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Thread: subtract quantity or update table using sql code

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    Resolved subtract quantity or update table using sql code

    friends i have this table

    itemID     quantity   invoice No 
    1	      20	      156651
    1	      10              56151
    1	      5              33000
    5	      15            5465465
    5	       4             465465 
    5	      8              4654654
    6	       7             454654
    6	      2               44558
    6	      5                44

    and a have wpf forms
    contain button and text box and combo box to select itemid

    i want using sql code
    to subtract quantity from quantity table by using a textbox on wpf forms
    with condition
    for example if i enter 25 in a text box on wpf form
    for itemid1
    the code will check itemid and subtract for example 20 from first itemid (1) and 5 from second itemid (1) and so on

    i work on the above
    and i create this code

    but not work with me
    the foreach
    loop for one row only
    not all row

    can you please give me guide line to correct this code

     private void btnOpenUnits_Copy_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                dblQuantity = Convert.ToDouble(this.Quntity.Text);
                dataConnection GetQuantity = new dataConnection();
                DataTable table = GetQuantity.loadingdata("SELECT Top 5 StoreTransAction.ItemID, StoreTransAction.UnitID, StoreTransAction.quantity,StoreTransAction.StoresTransactionID, StoreTransAction.InvoiceNo  FROM StoreTransAction Where StoreTransAction.TransID = 1 And StoreTransAction.ItemID =@ItemID And StoreTransAction.UnitID =@UnitID Order by StoreTransAction.quantity DESC ;", this.cboItemName.SelectedValue, this.cboUnits.SelectedValue);  // Get the data table.
                dataGridtry.ItemsSource = table.DefaultView;
                foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) // Loop over the rows.
                    if (dblQuantity <= 0)
                        if (dblQuantity >= Convert.ToDouble(row.ItemArray[2].ToString()))
                            dataConnection UpdateQuantity = new dataConnection();
                            string[] para = { "@RowQantity", "@itemID", "@StoreId", "@UnitID", "@StoresTransactionID" };
                            object[] val = { dblQuantity, this.cboItemName.SelectedValue, this.cboStore.SelectedValue, this.cboUnits.SelectedValue
                                            , Convert.ToDouble(row.ItemArray[3].ToString()) };
                            UpdateQuantity.EditRecord("Update StoreTransAction SET StoreTransAction.quantity =[StoreTransAction].[quantity]-@RowQantity Where StoreTransAction.TransID = 1 And StoreTransAction.ItemID=@itemID And StoreTransAction.StoreID=@StoreId And StoreTransAction.UnitID=@UnitID And StoreTransAction.StoresTransactionID=@StoresTransactionID; ", para, val);
                            dblQuantity = dblQuantity - Convert.ToDouble(row.ItemArray[2].ToString());
                            dataConnection UpdateQuantity = new dataConnection();
                            string[] paraelse = { "@dblQuntity", "@itemID", "@StoreId", "@UnitID", "@StoresTransactionID" };
                            object[] valelse = { dblQuantity, this.cboItemName.SelectedValue, this.cboStore.SelectedValue, this.cboUnits.SelectedValue, Convert.ToDouble(row.ItemArray[3].ToString()) };
                            UpdateQuantity.EditRecord("Update StoreTransAction SET StoreTransAction.quantity =[StoreTransAction].[quantity]-@dblQuntity Where StoreTransAction.TransID = 1 And StoreTransAction.ItemID=@itemID And StoreTransAction.StoreID=@StoreId And StoreTransAction.UnitID=@UnitID And StoreTransAction.StoresTransactionID=@StoresTransactionID;", paraelse, valelse);
                            dblQuantity = 0;
    Last edited by abcd_2014; May 25th, 2017 at 04:31 PM.

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