0 Then txtFind.SetFocus: Exit Sub
     For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
      RememberMe(J) = txtData(J)
     Next J
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdNEW_Click()
     Dim J As Long
     Dim Mess As String
     Dim Verify As Integer
     Dim db As Database
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim NewCaseNum As String
     Dim NewCaseNumber As String
     If txtData(0).BackColor = vbBlack Then
      For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
       If Len(txtData(J)) > 0 Then
        Mess = "The NEW RECORD you started is not saved (new record is not Updated))." & Chr(13)
        Mess = Mess & "Do you wish to SAVE this record?" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
        Verify = MsgBox(Mess, vbYesNoCancel, "UPDATE button also saves a new entry or edit.")
        If Verify = vbCancel Then txtData(0).SetFocus: Exit Sub
        If Verify = vbYes Then Call cmdUpDate_Click: Exit Sub
        If Verify = vbNo Then WriteNew = False 'kinda useless in this procedure...
        Exit For
       End If
      Next J
     End If
     WriteNew = True
      For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
      txtData(J).BackColor = vbBlack
      txtData(J).ForeColor = vbWhite
      txtData(J) = ""
     Next J
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("NewCaseNum")
     txtData(18) = CStr(rst.Fields("NewCaseNumber"))
     txtData(9) = Date
     lblIdHummer = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdProgrammersUseOnly_Click()
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim db As Database
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim Temp1 As String
     Dim J As Long
     sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports"
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenDynaset)
     rst.MoveLast: rst.MoveFirst
     Do While rst.EOF = False
      rst.Fields("FedsInvolved") = Temp1
     MsgBox "done"
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdUpDate_Click()
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim db As Database
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim Temp1 As String
     Dim Yndex As Long
     Dim J As Long
     Dim CancelEdit As Boolean
     If Len(txtData(0)) = 0 Then txtData(0).SetFocus: Exit Sub
     Temp1 = txtData(0)
     Call Formats.Format_SiteId(Temp1, False)
     Call CheckHUMR(Temp1)
     If WriteNew = True Then ' its a WRITE NEW RECORD ACTION
      For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
       txtData(J).ForeColor = vbBlack
       txtData(J).BackColor = txtNormalColor
       RememberMe(J) = txtData(J)  ' string array activated by  ctrl-'
      Next J
      Call AddNew(db, rst)
      txtFind = txtData(0)
      Call Clear_txtBox
      If optFindSite.Value = False Then Call optFindSite_Click
      Call cmdFind_Click
      If lstView.ListItems.Count > 1 Then
       For J = 1 To lstView.ListItems.Count
        If lstView.ListItems(J).SubItems(10) = rst.Fields("Track") Then
         lstView.ListItems(J).Selected = True
         Call lstView_Click
         Exit For
        End If
       Next J
      End If
      WriteNew = False
      Exit Sub
     End If
     Yndex = Val(txtData(boxTrack)) 'track
     If Yndex = 0 Then Exit Sub
     Call CheckSaveWrite
     sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Reports WHERE Track = " & CStr(Yndex)
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery, dbOpenDynaset)
     If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then
      Exit Sub
     End If
      With rst
        Temp1 = txtData(0)
      Call Formats.Format_SiteId(Temp1, CancelEdit)
      If CancelEdit = False Then txtData(0) = Temp1
      If IsDate(txtData(9)) Then
       Temp1 = txtData(9)
       Temp1 = Format(Temp1, "mm/dd/yyyy")
       txtData(9) = Temp1
      End If
      txtData(2) = UCase(txtData(2)) '872file
      txtData(3) = UCase(txtData(3)) 'updateFMSF
      txtData(4) = UCase(txtData(4)) 'RemainsEncountered
      txtData(5) = UCase(txtData(5)) 'RemainsRemoved
      !SiteID = txtData(0)
      !Status = txtData(1)
       rst.Fields("872File") = txtData(2)
      !UpDateFMSF = txtData(3)
      !RemainsEncountered = txtData(4)
      !RemainsRemoved = txtData(5)
      !AdHoc = txtData(6)
      !NoticeNeeded = txtData(15)
      !NoticeDetails = txtData(16)
      !Summary = txtData(17)
      !NativeAmerican = txtData(14)
      !LocationOfRemains = txtData(7)
      !Comment = RichTextBox(0)
      If IsDate(txtData(9)) = True Then
       !FirstReportDate = txtData(9)
      End If
      'txtdata(10) is Track (key index autonumber)
      'RichTextBox(1) Is Track as well (Auto number as TxtData(10))
      If IsDate(txtData(11)) = True Then
       !NextActionDate = txtData(11)
      End If
      !Contact = txtData(12)
      !FedsInvolved = txtData(13)
     End With
     lstView.SelectedItem.Text = txtData(0)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(1) = txtData(1)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(2) = txtData(2)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(3) = txtData(3)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(4) = txtData(4)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(5) = txtData(5)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(6) = txtData(6)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(7) = txtData(7)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(8) = RichTextBox(0)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(9) = txtData(9)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(11) = txtData(11)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(12) = txtData(12)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(13) = txtData(13)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(14) = txtData(14)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(15) = txtData(15)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(16) = txtData(16)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(17) = txtData(17)
     lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(18) = txtData(18)
     Call lstView_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
     Call lstView_FormatColumns
     Call Clear_txtBox
     'Call Formats.Format_txtData_Size
     ReDim CheckSave(txtData.Count)   ' extra element for listitem index
     lblFound.BackColor = ReportForm.BackColor
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
     Call CheckMe
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Resize()
     Dim A As Long
     A = (ReportForm.Height - lstView.Top) - 800
     If A < 700 Then A = 700
     lstView.Height = A
     A = (ReportForm.Width - lstView.Left) - 195
     If A < 195 Then A = 195
     lstView.Width = A
    End Sub
    Private Sub lstView_Click()
     Dim Temp1 As String
     Dim Temp2 As String
     Dim J As Long
     Dim Verify As Integer
     Dim Mess As String
     On Error Resume Next
     On Error GoTo 0
     If txtData(0).BackColor = vbBlack Then
      For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
       If Len(txtData(J)) > 0 Then
        Mess = "The NEW RECORD you started is not saved (new record is not Updated))." & Chr(13)
        Mess = Mess & "Do you wish to SAVE this record?" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
        Verify = MsgBox(Mess, vbYesNoCancel, "UPDATE button also saves a new entry or edit.")
        If Verify = vbCancel Then txtData(0).SetFocus: Exit Sub
        If Verify = vbYes Then Call cmdUpDate_Click
        If Verify = vbNo Then WriteNew = False
        Exit For
       End If
      Next J
     End If
     For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
      txtData(J).BackColor = txtNormalColor
      txtData(J).ForeColor = vbBlack
     Next J
     If lstView.ListItems.Count = 0 Then GoTo ByeBye:
     If Val(txtData(boxTrack)) > 0 And txtData(boxTrack) <> lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(boxTrack) Then
      Call CheckMe
     End If
     If lstView.ListItems.Count = 0 Then txtFind.SetFocus: Exit Sub
      txtData(0) = lstView.SelectedItem               ' siteid
      txtData(1) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(1)   'Status
      txtData(2) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(2)   '872File
      txtData(3) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(3)   'updateFMSF
      txtData(4) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(4)   'RemainsEncountered
      txtData(5) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(5)   'RemainsRemoved
      txtData(6) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(6)   'AdHoc
      txtData(7) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(7)   'LocationOfRemains
      RichTextBox(0) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(8)   'comment
      txtData(8) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(8)    'comment
      txtData(9) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(9)   'FirstReportDate
      txtData(10) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(10)  'Track
      RichTextBox(1) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(10)  'Track
      txtData(11) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(11)  'NextActionDate
      txtData(12) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(12)  'contact
      txtData(13) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(13)  'FedsInvolved
      txtData(14) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(14)
      txtData(15) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(15)
      txtData(16) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(16)
      txtData(17) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(17)
      txtData(18) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(18)
      Call CheckSaveWrite
      Call CheckHUMR(txtData(0))
      txtData(3).BackColor = vbWhite
      If UCase(Left(lblIdHummer, 2)) = "NO" And Right(Trim(txtData(0)), 5) <> "00000" Then
       If UCase(Left(txtData(4), 1)) = "Y" Or UCase(Left(txtData(5), 1)) = "Y" Then
        txtData(3).BackColor = vbRed
       End If
      End If
     Exit Sub
     For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
      txtData(J).BackColor = txtNormalColor
      txtData(J).ForeColor = vbBlack
     Next J
    End Sub
    Private Sub lstView_ColumnClick(ByVal ColumnHeader As ColumnHeader)
     Call Formats.ListView_ColumnSort(lstView, ColumnHeader)
    End Sub
    Public Sub Clear_txtBox()
     Dim J As Long
     For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
      txtData(J) = ""
     Next J
     RichTextBox(0).Text = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub lstView_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
     If lstView.ListItems.Count = 0 Then txtFind.SetFocus: Exit Sub
     If KeyCode = vbKeyUp Or KeyCode = vbKeyDown Then
       Call lstView_Click
     End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuAccessions_Click()
     Dim MyAppID
     MyAppID = Shell(OtherCollectionsEXE & "\AccessionsStaffVersion.EXE", 1)
     AppActivate MyAppID
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuCrat_Click()
     Dim MyAppID
     MyAppID = Shell("P:\CRAT\CRATLOG\CRAT0.exe", 1)
     AppActivate MyAppID
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuFind_AdvancedFind_Click()
     If AdvancedFindForm.WindowState = vbMinimized Then AdvancedFindForm.WindowState = vbNormal
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuFind_All_Click()
     Call mnuFind_Uncheck
     mnuFind_All.Checked = True
     txtFind.Locked = True
     cmdFind.Caption = "FIND ALL"
     Call cmdFind_Click
     optFindAny.Value = 0
     optFindSite.Value = 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuFind_AnyField_Click()
     Call mnuFind_Uncheck
     mnuFind_AnyField.Checked = True
     optFindAny.Value = True
     cmdFind.Caption = "FIND ANY"
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuFind_Uncheck()
     If mnuFind_All.Checked = True Then Call cmdEmptyList_Click
     mnuFind_All.Checked = False
     mnuFind_AnyField.Checked = False
     mnuFind_SiteID.Checked = False
     mnuFind_Contact.Checked = False
     mnuFind_CaseNum.Checked = False
     txtFind.Locked = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuFind_Contact_Click()
     Call mnuFind_Uncheck
     mnuFind_Contact.Checked = True
     cmdFind.Caption = "FIND Contact"
     optFindAny.Value = 0
     optFindSite.Value = 0
     mnuFind_CaseNum.Checked = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuFind_FirstReport_Click()
     frameFirstReport.Visible = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuFind_SiteID_Click()
     Call mnuFind_Uncheck
     mnuFind_SiteID.Checked = True
     optFindSite.Value = True
     mnuFind_CaseNum.Checked = False
     cmdFind.Caption = "FIND SITEID"
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuFind_CaseNum_Click()
     Call mnuFind_Uncheck
     mnuFind_CaseNum.Checked = True
     optFindCaseNum.Value = True
     mnuFind_All.Checked = False
     mnuFind_AnyField.Checked = False
     mnuFind_SiteID.Checked = False
     mnuFind_Contact.Checked = False
     txtFind.Locked = False
     cmdFind.Caption = "FIND Case #"
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuPrint_Click()
     If Val(txtData(boxTrack)) = 0 Then Exit Sub ' no selected record field track is empty
     Dim J As Long
     Dim I As Long
     Dim PrintMe As String
     Dim StartSeg As Long
     Dim EndSeg As Long
     Dim PrintSegs()
     Dim PrintLen As Long
     Dim LastSeg
     Printer.Print "Print Date: " & Date
     Printer.Print ""
     For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
        If J <> 8 Then  'notes = 8
         If J = 0 Or J = 1 Then  ' 0 siteid, 1 Status
           Printer.Font.Bold = True
          Printer.Font.Bold = False
         End If
         Printer.Print lblFieldName(J) & ": " & Trim(txtData(J))
      Else   ' notes = J = 8
        Printer.Font.Bold = True
        Printer.Print lblFieldName(J)
        Printer.Font.Bold = False
        PrintMe = Trim(txtData(J))
        PrintLen = 75
        LastSeg = (Len(PrintMe) / PrintLen) + 0.5
        If LastSeg < 1 Then LastSeg = 1
        LastSeg = CLng(LastSeg)
        ReDim PrintSegs(1 To LastSeg)
        If LastSeg > 1 Then
         I = 1
         J = 1
         StartSeg = 1
         Do While J <= Len(PrintMe)
          If Mid(PrintMe, J, 1) = Chr(32) Then
           If J > I * PrintLen Then
            If J - StartSeg > 0 Then
             EndSeg = J - StartSeg
             EndSeg = 1
            End If
            PrintSegs(I) = Mid(PrintMe, StartSeg, EndSeg)
            If I > 1 Then PrintSegs(I) = "   " & PrintSegs(I)
            StartSeg = J + 1
            I = I + 1
           End If
          End If
          J = J + 1
         If I = LastSeg Then
            PrintSegs(I) = Mid(PrintMe, StartSeg, EndSeg)
            If I > 1 Then PrintSegs(I) = "   " & PrintSegs(I)
         End If
         PrintSegs(1) = PrintMe
        End If
        For I = 1 To LastSeg
          Printer.Print PrintSegs(I)
          'Debug.Print PrintMe
        Next I
      End If   ' if j= 8 = notes
      Printer.Print ""
     Next J
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuTools_FedsInvolved_Click()
     Call FindFedsInvolved
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuTools_NoID_Humr_Click()
     Call FindHummers
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuTools_OpenCases_Click()
     Call FindOpen
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuTools_OverDue_Click()
     Call Find_OverDo  ' TERRIBLE PUN
    End Sub
    Private Sub optFindAny_Click()
     Call mnuFind_AnyField_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub optFindSite_Click()
     Call mnuFind_SiteID_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub optFindCaseNum_Click()
     Call mnuFind_CaseNum_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtData_Change(Index As Integer)
     If Index = boxTrack And Val(txtData(boxTrack)) > 0 Then Call CheckSaveWrite
    End Sub
    Private Sub CheckSaveWrite()
     Dim J As Long
       For J = 0 To txtData.Count - 1
        CheckSave(J) = txtData(J)
       Next J
       CheckSave(J) = lstView.SelectedItem.Index
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtData_DblClick(Index As Integer)
     If Index <> 0 Then Exit Sub   ' if not siteid box
     If Len(txtData(0)) = 0 Then Exit Sub
     Dim rst As Recordset
     Dim db As Database
     Dim sqlQuery As String
     Dim Mess As String
     Dim J
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdbACCESSIONS)
     sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM Accessions WHERE SiteID LIKE '*" & txtData(0) & "*'"
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(sqlQuery)
     If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then
      Mess = "No Accessions"
      MsgBox Mess, vbInformation, "BAR ACCESSIONS"
      Do While rst.EOF = False
       Mess = Mess & rst.Fields("Accno") & Chr(13)
      Mess = Mess & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "COPY TO LOCATION?"
      J = MsgBox(Mess, vbYesNo, "BAR ACCESSIONS")
      If J = vbYes Then
       Mess = ""
       Do While rst.EOF = False
         Mess = Mess & rst.Fields("Accno") & " "
       txtData(7) = "BAR " & Mess & txtData(7) 'location of remains
      End If
     End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtData_GotFocus(Index As Integer)
     If WriteNew = False Then txtData(Index).BackColor = txtSelectColor
    ' If Index <> 8 Then Exit Sub  puts cursor at BOTTOM of NOTES field. Discontinued 5/10/2006
    ' txtData(Index).SelStart = Len(txtData(Index))
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtData_KeyDown(Index As Integer, KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
     If Shift = 2 And KeyCode = 222 Then    ' control single quote    ctrl-'
       txtData(Index) = RememberMe(Index)
     End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtData_LostFocus(Index As Integer)
     If WriteNew = False Then
      txtData(Index).BackColor = txtNormalColor
      txtData(Index).ForeColor = vbBlack
     End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtFind_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
     If KeyAscii = 13 Then Call cmdFind_Click
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddNew(db As Database, rst As Recordset)
     Dim Temp1 As String
     Dim J As Long
     Dim CancelEdit As Boolean
     Set db = OpenDatabase(mdb872)
     Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Reports", dbOpenDynaset)
     With rst
      Temp1 = txtData(0)
      Call Formats.Format_SiteId(Temp1, CancelEdit)
      If CancelEdit = False Then txtData(0) = Temp1
      If IsDate(RichTextBox(0)) Then
       Temp1 = RichTextBox(0)
       Temp1 = Format(Temp1, "mm/dd/yyyy")
       RichTextBox(0) = Temp1
      End If
      txtData(2) = UCase(txtData(2)) '872file
      txtData(3) = UCase(txtData(3)) 'updateFMSF
      txtData(4) = UCase(txtData(4)) 'RemainsEncountered
      txtData(5) = UCase(txtData(5)) 'RemainsRemoved
      !SiteID = txtData(0)
      !Status = txtData(1)
       rst.Fields("872File") = txtData(2)  ' wont allow ! format with number in field name....
      !UpDateFMSF = txtData(3)
      !RemainsEncountered = txtData(4)
      !RemainsRemoved = txtData(5)
      !AdHoc = txtData(6)
      !NoticeNeeded = txtData(15)
      !NoticeDetails = txtData(16)
      !Summary = txtData(17)
      !NativeAmerican = txtData(14)
      !LocationOfRemains = txtData(7)
      !CaseNum = txtData(18)
      !Comment = RichTextBox(0)
      If IsDate(txtData(9)) = True Then
       !FirstReportDate = txtData(9)
      End If
      If IsDate(txtData(11)) = True Then
       !NextActionDate = txtData(11)
      End If
      !Contact = txtData(12)
      !FedsInvolved = txtData(13)
      .Bookmark = .LastModified
     End With
    End Sub

  7. #7
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    Sep 2012

    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Hi Lyzarus, could you upload a zip file of the project? You could click "Go Advanced" to upload pictures or zip files.

  8. #8
    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Ok Lyzarus,

    I'm basically replying to what you said in post #3. And let me summarize, at least what I "think" are the pertinent parts. You've got an Access table. And it's got fields that may have either straight-up ASCII text in them or RTF text in them.

    Therefore, you need to load that field into a string and do a bit of testing on it to determine whether it's ASCII or RTF. If it's RTF, it should always start with the string "{\rtf". I might also do an LCase$(LTrim$()) on it, just to head off any problems.

    Now, let's assume you've got your new program that's using RichTextBoxes (RTBs). When loading those RTBs from the database, just test to see if your string is ASCII or RTF. If it's ASCII, load it into the .Text property. If it's RTF, load it into the .TextRTF property.

    And then, to preserve that RTF formatting, just always save back to the database using the .TextRTF property.

    Good Luck,

    EDIT1: Here's a bit of conceptual code for you:

        Dim bItsRtf As Boolean
        bItsRtf = LCase$(Left$(LTrim$(sFieldInString), 5)) = "{\rtf"
        If bItsRtf Then
            SomeRTB.TextRTF = sFieldInString
            SomeRTB.Text = sFieldInString
        End If
    Last edited by Elroy; Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:06 AM.
    Any software I post in these forums written by me is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, and permission is hereby granted, free of charge and without restriction, to any person obtaining a copy. To all, peace and happiness.

  9. #9

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    I think I did this right? If not I'll try it again.
    Last edited by Lyzarus; Jan 23rd, 2018 at 09:16 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    The zip file should include * .frm, *.frx, *.bas, *.mdb files
    Last edited by dreammanor; Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:16 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Hi Elroy, I checked his code and found that the RichTextBox control was used only in the following procedure:

    Private Sub lstView_Click()
     RichTextBox(0) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(8)   'comment
     RichTextBox(1) = lstView.SelectedItem.SubItems(10)  'Track
    end Sub
    Private Sub AddNew(db As Database, rst As Recordset)
     If IsDate(RichTextBox(0)) Then
       Temp1 = RichTextBox(0)
       Temp1 = Format(Temp1, "mm/dd/yyyy")
       RichTextBox(0) = Temp1
      End If
      rst!Comment = RichTextBox(0)
    end Sub
    Private Sub cmdUpDate_Click()
    rst!Comment = RichTextBox(0)
    end Sub
    In other words, the software doesn't use the RichTextBox.TextRTF property, just use the RichTextBox.Text (plain text)

  12. #12

    Thread Starter
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Sorry, is there an easy way to upload files bigger than 10 megs?

    Also, most of the data in the database is sensitive. I've narrowed it down to one single record to give an idea of what is there, but I can't really send much more than that.

    The file is 11 megs.

  13. #13

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Sorry, that was probably me. Originally I dove into this trying to fix it myself. There is a txtData(8) I think (might not be 8) that was there to begin with.

    I swapped it to RTF myself in order to try and get the format to load from the database, which worked fine. Just can't get the saving side of things to work.

  14. #14
    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    @dreammanor: Yeah, I think maybe you're willing to dive into his code a bit more than I am, especially if this is a large and spaghetti code project (which is sounds like it is).

    @Lyzarus: Yeah, as dreammanor said, you need to gather up your VBP, BAS, FRM, FRX, & CLS files for us. There are other types, but I'm thinking your project doesn't use them. Ideally, you'd put them all into one folder. You can use the right-click, save-as option from the Project Window in the IDE to do that. The last piece would be a Save-As from the File menu option to actually save the VBP file there as well.

    Once that's all gathered up, zip it and attach it. If you're just sending us source code (which is all that's allowed in these forums), it shouldn't be anywhere near 11 megs. In fact, it should be quite small.

    Good Luck,

    EDIT1: Just an FYI, if you give us an EXE file, you'll get your hand slapped, and it'll be deleted.

    EDIT2: Also, as far as I know, the .Text (and not the .TextRTF) property is the default property of the RTB control. Therefore, if you don't specify a property, it'll use the .Text property, which may not be what you want. That could be your "save" problem too.
    Last edited by Elroy; Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:40 AM.
    Any software I post in these forums written by me is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, and permission is hereby granted, free of charge and without restriction, to any person obtaining a copy. To all, peace and happiness.

  15. #15

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    The only item of large size is the database itself.

    Here is the rest of it without the database. Even with a single line in it the database is 11 megs.
    Last edited by Lyzarus; Jan 23rd, 2018 at 09:16 AM.

  16. #16

    Thread Starter
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Quote Originally Posted by Elroy View Post
    EDIT1: Just an FYI, if you give us an EXE file, you'll get your hand slapped, and it'll be deleted.
    I'm not well versed in code, I don't think I'm THAT bad though :P

  17. #17
    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Near Nashville TN

    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Ahhh, you're trying to get us your MDB file. I'm not absolutely sure we need it. But, to make it smaller, load it up with Access and run the "Compact and Repair Database" procedure on it. After that, it'll probably be MUCH smaller.

    And take a look at my EDIT2 in post #14.
    Any software I post in these forums written by me is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, and permission is hereby granted, free of charge and without restriction, to any person obtaining a copy. To all, peace and happiness.

  18. #18
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    Sep 2012

    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Quote Originally Posted by Elroy View Post
    @dreammanor: Yeah, I think maybe you're willing to dive into his code a bit more than I am, especially if this is a large and spaghetti code project (which is sounds like it is).
    This is his first time to vbForums, I hope his problem can be resolved satisfactorily.

    Although there is no access DB, I can already open his project. It's a very simple program, but I don't know what the OP's problem is?

    The following two small procedures may be useful to you: (I used Elroy's code)

    Private Sub LoadRichTextDataFromDB(daoRs As DAO.Recordset, fieldName As String, RTB As RichTextBox)
        Dim sText As String
        Dim bIsRTF As Boolean
        If IsNull(daoRs.Fields(fieldName)) = False Then
            sText = daoRs.Fields(fieldName)
        End If
        bIsRTF = LCase$(Left$(LTrim$(sText), 5)) = "{\rtf"
        If bIsRTF Then
            RTB.TextRTF = sText
            RTB.Text = sText
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub SaveRichTextDataToDB(daoRs As DAO.Recordset, fieldName As String, RTB As RichTextBox)
        If RTB.Text = vbNullString Then
             daoRs.Fields(fieldName) = vbNullString
            daoRs.Fields(fieldName) = RTB.TextRTF
        End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by dreammanor; Jan 22nd, 2018 at 01:24 PM.

  19. #19

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Alrighty. What I am actually trying to do is more simple than I am making it sound, please forgive me. I am fine with the rich text formatting being in the database, the rich text box works perfectly for what I am trying to do.

    My issue is saving the box back to the database when you don't actively click the update button. When the save button is pressed it works fine, but if you happen to search a different record without saving, it just deletes everything and you will never know.

    I'm trying to get the Rich Text Box to have a message box confirming changes when someone moves away from it without hitting the update button.

    I'm really bad at explaining what I am aiming to do since I'm in such unfamiliar territory.

  20. #20
    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Ahhh, ok, I think I now see.

    This is something I deal with all the time because I refuse to use any data-binding.

    To deal with this issue, I typically have a module-level variable that's declared something like the following:

    Dim SomethingChanged As Boolean
    And then, in Click & Change events of all my controls, I put this in:

    Private Sub txtCode_Change()
        SomethingChanged = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtDescription_Change()
        SomethingChanged = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtGrouping_Change()
        SomethingChanged = True
    End Sub
    The above is just an example out of some of my code.

    And then, when changing records, I have code that checks the SomethingChanged boolean. Typically, I don't change records while on a single form, so it's just an issue for me when closing the form, but here's an example of how I handle it.

    Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
        ' If we clicked the close button on the form, do we wish to save work.
        If UnloadMode = vbFormControlMenu And SomethingChanged Then
            If AddingOrEditing = Adding Then
                If MsgBox("Do you wish to save this new motion model?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, App.Title) = vbYes Then
                    If Not WorkSavedAndReadyToClose Then Cancel = True
                End If
                If MsgBox("Do you wish to save the changes you made to this motion model?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, App.Title) = vbYes Then
                    If Not WorkSavedAndReadyToClose Then Cancel = True
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    And then, I have a standard routine called WorkSavedAndReadyToClose. It exists in MANY of my forms, but here's an example:

    Function WorkSavedAndReadyToClose() As Boolean
    	' Do what you need to do to save your work.
        WorkSavedAndReadyToClose = True
    End Function
    I don't think that code above has all the call references resolved, but it gives you the idea. If you've got some RTB, you need to track changes, something like the following:

    Private Sub SomeRTB_Change()
        SomethingChanged = True
    End Sub
    And then, whenever you're about to move off of your record, you need to check that SomethingChanged variable, and act accordingly.

    Good Luck,

    EDIT1: Sorry if you saw my first attempt to post this post. Something went wrong with my colorizer.
    Last edited by Elroy; Jan 22nd, 2018 at 01:10 PM.
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  21. #21
    Smooth Moperator techgnome's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Something to remember though... when you load the RTB from the database, that will cause the changed event to fire... so after you move to a new record, and load it, you'll want to re-set the flag back to false so that you don't prompt the user even when they didn't change anything.

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    @Lyzarus: I modified your code, you should also study Elroy's code carefully.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by dreammanor; Jan 22nd, 2018 at 01:33 PM.

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Thank you both for all the help and patience in this. I will take everything you have posted and read through it as best as I can.

    I really appreciate it and our new employee will as well. I'm an Archaeologist, not a computer scientist, this is out of my realm!

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database


    I'm gone through the code you added and had a question. The function is there, but it pops up twice, the first time a box comes up and the record is still visible in the form. No matter what option is hit the box then pops back up after the form has been cleared.

    What is the trigger for it? Lost focus?

  25. #25
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Quote Originally Posted by techgnome View Post
    Something to remember though... when you load the RTB from the database, that will cause the changed event to fire... so after you move to a new record, and load it, you'll want to re-set the flag back to false so that you don't prompt the user even when they didn't change anything.
    Thanks for mentioning that. I always do that but forgot to mention it to Lyzarus. Good catch.

    EDIT1: Lyzarus, just as an FYI, many call this a "dirty" flag. Way back literally decades ago, I just always called mine "SomethingChanged", but whatever you call it, I hope you get the idea.
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Yeah, I actually understood it believe it or not! I'm working on implementing yours and testing Dreams to see which works better with the actual database loaded.

  27. #27
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyzarus View Post

    I'm gone through the code you added and had a question. The function is there, but it pops up twice, the first time a box comes up and the record is still visible in the form. No matter what option is hit the box then pops back up after the form has been cleared.

    What is the trigger for it? Lost focus?
    The code in the RichTextBox_LostFocus is not needed, it's just to show you how to trigger a " data-changing alert message"

  28. #28
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    @Elroy, I wrote the following procedure for Lyzarus, but I didn't write comments:

    Private Function CheckDataChanged() As Boolean
        Dim sMsg As String
        Dim nReturn As Long
        CheckDataChanged = True
        If m_bDataChanged = False Then Exit Function
        sMsg = "Data changed !" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
                "Do you want to save the changed data?"
        nReturn = MsgBox(sMsg, vbYesNoCancel, "Data changed")
        If nReturn = vbYes Then
        ElseIf nReturn = vbCancel Then
            CheckDataChanged = False
        End If
    End Function

  29. #29
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    @Dreammanor: Yeah, that's similar to what I had in my Form_QueryUnload event. I knew he'd have to "bend" it to fit his situation.
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    After giving it a try I have run into what I think is a fairly simple thing. The RichTextBox_Change event does not set the m_bDataChanged boolean to true. Due to this, loss of focus on the box always states there is an update even if nothing was changed, same with the search functions. It acts as if changes have been made even if they have not.

    Lastly, and I think this is related to the change event not running, it appears that the ListView doesn't activate the request to save at all, so selecting a second record off the list that comes up drops changes.

    Is there a database of events somewhere that I can read through?

  31. #31
    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    The RTB change event sure seems to be working for me:

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub RichTextBox1_Change()
        Debug.Print "RTB changing"
    End Sub
    And then, as I type:

    Name:  rtbchg.png
Views: 236
Size:  3.0 KB

    I'm sure glad it does work because I use this in quite a few places.

    Now, the ListView isn't directly editable. You can add and delete rows, but you can't edit the cells. I've got a class that allows for editing, and there are several others around as well. My class has a "SomethingChanged" property in it. I'll post my class, but it's rather specific to my needs. There are probably more universal ones around if you go this route.

    Here's mine. There's also a subclassing piece that works in conjunction with this that I haven't provided (but I'm willing to).

    Option Explicit
    Dim WithEvents lvw As ListView
    Dim WithEvents txt As TextBox
    Dim WithEvents cbo As ComboBox
    Dim mlColIndex As Long
    Dim mlRowIndex As Long
    Dim mbEditableCols() As Boolean ' One for each column, boolean for editable or not.  ZERO based with main column as 0.
    Dim moEditCombo() As Control
    Dim mbSomethingChanged As Boolean
    Dim mbLoading As Boolean
    Friend Property Set EditCombo(iColZeroBased As Long, oCombo As ComboBox)
        Set moEditCombo(iColZeroBased) = oCombo
        oCombo.Visible = False
    End Property
    'Friend Sub EditCombo(iColZeroBased As Long, oCombo As ComboBox)
    '    Set moEditCombo(iColZeroBased) = oCombo
    '    oCombo.Visible = False
    'End Sub
    Friend Property Get SomethingChanged() As Boolean
        SomethingChanged = mbSomethingChanged
    End Property
    Friend Property Let SomethingChanged(b As Boolean)
        mbSomethingChanged = b
    End Property
    Friend Sub Init(oLvw As ListView, oTxt As TextBox, ParamArray vEditableCols() As Variant)
        ' Values in vEditableCols are ONE based.
        Dim i As Long
        Dim lEditableCols() As Long
        Set lvw = oLvw
        Set txt = oTxt
        ReDim lEditableCols(LBound(vEditableCols) To UBound(vEditableCols))
        For i = LBound(vEditableCols) To UBound(vEditableCols)
            lEditableCols(i) = CLng(vEditableCols(i))
        Next i
        txt.Text = vbNullString
        txt.Visible = False
        txt.BackColor = lvw.BackColor
        txt.Borderstyle = 0
        txt.Font.Bold = lvw.Font.Bold
        txt.Font.Name = lvw.Font.Name
        txt.Font.Italic = lvw.Font.Italic
        txt.Font.Size = lvw.Font.Size
        txt.Font.Underline = lvw.Font.Underline
        txt.Alignment = vbLeftJustify
        txt.Appearance = vbFlat
        ' The following means that we can't add columns at runtime.
        ReDim moEditCombo(0 To lvw.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1)
        ReDim mbEditableCols(0 To lvw.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1)
        For i = LBound(lEditableCols) To UBound(lEditableCols)
            mbEditableCols(lEditableCols(i)) = True
        Next i
        mbSomethingChanged = False
        mbLoading = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        Set lvw = Nothing
        Set txt = Nothing
        Erase moEditCombo
        Erase mbEditableCols
    End Sub
    Private Sub lvw_MouseUp(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
        Dim LvwHitInfo As LVHITTESTINFO
        Dim iLeft As Long
        Dim iTop As Long
        Dim iWidth As Long
        Dim iHeight As Long
        If lvw.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        If Button <> vbLeftButton Then Exit Sub
        ' Make sure we're allowed to edit.
        ListViewItemAndSubHitTest lvw, X, Y, LvwHitInfo
        If LvwHitInfo.lItem < 1 Then Exit Sub
        If LvwHitInfo.lSubItem < 0 Then Exit Sub
        If LvwHitInfo.lSubItem >= lvw.ColumnHeaders.Count - 1 Then Exit Sub  ' We MUST have a thin last column.  Last column can NOT be selected.
        If Not mbEditableCols(LvwHitInfo.lSubItem) Then Exit Sub
        ' Save for restoring text.
        mlRowIndex = LvwHitInfo.lItem
        mlColIndex = LvwHitInfo.lSubItem + 1
        ' Figure out position of TextBox.  WARNING:  This assumes FORM is set to vbTwips SCALEMODE.
        iLeft = lvw.Left + lvw.ColumnHeaders(mlColIndex).Left
        iTop = lvw.Top + lvw.SelectedItem.Top
        iHeight = lvw.SelectedItem.Height ' It is assumed we NEVER have a horizontal scrollbar.
        iWidth = (lvw.ColumnHeaders(mlColIndex + 1).Left - lvw.ColumnHeaders(mlColIndex).Left)
        ' Why isn't lvw.SelectedItem.Width used?  That way, we could get the last column.
        ' Debug.Print txt.Width, lvw.SelectedItem.Width
        ' Put text in control and show it.
        mbLoading = True
        If moEditCombo(LvwHitInfo.lSubItem) Is Nothing Then
            If LvwHitInfo.lSubItem = 0 Then
                txt.Text = lvw.SelectedItem.Text
                txt.Text = lvw.SelectedItem.SubItems(LvwHitInfo.lSubItem)
            End If
            If mlColIndex = 1 Then ' First column is spaced a bit differently.
                txt.Left = iLeft + Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * 6
                txt.Left = iLeft + Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * 8
            End If
            txt.Top = iTop + Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * 3
            txt.Width = iWidth - Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * 7
            txt.Height = iHeight
            txt.Visible = True
            txt.SelStart = Len(txt.Text)
            Set cbo = moEditCombo(LvwHitInfo.lSubItem)
            On Error Resume Next ' Some combos will error on certain text (if not in list).
                If LvwHitInfo.lSubItem = 0 Then
                    cbo.Text = lvw.SelectedItem.Text
                    cbo.Text = lvw.SelectedItem.SubItems(LvwHitInfo.lSubItem)
                End If
            On Error GoTo 0
            cbo.Left = iLeft + Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
            cbo.Top = iTop + Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
            cbo.Width = iWidth + Screen.TwipsPerPixelX * 20
            'cbo.Height = iHeight           ' Read-only on combos
            cbo.Visible = True
            'cbo.SelStart = Len(txt.Text)   ' Not applicable to combos.
        End If
        mbLoading = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub cbo_Change()
        If mbLoading Then Exit Sub
        mbSomethingChanged = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub cbo_Click()
        If mbLoading Then Exit Sub
        mbSomethingChanged = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub txt_Change()
        If mbLoading Then Exit Sub
        mbSomethingChanged = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub cbo_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
        Select Case KeyAscii
        Case vbKeyReturn, vbKeyEscape
            KeyAscii = 0
        End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub txt_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
        Select Case KeyAscii
        Case vbKeyReturn, vbKeyEscape
            KeyAscii = 0
        End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub cbo_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
        Select Case KeyCode
        Case vbKeyDown, vbKeyUp, vbKeyHome, vbKeyEnd, vbKeyPageDown, vbKeyPageUp
        End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub txt_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
        Select Case KeyCode
        Case vbKeyDown, vbKeyUp, vbKeyHome, vbKeyEnd, vbKeyPageDown, vbKeyPageUp
        End Select
    End Sub
    Private Sub cbo_LostFocus()
    End Sub
    Private Sub txt_LostFocus()
    End Sub
    Public Sub EndEditMode() ' Must be public because it's called with late binding.
        If cbo Is Nothing Then
            Select Case True
            Case mlColIndex = 1
                lvw.ListItems(mlRowIndex).Text = Trim$(txt.Text) ' Restore the text.
            Case mlColIndex
                lvw.ListItems(mlRowIndex).SubItems(mlColIndex - 1) = Trim(txt.Text)
            End Select
            txt.Visible = False ' Hide TextBox.
            Select Case True
            Case mlColIndex = 1
                lvw.ListItems(mlRowIndex).Text = Trim$(cbo.Text) ' Restore the text.
            Case mlColIndex
                lvw.ListItems(mlRowIndex).SubItems(mlColIndex - 1) = Trim(cbo.Text)
            End Select
            cbo.Visible = False ' Hide TextBox.
            Set cbo = Nothing
        End If
        mlRowIndex = 0
        mlColIndex = 0
    End Sub
    Good Luck,

    EDIT1: Just as an FYI, the subclassing piece is used to capture the listview's scroll event, as it doesn't natively have one. That's needed if we're to move our edit box around when the listview scrolls. If you don't do any scrolling, it's not needed.
    Last edited by Elroy; Jan 23rd, 2018 at 10:17 AM.
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  32. #32

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    I was actually editing my post when you sent that. I had it backwards. It is working too well.

    Somewhere in here it is starting when the code is started. I added a simple message box to popup when the the RichTextBox_Change was activated and it activates as soon as I load, as well as soon as I do anything else. So somewhere in there it is defaulted to true and I have to find where.

    As For the listview I intend to just make an on click event for it that checks if change is true and prompts to save. I'm not worried about editing or changing data in the listview box itself.

    You guys have been an immeasurable help. If I can buy you a beer or something let me know.

  33. #33
    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Hi Lyzarus,

    Well, I think that's the point that techgnome made in post #21.

    If you load it when you pull data from the database, that will call RTB_Change. Therefore, after you load things from a record in your database, you need to be sure and immediately turn your "changed" flag off after you get things loaded.

    Good Luck,

    EDIT1: As an example, this is the tail end of one of my form fill-out procedures. Remember that I tend to not allow changing records on a form, so I'm a bit different from you, but it gives you the idea:

        sRightAvgIntegralLatFore = FloatVal(FootPressureServices![RightAvgIntegralLatFore], 3)
        sRightAvgIntegralMedFore = FloatVal(FootPressureServices![RightAvgIntegralMedFore], 3)
        SomethingChanged = False
        PartialSave = False
    End Sub
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Yup, that was part of it.

    I had to edit the way dreammanor had added the lines. Once it interacted with the database and the way the program actually loads it was loading it at strange times.

    Clearing the flag and changing what he wrote to call it different worked.

    It is actually functioning now.

  35. #35
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyzarus View Post
    I was actually editing my post when you sent that. I had it backwards. It is working too well.

    Somewhere in here it is starting when the code is started. I added a simple message box to popup when the the RichTextBox_Change was activated and it activates as soon as I load, as well as soon as I do anything else. So somewhere in there it is defaulted to true and I have to find where.

    As For the listview I intend to just make an on click event for it that checks if change is true and prompts to save. I'm not worried about editing or changing data in the listview box itself.

    You guys have been an immeasurable help. If I can buy you a beer or something let me know.
    Glad to see your problem solved. You could learn Elroy's code carefully, especially his coding-style.


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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Yeah I have saved everything from this post and will be using it in the future I assume. I've been holding this software together with bandages. I'm good with computers but never really learned any coding. Thankfully you guys pulled through here. The worst part for me was that I wasn't even close, but I suppose thats what happens when you are trying to wing it.

    It is still very rough around the edges and I have some errors to fix but all of those I actually know how to do.

    Thanks for putting up with me again guys, I really appreciate it.

  37. #37
    PowerPoster Elroy's Avatar
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    Hey, I too am glad to hear you got it going. And no need to be a stranger. All kinds and all levels are welcome here.

    And ... just saying ... if you see us occasionally at each-other's throats, just ignore it. It seems we just have to do that on occasion. *laughs* You know, big egos.

    Lyzarus, you take care.

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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    I hate to resurrect this thread, but I had one more question come up.

    I got the entire program to function exactly how I want minus one little problem. The issue is that there is a list view for when you pull a list of search results. If you make a change in the above mentioned RTB and then click on the list view it asks you if you want to save as it is supposed to.

    The problem is that it overwrites the record you are selecting not the record you have changed and are navigating from. Is there a way to pause it so that it changes the correct line? I assume I just have it running the save in the wrong place.

    Thanks again, this entire thing is almost 100%

  39. #39
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    If you use the Validate event of the RichTextBox, you can do your saving there - it will fire before focus moves to the ListView. You can even cancel the focus change to the ListView entirely.

    Something like this:

    Private Sub RichTextBox1_Validate(Cancel As Boolean)
       Dim l_Choice As VbMsgBoxResult
       If mbSomethingChanged Then
          l_Choice = MsgBox("Do you want to save the changes?", vbYesNoCancel)
          Select Case l_Choice
          Case vbYes
             ' Save changes
             MsgBox "Save Changes"
          Case vbCancel
             Cancel = True ' Prevent focus change
          End Select
       End If
    End Sub

  40. #40
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    Re: Question about Saving RichText Data to an Access Database

    I'm sure I have missed some requirements in all of these posts above. Some that I haven't missed are that (a.) this is an existing (large?) program, and (b.) it is written in VB5.

    But setting that aside this doesn't seem as hard as some of those posts above might suggest.

    I have thrown a quicky together. It has at least one issue (see the ReadMe.txt) that means you'll want to unzip the archive and then compile it from Explorer (right-click, Make). Otherwise take note of the ReadMe note and deal with things accordingly. If I figure out the problem I'll post a correction, but it may well be a VB6 bug and not mine.

    As you can see there just isn't much here. Even some of that is dealing with the optional "compact on exit" and the majority of the code is user interface gingerbread. The rest of the modules are wrapping a RichTextBox with a toolbar as a UserControl and dealing with some database mechanics including creating a new database on first run.

    Option Explicit
    Private CompactOnExit As Boolean
    Private CachedCaption As String
    Private Property Set DataSource(ByVal RHS As Object)
        Set DataGrid1.DataSource = RHS
        Set txtThis.DataSource = RHS
        Set txtThat.DataSource = RHS
        Set rtbcMemo.DataSource = RHS
    End Property
    Private Sub Form_Initialize()
        CachedCaption = Caption
        Set DataSource = Module1.Recordset
        With DataGrid1
            .Columns(0).Width = 640
            .Columns(3).Visible = False
        End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Resize()
        Dim Gap As Single
        If WindowState <> vbMinimized Then
            Gap = ScaleY(4, vbPixels, ScaleMode)
            With DataGrid1
                .Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight * 0.375! - Gap
                Frame1.Move 0, .Height + Gap * 2, ScaleWidth, ScaleHeight - (.Height + Gap * 2)
                With Frame1
                    rtbcMemo.Width = .Width
                    rtbcMemo.Height = .Height - rtbcMemo.Top
                End With
            End With
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
        'First unbind DataGrid1, then force updating of any pending edits:
        Set DataGrid1.DataSource = Nothing
        Set DataSource = Nothing 'Unbind all controls.
        If CompactOnExit Then Module1.CommpactDb
    End Sub
    Private Sub mnuCompactonexit_Click()
        CompactOnExit = Not CompactOnExit
        If CompactOnExit Then
            Caption = CachedCaption & " [will compact]"
            Caption = CachedCaption
        End If
    End Sub
    Name:  sshot.png
Views: 222
Size:  16.5 KB

    In the screenshot I have scrolled down and picked that last row of the database table, then altered the three editable fields (leaving the ID alone). I pasted in a bunch of sample text, changed fonts, colors, etc. and even inserted and sized a picture.

    Seems to work just fine aside from the development glitch spelled out in the ReadMe file.
    Attached Files Attached Files

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