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Thread: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

  1. #1

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    [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Goal: Get the font name from the source itself: TTF file
    Good specifications source found here

    Updated to include parsing TTC font files

    Did not want to have to install a font to get the information. Wanted to know how to do this, so did some research & played around.

    Some caveats first...
    - This has not been extremely vetted. Only tested on a few hundred font files
    - Does not give you any other font information; parsing font files is kinda intense
    - Will only return a font name if it has been included as a Microsoft format; common but not 100%
    - May need some more playing, but it suits my needs & thought I'd share it

    I'm including two sample versions: 1) for files using VB file's Open; modify to use APIs for unicode paths/file names and 2) for arrays, should you have the font available that way

    The functions provided offer an option to return the font name in the language you want, if it it exists in that language within the source file. The language requested is passed by LCID value, i.e., 1033 for English. The default is English if no LCID is passed or if the font name is not provided in the language requested.

    Each version can be used to get the font names from both TrueType font files and TTC (font collection) files. The TTC files can contain 1 to several different fonts. When parsing a TTC file, the function should be called twice: once to get the 1st font name found and the total number of fonts in the file. And again, if the other font names are wanted, for each additional font, example, changing the path & file you want:

    Dim sFontName As String, sFile As String, Index As Long, f As Long
        sFile = "c:\windows\fonts\cambria.ttc"
        sFontName = pvParseFontNameFromFile(sFile, Index)
        Debug.Print sFile
        Debug.Print  vbTab; "Font: "; sFontName; " Nr Fonts: "; Index
        For Index = 1 To Index - 1
            sFontName = pvParseFontNameFromFile(sFile, Index)
            If Index = 0 Then Exit For
            Debug.Print vbTab; "Additional Font: "; sFontName
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by LaVolpe; May 23rd, 2017 at 05:55 PM. Reason: changed file routine to request read access only

  2. #2

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    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    I know someone will mention this, so I'll respond in advance... Why are you not using the table count provided within the TTF format?

    The TTF format has a 12-byte header. In that header, it identifies how many tables exist. It also provides some information to enable you to do a binary search to quickly locate a table vs. a sequential search.

    You can't trust that header. I've found at least one font that Microsoft happily installed. Its structure said only two tables existed. There is a minimum of 9 required tables. So if the table count was wrong, so was that other info pertaining to binary searches. In that specific example, the 18th table was the one I was looking for. It existed (is a required table), but the table count was entered incorrectly. Probably could've found more, but I chose to write the routines to skip past that header & begin a sequential search; validating as I went along.

    Edited: One requirement I refused to be lenient on... Per specifications, each table must be sorted, by name, in ascending order. FYI: Sorted data is a prerequisite for binary searches. So, if that rule is not enforced by the TTF creator, the above routines would abort if the 'name' table came after some other table name higher in the order.

    Update: The header must be trusted else the font should be considered invalid or corrupted. After much more research and testing, I found that the fonts in question were actually TTC font files, containing multiple fonts and another table prepended to the file. I have since rewrote the code to address this newer format and some of the following posts touch on that.
    Last edited by LaVolpe; May 23rd, 2017 at 06:06 PM.
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  3. #3

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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    And just because someone may want an implementation that uses the API ReadFile, here's a routine I'm actually using. The code below is parsing TTF font name from data contained within another file format. Therefore the offset to where the TTF information exists is dynamic.

    A few variables are class-level, so I'll explain them here, instead of commenting the code for that purpose:

    m_Source is the file handle retrieved by CreateFile
    m_SourceOffset is where in the source, the TTF begins, zero-bound offset from start of source file
    m_SourceLen is the size of the TTF file

    So if using on the TTF file itself: m_SourceOffset = 0 & m_SourceLen = actual file size

    Private Function pvParseFont(FontIndex As Long, ByVal LanguageID As Long) As String
        ' note: multi-byte values are stored in big endian (reverse order from Microsoft)
        Dim lngValue As Long, lRead As Long
        Dim tCount As Long, lValue As Long
        Dim lSize As Long, sName As String
        Dim lMax As Long, nOffset As Long
        Dim fIndex As Long, fCount As Long
        Dim lBase As Long, iLangID As Integer
        Dim UB As Long, LB As Long          ' binary search variables
        Const fTAG As Long = 1851878757     ' "name" (reversed) converted to 4 bytes, case-sensitive
        Const ttcTag As Long = 1717793908   ' "ttcf" (reversed) converted to 4 bytes, case-sensitive
        If FontIndex < 0& Then FontIndex = 0&
        fIndex = FontIndex: FontIndex = 0&  ' initalize Index to indicate failure
        If LanguageID = 0& Then
            LanguageID = &H904&             ' set to 1033 (reversed bytes)
        Else                                ' swap bytes for loop usage below
            LanguageID = ((LanguageID And &HFF) * &H100& Or (LanguageID And &HFFFF&) \ &H100&)
        End If
        lngValue = pvSetResourcePosition(False)
        If lngValue = ttcTag Then           ' multi-font format
            SetFilePointer m_Source, m_SourceOffset + 8&, 0&, FILE_BEGIN    ' skip major/minor version info
            ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 4&, lRead
            fCount = pvReverseLong(lngValue)
            If fCount < 1& Then GoTo EH     ' sanity checks
            If fIndex >= fCount Then GoTo EH
            If fCount * 4& + 12& > m_SourceLen Then GoTo EH
            SetFilePointer m_Source, fIndex * 4&, 0&, FILE_CURRENT
            ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 4&, lRead: lBase = pvReverseLong(lngValue) ' set base where we start getting font table data
            SetFilePointer m_Source, m_SourceOffset + lBase + 4&, 0&, FILE_BEGIN
        ElseIf FontIndex > 0& Then
            GoTo EH                         ' not multi-font file, return failure
        End If
        ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 2&, lRead ' number of tables
        tCount = (lngValue And &HFF) * &H100& Or ((lngValue And &HFF00&) \ &H100&)
        If tCount < 1& Then GoTo EH
        If tCount * 16& + 12& > m_SourceLen Then GoTo EH
        LB = 1&: UB = tCount                ' begin binary search
        Do Until LB > UB
            nOffset = LB + ((UB - LB) \ 2&) ' locate table entry position
            SetFilePointer m_Source, m_SourceOffset + lBase + (nOffset - 1&) * 16& + 12&, 0&, FILE_BEGIN
            ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 4&, lRead
            lngValue = pvReverseLong(lngValue)
            If lngValue = fTAG Then         ' found it, exit loop
                Exit Do
            ElseIf lngValue > fTAG Then     ' higher in sort order
                UB = nOffset - 1&
            Else                            ' lower in sort order
                LB = nOffset + 1&
            End If
        If LB > UB Then GoTo EH             ' "name" table not found
        nOffset = lBase + (nOffset - 1&) * 16& + 12& ' include 12 bytes for the 'name' table
        If nOffset + 16& > m_SourceLen Then GoTo EH
        ' note: lBase no longer needed; all other offsets are relative to start of file, not ttc offsets
        ' validate the target table
        SetFilePointer m_Source, 4&, 0&, FILE_CURRENT ' skip the checksum field (name we already read) & read offset
        ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 4&, lRead: nOffset = pvReverseLong(lngValue)
        If nOffset > m_SourceLen Then GoTo EH
        ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 4&, lRead: lSize = pvReverseLong(lngValue) ' read size of the "name" table
        If nOffset + lSize > m_SourceLen Then GoTo EH
        lMax = nOffset + lSize              ' set new max (any offsets > lMax is outside "name" table)
        SetFilePointer m_Source, m_SourceOffset + nOffset, 0&, FILE_BEGIN
        ' process the "name" table
        lngValue = 0&: ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 2&, lRead ' specs dictate the be zero
        If Not lngValue = 0 Then GoTo EH    ' invalid font structure?
        ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 2&, lRead ' get number of 'names' in the 'name' table
        tCount = (lngValue And &HFF) * &H100& Or (lngValue And &HFF00&) \ &H100&
        If (tCount * 12&) + nOffset > lMax Then GoTo EH
        ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 2&, lRead ' get offset to the strings from last cached offset
        ' note: this should = NrNames * 12 + 6 byte "name" table header. But we won't enforce it
        nOffset = nOffset + ((lngValue And &HFF) * &H100& Or (lngValue And &HFF00&) \ &H100&)
        If nOffset > lMax Then GoTo EH
        For tCount = 0& To tCount - 1&      ' loop thru each 'names' entry
            ' we are specifically looking for Microsoft encoded names
            ' in the 12byte table...
            '   1st set of 2-bytes wanted will be 3 (Microsoft encoding)
            '   3rd set of 2-bytes will be the language ID (LCID)
            '   4th set of 2-bytes wanted will be 4 (Full name of the font)
            ReadFile m_Source, lngValue, 4&, lRead ' reading 4 instead of two to prevent additional seek
            If (lngValue And &HFFFF&) = &H300& Then
                ReadFile m_Source, iLangID, 2&, lRead: lngValue = 6& ' get LangID & track number of bytes remaining in table
                If iLangID = &H904 Or iLangID = LanguageID Then
                    ReadFile m_Source, lValue, 2&, lRead: lngValue = 4& ' get NameID (4) & track number bytes remaining in table
                    If (lValue And &HFFFF&) = &H400 Then
                        ' found what we're looking for
                        ReadFile m_Source, lSize, 2&, lRead ' get the size of the string
                        lSize = (lSize And &HFF) * &H100& Or (lSize And &HFFFF&) \ &H100&
                        ReadFile m_Source, lValue, 4&, lRead ' get its additional offset
                        ' microsoft-encoding has a 1-byte prefix (not positive how it works; think related to font subfamilies)
                        nOffset = nOffset + ((lValue And &HFF) * &H100& Or (lValue And &HFF00&) \ &H100&) + 1&
                        If nOffset + lSize > lMax Then GoTo EH
                        SetFilePointer m_Source, m_SourceOffset + nOffset, 0&, FILE_BEGIN
                        ' size our string & seek to the beginning of the string
                        sName = String$(lSize \ 2, vbNullChar)
                        ReadFile m_Source, ByVal StrPtr(sName), lSize, lRead
                        If iLangID = LanguageID Then Exit For
                    End If
                End If
                SetFilePointer m_Source, lngValue, 0&, FILE_CURRENT ' skip to next string table
                SetFilePointer m_Source, 8&, 0&, FILE_CURRENT       ' skip to next string table
            End If
        If Not sName = vbNullString Then        ' else didn't find font name
            pvParseFont = sName
            If fCount > 0& Then
                If fIndex = 0& Then FontIndex = fCount Else FontIndex = fIndex
                FontIndex = fIndex + 1&
            End If
        End If
    End Function
    And here are the API declarations I used, ReadFile is tweaked on its last parameter. The pvReverseLong function is provided in post #1 above.
    Public Declare Function SetFilePointer Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lDistanceToMove As Long, ByRef lpDistanceToMoveHigh As Long, ByVal dwMoveMethod As Long) As Long
    Public Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByRef lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, Optional ByVal lpOverlapped As Long) As Long
    Public Const FILE_BEGIN As Long = 0
    Public Const FILE_CURRENT As Long = 1
    Last edited by LaVolpe; May 23rd, 2017 at 05:56 PM. Reason: included API decs
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  4. #4

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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Just a little FYI. Yep, being too lenient on the number of tables rule is not a good thing likely. Though I can parse every valid font file I've tested, no need to take chances if not needed. The fonts I found that had the incorrect table count were indeed a more advanced font format. I was misinterpreting it as a standard TTF file/table, it is what's called a TTCF table (collection of TTF tables). Back to the grind so I can properly parse these files with more confidence & less chance for errors...

    Edited: A follow-up and will post back another day on this topic. The fonts in question are indeed multiple fonts contained in single file. For example, a directory listing for "cambria*.tt*" in my fonts folder will return 4 font files: 3 TTF, and 1 TTC. The 3 TTF fonts are a subfamily (bold, italic & bold-italic) of the Cambria family. The TTC file contained two fonts: Cambria & Cambria Math. Both those are listed individually if choosing a font. Personally, just need to rethink presentation since I didn't expect multiple fonts in a single file (haven't kept up with the times I guess).

    In short, the code on this page is still applicable, but for TTF fonts only, not TTC fonts which would need to be addressed a bit differently
    Last edited by LaVolpe; May 22nd, 2017 at 05:00 PM.
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  5. #5
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    good ider.why not unload a test demo? thanks.

    I've seen all the topics you've posted in this forum, and your posts are very useful, but I'm stupid, no examples, understand some difficulties

  6. #6

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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by xxdoc123 View Post
    good ider.why not unload a test demo? thanks.
    Super simple example... Get the pvParseFontNameFromFile & pvReverseLong routines from post #1
        Dim sFile As String, sPath As String, sFontName As String
        sPath = "c:\windows\fonts\"
        sFile = Dir$(sPath & "*.ttf")
        Do Until sFile = ""
            If Not (sFile = ".." Or sFile = ".") Then
                Debug.Print sFile; " font: "; pvParseFontNameFromFile(sPath & sFile)
            End If
            sFile = Dir$()
        Call Dir$("")
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  7. #7
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    thanks .i say other thread .example IStream Manager: Consolidate, Access Stream Data

  8. #8

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    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    FYI for any interested... Updated functions to include parsing font names from both TTF (single font file) and TTC (multi-font file). Combined sample code too large for a single post, so I just added it to a text file and uploaded that into post #1 above.

    The updated code does enforce the table count entries and takes advantage of that by using binary search to reduce number of file reads.
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    Re: CommonControls (Replacement of the MS common controls)

    First of all, LaVolpe, thanks to you and a few more like you (supremely brilliant) in this forum. You all make life sooo much easier for me (and many others, I am sure). God bless you all! Its a phenomenal service to the society. I feel and say this from the bottom of my heart.

    Well, a few days ago, I saw this thread and implemented both the 'font parsing' functions in your text file. They work like a charm (both on file and data), needless to say. Amazing stuff. Thanks a TON. But, I would wish to know whether I need to do anything special to list all the fonts from a "variable" font (for e.g. Bahnschrift.ttf). I tried a few things. I copied Bahnschrift.ttf to another normal (non-system) folder and renamed it's extension as ".ttc" or renamed the file itself to "aaa.ttc" and tried to see whether it will list all the 15 font styles this font possesses. But, I could not succeed. So, kindly let me know how to do it, if possible. If not possible with the current code, kindly let me know whether it will be possible for you to enhance your code to cover "variable" fonts too.

    Secondly, some of the styles of 'Bahnschrift' have names greater than 32 in length. For e.g. "Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiCondensed". So, when I use "EnumFontFamiliesEX" to list all font families, I do not get the full name for this font. How to get the full name? Perhaps the only way is to get it from the ".ttf" file itself, as you have done? Or, is there any API way? Actually, few days back, during my search in the net, I did notice some structure having LF.lfFullFacename or something similar to that. I forgot to bookmark that page. When I search now, I am not getting it. If I remember right, some deprecated API function was using that structure.

    Thirdly, given a font name (for e.g. "Arial Narrow"), how to pinpoint (programmatically, I mean) that it's family is 'Arial' only? Actually, if I view the "Fonts" folder in my Windows 10 system, Windows explorer lists only the list of unique family names (whose count is 343 in my system) and has a separate column for styles. For eg. for 'Arial', there is only one row. 'Narrow', 'Black', etc. are listed in the Styles column. Similarly, for 'Bahnschrift', there is only one row. All its 15 styles are listed one after the other (comma separated) in a lengthy string under the 'Styles' column. And, 'Arial Unicode MS' is a separate family in itself, as one can expect it to be.

    Actually, for the third question above, I did put in a good search in the net but the only nearest thing I could get was the following (an extract from

    I'm not sure about how to actually retrieve what font family a given font resides in, but if you use CreateFont()
    or CreateFontIndirect() and only specify the font's name, you may be able to use the API GetObject() on that font handle again with a LOGFONT struct and then look at the lf.lfPitchAndFamily member. The system should have
    changed it to reflect what family the given font name is a part of and what pitch it has. This is a bit roundabout though, so there could be an easier way I'm just not seeing (I'm prone to doing things the hard way without much thought, and easily miss the obvious ). I have no clue on how to find out where the font resides though.

    The lf.lfPitchAndFamily is a byte field. And, from, I get to see that it does not contain any font family name information, in the way I want. Or, did I miss something?

    Programmatically, what i tried (please note that my knowledge of VB6 is very fundamental) from my end was:

    • I called EnumFontFamilesEx after setting LF.lfCharset to 1 (DEFAULT_CHARSET) and without setting lfFacename. The callback function returned at least one font for each family, the total count being 392 fonts (in my system). But then, Arial, Arial Black, Arial Narrow - all were listed as unique individual fonts (for charset 0 [ANSI_CHARSET]. Similarly, for Bahnschrift, it returned Bahnschrift, Bahnschrift Condensed, Bahnschrift Light, Bahnschrift Light Condensed, Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed, Bahnschrift SemiBold, Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed, Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiCondensed, Bahnschrift SemiCondensed, Bahnschrift SemiLight, Bahnschrift SemiLight Condensed, Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiCondensed. Likewise, for other fonts. Please note that only 12 fonts were listed for Bahnschrift.
    • I called EnumFontFamilesEx again - on each one of the above list of individual fonts. The callback function returned "Bold, Italic, Bold Italic" styles (as numbers - 700, 255, etc. for lfWeight and lfItalic fields), if present, for each of those fonts. The accumulation of this list went to 557 font styles (in my system) which I compared, font for font, with the list given by a quality font manager like MainType and the count perfectly matched. Please note that for Bahnschrift, Bold style was returned for Bahnschrift, Bahnschrift SemiCondensed and Bahnschrift Condensed. That meant that 3 more styles have to be added to the earlier 12 and that made it to 15 styles for Bahnschrift.

    The thing now is:

    1. How to get an exact list like what is shown in the 'Fonts' folder of my Windows 10 system, where only 343 families are listed - with the styles for each one of these font family listed separately. I am curious to know whether such an exact list can be generated and if so how. Further, a software like "MainType" displays a lot of extra information (description, manufacturer, designer, etc.) for any font. Are all these extra info have to be fetched from the Font's various internal TABLEs only OR some/all of them are present in the registry itself (though may be in various different branches).
    2. How to know (programmatically) where to place the word 'Bold' while forming the extra font style names for fonts like Bahnschrift? I mean, logically I would like to place the 'Bold' at the end of each font name. But then, for Bahnschrift SemiCondensed and Bahnschrift Condensed, the additional 'Bold' styled font names are "Bahnschrift Bold SemiCondensed" and "Bahnschrift Bold Condensed" and NOT "Bahnschrift SemiCondensed Bold" and "Bahnschrift Condensed Bold".

    Well, that's all are the queries from me, as of now. In case any of my questions above look childish, kindly bear with me. Kindly point me to the right resources.

    Thanks a TON once again to LaVolpe and all such benevolent members of this group (Krool, Dilettante, ...) who are super-brilliant and at the same time have the heart to share their priceless codes for the benefit of all of this society.

    Prayers and Kind regards.

  10. #10

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    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    I think you were on the right track using EnumFontFamiliesEx. For that font in question, I got 12 entries also. However, all the fonts are in the same ttf file. My parser in post #1 only looks for the font name. I can take another look at it and see if I can extract the "sub-font" names also. But no promises. When I opened the font in notepad++, I couldn't find those other font names, just the Bahnschrift Regular. So, Microsoft may very well take the font characteristics and apply words like Bold, SemiBold, Light SemiLight, Italic, etc based on font Weight, Italic & other properties returned in the LogFont structure.

    btw: sample code -- rough, just for testing
    ' in a module
    Public Type LOGFONT
        lfHeight As Long
        lfWidth As Long
        lfEscapement As Long
        lfOrientation As Long
        lfWeight As Long
        lfItalic As Byte
        lfUnderline As Byte
        lfStrikeOut As Byte
        lfCharSet As Byte
        lfOutPrecision As Byte
        lfClipPrecision As Byte
        lfQuality As Byte
        lfPitchAndFamily As Byte
        lfFaceName(1 To 32) As Byte
    End Type
    Private Type ENUMLOGFONTA
      lf As LOGFONT
      fullName(1 To 64) As Byte
      Style(1 To 32) As Byte
    End Type
    Private Type NEWTEXTMETRIC
        tmHeight As Long
        tmAscent As Long
        tmDescent As Long
        tmInternalLeading As Long
        tmExternalLeading As Long
        tmAveCharWidth As Long
        tmMaxCharWidth As Long
        tmWeight As Long
        tmOverhang As Long
        tmDigitizedAspectX As Long
        tmDigitizedAspectY As Long
        tmFirstChar As Byte
        tmLastChar As Byte
        tmDefaultChar As Byte
        tmBreakChar As Byte
        tmItalic As Byte
        tmUnderlined As Byte
        tmStruckOut As Byte
        tmPitchAndFamily As Byte
        tmCharSet As Byte
        ntmFlags As Long
        ntmSizeEM As Long
        ntmCellHeight As Long
        ntmAveWidth As Long
    End Type
    Public Declare Function EnumFontFamiliesEx Lib "gdi32.dll" Alias "EnumFontFamiliesExA" (ByVal hDC As Long, ByRef lpLogFont As LOGFONT, ByVal lpEnumFontProc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long, ByVal dw As Long) As Long
    Public Function EnumFontFamProc(elf As ENUMLOGFONTA, tm As NEWTEXTMETRIC, ByVal fntType As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
        Dim s As String
        s = StrConv(elf.fullName(), vbUnicode)
        Debug.Print Left$(s, InStr(s, vbNullChar) - 1)
        EnumFontFamProc = 1
    End Function
    in your test form somewhere
    Dim lf As LOGFONT
    EnumFontFamiliesEx Me.hDC, lf, AddressOf EnumFontFamProc, 0, 0
    Here's the MSDN link on that structure I was using:

    That answers one of your main questions. I'd recommend posting some of the other questions to the general forum section. I am, by far, no font expert.
    Last edited by LaVolpe; May 17th, 2020 at 01:16 AM.
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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Just to note, the font name can also be found in the Title property for non-installed font files (PKEY_Title/System.Title). Then of course installed fonts will have all the System.Font.* properties readily available:

    To your 'Second' point, the property system method of reading these has no limit I can tell, but the longest name I could find was 'Lucida Sans Typewriter Bold Oblique' at 35 chars.

    Thirdly, given a font name (for e.g. "Arial Narrow"), how to pinpoint (programmatically, I mean) that it's family is 'Arial' only? Actually, if I view the "Fonts" folder in my Windows 10 system, Windows explorer lists only the list of unique family names (whose count is 343 in my system) and has a separate column for styles. For eg. for 'Arial', there is only one row. 'Narrow', 'Black', etc. are listed in the Styles column. Similarly, for 'Bahnschrift', there is only one row. All its 15 styles are listed one after the other (comma separated) in a lengthy string under the 'Styles' column. And, 'Arial Unicode MS' is a separate family in itself, as one can expect it to be.
    If you want to look at one font like this in the font folder, you can basically treat it as a folder and just do a normal enumeration of its contents:

    Since they're independent shell objects, you could create an object directly from the item and read its 'Family' (System.Fonts.FamilyName), which is just 'Arial' for all the Arial styles shown above

    The best way to create a display with an exact list like the Fonts folder, is to just display the Fonts folder
    (If interested, you could turn the control above into a dedicated font viewer, but setting the Fonts folder as the root, and disabling navigation out of the root, you could even put a tree next to it also with the Fonts folder as root, and have a list of the expandable fonts to browse, or just switch back to the root with all fonts)
    Last edited by fafalone; May 17th, 2020 at 06:59 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Just took a look at 'BahnSchrift' on Win10 - and can find that Fonts "Sub-Family-entries"
    from the "NameID:" 258 onwards (looking into the TTF-File directly via a Parser-Class).

    The usage of these "higher NameIDs" indicates, that this font is an OpenType(derived) Font,
    which is described (with its extended NameID-set from 256 onwards) e.g. here:

    Class cTTFInfo
    Option Explicit 'RC5-based TTF-FontFile-Parsing (Olaf Schmidt, December 2017)
    Private Type tFileHdr
      B(0 To 11) As Byte
    End Type
    Private Type tTableDir
      B(0 To 15) As Byte
    End Type
    Private Type tNameRec
      B(0 To 11) As Byte
      Data() As Byte
    End Type
    Public Enum enmNameRecordIDs
      nrCopyrightNotice = 0  'Copyright notice.
      nrFontFamily = 1       'Font Family name
      nrFontSubfamily = 2    'Font Subfamily name; for purposes of definition, this is assumed to address style (italic, oblique) and weight (light, bold, black, etc.) only. A font with no particular differences in weight or style (e.g. medium weight, not italic and fsSelection bit 6 set) should have the string “Regular” stored in this position.
      nrUniqueIdentifier = 3 'Unique font identifier
      nrFullFontname = 4     'Full font name; this should simply be a combination of strings 1 and 2. Exception: if string 2 is “Regular,” then use only string 1. This is the font name that Windows will expose to users.
      nrVersionString = 5    'Version string. In n.nn format.
      nrPostscriptName = 6   'Postscript name for the font.
      nrTrademark = 7        'Trademark; this is used to save any trademark notice/information for this font. Such information should be based on legal advice. This is distinctly separate from the copyright.
      nrMax = 7
    End Enum
    Public AvailableLCIDs As cCollection
    Private FH As tFileHdr, TD() As tTableDir, NR() As tNameRec, mNameIdx As Long, i As Long
    Public Sub InitFrom(FileName As String)
      mNameIdx = -1
      With New_c.FSO.OpenFileStream(FileName, STRM_READ Or STRM_SHARE_DENY_NONE)
        .ReadToByteArr FH.B, UBound(FH.B) + 1
        If StrComp(New_c.FSO.GetFileExtension(FileName), "ttf", 1) <> 0 Or Version <> "1.0" Or FH.B(5) = 0 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError, , "Unsupported FontFile-Format"
        ReDim TD(0 To TablesCount - 1)
        For i = 0 To UBound(TD)
          .ReadToByteArr TD(i).B, UBound(TD(i).B) + 1
          If StrComp(TableName(i), "name", 1) = 0 Then mNameIdx = i
        If mNameIdx = -1 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError, , "Couldn't find Name-Table"
        .SetPosition TableOffs(mNameIdx)
        Dim NH() As Byte, StorageOffs As Long
        .ReadToByteArr NH, 6
        Set AvailableLCIDs = New_c.JSONObject
        ReDim NR(0 To NH(3) + 256& * NH(2) - 1)
        For i = 0 To UBound(NR): .ReadToByteArr NR(i).B, UBound(NR(i).B) + 1: Next
        StorageOffs = .GetPosition
        For i = 0 To UBound(NR)
          .SetPosition StorageOffs + NR(i).B(11) + 256& * NR(i).B(10)
          If NR(i).B(9) + 256& * NR(i).B(8) <= 0 Then NR(i).Data = "" Else .ReadToByteArr NR(i).Data, NR(i).B(9) + 256& * NR(i).B(8)
          If AvailableLCIDs.Exists(CStr(LanguageID(i))) Then
            AvailableLCIDs.Prop(CStr(LanguageID(i))) = AvailableLCIDs.Prop(CStr(LanguageID(i))) + 1
            AvailableLCIDs.Prop(CStr(LanguageID(i))) = 1
          End If
      End With
    End Sub
    Public Property Get Version() As String
      Version = FH.B(1) & "." & FH.B(3)
    End Property
    Public Property Get TablesCount() As Long
      TablesCount = FH.B(5) + 256& * FH.B(4)
    End Property
    Public Property Get TableName(ByVal Idx As Long) As String
      TableName = Chr$(TD(Idx).B(0)) & Chr$(TD(Idx).B(1)) & Chr$(TD(Idx).B(2)) & Chr$(TD(Idx).B(3))
    End Property
    Public Property Get TableOffs(ByVal Idx As Long) As Long
      TableOffs = TD(Idx).B(11) + 256& * TD(Idx).B(10) + 65536 * TD(Idx).B(9) + 16777216 * TD(Idx).B(8)
    End Property
    Public Property Get TableLen(ByVal Idx As Long) As Long
      TableLen = TD(Idx).B(15) + 256& * TD(Idx).B(14) + 65536 * TD(Idx).B(13) + 16777216 * TD(Idx).B(12)
    End Property
    Public Property Get NameRecordsCount() As Long
      NameRecordsCount = UBound(NR) + 1
    End Property
    Public Property Get PlatformID(ByVal Idx As Long) As Long
      PlatformID = NR(Idx).B(1) + 256& * NR(Idx).B(0)
    End Property
    Public Property Get EncodingID(ByVal Idx As Long) As Long
      EncodingID = NR(Idx).B(3) + 256& * NR(Idx).B(2)
    End Property
    Public Property Get LanguageID(ByVal Idx As Long) As Long
      LanguageID = NR(Idx).B(5) + 256& * NR(Idx).B(4)
    End Property
    Public Property Get NameID(ByVal Idx As Long) As Long
      NameID = NR(Idx).B(7) + 256& * NR(Idx).B(6)
    End Property
    Public Property Get NameData(ByVal Idx As Long) As Byte()
      NameData = NR(Idx).Data
    End Property
    Public Property Get NameText(ByVal Idx As Long, Optional ByVal LCID As Long) As String
      If UBound(NR(Idx).Data) + 1 = 0 Then Exit Property
      If EncodingID(Idx) <> 0 Or PlatformID(Idx) = 3 Then
        Dim Tmp As Byte, B() As Byte: B = NR(Idx).Data
        For i = 0 To UBound(B) - 1 Step 2: Tmp = B(i): B(i) = B(i + 1): B(i + 1) = Tmp: Next 'ByteSwap from BigEndian
        NameText = B
        NameText = StrConv(NR(Idx).Data, vbUnicode, IIf(PlatformID(Idx) = 1, 1033, LCID))
      End If
    End Property
    Public Function FindNRIndex(ByVal ByNameID As enmNameRecordIDs, Optional ByVal LCID As Long = 1033) As Long
      FindNRIndex = -1 'preset with the "not-found"-value
    1 For i = 0 To UBound(NR) 'try to find for the specified LCID first
        If NameID(i) = ByNameID And LanguageID(i) = LCID Then FindNRIndex = i: Exit Function
      If LCID <> 1033 Then LCID = 1033: GoTo 1 'one more try with the default-LCID (because it was not given)
      For i = 0 To UBound(NR) 'if still not found, fall back to a search without LCID-Matching (first one wins)
        If NameID(i) = ByNameID Then FindNRIndex = i: Exit Function
    End Function
    Public Function FindNRText(ByVal ByNameID As enmNameRecordIDs, Optional ByVal LCID As Long = 1033) As String
      Dim Idx As Long
          Idx = FindNRIndex(ByNameID, LCID)
       If Idx <> -1 Then FindNRText = NameText(Idx, LCID)
    End Function
    Form-TestCode (with a Filter-Setting for "Bahn*.ttf")
    Option Explicit
    Private DL As cDirList, TTFInfo As New cTTFInfo
    Private WithEvents lstFontFiles As VB.ListBox 'we create this Control dynamically below
    Private Sub Form_Load()
      Set lstFontFiles = Controls.Add("VB.ListBox", "lstFontFiles")
          lstFontFiles.Visible = True: lstFontFiles.Move 0, 0, 3000, 5000
      FillFontFilesList "Bahn*.ttf"
    End Sub
    Private Sub FillFontFilesList(Optional Filter As String = "*.ttf")
      Set DL = New_c.FSO.GetDirList(New_c.FSO.GetSpecialFolder(CSIDL_FONTS), , Filter)
      Dim i As Long
      For i = 0 To DL.FilesCount - 1
        lstFontFiles.AddItem UCase$(DL.FileName(i))
    End Sub
    Private Sub lstFontFiles_Click()
      If lstFontFiles.ListIndex < 0 Then Exit Sub
      Dim FontFile As String
          FontFile = DL.Path & DL.FileName(lstFontFiles.ListIndex)
      With TTFInfo
        .InitFrom FontFile
        'an OpenType(derived)-Font will include the tables 'fvar' and 'gvar' for example
        Debug.Print "Tables:"
        Dim i As Long
        For i = 0 To .TablesCount - 1
          Debug.Print i, .TableName(i), .TableOffs(i), .TableLen(i)
        Debug.Print "Name-Records:"
        For i = 0 To .NameRecordsCount - 1
          '.NameIDs >= 256 indicate "OpenType-stuff" (mostly starting with 'Weight','Width', followed by the subfamily-names
          Debug.Print i, .NameID(i), .EncodingID(i), .LanguageID(i), .NameText(i)
    '    Debug.Print vbLf; Replace(TTFInfo.AvailableLCIDs.SerializeToJSONString, ",", "," & vbCrLf)
      End With
    End Sub
    Maybe that helps, in case the MS-APIs don't hand out the full infos for that Font.


  13. #13
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    I think you were on the right track using EnumFontFamiliesEx. For that font in question, I got 12 entries also. ... .. .
    Yesss, that was the structure I missed to bookmark. Thanks a lot for the link.

    And, thanks a ton for the example too which shows how to use this structure. So, its quite easy now to get the full font name (names which are greater than 31 in length too). Thanks again.

    I noticed one thing though:
    Setting a form's font name, a flexgrid's cell's font name, etc., to a font name whose length is greater than 31 is not possible. I need to use the first 31 characters only. Wonder whether this is a limitation for Vb6 alone. May be not because LOGFONT structure itself has lfFaceName length as 32 only. This is not an issue for me, as of now. But, just thought of knowing.

    Regarding those 3 extra font styles for Bahnschrift and how to exactly know (programmatically) where to place the 'Bold' in their names, I shall await for your enhanced code (if you get the time to do the same).

    Meanwhile, I will also look into the solutions from fafalone and Schmidt, which look quite awesome and exciting.

    Prayers and Kind Regards.

  14. #14
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidt View Post
    Just took a look at 'BahnSchrift' on Win10 - and can find that Fonts "Sub-Family-entries"
    from the "NameID:" 258 onwards (looking into the TTF-File directly via a Parser-Class). ... .. . Olaf
    I am quite excited to see your solution. But, just help me out on one thing. It gives error "User-defined type not defined" for "DL As cDirList". I did add reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime"(scrrun.dll) but the error persists. Anything else I have to do, kindly guide me. I did try searching in the net for CDirList structure (thinking that perhaps I need to define it) but could not get any.

    Prayers and Kind Regards.

  15. #15
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    ... just help me out on one thing.
    It gives error "User-defined type not defined" for "DL As cDirList"...
    At the top of the Parser-Class (cTTFInfo) I made a comment (though admittedly short) , that the Code is "RC5-based"...

    RC5 is a shortform for vbRichClient5.dll, which comes in a (free downloadable) package on
    (containing a lot of Helper-Classes, to make our "daily coding-efforts" shorter and easier).

    After downloading the BaseDll-zip-package, unpacking into a Folder - and registering vbRichClient5.dll,
    you will need to check-in a Project-Reference to "vbRichClient5" into your Project,
    before the two CodeSnippets (one in a Class, named cTTFInfo, the other in an empty Form) - will work.



  16. #16

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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Piggybacking on Schmidt's stuff, I was just curious to see what is reported in the TTF from my parser (which I had to tweak to allow the following to come through).

    The 1st two numbers are the name-field block ordinal and NameID, followed by the string value for that ID. See the link provided by Schmidt and jump down to the NameID section for details on what those mean. As Schmidt indicated, IDs > 255 are "are reserved for font-specific names such as those referenced by a font’s layout features"

    fyi... name-field blocks 0-13 had unicode info, so when run in IDE, lots of ??? chars - not worth posting.
     14  0        © 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
     15  1        Bahnschrift
     16  2        Regular
     17  3        Bahnschrift Regular
     18  4        Bahnschrift
     19  5        Version 2.05
     20  6        Bahnschrift
     21  8        Microsoft Corporation
     22  9        Aaron Bell
     23  11
     24  12
     25  13       Microsoft supplied font. You may use this font to create, display, and print content as permitted by the license terms or terms of use, of the Microsoft product, service, or content in which this font was included. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. Any other use is prohibited.
     26  14
     27  16       Bahnschrift
     28  256      Weight
     29  257      Width
     30  258      Light
     31  259      SemiLight
     32  260      Regular
     33  261      SemiBold
     34  262      Bold
     35  263      Light SemiCondensed
     36  264      SemiLight SemiCondensed
     37  265      SemiCondensed
     38  266      SemiBold SemiCondensed
     39  267      Bold SemiCondensed
     40  268      Light Condensed
     41  269      SemiLight Condensed
     42  270      Condensed
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  17. #17
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by fafalone View Post
    Just to note, the font name can also be found in the Title property for non-installed font files (PKEY_Title/System.Title). Then of course installed fonts will have all the System.Font.* properties readily available: ... .. .

    Since they're independent shell objects, you could create an object directly from the item and read its 'Family' (System.Fonts.FamilyName), which is just 'Arial' for all the Arial styles shown above

    The best way to create a display with an exact list like the Fonts folder, is to just display the Fonts folder ... .. .
    This is quite awesome , not just for answering my question but for various other purposes (having taken a look at

    But, I need time to test out your quite novel solution(s). Kindly bear with me.

    Please Note:
    I tried to post this reply several times yesterday itself (and have tried several times today too) but met with the same error "Sadly, you’ve reached a page that can’t be displayed. We’ve logged this action, ... .. .". Once this error starts appearing, it persists. So, in future, if there are delays in my ack./replies, kindly understand that this error could be one of the reasons for the delay. I pray this reply goes through.

  18. #18
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    Piggybacking on Schmidt's stuff, I was just curious to see what is reported in the TTF from my parser (which I had to tweak to allow the following to come through). ... .. .
    As far as I can see, your tweak almost gave the required result. Thats great. Out of the 15 font styles of Bahnschrift, the name-field blocks from '30 to 42' (in your parser's report) list 13 of them. The starred(*) ones are the 2 font styles missing.

    Bahnschrift Light,
    Bahnschrift SemiLight,
    Bahnschrift (Regular),
    Bahnschrift SemiBold,
    Bahnschrift Bold
    Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed,
    Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiCondensed,
    Bahnschrift SemiCondensed,
    Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiCondensed,
    Bahnschrift Bold SemiCondensed
    Bahnschrift Light Condensed,
    Bahnschrift SemiLight Condensed,
    Bahnschrift Condensed,
    *Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed,
    *Bahnschrift Bold Condensed

    Out of the above 15, in the API way (EnumerateFamiliesEx), 12 are listed in the first general run itself. To get the additional extra 3 styles (Bahnschrift Bold, Bahnschrift Bold SemiCondensed and Bahnschrift Bold Condensed), I ran EnumerateFamiliesEx again (with lfFaceName filled), for each of the 12 styles obtained in the first general run. Three of the above styles alone, viz. Bahnschrift, Bahnschrift SemiCondensed and Bahnschrift Condensed returned an extra style (Bold). But, as stated already, the Bold style is obtained as a number (700) only. So, programmatically, there is no way for me to know where to place the 'Bold' word for 'Bahnschrift SemiCondensed' and 'Bahnschrift Condensed'. Your report above (after your tweaking) now tells where to place the 'Bold' for 'Bahnschrift SemiCondensed'.

    By the by, using fafalone's absolutely amazing ucShellBrowse control, I was able to get the desired 15 font styles for 'BahnSchrift'. The advantage is that not only for 'BahnSchrift', but for Arial (and all such other fonts which have multiple font styles) too, I can get the desired result (in the same way as reported by Microsoft in the 'Fonts' folder). So, as of now, for me, that's the only way by which I can get the desired information for all fonts (in the same manner as reported by Microsoft). Thanks a TON for all of your efforts and help.

  19. #19
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidt View Post
    At the top of the Parser-Class (cTTFInfo) I made a comment (though admittedly short) , that the Code is "RC5-based"... ... .. . Olaf
    Thanks for your clear-cut instructions. I was easily able to run your code thereafter. But, it reported "Bahnschrift" alone as the output. Did I miss something?

    Since Bahnschrift.ttf is a variable TTF font (as mentioned in my very first reply in this thread and which I learnt from the net -, etc. - to be having further more data than a regular TTF font), may be I have to explore your code and try to modify it on my own, availing the valuable resources supplied by you and the valuable suggestions from LaVolpe on the same??

    Note: I do have come across your Wonderful "vbRichClient5" work earlier but somehow could not get time to explore it.

  20. #20
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by softv View Post
    Thanks for your clear-cut instructions. I was easily able to run your code thereafter.
    But, it reported "Bahnschrift" alone as the output. Did I miss something?
    Yes, probably the clicking onto the sole Filename-entry in the normal VB-ListBox
    (a single FileName-entry was added there only, because we've passed an appropriate File-Filter-String to the DirList-Object beforehand...)

    If you'd pass a normal Filter-String instead, as e.g. "*.ttf" ... then the List would be filled with all ttf-Files in the Windows-FontFolder.

    So a MouseClick on any of the listed FontFiles, will print the Detail-Infos for that File into the Immediate-Window.

    For comparison - here's my Debug-Output, which was generated by clicking on BahnSchrift.ttf:
    (and it includes all 15 Sub-Styles at the end - I've marked them Bold in the text-section below):
     0            DSIG           346480        9120 
     1            GDEF           96284         4112 
     2            GPOS           100396        40778 
     3            GSUB           141176        1960 
     4            HVAR           143136        2223 
     5            MVAR           145360        73 
     6            OS/2           536           96 
     7            STAT           145436        148 
     8            avar           145584        40 
     9            cmap           4068          2080 
     10           cvt            10708         226 
     11           fpgm           6148          3957 
     12           fvar           145624        236 
     13           gasp           96272         12 
     14           glyf           12656         73754 
     15           gvar           145860        200548 
     16           head           412           54 
     17           hhea           468           36 
     18           hmtx           632           3436 
     19           loca           10936         1720 
     20           maxp           504           32 
     21           meta           346408        72 
     22           name           86412         2737 
     23           post           89152         7120 
     24           prep           10108         597 
     0             0             0             0            © 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
     1             1             0             0            Bahnschrift
     2             2             0             0            Regular
     3             3             0             0            Bahnschrift Regular
     4             4             0             0            Bahnschrift
     5             5             0             0            Version 2.05
     6             6             0             0            Bahnschrift
     7             8             0             0            Microsoft Corporation
     8             9             0             0            Aaron Bell
     9             11            0             0  
     10            12            0             0  
     11            13            0             0            Microsoft supplied font. You may use this font to create, display, and print content as permitted by the license terms or terms of use, of the Microsoft product, service, or content in which this font was included. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. Any other use is prohibited.
     12            14            0             0  
     13            16            0             0            Bahnschrift
     14            0             1             1033         © 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
     15            1             1             1033         Bahnschrift
     16            2             1             1033         Regular
     17            3             1             1033         Bahnschrift Regular
     18            4             1             1033         Bahnschrift
     19            5             1             1033         Version 2.05
     20            6             1             1033         Bahnschrift
     21            8             1             1033         Microsoft Corporation
     22            9             1             1033         Aaron Bell
     23            11            1             1033
     24            12            1             1033
     25            13            1             1033         Microsoft supplied font. You may use this font to create, display, and print content as permitted by the license terms or terms of use, of the Microsoft product, service, or content in which this font was included. You may only (i) embed this font in content as permitted by the embedding restrictions included in this font; and (ii) temporarily download this font to a printer or other output device to help print content. Any other use is prohibited.
     26            14            1             1033
     27            16            1             1033         Bahnschrift
     28            256           1             1033         Weight
     29            257           1             1033         Width
     30            258           1             1033         Light
     31            259           1             1033         SemiLight
     32            260           1             1033         Regular
     33            261           1             1033         SemiBold
     34            262           1             1033         Bold
     35            263           1             1033         Light SemiCondensed
     36            264           1             1033         SemiLight SemiCondensed
     37            265           1             1033         SemiCondensed
     38            266           1             1033         SemiBold SemiCondensed
     39            267           1             1033         Bold SemiCondensed
     40            268           1             1033         Light Condensed
     41            269           1             1033         SemiLight Condensed
     42            270           1             1033         Condensed
     43            271           1             1033         SemiBold Condensed
     44            272           1             1033         Bold Condensed


  21. #21
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidt View Post
    Yes, probably the clicking onto the sole Filename-entry in the normal VB-ListBox
    (a single FileName-entry was added there only, because we've passed an appropriate File-Filter-String to the DirList-Object beforehand...)

    If you'd pass a normal Filter-String instead, as e.g. "*.ttf" ... then the List would be filled with all ttf-Files in the Windows-FontFolder.

    So a MouseClick on any of the listed FontFiles, will print the Detail-Infos for that File into the Immediate-Window.

    For comparison - here's my Debug-Output, which was generated by clicking on BahnSchrift.ttf:
    (and it includes all 15 Sub-Styles at the end - I've marked them Bold in the text-section below):
    ... .. .

    Oh yes... Wow! Brilliant!
    How did I miss it out? It is so... obvious. My sincere apologies for missing out on the obvious.
    Thanks a TON for your straightforward solution.

    Prayers and Kind Regards.

  22. #22

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    VB-aholic & Lovin' It LaVolpe's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    @softv. If you have additional questions regarding RC5 or its usage, take it to another part of the forum. I don't want this thread to turn into a topic on RC5.

    If Schmidt wants to submit an RC5 thread with more details and examples, that's fine and he can link it from this thread.
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  23. #23
    Addicted Member
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Quote Originally Posted by LaVolpe View Post
    Piggybacking on Schmidt's stuff, I was just curious to see what is reported in the TTF from my parser (which I had to tweak to allow the following to come through). ... .. .

    fyi... name-field blocks 0-13 had unicode info, so when run in IDE, lots of ??? chars - not worth posting.
     14  0        © 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
     15  1        Bahnschrift
    ... .. .
    41  269      SemiLight Condensed
    42  270      Condensed
    My earlier kind request - that I shall await your enhanced parser code, if you get the time to do the same - still remains. So, I very much look forward to your tweaked parser code (giving out the name-field blocks for 43 and 44 too), if you have the time to finalise and upload the same here. Much thanks in advance. If at all possible for your enhanced parser code to have the Unicode info too (and any other useful non-unicode info too, whichever you deem fit) in some string array, that is welcome too since I work on Unicode stuff. Would remain greatly thankful to you.

    Prayers and Kind Regards.

  24. #24
    Lively Member vbLewis's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    Here is my version of a font name parser i wrote back in '07 that i submitted to PSC. Maybe you could get some ideas from it to add to yours?

    Attribute VB_Name = "modFontInfo"
    Option Explicit
    'thanks to Philip Patrick and his c++ article on the Code Project
    'VB code by Lewis Miller 12/04/07
    '12/11/07 BugFix: Soorya has noted a problem with unicode font names. His proposed fix
    '                 has been added. Thanks to soorya for the bug find.
    'Font files store all there information in motorola (or Big-Endian) format
    'which is incompatible with vb, so we must use memory swapping tricks
    'to retrieve the values we want to use from font files. You cannot access/read a variable
    'that has been loaded from the font file unless you first swap it to intel (or Little-Endian)
    'format.... doing so will cause havoc in your program :)
    'api declarations
    Private Declare Function ntohl Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal netlong As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function ntohs Lib "ws2_32.dll" (ByVal netshort As Integer) As Integer
    'font structures (taken from philips article)
    Public Type OFFSET_TABLE    'len = 12
        uMajorVersion As Integer
        uMinorVersion As Integer
        uNumOfTables  As Integer
        uSearchRange  As Integer
        uEntrySelector As Integer
        uRangeShift   As Integer
    End Type
    Public Type TABLE_DIRECTORY    'len = 16
        szTag         As String * 4    'table name
        uCheckSum     As Long    'Check sum
        uOffset       As Long    'Offset from beginning of file
        uLength       As Long    'length of the table in bytes
    End Type
    Public Type NAME_TABLE_HEADER    'len = 6
        uFSelector    As Integer    'format selector. Always 0
        uNRCount      As Integer    'Name Records count
        uStorageOffset As Integer    'Offset for strings storage, from start of the table
    End Type
    Public Type NAME_RECORD    'len = 12
        uPlatformID   As Integer    '
        uEncodingID   As Integer    '
        uLanguageID   As Integer    '
        uNameID       As Integer    '
        uStringLength As Integer    '
        uStringOffset As Integer    ' from start of storage area
    End Type
    'Helper Functions
    'convert a big-endian Long to a little-endian Long
    Sub SwapLong(LongVal As Long)
        LongVal = ntohl(LongVal)
    End Sub
    'convert a big-endian Integer (short) to a little-endian Integer (short)
    Sub SwapInt(IntVal As Integer)
        IntVal = ntohs(IntVal)
    End Sub
    'retrieves the font name from a font file
    'the file must be a true type font 1.0
    Function GetFontName(ByVal FontPath As String) As String
        Dim TblDir    As TABLE_DIRECTORY   'table directory
        Dim OffSetTbl As OFFSET_TABLE      'table information
        Dim NameTblHdr As NAME_TABLE_HEADER  'name table info
        Dim NameRecord As NAME_RECORD        'info table
        Dim FileNum   As Integer
        Dim lPosition As Long
        Dim sFontTest As String
        Dim X         As Long
        Dim I         As Long
        'make sure font file exists
        If Len(FontPath) = 0 Then
            Exit Function
        End If
        If Dir$(FontPath) = vbNullString Then
            Exit Function
        End If
        On Error GoTo GetFontName_Error
        'open the file
        FileNum = FreeFile
        Open FontPath For Binary As FileNum
        'read the first main table header
        Get #FileNum, , OffSetTbl
        With OffSetTbl
            SwapInt .uMajorVersion
            SwapInt .uMinorVersion
            'check major and minor versions for 1.0
            If .uMajorVersion = 1 And .uMinorVersion = 0 Then
                SwapInt .uNumOfTables
                If .uNumOfTables > 0 Then
                    For X = 0 To .uNumOfTables - 1
                        Get #FileNum, , TblDir
                        If StrComp(TblDir.szTag, "name", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
                            'we have found the name table hdr, now we get the length and offset of name record
                            With TblDir
                                SwapLong .uLength
                                SwapLong .uOffset
                                If .uOffset Then
                                    Get #FileNum, .uOffset + 1, NameTblHdr
                                    SwapInt NameTblHdr.uNRCount
                                    SwapInt NameTblHdr.uStorageOffset
                                    While I < NameTblHdr.uNRCount
                                        Get #FileNum, , NameRecord
                                        SwapInt NameRecord.uNameID
                                        '1 specifies font name, this could be modified to get other info
                                        If NameRecord.uNameID = 1 Then
                                            SwapInt NameRecord.uStringLength
                                            SwapInt NameRecord.uStringOffset
                                            lPosition = Loc(FileNum)    'save current file position
                                            If NameRecord.uStringLength Then
                                                sFontTest = Space$(NameRecord.uStringLength)
                                                Get #FileNum, .uOffset + NameRecord.uStringOffset + NameTblHdr.uStorageOffset + 1, sFontTest
                                                Exit For
                                            End If
                                            'search more
                                            Seek #FileNum, lPosition
                                        End If
                                        I = I + 1
                                End If
                            End With
                        End If
                    Next X
                End If
            End If
        End With
        Close #FileNum
        'note: some fonts are returned in unicode (double byte) format
        '      so we must remove the null characters - thanks to soorya
        GetFontName = Replace$(sFontTest, vbNullChar, "")
        On Error GoTo 0
        Exit Function
        MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure GetFontName() of Module modFontInfo.", vbCritical
    End Function

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: [VB6] Parse Font Name from TTF File/Data

    The function pvSetResourcePosition is missing from both the text file and this thread.

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