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Thread: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

  1. #1

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    highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    I have this msflexgrid which I populate from database. So when it is first loaded from database and I move to every row, my code to highlight the row I am in is OK. But when I filter the grid records only those matching my criteria typed on textbox and only the filtered records are seen, then I click the row to highlight, the highlighting takes so much time. It seems to loop all the rows even those rows that were hidden by the filtering search.

    So I would like to ask for your advice to fix the hanging of highlighting of the row.

    Below are the codes

    ' variable declaration
    Dim rw As Long
    Dim rrw As Long
    Dim m_lRowHeight As Long ' to store the original rowheight
    'to filter the grid record
    Private Sub SearchFlexGrid()
        Dim lCol As Long, lRow As Long
        Dim sSearch As String
        Dim bMatch As Boolean
        sSearch = txtitemname1.Text
        With fgcode
            .Redraw = False ' for faster updating
    '        search all rows
            For lRow = .FixedRows To .Rows - 1
                If Len(sSearch) = 0 Then
    '                if the search text is empty then show all rows
                    bMatch = True
    '                initially we don't have a match for this row
                    bMatch = False
                    For lCol = 1 To 1 '.Cols - 1    'search in column 1
    '                    For lCol = .FixedCols To 1 '.Cols - 1
    '                    check whether the search string is in the cell
                        bMatch = (InStr(1, .TextMatrix(lRow, lCol), sSearch, vbTextCompare) > 0)
                        If bMatch Then Exit For ' no need for searching any further
                    Next lCol
                End If
    '            update the RowHeight to simulate hidden rows
                If bMatch Then
                    .RowHeight(lRow) = m_lRowHeight
                    .RowHeight(lRow) = 0
                End If
            Next lRow
            .Redraw = True ' enable updating
        End With
    End Sub
    'to highlight the row
    Public Sub rowhighlight(ColorGrid As MSFlexGrid, rr As Long)
        Dim j As Long
        Dim i As Long
        ColorGrid.Redraw = False
        For j = 0 To 5
            If rrw > 0 Then
                ColorGrid.Col = j
                ColorGrid.Row = rrw
                ColorGrid.CellBackColor = vbWhite
            End If
        For j = 0 To 5
            ColorGrid.Col = j
            ColorGrid.Row = rr
            ColorGrid.CellBackColor = &H80C0FF
        ColorGrid.Redraw = True
        rrw = rr
        ColorGrid.Col = 19
    End Sub
    'grid row selchange
    Private Sub fgcode_SelChange()
        Call rowhighlight(fgcode, fgcode.Row)
    End Sub
    Hoping to fix this real soon. Thanks

  2. #2
    Frenzied Member
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    Don't hide the rows
    Don't load the rows

    If you have a Sub to AddGridData that loops through a recordset then -
    - clear the grid
    - Loop through the recordset, and only load the records that match your Filter criteria

  3. #3
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    @Bobbles The data in the flexgrid can be anything, not perse data bound.

    This seems to be based on a sample I wrote some time ago.

    I think your slow down is cause by the SelChange event.
    If you set the .Row/.Col in code then the SelChange event is fired.

    Private Sub fgcode_SelChange()
        Static bBusy As Boolean
        ' Prevent re-entry
        If bBusy Then Exit Sub
        bBusy = True
        Call rowhighlight(fgcode, fgcode.Row)
        bBusy = False
    End Sub
    Check this sample for coloring a complete given row using the .FillStyle property.

    Public Sub FlexGridRowColor(FlexGrid As MSFlexGrid, ByVal lRow As Long, ByVal lColor As Long)
      Dim lPrevCol As Long, lPrevColSel As Long
      Dim lPrevRow As Long, lPrevRowSel As Long
      Dim lPrevFillStyle As Long
      If lRow > FlexGrid.Rows - 1 Then Exit Sub
      With FlexGrid
        ' Store the current settings
        lPrevCol = .Col
        lPrevRow = .Row
        lPrevColSel = .ColSel
        lPrevRowSel = .RowSel
        lPrevFillStyle = .FillStyle
        ' Change the backcolor
        .Col = .FixedCols
        .Row = lRow
        .ColSel = .Cols - 1
        .RowSel = lRow
        .FillStyle = flexFillRepeat
        .CellBackColor = lColor
        ' reset the settings
        .Col = lPrevCol
        .Row = lPrevRow
        .ColSel = lPrevColSel
        .RowSel = lPrevRowSel
        .FillStyle = lPrevFillStyle
      End With
    End Sub

  4. #4

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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    Arnoutdv, I tried applying the FlexGridRowColor but still, the highlighting of row is really slow.

    And what I want to achieve is when I leave the row, it will return back the cellbackcolor to vbwhite and only the current row is highlighted.
    Last edited by genlight; May 22nd, 2017 at 06:51 AM.

  5. #5
    Fanatic Member Spooman's Avatar
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column


    Regarding slowness .. I've found that using the .Visible property helps.

    So, maybe changing this ..

    Private Sub SearchFlexGrid()
        With fgcode
            .Redraw = False ' for faster updating
            .Redraw = True ' enable updating
        End With
    End Sub
    .. to thiis ..

    Private Sub SearchFlexGrid()
        With fgcode
            .Visible = False ' for faster updating
            .Visible = True ' enable updating
        End With
    End Sub
    .. will to the trick


  6. #6
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    Arnoutdv, I tried applying the FlexGridRowColor but still, the highlighting of row is really slow.
    Did you adapt the code in SelChange event?
    Because I think that is causing the problem.

  7. #7

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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    Arnoutdv, thanks, got it now. Although, it is not as fast as the original grid that is filtered, but its better.

  8. #8
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    I now see what you mean.
    If you have all rows visible then it's just fast.
    Somehow when the grid repaints it's drawing all rows with rowheight = 0 again, giving an enormous delay.

    Maybe you can solve it with having 2 grids.
    The original with unfiltered items and a second grid with filtered items.
    If there is text to filtered then populate grid 2 with the wanted data from the source grid.
    Then show this grid and hide the source grid.
    When no text is entered show the source grid.

    Tested code with single grid which flickers when only 5 rows of 5000 are visible.
    Option Explicit
    Private m_bSearch As Boolean
    Private m_lRowHeight As Long ' to store the original rowheight
    Private m_lPrevRow As Long
    Private Sub FG_Click()
      FlexGridRowColor FG, m_lPrevRow, vbWhite
      m_lPrevRow = FG.Row
      FlexGridRowColor FG, FG.Row, RGB(192, 255, 255)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
      Dim lCol As Long, lRow As Long
      m_lPrevRow = -1
      tmrSearch.Enabled = True
      tmrSearch.Interval = 500
      ' Fill the grid with some data
      With FG
        .Cols = 6
        .Rows = 5000
        .AllowBigSelection = False
        .FocusRect = flexFocusNone
        .HighLight = flexHighlightNever
        For lRow = 1 To .Rows - 1
          .TextMatrix(lRow, 0) = lRow
          For lCol = 1 To .Cols - 1
            .TextMatrix(lRow, lCol) = CLng(Rnd * 5000)
          Next lCol
        Next lRow
        m_lRowHeight = .RowHeight(0)
      End With
    End Sub
    Private Sub tmrSearch_Timer()
      Static prevSearch As String
      If m_bSearch Then ' m_bSearch is set the txtSearch_Change() event
        ' if the searchtext hasn't been changed for some time start the search
        If prevSearch = txtSearch.Text Then
          m_bSearch = False
        End If
      End If
      prevSearch = txtSearch.Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtSearch_Change()
      m_bSearch = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub SearchFlexGrid()
      Dim lCol As Long, lRow As Long
      Dim sSearch As String
      Dim bMatch As Boolean
      sSearch = txtSearch.Text
      With FG
        .Redraw = False ' for faster updating
        .Visible = False
        ' search all rows
        For lRow = .FixedRows To .Rows - 1
          If Len(sSearch) = 0 Then
            ' if the search text is empty then show all rows
            bMatch = True
            ' initially we don't have a match for this row
            bMatch = False
            For lCol = .FixedCols To .Cols - 1
              ' check whether the search string is in the cell
              bMatch = (InStr(1, .TextMatrix(lRow, lCol), sSearch, vbTextCompare) > 0)
              If bMatch Then Exit For ' no need for searching any further
            Next lCol
          End If
          ' update the RowHeight to simulate hidden rows
          If bMatch Then
            .RowHeight(lRow) = m_lRowHeight
            .RowHeight(lRow) = 0
          End If
        Next lRow
        .Visible = True
        .Redraw = True ' enable updating
      End With
    End Sub
    Public Sub FlexGridRowColor(FlexGrid As MSHFlexGrid, ByVal lRow As Long, ByVal lColor As Long)
      Dim lPrevCol As Long, lPrevColSel As Long
      Dim lPrevRow As Long, lPrevRowSel As Long
      Dim lPrevFillStyle As Long
      If lRow <= FlexGrid.FixedRows Then Exit Sub
      If lRow > FlexGrid.Rows - 1 Then Exit Sub
      With FlexGrid
        ' Store the current settings
        lPrevCol = .Col
        lPrevRow = .Row
        lPrevColSel = .ColSel
        lPrevRowSel = .RowSel
        lPrevFillStyle = .FillStyle
        .Visible = False
        .Redraw = False
        ' Change the backcolor
        .Col = .FixedCols
        .Row = lRow
        .ColSel = .Cols - 1
        .RowSel = lRow
        .FillStyle = flexFillRepeat
        .CellBackColor = lColor
        ' reset the settings
        .Col = lPrevCol
        .Row = lPrevRow
        .ColSel = lPrevColSel
        .RowSel = lPrevRowSel
        .FillStyle = lPrevFillStyle
        .Redraw = True
        .Visible = True
      End With
    End Sub

  9. #9
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    Update using 2 MSHFlexGrids:
    Option Explicit
    Private m_bSearch As Boolean
    Private m_bShowSource As Boolean
    Private m_lPrevRow As Long
    Private Sub FG_Click()
      Static PrevRow As Long
      FlexGridRowColor FG, PrevRow, vbWhite
      PrevRow = FG.Row
      FlexGridRowColor FG, FG.Row, RGB(192, 255, 255)
    End Sub
    Private Sub FGSearch_Click()
      Static PrevRow As Long
      FlexGridRowColor FGSearch, PrevRow, vbWhite
      PrevRow = FGSearch.Row
      FlexGridRowColor FGSearch, FGSearch.Row, RGB(192, 255, 255)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
      Dim lCol As Long, lRow As Long
      m_lPrevRow = -1
      tmrSearch.Enabled = True
      tmrSearch.Interval = 500
      ' Fill the grid with some data
      With FG
        .Cols = 6
        .Rows = 5000
        .AllowBigSelection = False
        .FocusRect = flexFocusNone
        .HighLight = flexHighlightNever
        For lRow = 1 To .Rows - 1
          .TextMatrix(lRow, 0) = lRow
          For lCol = 1 To .Cols - 1
            .TextMatrix(lRow, lCol) = CLng(Rnd * 5000)
          Next lCol
        Next lRow
      End With
      FG.Visible = True
      FGSearch.Visible = False
      FGSearch.Move FG.Left, FG.Top, FG.Width, FG.Height
      m_bShowSource = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub tmrSearch_Timer()
      Static prevSearch As String
      If m_bSearch Then ' m_bSearch is set the txtSearch_Change() event
        ' if the searchtext hasn't been changed for some time start the search
        If prevSearch = txtSearch.Text Then
          m_bSearch = False
        End If
      End If
      prevSearch = txtSearch.Text
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtSearch_Change()
      m_bSearch = True
    End Sub
    Private Sub SearchFlexGrid()
      Dim lCol As Long, lRow As Long, lDestRow As Long
      Dim sSearch As String
      Dim bMatch As Boolean
      Dim cCopyRows As Collection
      sSearch = txtSearch.Text
      m_bShowSource = Len(sSearch) = 0
      If Not m_bShowSource Then
        With FGSearch
          .Redraw = False
          .Cols = FG.Cols
          .Rows = FG.FixedRows
        End With
        With FG
          ' Copy the header
          For lRow = 0 To .FixedRows - 1
            For lCol = 0 To .Cols - 1
              FGSearch.TextMatrix(lRow, lCol) = .TextMatrix(lRow, lCol)
            Next lCol
          Next lRow
          ' search all rows
          For lRow = .FixedRows To .Rows - 1
            ' initially we don't have a match for this row
            bMatch = False
            For lCol = .FixedCols To .Cols - 1
              ' check whether the search string is in the cell
              bMatch = (InStr(1, .TextMatrix(lRow, lCol), sSearch, vbTextCompare) > 0)
              If bMatch Then Exit For ' no need for searching any further
            Next lCol
            If bMatch Then
              ' Copy the row content to the other grid
              lDestRow = FGSearch.Rows
              FGSearch.Rows = FGSearch.Rows + 1
              For lCol = 0 To .Cols - 1
                FGSearch.TextMatrix(lDestRow, lCol) = .TextMatrix(lRow, lCol)
              Next lCol
            End If
          Next lRow
        End With
        FGSearch.FixedRows = FG.FixedRows
        FGSearch.Redraw = True
      End If
      FG.Visible = m_bShowSource
      FGSearch.Visible = Not m_bShowSource
    End Sub
    Public Sub FlexGridRowColor(FlexGrid As MSHFlexGrid, ByVal lRow As Long, ByVal lColor As Long)
      Dim lPrevCol As Long, lPrevColSel As Long
      Dim lPrevRow As Long, lPrevRowSel As Long
      Dim lPrevFillStyle As Long
      If lRow < FlexGrid.FixedRows Then Exit Sub
      If lRow > FlexGrid.Rows - 1 Then Exit Sub
      With FlexGrid
        ' Store the current settings
        lPrevCol = .Col
        lPrevRow = .Row
        lPrevColSel = .ColSel
        lPrevRowSel = .RowSel
        lPrevFillStyle = .FillStyle
        .Visible = False
        .Redraw = False
        ' Change the backcolor
        .Col = .FixedCols
        .Row = lRow
        .ColSel = .Cols - 1
        .RowSel = lRow
        .FillStyle = flexFillRepeat
        .CellBackColor = lColor
        ' reset the settings
        .Col = lPrevCol
        .Row = lPrevRow
        .ColSel = lPrevColSel
        .RowSel = lPrevRowSel
        .FillStyle = lPrevFillStyle
        .Redraw = True
        .Visible = True
      End With
    End Sub

  10. #10

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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    yes, Bobbles gave me idea and used two grids. its working fine with two grids but i was hoping there is a way to only use one grid.

  11. #11
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    Something strange happens when the MS(H)FlexGrid does a repaint with a lot of rows with a RowHeight of 0 and just a few visible rows.
    Maybe setting the control to visible, then set the .Height to a small value, do the row highlighting, restore grid height, make grid visible again can help.

  12. #12
    Fanatic Member Spooman's Avatar
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column


    Perhaps you could post an image of what you'd like the "only 1 FG approach"
    to look like .. before (with all rows) and after (matching rows highlighted)


  13. #13
    Frenzied Member
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    Quote Originally Posted by genlight View Post
    yes, Bobbles gave me idea and used two grids. its working fine with two grids but i was hoping there is a way to only use one grid.
    If there is a way for you to have a single Sub to Load the grid data, I could probably code that Sub to filter my way so that you use a single grid.
    If you attach your project, or a trimmed down substitute(or clone), I could have a bash at it.
    I haven't used the flexgrid for over a decade (been using the free SGrid2 instead)

  14. #14
    PowerPoster Arnoutdv's Avatar
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    Re: highlight msflexgrid row except last column

    Instead of using 2 grids the "source" grid can easily be replaced by a matrix (string array).

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