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Thread: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

  1. #1

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    Question How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

    Hello! I am new using VB6 and I want to know how to represent one serie of points in 2D.
    I have two vectors x and Y of three elements each one and I have to represent each pair of coordinates (X,Y) in the MSChart.
    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Fanatic Member Spooman's Avatar
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    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?


    Welcome to VBForums ..

    Your description leaves me somewhat at a loss.
    Could you give an example listing the x and y values of your 3 elements.


  3. #3
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    Feb 2006

    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

    Seen this yet:

    VB6 - MSChart XY Scatter Demo

    Or are you after something else?

  4. #4

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    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spooman View Post

    Welcome to VBForums ..

    Your description leaves me somewhat at a loss.
    Could you give an example listing the x and y values of your 3 elements.

    X vector is [1 2 3]
    Y vector is [4 5 6]
    So I want to represent in the MSChart1 these points: (1, 4) (2, 5) (3, 6)

    Thank you for your answer!

  5. #5

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    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

    I have seen different examples but in my case I have to open a file, read it and plot the points.
    For example:
    X vector is [1 2 3]
    Y vector is [4 5 6]
    So I want to represent in the MSChart1 these points: (1, 4) (2, 5) (3, 6)

    Here is my code. How can I represent the (X,Y) poins in MSChart1?

    Private Sub Command1_Click()

    Dim contentfile As String
    Dim X() As String
    Dim Y() As String
    Dim C As Long

    On Error GoTo fin
    Open Form1.CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1
    Close #1

    Open Form1.CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1
    C = 0
    Do Until EOF(1)
    Line Input #1, contentfile
    C = C + 1
    Close #1
    ReDim X(1 To C) As String
    ReDim Y(1 To C) As String

    C = 1
    Open Form1.CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1
    Do Until EOF(1) '
    Line Input #1, contentfile
    posicion_espacio = InStr(1, contentfile, " ")
    X(C) = Mid(contentfile, 1, posicion_espacio - 1)
    Y(C) = Mid(contentfile, posicion_espacio + 1, Len(contentfile) - posicion_espacio + 1)
    Form1.Text1 = Form1.Text1 + X(C) + Y(C) + vbCrLf
    C = C + 1
    Close #1

    End Sub

  6. #6
    Fanatic Member Spooman's Avatar
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    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?


    OK, that helps

    But I'm not sure that I can ..
    I'm not that familiar with MSChart.

    I tried the demo that dilettante posted, and got that to work (although I don't understand what's going on)
    I then tried to modify it to match your data definitions .. and got nowhere ..

    Let's wait for dilettante to reply.
    We'll both learn something


    I was responding to your post #4
    Your post #5 got posted while I was composing this post, so I didn't see it at the time.

    Last edited by Spooman; May 25th, 2017 at 09:12 AM.

  7. #7
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    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

    Maybe I don't understand.

    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Dim F As Integer
        Dim Row As Integer
        Dim X As Double
        Dim Y As Double
        With MSChart1
            .RandomFill = False
            .chartType = VtChChartType2dXY
            'Add data.
            F = FreeFile(0)
            Open "data.txt" For Input As #F
            .RowCount = 0
            .ColumnCount = 2 '2 columns (X and Y)
            Do Until EOF(F)
                Input #F, X, Y
                Text1.SelText = Str$(X) & "," & Str$(Y) & vbNewLine
                .RowCount = .RowCount + 1
                .DataGrid.SetData .RowCount, 1, X, False
                .DataGrid.SetData .RowCount, 2, Y, False
            Close #F
            'Set up a white Wall.
            With .Plot.Wall.Brush
                .Style = VtBrushStyleSolid
                With .FillColor
                    .Automatic = False
                    .Set 255, 255, 255
                End With
            End With
            'Set up axes to 10 x 10.
            With .Plot.Axis(VtChAxisIdX).ValueScale
                .Auto = False
                .Minimum = 0
                .Maximum = 10
                .MajorDivision = 10
            End With
            With .Plot.Axis(VtChAxisIdY).ValueScale
                .Auto = False
                .Minimum = 0
                .Maximum = 10
                .MajorDivision = 10
            End With
            'Plot the series as small red circle markers with no lines.
            With .Plot.SeriesCollection(1)
                .SeriesType = VtChSeriesType2dXY
                With .SeriesMarker
                    .Auto = False
                    .Show = True
                End With
                With .DataPoints(-1).Marker
                    .Style = VtMarkerStyleFilledCircle
                    .Size = ScaleX(7, vbPixels, vbTwips)
                    .Pen.VtColor.Set 255, 0, 0
                End With
                .ShowLine = False
            End With
        End With
    End Sub
    Name:  sshot.png
Views: 801
Size:  2.5 KB

    The data.txt file:

     1, 4
     2, 5
     3, 6
    Last edited by dilettante; May 25th, 2017 at 02:26 PM.

  8. #8

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    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

    Thank you! That is the result that I want but there is a little problem:

    I have to select the file using a button a dialog window, not with the The line " Open "data.txt" For Input As #F"
    I have to use something like
    Open Form1.CommonDialog1.FileName For Input As #1

    How would be the code with this modification?

    Thanks a lot for your help!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

    Just make the change. There is almost nothing to it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spooman View Post
    I'm not that familiar with MSChart.
    It really is an "ugly monster of a control", and the time you need to properly understand its interface
    + the time you will waste whilst trying to work around its bugs, is often better invested
    into "drawing your own from scratch" (especially if its simple Chart-Types like "Scatter" or X/Y-LineDiagrams).

    You're still not very experienced with VB as it seems, but perhaps your math-skills are better, so there
    might be a chance that you can make more sense out of routines which do not hide as many things from you
    (with regards to the drawing and calculation of coordinates, which is study-able in "all its glory")...

    Here is the 3 routines which ensure the complete ChartDrawing, doing it "by hand" with VB6:
    Private Sub RefreshChart()
      ScaleMode = vbPixels 'we use normal Pixel-Dimensions for the Coords and Offsets
      ChartW = ScaleWidth - OffsL - OffsR 'ChartArea-Width is the FormClientArea-Width minus the Offsets
      ChartH = ScaleHeight - OffsT - OffsB 'dito for the ChartArea-Height (and its appropriate vertical Offsets)
      Cls 'clear the Screen
      If ScaleWidth <= OffsL + OffsR Then Exit Sub 'just a few checks, to avoid problems when resizing or minimizing the Form
      If ScaleHeight <= OffsT + OffsB Then Exit Sub
      If WindowState = vbMinimized Then Exit Sub
      Scale (0 - OffsL, ScaleHeight - OffsB)-(ScaleWidth - OffsL, 0 - OffsB) 'this switches VBs Coord-System to Bottom-Up-Direction
      DrawChartArea vbWhite, vbBlack 'draws the ChartArea and its Axes
      DrawValues DataPoints 'draws the Values of the DataPoints-Array
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawChartArea(BackColor, AxisColor)
      Dim i As Long, CellW As Double, CellH As Double, P1 As Point, P2 As Point
      P1.x = 0:      P1.y = 0    'the next 3 lines just ensure the Background-fill of the ChartArea
      P2.x = ChartW: P2.y = ChartH
      RectFill P1, P2, BackColor
      CellW = ChartW / UBound(XAxisMarkers) 'calculate the "Cell-Width" between Markers
      CellH = ChartH / UBound(YAxisMarkers) 'calculate the "Cell-Height" between Markers
      For i = 0 To UBound(XAxisMarkers) 'Draw XAxis-Markers vertically
        P1.x = i * CellW: P1.y = -4
        P2.x = i * CellW: P2.y = ChartH
        DrawLine P1, P2, AxisColor
        DrawText P1, XAxisMarkers(i), AxisColor, vbCenter, False
      For i = 0 To UBound(YAxisMarkers) 'Draw YAxis-Markers horizontally
        P1.x = -4:     P1.y = i * CellH
        P2.x = ChartW: P2.y = i * CellH
        DrawLine P1, P2, AxisColor
        DrawText P1, YAxisMarkers(i), AxisColor, vbRightJustify, True
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawValues(DataPoints() As Point)
    Dim i As Long, AxisDX As Double, AxisDY As Double, CurP As Point
      AxisDX = ChartW / (XAxisMarkers(UBound(XAxisMarkers)) - XAxisMarkers(0))
      AxisDY = ChartH / (YAxisMarkers(UBound(YAxisMarkers)) - YAxisMarkers(0))
      For i = 0 To UBound(DataPoints)
        CurP.x = AxisDX * (DataPoints(i).x - XAxisMarkers(0))
        CurP.y = AxisDY * (DataPoints(i).y - YAxisMarkers(0))
        DrawPoint CurP, vbRed, 7
    End Sub

    Ok, here the entire Form-Code now (though you will still have to ensure
    your Data-Reading from File into the x/y-Point-DataArray on your own)...:
    Option Explicit
    Private Type Point
      x As Double
      y As Double
    End Type
    'Offsets of the ChartArea in Pixels
    Const OffsL As Double = 50, OffsT As Double = 30 'from the LeftTop-Corner of the Form
    Const OffsR As Double = 20, OffsB As Double = 50 'and from the RightBottom-Corner
    Private ChartW As Double, ChartH As Double
    Private XAxisMarkers(), YAxisMarkers(), DataPoints() As Point
    Private Sub Form_Load()
      AutoRedraw = True
      FontName = "Arial": FontSize = 10 'define the Font which is used in the Chart-Drawing
      XAxisMarkers = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) 'define the Axis-Labels for X
      YAxisMarkers = Array(3, 4, 5, 6, 7) '...and dito for the Y-Axis
      ReDim DataPoints(0 To 2) 'and a few example-DataPoints in an Array
            DataPoints(0).x = 1: DataPoints(0).y = 4
            DataPoints(1).x = 2: DataPoints(1).y = 5
            DataPoints(2).x = 3: DataPoints(2).y = 6
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Resize()
    End Sub
    '------------------ Chart-Drawing-Routines start here ------------------
    Private Sub RefreshChart()
      ScaleMode = vbPixels
      ChartW = ScaleWidth - OffsL - OffsR 'ChartArea-Width is the FormClientArea-Width minus the Offsets
      ChartH = ScaleHeight - OffsT - OffsB 'dito for the ChartArea-Height (and its appropriate vertical Offsets)
      Cls 'clear the Screen
      If ScaleWidth <= OffsL + OffsR Then Exit Sub 'just a few checks, to avoid problems when resizing or minimizing the Form
      If ScaleHeight <= OffsT + OffsB Then Exit Sub
      If WindowState = vbMinimized Then Exit Sub
      Scale (0 - OffsL, ScaleHeight - OffsB)-(ScaleWidth - OffsL, 0 - OffsB) 'this switches the Coord-System to Bottom-Up-Direction
      DrawChartArea vbWhite, vbBlack 'draw the ChartArea and its Axes
      DrawValues DataPoints
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawChartArea(BackColor, AxisColor)
      Dim i As Long, CellW As Double, CellH As Double, P1 As Point, P2 As Point
      P1.x = 0:      P1.y = 0    'these 3 lines just ensure the Background-fill of the ChartArea
      P2.x = ChartW: P2.y = ChartH
      RectFill P1, P2, BackColor
      CellW = ChartW / UBound(XAxisMarkers) 'calculate the "Cell-Width" between Markers
      CellH = ChartH / UBound(YAxisMarkers) 'calculate the "Cell-Height" between Markers
      For i = 0 To UBound(XAxisMarkers) 'Draw XAxis-Markers vertically
        P1.x = i * CellW: P1.y = -4
        P2.x = i * CellW: P2.y = ChartH
        DrawLine P1, P2, AxisColor
        DrawText P1, XAxisMarkers(i), AxisColor, vbCenter, False
      For i = 0 To UBound(YAxisMarkers) 'Draw YAxis-Markers horizontally
        P1.x = -4:     P1.y = i * CellH
        P2.x = ChartW: P2.y = i * CellH
        DrawLine P1, P2, AxisColor
        DrawText P1, YAxisMarkers(i), AxisColor, vbRightJustify, True
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawValues(DataPoints() As Point)
    Dim i As Long, AxisDX As Double, AxisDY As Double, CurP As Point
      AxisDX = ChartW / (XAxisMarkers(UBound(XAxisMarkers)) - XAxisMarkers(0))
      AxisDY = ChartH / (YAxisMarkers(UBound(YAxisMarkers)) - YAxisMarkers(0))
      For i = 0 To UBound(DataPoints)
        CurP.x = AxisDX * (DataPoints(i).x - XAxisMarkers(0))
        CurP.y = AxisDY * (DataPoints(i).y - YAxisMarkers(0))
        DrawPoint CurP, vbRed, 7
    End Sub
    '------------------ End of Chart-Drawing-Routines ------------------
    'the rest is just Point-based Drawing-Helpers which a Newbie at the moment can "take as given"
    '(just use them in the routines above, along with Intellisense-Support, which VBs built-in Drawing-Helpers do not offer)
    Private Sub DrawLine(P1 As Point, P2 As Point, LineColor, Optional ByVal LineWidth = 1)
      ForeColor = LineColor: DrawWidth = LineWidth
      Line (Int(P1.x), Int(P1.y))-(Int(P2.x), Int(P2.y))
      PSet (Int(P2.x), Int(P2.y))
    End Sub
    Private Sub RectFill(P1 As Point, P2 As Point, LineColor, Optional ByVal LineWidth = 1)
      DrawWidth = LineWidth
      Line (Int(P1.x), Int(P1.y))-(Int(P2.x), Int(P2.y)), LineColor, BF
    End Sub
    Private Sub RectBorder(P1 As Point, P2 As Point, LineColor, Optional ByVal LineWidth = 1)
      DrawWidth = LineWidth
      Line (Int(P1.x), Int(P1.y))-(Int(P2.x), Int(P2.y)), LineColor, B
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawText(P As Point, ByVal Text$, Color, Optional ByVal Align As AlignmentConstants, Optional ByVal VCenter As Boolean)
      ForeColor = Color
      If VCenter Then CurrentY = Int(P.y - TextHeight("|") / 2) Else CurrentY = Int(P.y)
      If Align Then CurrentX = Int(P.x - TextWidth(Trim$(Text)) / Align) Else CurrentX = Int(P.x)
      Print Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub DrawPoint(P As Point, Color, Optional ByVal PointSize = 5)
      ForeColor = Color: DrawWidth = PointSize
      PSet (Int(P.x), Int(P.y))
    End Sub

    Last edited by Schmidt; May 25th, 2017 at 07:21 PM.

  11. #11

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    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?

    Quote Originally Posted by dilettante View Post
    Just make the change. There is almost nothing to it.
    I have tried to combine my code with yours I have many compilation problems...
    Your solution is fantastic but If you could help me with thiat it would be great.

    As you can see in my code I open the file in the subrutine Private Sub Command1_Click() with a commomdialog control that permits the selection of the file located in any directory using a button and a dialog window not using directly the name of the file.

    Thank you a lot!

  12. #12
    Fanatic Member Spooman's Avatar
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    Mar 2017

    Re: How to represent a scatter (X,Y) in MSChart in VB6?


    You're still not very experienced with VB as it seems, but perhaps your math-skills are better, so there
    might be a chance that you can make more sense out of routines which do not hide as many things from you
    (with regards to the drawing and calculation of coordinates, which is study-able in "all its glory")...

    Here is the 3 routines which ensure the complete ChartDrawing, doing it "by hand" with VB6:
    Firstly, let me thank you for your extensively annotated code example and the corresponding image.

    And yes, my experience with VB is limited to PictureBoxes, MSFlexGrids, and Access usage
    (along with basic controls such as ControlButtons, Labels, Textboxes).

    It really is an "ugly monster of a control"

    I tried dilletante's example and was rather thrown by how the MSChart changed as I stepped
    through each line of code.

    and the time you need to properly understand its interface + the time you will waste whilst trying to work around its bugs, is often better invested into "drawing your own from scratch" (especially if its simple Chart-Types like "Scatter" or X/Y-LineDiagrams).
    Again, agreed.

    I make extensive use of charts, and my control of choice is the PictureBox. While this involves more
    coding on my part, I have total control over the appearance,
    1. GridLines .. using the Line method, sometime solid, sometimes dashed
    2. Axis Labels
    3. Pan capability .. using a PB within a PB
    4. Zoom capability
    5. MouseMove trapping .. to synch one chart with another.

    I saw you address at least the first two in your example. I imagine the others could be dealt with
    as well. but I think I'll take a pass on the MSChart.

    Again, thanks for you "tutorial".

    Last edited by Spooman; May 27th, 2017 at 01:25 AM.

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