I have data in a JSON string with the following organization (To give you an example, I have formatted to usual JSON format but I get it formatted as a single line of string)

"id": 60237,
"search_keywords": [ "keyword1", "keyword2", "keyword3" ],
"categories": [
{ "name": "name1" },
{ "name": "name2" }
"name": "name1",
"price": 0,
"flag": "FR",
"country": "France",
"location": {
"lat": 00.000000,
"long": 0.000000

I would like to extract, from the JSON string, data from all fields but only some rows depending on following conditions :
- Rows from a countries list (list of values from fields "flag" and "country").
- Rows until a defined price (field "price") and eventually, if possible, only the 10 lowest prices
- Rows from a list of categories (list of values from field "categories")
- Rows from a keyword lists (list of values from field "search_keywords")

The table result must be sorted by prices from lowest to highest.

But, I am beginner in data management. I have already extracted data from mdb file with SQL command to generate ADO recordset. But here, the data are in JSON string which is the result from a httprequest on a website and they have to be converted into an array or a table. I have make a lot of search on Internet but I have not found the solution…

I think that SQL command would be the solution using the OPENJSON command but I don’t know how extract data from a string instead of a file( https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql...n-transact-sql). The result could be under the form of an array or into a table recordset ADO recordset. I would like to avoid to save data into a file for fast process.

Could you help me ? I am developing with VB NET into Visual Studio 2017 community version.

Thank you for your help