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Thread: Alternate methods for working with Excel .xlsx file

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    Karen Payne MVP kareninstructor's Avatar
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    Alternate methods for working with Excel .xlsx file

    Many struggle with various aspects of writing code to interface with Microsoft Excel. Even simple task such as reading data from a WorkSheet can be problematic or working with formatting for formulas using common methods via Excel automation or DataTables. Using third party libraries is a viable solution yet if the task are small then many veer away from purchasing a library.

    With that I found a good library which works with 2007 format (does not work with .xls files) using a library SpreadSheetLight (make sure to download the help file in chm format). The only real downside to this library is all examples are in C#. With that I created a MSDN code sample which demonstrates common task for work with Excel from exporting a DataGridView (where the data source is a DataTable but the pattern will also work with a DataGridView with no data source by following the basic pattern), importing from Excel to a DataTable (follow the pattern for a List(Of T)), importing a text file into an Excel WorkSheet, reading columns with mixed data types and more).

    Most important thing when using this library (get it via NuGet) is it requires a specific version (also on Nuget) of DocumentFormat.OpenXml where current stable release is 2.7.1, SpreadSheetLight uses 2.5.0. My guess is the author does not update the free version (which has zero restrictions) and only updates the paid version.

    The following are just a few examples in my code sample which I update over time.

    To open a close an excel file to a specific worksheet.
    Public Sub Demo(ByVal pFileName As String, pWorkSheet As String)
        Using sl As New SLDocument(pFileName, pWorkSheet)
        End Using
    End Sub
    Get used cells in each column in the format of a letter
    Public Function UsedCellsInCustomerWorkSheet(ByVal pFileName As String, pWorkSheet As String) As String()
        Using sl As New SLDocument(pFileName, pWorkSheet)
            Dim stats As SLWorksheetStatistics = sl.GetWorksheetStatistics
            Dim ColumnNames As IEnumerable(Of String) =
                Enumerable.Range(1, stats.EndColumnIndex).Select(Function(cellIndex) SLConvert.ToColumnName(cellIndex))
            Return ColumnNames.ToArray
        End Using
    End Function
    Get all sheet names in ordinal position (unlike OleDb A-Z sort)
    Public Function SheetNames(ByVal pFileName As String) As List(Of String)
        Using sl As New SLDocument(pFileName)
            Return sl.GetSheetNames(False)
        End Using
    End Function
    See if a Sheet exists
    Public Function SheetExists(ByVal pFileName As String, ByVal pSheetName As String) As Boolean
        Using sl As New SLDocument(pFileName)
            Return sl.GetSheetNames(False).Any(Function(sheetName) sheetName.ToLower = pSheetName.ToLower)
        End Using
    End Function
    Add a sheet
    Public Function AddNewSheet(ByVal pFileName As String, ByVal pSheetName As String) As Boolean
        Using sl As New SLDocument(pFileName)
            If Not sl.GetSheetNames(False).Any(Function(sheetName) sheetName.ToLower = pSheetName.ToLower) Then
                Return True
                Return False
            End If
        End Using
    End Function
    Remove a sheet following Excel rules
    Public Function RemoveWorkSheet(ByVal pExcelFileName As String, ByVal pSheetName As String) As Boolean
        Using sl As New SLDocument(pExcelFileName)
            Dim workSheets = sl.GetSheetNames(False)
            If workSheets.Any(Function(sheetName) sheetName.ToLower = pSheetName.ToLower) Then
                ' The current worksheet can not be renamed, we check for this and change
                ' the current worksheet if it's the current worksheet.
                If workSheets.Count > 1 Then
                    Dim sheet = sl.GetSheetNames.FirstOrDefault(Function(sName) sName.ToLower <> pSheetName.ToLower)
                    sl.SelectWorksheet(sl.GetSheetNames.FirstOrDefault(Function(sName) sName.ToLower <> pSheetName.ToLower))
                ElseIf workSheets.Count = 1 Then
                    Throw New Exception("Can not delete the sole worksheet")
                End If
                Return True
                Return False
            End If
        End Using
    End Function
    Insert new row at top rather than bottom
    Public Function InsertNewRow(ByVal pFileName As String, ByVal pSheetName As String, ByVal pCellValues As List(Of String)) As Boolean
            Using sl As New SLDocument(pFileName, pSheetName)
                sl.InsertRow(1, 1)
                sl.SetCellValue("A1", pCellValues(0))
                sl.SetCellValue("B1", pCellValues(1))
                sl.SetCellValue("C1", pCellValues(2))
                Return True
            End Using
        Catch ex As Exception
            theException = ex
            Return False
        End Try
    End Function
    Sample which sets styles
    Public Function SimpleFormatting(ByVal FileName As String) As Boolean
        Using doc As New SLDocument(FileName, "Sheet1")
            Dim Style1 As SLStyle = doc.CreateStyle
            Style1.Font.FontColor = Color.Pink
            Style1.Font.Strike = False
            Style1.Font.Underline = DOS.UnderlineValues.None
            Style1.Font.Bold = True
            Style1.Font.Italic = False
            Style1.Fill.SetPattern(DOS.PatternValues.Solid, Color.Black, Color.Pink)
            Style1.Alignment.Horizontal = DOS.HorizontalAlignmentValues.Right
            doc.SetCellStyle("H2", Style1)
            doc.SetCellStyle("I2", Style1)
            doc.SetCellValue("H2", "Karen")
            doc.SetCellValue("I2", "Payne")
            Dim currencyStyle As SLStyle = doc.CreateStyle
            currencyStyle.FormatCode = "$#,##0.000"
            doc.SetCellValue("H3", 100.3)
            doc.SetCellValue("I3", 200.5)
            doc.SetCellStyle("I3", currencyStyle)
            Dim dateStyle As SLStyle = doc.CreateStyle
            dateStyle.FormatCode = "mm-dd-yyyy"
            Dim dictDates As New Dictionary(Of String, Date) From
                    {"H4", #1/1/2017#},
                    {"H5", #1/2/2017#},
                    {"H6", #1/3/2017#},
                    {"H7", #1/4/2017#}
            For Each dateItem In dictDates
                If doc.SetCellValue(dateItem.Key, dateItem.Value) Then
                    doc.SetCellStyle(dateItem.Key, dateStyle)
                    doc.SetColumnWidth(dateItem.Key, 12)
                End If
        End Using
        Return True
    End Function

    If you are a C# developer, there are plenty of code samples on the SpreadSheetLight site.
    Last edited by kareninstructor; Jun 17th, 2017 at 08:56 AM. Reason: added last sample

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