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Thread: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

  1. #1

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    Question Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Hi! Anybody knows how to select some data in a text?.

    I have this text saved in a txt file called data.txt:

    O /interface/wireless/registration-table/print
    O <<EOS>>
    I !done
    I =ret=10d70e14c3ab58dffddfbe534af5cfa0
    I <<EOS>>
    I !done
    I <<EOS>>
    I !re
    I =interface=wlan1
    I =mac-address=B8:64:91:68:1C:50
    I =ap=false
    I =wds=false
    I =bridge=false
    I =rx-rate=65Mbps-20MHz/1S
    I =tx-rate=11Mbps
    I =packets=122,172
    I =bytes=13265,14518
    I =frames=122,172
    I =frame-bytes=12533,13486
    I =hw-frames=123,206
    I =hw-frame-bytes=15584,18430
    I =tx-frames-timed-out=0
    I =uptime=46s
    I =last-activity=190ms
    I =signal-strength=-38@HT20-7
    I =signal-to-noise=49
    I =signal-strength-ch0=-38
    I =evm-ch0=29
    I =strength-at-rates=-33@1Mbps
    I 2s910ms,-38@6Mbps
    I 2s520ms,-36@HT20-1
    I 20s160ms,-38@HT20-6
    I 7s330ms,-38@HT20-7
    I 190ms

    These files are generated by an API and they have always the same format: Name of the variable, separator (=) and value.

    I need a function to select the next data of the text and to show them in a datagrid:

    mac-address B8:64:91:68:1C:50
    rx-rate 65Mbps-20MHz/1S
    tx-rate 11Mbps
    packets 122,172
    uptime 46s
    last-activity 190ms
    Isignal-strength -38@HT20-7
    signal-to-noise 49
    Isignal-strength-ch0 -38

    Thank you so much!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Well you could simply read it line by line and parse the lines as you go. Not elegant but would do the job

  3. #3
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    You really don't need to save it in a table in a database. You have all the data in the text DM says, parse it and display it. Instead of a datagrid, you could use a flexgrid. Especially if it is just for display purposes.

    You really need to explain WHY you want to do this. What do you intend to do with the information after it is displayed? Will the data.txt file keep changing, or is it static?

  4. #4

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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    I want to show the data in a table without the (=) symbol. The values of these variables in txt file will change so it is not static.

    Can you send me a code with how to parse some of these data and how to show it in a flexgrid? I am new in vb6

  5. #5
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Here is a small example of loading your text file to both an MSHFlexGrid and a ListBox.

  6. #6
    Fanatic Member Spooman's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table


    Here is a variation of Sammi's solution.

    1. I saved your text file data.txt as ams1.txt
    2. I saved your variables list as ams2.txt, (I called them fields)
    mac-address B8:64:91:68:1C:50
    rx-rate 65Mbps-20MHz/1S
    tx-rate 11Mbps
    packets 122,172
    uptime 46s
    last-activity 190ms
    Isignal-strength -38@HT20-7
    signal-to-noise 49
    Isignal-strength-ch0 -38
    3. I then read ams2.txt, and "kept" only the field name (ie, up to the 1st "space")
    4. I then read ams1.txt, used Split function, and if a "match", extracted data after the 2nd "=" sign.

    Here is a code snippet

    Private Sub Command1_Click()
            ' set FG col widths
            Dim amsCC(3)
            amsCC(1) = 300
            amsCC(2) = 2000
            amsCC(3) = 2500
            For ii = 1 To 3
                amsCC(0) = amsCC(0) + amsCC(ii)
            Next ii
            ' 1. open file2 .. desired fields .. copy to array amsFields
            Dim amsFields()
            fpath = "D:\VBForums\ams2.txt"
            Open fpath For Input As #1
            rr = 0
            Do While Not EOF(1)
                rr = rr + 1
                ReDim Preserve amsFields(rr)
                Line Input #1, xtr
                ss = InStr(xtr, " ")                ' find location of "space"
                amsFields(rr) = Left(xtr, ss - 1)   ' extract up to the "space"
            Close #1
            ' 2. populate FlexGrid
            With FG1
                ' a. populate col 1 with Field names
                For ii = 1 To rr
                    .Row = ii
                    .Col = 0
                    .Text = ii
                    .Col = 1
                    .Text = amsFields(ii)
                Next ii
                ' b. populate col 2 .. read "data" file
                fpath = "D:\VBForums\ams1.txt"
                Open fpath For Input As #1
                Do While Not EOF(1)
                    Line Input #1, xtr
                    ss = Split(xtr, "=")
                    uu = UBound(ss)
                    ' if xtr has 2 "=" .. Value will be element 2
                    If uu = 2 Then                      ' has 2 "="
                        ' match with list of Fields
                        ff = ss(1)                      ' Field name is element 1
                        For jj = 1 To rr
                            If InStr(amsFields(jj), ff) > 0 Then
                                vv = ss(2)
                                .Row = jj
                                .Col = 2
                                .CellAlignment = 6      ' right align
                                .Text = vv
                            End If
                        Next jj
                    End If
                Close #1
            End With
    End Sub
    Here is an image

    Name:  ams1.p.png
Views: 420
Size:  6.8 KB

    Last edited by Spooman; Aug 19th, 2017 at 10:12 AM.

  7. #7
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Taking the formatting suggestion from the good spooman, I changed my example. Take a gander:

    Option Explicit

    Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
    Unload Me
    End Sub

    Private Sub cmdGetData_Click()
    Grid1.Rows = 10
    Grid1.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "FIELD"
    Grid1.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "VALUE"
    Dim sString As String
    Dim fileNum As Integer
    fileNum = FreeFile
    Open App.Path & "\data.txt" For Input As #fileNum
    Dim y As Integer
    Do While Not EOF(fileNum)
    Line Input #fileNum, sString
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "mac-" Then

    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(1, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(1, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "rx-r" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(2, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(2, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)

    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "tx-r" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(3, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(3, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "pack" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(4, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(4, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "upti" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(5, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(5, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "last" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(6, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(6, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 16) = "signal-strength=" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(7, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(7, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 8) = "signal-t" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(8, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(8, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 16) = "signal-strength-" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(9, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(9, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    Grid1.ColAlignment(1) = 2
    Close fileNum
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Grid1.Cols = 2
    Grid1.ColWidth(0) = 3000
    Grid1.ColWidth(1) = 3000
    End Sub

  8. #8

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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Thank you so much, all of them works fine!! But I think that #7 is the best!

    The last question: how would you change that code if the text is in a textbox called TextBox1 rather than in the .txt file?

    Thank you for your help!!

  9. #9
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    If you have that data in a textbox (I'm assuming you mean a multi-line one), then simply divide it by line (using the SPLIT() function), and then putting each element of the resulting array into your flexgrid. YOU give it a try and see what you can come up with based upon that suggestion.

  10. #10

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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    I have done these changes in the original code to read the text from a textbox called TextBox1 instead of a .txt file:

    Private Sub GetData_Click()
    Grid1.Visible = True
    Grid1.Rows = 10
    Grid1.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "FIELD"
    Grid1.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "VALUE"
    Dim i As Integer   'Counter
    Dim sString As String
    Dim fileNum As Integer
    fileNum = FreeFile
    'Open App.Path & "\mensajeAPI.txt" For Input As #fileNum
    sString = TextBox1.text
    Dim y As Integer
    For i = 1 To Len(txtOut.text)                             'EOF(fileNum)
    'Line Input #fileNum, sString
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "mac-" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(1, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(1, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "rx-r" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(2, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(2, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "tx-r" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(3, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(3, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "pack" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(4, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(4, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "upti" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(5, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(5, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "last" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(6, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(6, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 16) = "signal-strength=" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(7, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(7, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 8) = "signal-t" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(8, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(8, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    If Mid(sString, 4, 16) = "signal-strength-" Then
    y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
    Grid1.TextMatrix(9, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
    Grid1.TextMatrix(9, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
    End If
    Grid1.ColAlignment(1) = 2
    'Close fileNum
    End Sub
    I don't know why but I don´t obtain any result in the table (The text in the TextBox is the same as the text in the .txt file)

    I have also probed with your suggestion of the Split() function but it doesn't work. Maybe it is because I don't know how to use that function correctly. Can anybody help me?

  11. #11
    Fanatic Member Spooman's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table


    Let's focus on this segment of your code ..

    sString = TextBox1.text
    For i = 1 To Len(txtOut.text)
        If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "mac-" Then
            y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(1, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(1, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
        ElseIf Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "rx-r" Then
            y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(2, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(2, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
        ElseIf Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "tx-r" Then
        ElseIf Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "pack" Then
        ElseIf Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "upti" Then
        ElseIf Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "last" Then
        ElseIf Mid(sString, 4, 16) = "signal-strength=" Then
        ElseIf Mid(sString, 4, 8) = "signal-t" Then
        ElseIf Mid(sString, 4, 16) = "signal-strength-" Then
        End If
    I've added "ElseIf" and stripped out the branch contents beginning at the 3rd one for
    display purposes .. that is, so we can see "at a glance" the beginning and end of your loop.

    Couple of observations/questions.
    1. sString is now what?
      • an extremely long single line string?
      • multiple strings (ie, is TextBox1 a multi-line textbox?
    2. Your loop is based on txtOut
      • where is that set in advance?
      • where do you use the i in the loop?


  12. #12

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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Hi Spoo! First of all thank you for your help.

    sString is now mltiple strings. The TextBox1 is a multi-line textbox (sorry for the mistake: TextBox1 is the same as txtOut) you can call it as you want.
    You are right. I don't use the variable i in the loop. I am a little lost with this code Can you provide me any solution?
    Thanks in advanced!

  13. #13
    Fanatic Member Spooman's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table


    sString is now mltiple strings.
    Could you show, say, 2 or 3 examples?


  14. #14
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    1. How did the data get in the multi-line textbox in the first place? You should have put it into your grid THEN if you wanted in a grid...just like I showed you. If the textbox is filled from a textfile, and you want the grid to display the data somehow differently than displayed in the textbox, just do it when you populate the textbox.

    2. Nothing....

  15. #15
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    If you have the data from the file in a multiline listbox (like text1), then this code will populate an MSFlexgrid (like Grid2), with the same information I showed in post #7 in Grid 1 from loading it directly from a text file:

    Private Sub Command1_Click() 'load from textbox     Dim mArray() As String
         mArray = Split(Text1.Text, vbCrLf)
         Dim x As Integer
         Dim y As Integer
         Dim sString As String
         For x = 0 To UBound(mArray)
            sString = mArray(x)
            If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "mac-" Then
                y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
                Grid2.TextMatrix(1, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
                Grid2.TextMatrix(1, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
            End If
            If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "rx-r" Then
                y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
                Grid2.TextMatrix(2, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
                Grid2.TextMatrix(2, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
            End If
            If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "tx-r" Then
                y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
                Grid2.TextMatrix(3, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
                Grid2.TextMatrix(3, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
            End If
            If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "pack" Then
                y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
                Grid2.TextMatrix(4, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
                Grid2.TextMatrix(4, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
            End If
            If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "upti" Then
                y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
                Grid2.TextMatrix(5, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
                Grid2.TextMatrix(5, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
            End If
            If Mid(sString, 4, 4) = "last" Then
                y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
                Grid2.TextMatrix(6, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
                Grid2.TextMatrix(6, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
            End If
            If Mid(sString, 4, 16) = "signal-strength=" Then
                y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
                Grid2.TextMatrix(7, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
                Grid2.TextMatrix(7, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
            End If
            If Mid(sString, 4, 8) = "signal-t" Then
                y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
                Grid2.TextMatrix(8, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
                Grid2.TextMatrix(8, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
            End If
            If Mid(sString, 4, 16) = "signal-strength-" Then
                y = InStrRev(sString, "=")
                Grid2.TextMatrix(9, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, y - 4)
                Grid2.TextMatrix(9, 1) = Mid(sString, y + 1)
            End If
        Next x
        Grid2.ColAlignment(1) = 2

  16. #16

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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Thank you! It works fine!,

    And one last question...
    The data in the TextBox is obtained of an API that is monitoring an access point all the time.
    For know we have been working with the data of one device which is connected to the access point.

    However, the size of that text is not constant. For instance, If we have two devices connected to the access point, the text of the textbox would be sometihg like:

    O /interface/wireless/registration-table/print
    O <<EOS>>
    I !done
    I =ret=d15ff96c7fdeff72115c92061f311726
    I <<EOS>>
    I !done
    I <<EOS>>
    I !re
    I =interface=wlan1
    I =mac-address=B8:64:91:68:1C:50
    I =ap=false
    I =wds=false
    I =bridge=false
    I =rx-rate=39Mbps-20MHz/1S
    I =tx-rate=52Mbps-20MHz/1S
    I =packets=404,459
    I =bytes=41812,35732
    I =frames=404,463
    I =frame-bytes=42646,33428
    I =hw-frames=878,1040
    I =hw-frame-bytes=113641,67550
    I =tx-frames-timed-out=0
    I =uptime=9m3s
    I =last-activity=60ms
    I =signal-strength=-67@6Mbps
    I =signal-to-noise=21
    I =signal-strength-ch0=-67
    I =evm-ch0=20
    I =strength-at-rates=-66@1Mbps
    I 15s580ms,-67@6Mbps
    I 60ms,-69@HT20-1
    I 1m7s410ms,-66@HT20-3
    I 4m25s120ms,-69@HT20-4
    I 570ms,-69@HT20-5
    I 15s590ms,-68@HT20-6
    I 5s580ms,-68@HT20-7
    I 1m11s200ms
    I =tx-ccq=87
    I =p-throughput=47517
    I =distance=1
    I =last-ip=
    I =802.1x-port-enabled=true
    I =authentication-type=wpa2-psk
    I =encryption=aes-ccm
    I =group-encryption=aes-ccm
    I =management-protection=false
    I =wmm-enabled=true
    I =tx-rate-set=CCK:1-11
    I OFDM:6-54
    I BW:1x
    I HT:0-7
    I <<EOS>>
    I !re
    I =interface=wlan1
    I =mac-address=14:7D:C5:A0:A0:93
    I =ap=false
    I =wds=false
    I =bridge=false
    I =rx-rate=26Mbps-20MHz/1S
    I =tx-rate=24Mbps
    I =packets=311,627
    I =bytes=33353,50459
    I =frames=311,630
    I =frame-bytes=33977,47040
    I =hw-frames=666,1654
    I =hw-frame-bytes=90320,97614
    I =tx-frames-timed-out=0
    I =uptime=4m54s
    I =last-activity=520ms
    I =signal-strength=-80@HT20-3
    I =signal-to-noise=8
    I =signal-strength-ch0=-80
    I =evm-ch0=13
    I =strength-at-rates=-81@1Mbps
    I 1s770ms,-83@2Mbps
    I 2m29s140ms,-78@5.5Mbps
    I 35s690ms,-79@HT20-0
    I 3s650ms,-79@HT20-1
    I 1s120ms,-79@HT20-2
    I 3s480ms,-80@HT20-3
    I 520ms,-78@HT20-4
    I 1m5s390ms,-78@HT20-5
    I 1m16s70ms,-72@HT20-6
    I 3m32s30ms,-72@HT20-7
    I 3m32s440ms
    I =tx-ccq=76
    I =p-throughput=14119
    I =distance=1
    I =last-ip=
    I =802.1x-port-enabled=true
    I =authentication-type=wpa2-psk
    I =encryption=aes-ccm
    I =group-encryption=aes-ccm
    I =management-protection=false
    I =wmm-enabled=true
    I =tx-rate-set=CCK:1-11
    I OFDM:6-54
    I BW:1x
    I HT:0-7
    I <<EOS>>
    I !done
    I <<EOS>>
    How would be the code in this case? I would like to show in the table the data of the two devices. If they were more devices I would like to show their information to. So now the size of the table is variable and I don`t know how to program it

    Thank you for your help another time!!

  17. #17
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    That info is Greek to would I know which (what) device was capturing the data, and when? I'd suggest you use multiple textboxes and multiple girds (or listviews), one for each device...then you could use similar code for EACH textbox to the the information you want.

  18. #18

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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    It is not important what device was capturing the data and when. My application do it each two minutes and them it shows that text in the textbox. My problem is that yoyr code is valid if there is only one device connected. But If I have two devices connected, the same text (with different values for the parameters of each device) appears two times sepparated with an EOS line. Do you know how to program that?
    I want to show in the table the data of all the devices. I know that is more complicated and I don`t know if it is possible...

  19. #19
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    NC, USA

    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Absolutely (now that I know that the EOS line separates each device's inputs). What you do first is use the split() function to 'divide' the text of the textbox into an array of strings, splitting on the EOS line. That will give you an array of strings with an upper bound of the number of devices sending the data. Then, for each of THOSE array entries, use my code to split once again each entry into other arrays and then use my code to separate those lines you desired.

    I hope you understand. IOW, if you have two devices, you will have two arrays initially. For each array, use my code to find the information you want to display.

  20. #20

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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Hi Sam, I have tried what you said me but I havn´t obtained results I am not familiarized with functions like split() so if you can pass me the code you will solve me a big problem
    Thnak you

  21. #21
    PowerPoster SamOscarBrown's Avatar
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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    I don't think I will 'pass you the code'. What I suggest is you look up in MSDN the Split() function. What parameters does it take, and what does it produce. Here's an example of Split()

    Private Sub Command1_Click()    
    Dim myTextString As String
        myTextString = "This is a string.<<EOS>>This is another string.<<EOS>>This is a third string."
        Dim myTextArray() As String
        myTextArray = Split(myTextString, "<<EOS>>")
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To UBound(myTextArray)
            Debug.Print myTextArray(i)
        Next i
    End Sub
    It will show:
    This is a string.
    This is another string.
    This is a third string.

    That's because it SPLITS the long string into three strings (in this example) using the string <<EOS>> to 'divide' it. These three strings are put into an array...i iterated through that array to show you HOW it is done. In your problem, first use SPLIT to divide your textbox lines into an array. Then you can use similar code to mine earlier to search for just those lines you want in each set of data per device.

    Need YOU to do this (at least try), and then MAYBE I'll assist more if you need it.
    Last edited by SamOscarBrown; Sep 19th, 2017 at 05:51 AM.

  22. #22

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    Question Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    I pass you my solution. I think that it is well thought out but it doesn't work fine. My solution is:

    First of all I split the text with "<<EOS>> separator in mArray
    Then, in sString is saved each 'block' of text separated with "<<EOS>>. With the loop i I will do the next operations for each block of text.
    The next operations for each block of text are:

    First I divide the block of text line by line. Then, I select the data of my interest with your original code.

    Finally I put the selected data in the grid. Previusly I have created a Rowcounter because depending of the numbrer of devices, the number of rows increases.

    I don´t know what is the problem.

    Private Sub GetData_Click()
    Grid1.Visible = True
    Grid1.Rows = 300
    Grid1.TextMatrix(0, 0) = "Field"
    Grid1.TextMatrix(0, 1) = "Actual Valuel"
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim j, k As Integer
    Dim mArray() As String
    mArray = Split(txtOut.text, "<<EOS>>") 
    Dim sString, sString2 As String
    Dim mArray2() As String
    Dim Rowcounter As Integer
    Rowcounter = 0
    For i = 0 To UBound(mArray)
        sString = mArray(i)  
    mArray2 = Split(mArray(i), vbCrLf) 
    For k = 0 To UBound(mArray2)
        sString2 = mArray2(k)
        If Mid(sString2, 4, 4) = "mac-" Then
            Rowcounter = Rowcounter + 1
            j = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 0) = "MAC"
            Grid1.TextMatrix(1, 1) = Mid(sString, j + 1)
        End If
        If Mid(sString2, 4, 4) = "rx-r" Then
            Rowcounter = Rowcounter + 1
            j = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, j - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 1) = Mid(sString, j + 1)
        End If
        If Mid(sString2, 4, 4) = "tx-r" Then
            Rowcounter = Rowcounter + 1
            j = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, j - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 1) = Mid(sString, j + 1)
        End If
        If Mid(sString2, 4, 4) = "pack" Then
            Rowcounter = Rowcounter + 1
            j = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, j - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 1) = Mid(sString, j + 1)
        End If
        If Mid(sString2, 4, 4) = "upti" Then
            Rowcounter = Rowcounter + 1
            j = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, j - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 1) = Mid(sString, j + 1)
        End If
        If Mid(sString2, 4, 4) = "last" Then
            Rowcounter = Rowcounter + 1
            j = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, j - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 1) = Mid(sString, j + 1)
        End If
        If Mid(sString2, 4, 16) = "signal-strength=" Then
            Rowcounter = Rowcounter + 1
            j = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, j - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 1) = Mid(sString, j + 1)
        End If
        If Mid(sString2, 4, 8) = "signal-t" Then
            Rowcounter = Rowcounter + 1
            j = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, j - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 1) = Mid(sString, j + 1)
        End If
        If Mid(sString2, 4, 16) = "signal-strength-" Then
            Rowcounter = Rowcounter + 1
            j = InStrRev(sString, "=")
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 0) = Mid(sString, 4, j - 4)
            Grid1.TextMatrix(Rowcounter, 1) = Mid(sString, j + 1)
        End If
    Next k
    Next i
    Grid1.ColAlignment(1) = 2
    End Sub

  23. #23

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    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Anybody can help me?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Quote Originally Posted by ams16 View Post
    Anybody can help me?
    Since you redefine your requirements, the reponses become sparse.

    I can only guess, that you might want your multiple text-responses in multiple separate Grids?

    If yes, place a TextBox (Text1) and an Array of two (or more) MSHFlexGrids (MSHFlexGrid1(0) and MSHFlexGrid1(1)) on a Form and check this out:
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim SArr() As String, i
        SArr = Split(Replace(Replace(Text1.Text, "I =", ""), "O ", ""), "I !re")
        For i = 1 To UBound(SArr)
            FillGrid MSHFlexGrid1(i - 1), Filter(Split(SArr(i), vbCrLf), "=")
    End Sub
    Private Sub FillGrid(FG As MSHFlexGrid, Lines)
        FG.FormatString = "Properties|Values"
        FG.Rows = FG.FixedRows + UBound(Lines) + 1
        FG.Col = 0:    FG.Row = 1
        FG.ColSel = 1: FG.RowSel = UBound(Lines) + 1
        FG.Clip = Replace(Join(Lines, vbCr), "=", vbTab)
        FG.ColAlignmentFixed(0) = flexAlignLeftCenter
        FG.ColAlignment(1) = flexAlignRightCenter
        FG.ColWidth(-1) = 1800
        FG.Col = 1
    End Sub

  25. #25

    Thread Starter
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    May 2017

    Re: Select some data of a text file and save it in a table

    Thank you! Finally I solved it

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