Hi all, I got a rather general question about DataTables, just to see if I'm missing anything.

I have two DataTables. The first is something like this:
Table: Master_list_of_parts
PART (string)
REVISION (string)

The second:
Table: Parts_completed
PART (string)
REVISION (string)

In each table, the combination of "PART" and "REVISION" is a primary, unique key.

Each DataTable comes from a completely different database (the first is from MSSQL, the second from MySQL) so I can't just do this with a line of SQL.
What I'm trying to do is "DataTable1 - DataTable2 = DataTable3 (where PART = PART and REVISION = REVISION); i.e. filter out all the rows from the first data table that have a match in the second.

I can do this with loops, and .Search() and other methods, but I'm curious what the most "elegant" way to do this is? (least code, fastest, least computations)

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!