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Thread: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

  1. #1

    Thread Starter
    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    It's well-tested class for concatenating strings like:
    s = s & "one line"
    s = s & "two line"
    s = s & "N line"
    but much much more faster than VB runtime do it.

    Cases when it is needed sometimes:
    Well, e.g., I'm using it to prepare some really huge logs of program in a single 'String' variable (e.g. up to 1 MB.) rather then writing them line by line to file (for performance acceleration purposes, if debug mode of my app. is disabled).
    Don't know what else good cases. Better, don't store large data in this way, use suitable tools: arrays, databases ...

    Using examples:
    Option Explicit
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Dim sb As clsStringBuilder
        Set sb = New clsStringBuilder
        sb.Append "Very "
        sb.Append "many "
        sb.Append "pieces "
        sb.Append "of data"
        Debug.Print "All data: "; sb.ToString
        Debug.Print "Len of data: "; sb.length
        'removing 5 characters from position # 1 
        sb.Remove 1, 5
        Debug.Print "New data: "; sb.ToString
        'inserting string in position # 1 
        sb.Insert 1, "Not "
        Debug.Print "New data: "; sb.ToString
        'overwrite part of the text from position # 1 (same like MID(str,x) = "...") 
        sb.Overwrite 1, "How"
        Debug.Print "New data: "; sb.ToString
        'getting 2 first characters 
        Debug.Print "2 left chars: "; sb.ToStringLeft(2)
        'getting 2 characters from the end 
        Debug.Print "2 end chars: "; sb.ToStringRight(2)
        'getting 2 characters from the middle, beginning from position 6 
        Debug.Print "2 middle chars: "; sb.ToStringMid(6, 2)
        'getting a pointer to a NUL terminated string to use somehow (e.g. write on disk by ptr, WriteFile, e.t.c.) 
        'this method is much faster than .ToString() 
        'warning: you should use this pointer before calling next any method of StringBuilder, that may cause changing its data 
        Debug.Print "ptr to string: "; sb.ToStringPtr
        'replacing the data (same as Clear + Append) 
        sb.StringData = "Anew"
        Debug.Print "New data: "; sb.ToString
        'go to the next line (append CrLf) 
        sb.AppendLine ""
        'append second line with CrLf at the end 
        sb.AppendLine "Second line"
        'append third line without CrLf 
        sb.Append "Third Line"
        Debug.Print sb.ToString
        'clear all data 
        Debug.Print "Len of data (after clear): "; sb.length
        'Search samples (by default search is case sensitive) 
        'Set new data 
        sb.StringData = "|textile|Some|text|to|search"
        Debug.Print "New data: "; sb.ToString
        'Simple search ('text' will be found inside 'textile' word) 
        Debug.Print "Position of 'text': " & sb.Find(1, "text")
        'Simple search (start search from position 3) 
        Debug.Print "Position of 'text': " & sb.Find(3, "text")
        Debug.Print "'some' (case sensitive): " & sb.Find(1, "some")
        Debug.Print "'some' (case insensitive): " & sb.Find(1, "some", , vbTextCompare)
        'Search by delimiter 
        Debug.Print "searching for |text|: " & sb.Find(1, "text", "|")
        'Search for empty string, saved with delimiter | 
        Debug.Print "empty string (delim = '|'): " & sb.Find(1, "", "|")
        'Undo operations 
        sb.StringData = "Some data "
        Debug.Print "Orig. string: " & sb.ToString
        sb.Append "remove"
        Debug.Print "After Append: " & sb.ToString
        'or you can use .UndoAppend 
        Debug.Print "After Undo:   " & sb.ToString
        sb.Insert 6, "bad "
        Debug.Print "After Insert: " & sb.ToString
        'or you can use .UndoInsert 
        Debug.Print "After Undo:   " & sb.ToString
        sb.Overwrite 1, "Here"
        Debug.Print "After Overwrite: " & sb.ToString
        'or you can use .UndoOverwrite 
        Debug.Print "After Undo:      " & sb.ToString
        sb.Remove 2, 5
        Debug.Print "After Remove: " & sb.ToString
        'or you can use .UndoRemove 
        Debug.Print "After Undo:   " & sb.ToString
        'when you finished work with the class 
        Set sb = Nothing
        Unload Me
    End Sub
    All data: Very many pieces of data
    Len of data: 24
    New data: many pieces of data
    New data: Not many pieces of data
    New data: How many pieces of data
    2 left chars: Ho
    2 end chars: ta
    2 middle chars: an
    ptr to string: 228655136
    New data: Anew
    Second line
    Third Line
    Len of data (after clear): 0
    New data: |textile|Some|text|to|search
    Position of 'text': 2
    Position of 'text': 15
    'some' (case sensitive): 0
    'some' (case insensitive): 10
    searching for |text|: 15
    empty string (delim = '|'): 1
    Orig. string: Some data
    After Append: Some data remove
    After Undo: Some data
    After Insert: Some bad data
    After Undo: Some data
    After Overwrite: Here data
    After Undo: Some data
    After Remove: Sata
    After Undo: Some data
    Copyrights: VolteFace (Fork by Dragokas)
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Dragokas; Oct 2nd, 2023 at 11:56 AM. Reason: new update
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Very useful source code, thanks for sharing. If the Find function could be added to this class, that would be great.

    Public Function Find(ByRef str As String, Optional ByVal delimiter As String) As Long
    End Function
    I missed three parameters in the Find function, now correct as follows

    Public Function Find(ByRef str As String, ByVal destination As String, Optional ByVal start As long = 1, Optional ByVal compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare, Optional ByVal delimiter As String = vbNullString) As Long
    End Function
    Last edited by dreammanor; Nov 12th, 2017 at 11:30 PM.

  3. #3

    Thread Starter
    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Hi, dreammanor!
    Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see what I can do.
    However, what is mean under "delimiter" for the search text ?

    I must warn that for unknown reason this code sometimes crash the program on class destruction in this line:
    HeapFree GetProcessHeap, 0&, m_pMemoryPtr
    Further I added some safely checkings:
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        Dim hProcHeap As Long
        ' If we have memory allocated, free it
        If m_pMemoryPtr <> 0 Then
            hProcHeap = GetProcessHeap()
            If hProcHeap <> 0 Then
                If HeapValidate(hProcHeap, 0&, m_pMemoryPtr) Then
                    'disabled until I figure out why it sometimes crash the program in /silentautolog mode
                    'HeapFree hProcHeap, 0&, m_pMemoryPtr
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Sub
    But, it still crash on the same line.
    I unable to resolve this.
    I still not sure, maybe it is caused by error in another part of my project that can overwrite by mistake a memory region used by this class.

    Because, I don't want give up this class, finally, I commented freeing the resource. It's of course lead to memory leak, but do not crash anymore.
    If anyone has ideas, I glad to see.
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  4. #4
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    Sep 2012

    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragokas View Post
    However, what is mean under "delimiter" for the search text ?
    Sorry, I missed three parameters in the Find function. Now correct as follows:

    Public Function Find(ByRef str As String, ByVal destination As String, Optional ByVal start As long = 1, Optional ByVal compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare, Optional ByVal delimiter As String = vbNullString) As Long
    End Function
    The meaning of delimiter is similar to the join and split functions:
    Join (Sourcearray, Delimiter)
    Split (Expression, Delimiter)

    Many people often need to use the delimiter when working with strings, for example:
    sItemList = sItem1 & vbTab & sItem2 & vbTab & sItem3 & vbTab ...
    sItemList = sItem1 & "|" & sItem2 & "|" & sItem3 & "|" ...
    sItemList = sItem1 & ";" & sItem2 & ";" & sItem3 & ";" ...

    The logic of the Find function is as follows: (Edit: the logic of Find function is incorrect)

    Public Function Find(ByRef str As String, ByVal destination As String, _
                                Optional ByVal start As Long = 1, _
                                Optional ByVal compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare, _
                                Optional ByVal delimiter As String = vbNullString) As Long
        If start <= 0 Then start = 1
        If destination = vbNullString Then
            Exit Function
        ElseIf delimiter = vbNullString Then
            Find = InStr(start, str, destination, compare)
            Exit Function
        End If
        '--- Processing the delimiter:
        Dim length As Long, position As Long
        length = Len(destination)
        If Left(str, length + 1) = destination & delimiter Then
            If start = 1 Then
                position = 1
            End If
        ElseIf Right(str, length + 1) = delimiter & destination Then
            position = Len(str) - length + 1
            If position < start Then
                position = 0
            End If
            position = InStr(start, str, delimiter & destination & delimiter, compare)
        End If
        Find = position
    End Function
    Last edited by dreammanor; Nov 13th, 2017 at 10:13 AM.

  5. #5
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Very sorry, the above logic of Find function is incorrect and now correct as follows:

    Public Function Find(ByRef str As String, ByVal destination As String, _
                                Optional ByVal start As Long = 1, _
                                Optional ByVal compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare, _
                                Optional ByVal delimiter As String = vbNullString) As Long
        If start <= 0 Then start = 1
        If destination = vbNullString Then
            Exit Function
        ElseIf delimiter = vbNullString Then
            Find = InStr(start, str, destination, compare)
            Exit Function
        End If
        '--- Processing the delimiter:
        Dim length As Long, position As Long
        If start = 1 And Left(str, length + 1) = destination & delimiter Then
            position = 1
            position = InStr(start, str, delimiter & destination & delimiter, compare)
            If position = 0 Then
                If Right(str, length + 1) = delimiter & destination Then
                    position = Len(str) - length + 1
                    If position < start Then
                        position = 0
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
        Find = position
    End Function

    Public Function Find(ByRef str As String, ByVal destination As String, _
                                Optional ByVal start As Long = 1, _
                                Optional ByVal compare As VbCompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare, _
                                Optional ByVal delimiter As String = vbNullString) As Long
        If destination <> vbNullString Then
            If start <= 0 Then start = 1
            If delimiter = vbNullString Then
                Find = InStr(start, str, destination, compare)
                Find = InStr(start, delimiter & str & delimiter, delimiter & destination & delimiter, compare)
            End If
        End If
    End Function
    Last edited by dreammanor; Nov 13th, 2017 at 10:14 AM.

  6. #6

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    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    I am using something similar in my programs:
    Public Function inArraySerialized( _
        Stri As String, _
        SerializedArray As String, _
        Delimiter As String, _
        Optional lB As Long = -2147483647, _
        Optional uB As Long = 2147483647, _
        Optional CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod) As Boolean
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:
        Dim MyArray() As String
        If 0 = Len(SerializedArray) Then
            If 0 = Len(Stri) Then inArraySerialized = True
            Exit Function
        End If
        MyArray = Split(SerializedArray, Delimiter)
        If lB = -2147483647 Or lB < LBound(MyArray) Then lB = LBound(MyArray)  'some trick
        If uB = 2147483647 Or uB > UBound(MyArray) Then uB = UBound(MyArray)  'Thanks to Казанский :)
        Dim i As Long
        For i = lB To uB
            If StrComp(Stri, MyArray(i), CompareMethod) = 0 Then inArraySerialized = True: Exit For
        Exit Function
        ErrorMsg Err, "inArraySerialized", "SerializedString: ", SerializedArray, "delim: ", Delimiter
        If inIDE Then Stop: Resume Next
    End Function
    But it is not suitable for in-memory search, like C++ strstr(), and not intended for searching within a large amount of data like StringBuilder holds.
    So, I need to build own replacement for that, or to get a ready solution if someone already have a code for the fast text search by pointers.
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  7. #7
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Hi Dragokas. Your crash in HeapFree is caused by a bad API declaration. Change the declaration to "ByVal lpMem as Long", or explicitly pass m_pMemoryPtr as ByVal. (Honestly, the class has quite a few issues like this - to avoid other problems, you could change many of its API declarations to ByVal Long instead of ByRef Any, then remove all the hard-coded ByVal statements in function calls.)

    Also, shlwapi exports a StrStr wrapper:

    I use it (and StrStrI) for searching pointer-based strings. Shlwapi exports many other C string functions if you need them.
    Check out PhotoDemon, a pro-grade photo editor written completely in VB6. (Full source available at GitHub.)

  8. #8

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    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Tanner_H, oh my god, I checked everything, except API declaration. Thanks for the point.
    shlwapi exports a StrStr wrapper
    Very nice. Thanks again
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  9. #9

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    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    For the search purposes: because StrStr() returns a pointer, is there a way to guarantee that HeapReAlloc() function will return continous block of memory?
    Use HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY flag? And if it fails -> make call to HeapAlloc, sacrificing the speed. Am I right? Or there is a better way?

    I also worried about heap fragmentation in HeapAlloc. However, MSDN say:
    The system does not use the LFH for allocations larger than 16 KB
    and my class has Chunk of 1 MB, so it is not my case.
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  10. #10
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    No problem Dragokas, I'm glad it was quick to fix!

    HeapAlloc always allocates contiguous blocks of memory, so that shouldn't be a concern. HEAP_REALLOC_IN_PLACE_ONLY just means that re-allocations are not allowed to move the memory somewhere new (which is usually required, since free memory may not exist immediately following the current allocation). You definitely don't want that flag for a string builder.

    To be honest, there's not really a benefit to using HeapAlloc directly for memory allocation in VB6. Unless an API specifically requires heap handles, you can just use standard VB arrays for the same result. This would greatly simplify the class if you don't mind the work. (Of course, at that point, you have basically rewritten the entire class as your own!)
    Check out PhotoDemon, a pro-grade photo editor written completely in VB6. (Full source available at GitHub.)

  11. #11
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    VB6 poor man's string builder is just a glorified collection w/ a single concat function like this
    vb Code:
    1. Option Explicit
    3. Public Function ConcatCollection(oCol As Collection, Optional Separator As String) As String
    4.     Dim lSize           As Long
    5.     Dim vElem           As Variant
    7.     For Each vElem In oCol
    8.         lSize = lSize + Len(vElem) + Len(Separator)
    9.     Next
    10.     If lSize > 0 Then
    11.         ConcatCollection = String$(lSize - Len(Separator), 0)
    12.         lSize = 1
    13.         For Each vElem In oCol
    14.             If lSize <= Len(ConcatCollection) Then
    15.                 Mid$(ConcatCollection, lSize, Len(vElem) + Len(Separator)) = vElem & Separator
    16.             End If
    17.             lSize = lSize + Len(vElem) + Len(Separator)
    18.         Next
    19.     End If
    20. End Function
    22. Private Sub Form_Load()
    23.     Dim sb As Collection
    25.     Set sb = New Collection
    26.     sb.Add "Very "
    27.     sb.Add "many "
    28.     sb.Add "pieces "
    29.     sb.Add "of data"
    30.     Debug.Print "All data: "; ConcatCollection(sb)
    31.     sb.Remove 1
    32.     sb.Add "Not ", Before:=1
    33.     Debug.Print "New data: "; ConcatCollection(sb)
    34.     sb.Remove 1
    35.     sb.Add "How ", Before:=1
    36.     Debug.Print "New data: "; ConcatCollection(sb)
    37.     Set sb = New Collection
    38.     sb.Add "Anew"
    39.     Debug.Print "New data: "; ConcatCollection(sb)
    40. End Sub

    Original `clsStringBuilder` has another nice feature though -- it prevents COM string's heap exhaustion by keeping the chunk of memory in a separate heap.

    Last edited by wqweto; Nov 14th, 2017 at 03:48 PM. Reason: buffer -> builder

  12. #12
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    @wqewto I always thought that this was how the .NET stringbuilder works (1 big chain), but my notes say otherwise.
    i could have sworn .NET just collects / chains each string, and then concat's them all at once. *shrugs*

  13. #13
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Quote Originally Posted by DEXWERX View Post
    @wqewto I always thought that this was how the .NET stringbuilder works (1 big chain), but my notes say otherwise.
    i could have sworn .NET just collects / chains each string, and then concat's them all at once. *shrugs*
    Good memory, Dex. That's still how the version on GitHub works, anyway:

    // A StringBuilder is internally represented as a linked list of blocks each of which holds
    // a chunk of the string. It turns out string as a whole can also be represented as just a chunk,
    // so that is what we do.
    Sample of their ToString() implementation:

                            if (chunk.m_ChunkLength > 0)
                                // Copy these into local variables so that they are stable even in the presence of race conditions
                                char[] sourceArray = chunk.m_ChunkChars;
                                int chunkOffset = chunk.m_ChunkOffset;
                                int chunkLength = chunk.m_ChunkLength;
                                // Check that we will not overrun our boundaries. 
                                if ((uint)(chunkLength + chunkOffset) <= (uint)result.Length && (uint)chunkLength <= (uint)sourceArray.Length)
                                    fixed (char* sourcePtr = &sourceArray[0])
                                        string.wstrcpy(destinationPtr + chunkOffset, sourcePtr, chunkLength);
                                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(chunkLength), SR.ArgumentOutOfRange_Index);
                            chunk = chunk.m_ChunkPrevious;
                        while (chunk != null);
    Check out PhotoDemon, a pro-grade photo editor written completely in VB6. (Full source available at GitHub.)

  14. #14
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    ah nice, thanks for digging that up.

    so it walks the chain backwards. neat.

  15. #15
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    If the C# StringBuilder is much faster than VB string processing, it may be a good choice to rewrite a VB StringBuilder based on the C# StringBuilder. I know someone has changed the partial dotNet library to the VB framework, unfortunately that framework doesn't include the StringBuilder class.

  16. #16
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    @dreammanor: VBCorLib seems to be of much higher quality codewise *and* includes a StringBuilder implementation.


  17. #17
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Yes, wqweto, I just searched this library a few minutes ago, but the link you provided is more valuable, thank you very much!

  18. #18

    Thread Starter
    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Updated to v2.0

    WARNING: meaning of prototypes is changed to meet VB6 friendly convention: "Index" is replaced by "pos" (position), where "pos" is start from 1 (for "Index" it was 0).

    ' Full revision
    ' .Find method has been added (by dreammanor's request).
    ' .ToStringPtr method has been added.
    ' .ToStringLeft method has been added.
    ' .ToStringMid method has been added.
    ' .ToStringRight method has been added.
    ' .ToString method replaced by 2x faster version (PutMem4 + SysAllocString) (thanks to Bonnie West).
    ' .Clear method is improved in speed (removed RtlZeroMemory).
    ' Finally, fixed the crash with HeapFree and respectively a memory leak (wrong declaration) (thanks to Tanner_H).
    ' A bit faster memory allocation (removed HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY).
    ' A bit faster working with heap (creating new heap instead of using default process heap + HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE).
    ' Fixed some formulas on reallocation calculations.
    ' Added some safe checkings.

    Examples of using are updated.

    Descriptions of new methods:

    ' #############################
    ' .Find
    ' Returns a position to the first occurrence of search string, or 0 if does not occur.
    ' #############################

    Find(StartPos As Long, StrSearch As String, Optional Delimiter As String, Optional CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod) As Long

    If delimiter is specified, search will be performed inside the delimiters, like regexp:
    'stady 1: search ^string$
    'stady 2: search ^string|$
    'stady 3: search .*|string|.*
    'stady 4: search .*|string$

    ' #############################
    ' .ToStringPtr
    ' Get the pointer to string (much faster than using .ToString).
    ' Note 1: Use .Length method to know the size of this string.
    ' Note 2: This pointer should be used before next calling to .Append / .Insert / .Overwrite / .StringData methods.
    ' Note 3: Application should not manually free this pointer.
    ' Note 4: Class guarantee the returned pointer contains the string with two NUL terminators.
    ' #############################

    .ToStringLeft / .ToStringMid / .ToStringRight

    Get the copy of internally stored string (only the some part)

    it's a bit faster analogue of:

    Left$(.ToString, length)
    Mid$(.ToString, pos, length)
    Right$(.ToString, length)

    ' #############################
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Hi Dragokas, I've tested your StringBuilder and it makes a function of my program almost three times faster. Thank you so much.
    Last edited by dreammanor; Nov 16th, 2017 at 08:21 PM.

  20. #20

    Thread Starter
    Member Dragokas's Avatar
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Glad to see. You are welcome.
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Nice work! I've tested it a bit and it is about 2x faster than my existing StringBuilder.

    One thing I have need for is the ability to undo the most recent Append call. It's a convenience for simpler code when building strings where I don't necessarily know how many appends I'll need, or I don't want the extra code to check if I'm on the last item.

    For example, when building an SQL string I might need a list of field names all separated by commas except for the last field. In this case, the following:

    For ii = 1 to Fields.Count
       sb.Append Fields(ii).Name
       sb.Append ", "
    Next ii
    Looks nicer to me then the following:

    For ii = 1 to Fields.Count
      sb.Append Fields(ii).Name
      if ii < Fields.Count Then sb.Append ", "
    Next ii
    I admit that's probably a matter of taste, but if you have any interest in including such a feature in your string builder, I've added it in the following code:

    Option Explicit
    ' ****************************************************
    '   cStringBuilder
    '   By VolteFace
    '   Date Created: 3/21/2004
    '   This class was created to provide more or less the
    '   same functionality as the System.Text.StringBuider
    '   class available in the .NET framework. It makes use
    '   of direct memory allocation and manipulation, so is
    '   much faster than traditional VB string concatenation.
    '   **************************************************
    '   Fork by Alex Dragokas
    '   v2.0 (15.11.2017)
    '   Full revision
    '   .Find          method has been added (by dreammanor's request).
    '   .ToStringPtr   method has been added.
    '   .ToStringLeft  method has been added.
    '   .ToStringMid   method has been added.
    '   .ToStringRight method has been added.
    '   .ToString method replaced by 2x faster version (PutMem4 + SysAllocString) (thanks to Bonnie West).
    '   .Clear method is improved in speed (removed RtlZeroMemory).
    '   Finally, fixed the crash with HeapFree and respectively a memory leak (wrong declaration) (thanks to Tanner_H).
    '   A bit faster memory allocation (removed HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY).
    '   A bit faster working with heap (creating new heap instead of using default process heap + HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE).
    '   Fixed some formulas on reallocation calculations.
    '   Added some safe checkings.
    '   v1.3 (13.05.2017)
    '   Added heap validation before freeing to prevent application crash, just in case it is corrupted somehow.
    '   v1.2 (12.07.2015)
    '   Fixed bug: .ToString method returns stripped string, if it contains NUL characters
    '   v1.1 (10.07.2015)
    '   Some methods renamed
    '   Changed pointer type for all methods - "byval" to "byref"
    '   Fixed bug: wrong buffer size defined during reallocation in .Append method which cause application crash
    ' ****************************************************
    ' ############################# TYPE DECLARES
    Private Type SYSTEM_INFO
        dwOemID As Long
        dwPageSize As Long
        lpMinimumApplicationAddress As Long
        lpMaximumApplicationAddress As Long
        dwActiveProcessorMask As Long
        dwNumberOrfProcessors As Long
        dwProcessorType As Long
        dwAllocationGranularity As Long
        wProcessorLevel As Integer
        wProcessorRevision As Integer
    End Type
    ' ############################# API DECLARES
    Private Declare Function GetVersionEx Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetVersionExW" (lpVersionInformation As Any) As Long
    Private Declare Sub GetSystemInfo Lib "kernel32.dll" (lpSystemInfo As SYSTEM_INFO)
    Private Declare Function HeapCreate Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal flOptions As Long, ByVal dwInitialSize As Long, ByVal dwMaximumSize As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function HeapAlloc Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function HeapReAlloc Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpMem As Long, ByVal dwBytes As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function HeapFree Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpMem As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function HeapDestroy Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hHeap As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function HeapValidate Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hHeap As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal lpMem As Long) As Long
    'Private Declare Function GetProcessHeap Lib "kernel32.dll" () As Long
    'Private Declare Sub RtlZeroMemory Lib "kernel32.dll" (Destination As Any, ByVal length As Long)
    Private Declare Function memcpy Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal length As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function GetMem2 Lib "msvbvm60.dll" (Src As Any, Dst As Any) As Long
    Private Declare Function PutMem4 Lib "msvbvm60.dll" (ByVal Addr As Long, ByVal NewVal As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function SysAllocString Lib "oleaut32.dll" (ByVal pOlechar As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function StrStrW Lib "Shlwapi.dll" (ByVal pszFirst As Long, ByVal pszSrch As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function StrStrIW Lib "Shlwapi.dll" (ByVal pszFirst As Long, ByVal pszSrch As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function CompareStringOrdinal Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal lpString1 As Long, ByVal cchCount1 As Long, ByVal lpString2 As Long, ByVal cchCount2 As Long, ByVal bIgnoreCase As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function lstrlen Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "lstrlenW" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function lstrcmpW Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal lpString1 As Long, ByVal lpString2 As Long) As Long
    Private Declare Function lstrcmpiW Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal lpString1 As Long, ByVal lpString2 As Long) As Long
    ' ############################# CONSTANTS
    Private Const CHUNK_SIZE            As Long = 1048576 'each (re)allocation == 1 MB by default.
    Private Const HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE     As Long = 1&
    Private Const HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY      As Long = &H8&
    Private Const CSTR_EQUAL            As Long = 2&
    ' ############################# MEMBER VARIABLES
    Private m_pMemoryPtr         As Long
    Private m_lAllocSize         As Long
    Private m_lChunkLength       As Long
    Private m_lLength            As Long
    Private m_lLengthUndoAppend        As Long
    Private m_hHeap              As Long
    Private m_Chunk_Size_Aligned As Long
    Private m_bIsVistaAndNewer   As Boolean
    ' #############################
    '   Class_Initialize
    '   Initializes the class, creates new heap
    '   and allocates the initial string buffer.
    ' #############################
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Dim inf(68)     As Long
        Dim MajorMinor  As Single
        Dim si          As SYSTEM_INFO
        GetSystemInfo si
        If si.dwPageSize = 0 Then
            Debug.Print "Error in retrieving page size. GetSystemInfo failed with 0x" & Hex(Err.LastDllError)
            Err.Raise 5, , "Cannot obtain page size"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        inf(0) = 276
        GetVersionEx inf(0)
        MajorMinor = inf(1) + inf(2) / 10
        m_bIsVistaAndNewer = (MajorMinor >= 6)
        'align chunk to the upper bound of the page size
        m_Chunk_Size_Aligned = AlignUp(CHUNK_SIZE, si.dwPageSize)
        m_hHeap = HeapCreate(HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, m_Chunk_Size_Aligned, 0&)
        If m_hHeap = 0 Then
            Debug.Print "HeapCreate failed with 0x" & Hex(Err.LastDllError)
            Err.Raise 5, , "Cannot create new heap"
            Exit Sub
        End If
        ' Allocate default chunk size
        Allocate m_Chunk_Size_Aligned
    End Sub
    'Align number to the upper bound
    Private Function AlignUp(Num As Long, Align As Long) As Long
        AlignUp = (Num \ Align) * Align
        If AlignUp < Num Then
            AlignUp = AlignUp + Align
        End If
    End Function
    ' #############################
    '   Allocate
    '   Allocates a specified amount of memory
    '   for the string buffer.
    ' #############################
    Private Sub Allocate(Size As Long)
        Dim tmp As Long
        Dim newSize As Long
        ' If no memory is allocated yet, allocate some from the heap - otherwise
        ' reallocate (resize) the block that has already been allocated
        If m_pMemoryPtr = 0 Then
            m_pMemoryPtr = HeapAlloc(m_hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, Size)
            m_pMemoryPtr = HeapReAlloc(m_hHeap, HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE, m_pMemoryPtr, Size)
        End If
        m_lAllocSize = Size
    End Sub
    ' #############################
    '   .ToString
    '   Get the copy of internally stored string
    ' #############################
    Public Property Get ToString() As String
        If m_lLength = 0 Then Exit Property
        PutMem4 VarPtr(ToString), SysAllocString(m_pMemoryPtr)
    End Property
    ' #############################
    '   .StringData
    '   Set the new string by clearing all stored data
    ' #############################
    Public Property Let StringData(str As String)
        Append str
    End Property
    ' #############################
    '   .ToStringPtr
    '   Get the pointer to string (much faster than using .ToString).
    '   Note 1: Use .Length method to know the size of this string.
    '   Note 2: This pointer should be used before next calling to .Append / .Insert / .Overwrite / .StringData methods.
    '   Note 3: Application should not manually free this pointer.
    '   Note 4: Class guarantee the returned pointer contains the string with two NUL terminators.
    ' #############################
    Public Property Get ToStringPtr() As Long
        If m_lLength = 0 Then Exit Property
        ToStringPtr = m_pMemoryPtr
    End Property
    ' #############################
    '   .ToStringLeft
    '   Get the copy of internally stored string (only the part from beginning of the string)
    ' #############################
    Public Property Get ToStringLeft(ByVal length As Long) As String
        If m_lLength = 0 Then Exit Property
        If length > (m_lLength \ 2) Then
            length = m_lLength \ 2
        End If
        ToStringLeft = String$(length, 0&)
        memcpy ByVal StrPtr(ToStringLeft), ByVal m_pMemoryPtr, length * 2
    End Property
    ' #############################
    '   .ToStringMid
    '   Get the copy of internally stored string (only the part from middle of the string)
    ' #############################
    Public Property Get ToStringMid(StartPos As Long, ByVal length As Long) As String
        Dim Index As Long
        Index = StartPos - 1
        If m_lLength = 0 Then Exit Property
        If StartPos > (m_lLength \ 2) Then Exit Property
        If Index + length > (m_lLength \ 2) Then
            length = (m_lLength \ 2) - Index
        End If
        ToStringMid = String$(length, 0&)
        memcpy ByVal StrPtr(ToStringMid), ByVal m_pMemoryPtr + Index * 2, length * 2
    End Property
    ' #############################
    '   .ToStringRight
    '   Get the copy of internally stored string (only the part from end of the string)
    ' #############################
    Public Property Get ToStringRight(ByVal length As Long) As String
        If m_lLength = 0 Then Exit Property
        If length > (m_lLength \ 2) Then
            length = m_lLength \ 2
        End If
        PutMem4 VarPtr(ToStringRight), SysAllocString(m_pMemoryPtr + m_lLength - length * 2)
    End Property
    ' #############################
    '   .Clear
    '   Removes all string data from the
    '   initial string buffer, and resizes
    '   the buffer down to the initial 1MB.
    ' #############################
    Public Sub Clear()
        ' Clean out the string buffer
        m_lLengthUndoAppendAppend = 0
        If m_lLength <> 0 Then
            m_lLength = 0
            Allocate m_Chunk_Size_Aligned
        End If
    End Sub
    ' #############################
    '   .Append
    '   Adds a specified string on to the
    '   end of the string stored in the
    '   buffer.
    ' #############################
    Public Sub Append(str As String)
        Dim pTo As Long
        ' If we are going to need more memory (if the final size of the append is going to be
        ' greater than the currently allocated size), we need to find out how much more we
        ' need (in increments of CHUNK_SIZE, default 1MB) and allocate it
        ' +2 to hold NUL terminator
        m_lLengthUndoAppend = m_lLength
        If m_lLength + LenB(str) + 2 > m_lAllocSize Then
            Allocate AlignUp(m_lLength + LenB(str) + 2, m_Chunk_Size_Aligned)
        End If
        ' Put the specified string at the end of the string buffer
        pTo = m_pMemoryPtr + m_lLength
        memcpy ByVal pTo, ByVal StrPtr(str), LenB(str) + 2 '+2 for NUL terminator
        m_lLength = m_lLength + LenB(str)
    End Sub
    ' #############################
    '   .Insert
    '   Inserts a specified string into the
    '   stored string at a specific index.
    ' #############################
    Public Sub Insert(pos As Long, str As String)
        Dim pFrom As Long
        Dim pTo As Long
        Dim Index As Long
        Index = pos - 1
        If Len(str) = 0 Then Exit Sub
        If (Index < 0) Then Exit Sub
        If (Index > (m_lLength \ 2)) Then Exit Sub
        ' If we are going to need more memory (if the final size of the insert is going to be
        ' greater than the currently allocated size), we need to find out how much more we
        ' need (in increments of CHUNK_SIZE, default 1MB) and allocate it
        ' +2 to consider 2 NUL characters as terminator
        If m_lLength + LenB(str) + 2 > m_lAllocSize Then
            Allocate AlignUp(m_lLength + LenB(str) + 2, m_Chunk_Size_Aligned)
        End If
        ' Copy the entire stored string, from 'index' to the end and move it over to the
        ' right to accomodate for the new string to be inserted, and then put the specified
        ' string in the correct position
        ' str = 'NEW ' (Len = 4)
        '         v
        ' |       |   |         |
        ' |       |   |         m_lLength
        ' |       |   |
        ' |       |   pTo
        ' |       |
        ' |       pFrom (Index)
        ' |
        ' m_pMemoryPtr
        pFrom = m_pMemoryPtr + (Index * 2&)
        pTo = pFrom + LenB(str)
        memcpy ByVal pTo, ByVal pFrom, m_lLength - (Index * 2&) + 2 '+2 - include NUL terminator
        memcpy ByVal pFrom, ByVal StrPtr(str), LenB(str)
        m_lLength = m_lLength + LenB(str)
        m_lLengthUndoAppend = m_lLength ' Obliterate Undo Append position tracker
    End Sub
    ' #############################
    '   .Overwrite
    '   Inserts a string into the middle
    '   of the stored string, wiping out
    '   the characters at that position.
    ' #############################
    Public Sub Overwrite(pos As Long, str As String)
        Dim pFrom As Long
        Dim pTo As Long
        Dim Index As Long
        Dim bExpanded As Boolean
        Index = pos - 1
        If Len(str) = 0 Then Exit Sub
        If (Index < 0) Then Exit Sub
        If (Index > (m_lLength \ 2)) Then Exit Sub
        ' If we are going to need more memory (if the inserted string goes over
        ' the length of the current string, and ends up being longer than the allocated
        ' memory block, we need to calculate how much we need (in increments of CHUNK_SIZE,
        ' default 1MB) and allocate it
        ' +2 to consider 2 NUL characters as terminator
        If Index * 2 + LenB(str) + 2 > m_lAllocSize Then
            Allocate AlignUp(m_lLength + LenB(str) + 2, m_Chunk_Size_Aligned)
        End If
        ' str = 'OVER'
        '        v
        ' |      |           |
        ' |      |           m_lLength
        ' |      |
        ' |      pFrom (Index)
        ' |
        ' m_pMemoryPtr
        ' Copy the specified string into the stored string
        pFrom = m_pMemoryPtr + (Index * 2&)
        memcpy ByVal pFrom, ByVal StrPtr(str), LenB(str)
        ' If the string got longer (the inserted string hung over the end of the
        ' old string) we need to calculate how much bigger it got
        ' and append NUL terminator
        If (Index * 2&) + LenB(str) > m_lLength Then
            m_lLength = Index * 2& + LenB(str)
            GetMem2 ByVal StrPtr(vbNullChar), ByVal (m_pMemoryPtr + m_lLength)
        End If
        m_lLengthUndoAppend = m_lLength ' Obliterate Undo Append position tracker
    End Sub
    ' #############################
    '   .Remove
    '   Removes text from the middle of
    '   the stored string.
    ' #############################
    Public Sub Remove(pos As Long, ByVal length As Long)
        Dim pFrom As Long
        Dim pTo As Long
        Dim Index As Long
        Index = pos - 1
        If (length <= 0) Then Exit Sub
        If (Index < 0) Then Exit Sub
        If (Index > (m_lLength \ 2)) Then Exit Sub
        ' Copy the entire stored string, from 'index' to the end and move it over to the
        ' left to overright the desired chracters, and then excess characters at the end
        ' of the string
        If (length + Index > (m_lLength \ 2)) Then
            length = (m_lLength \ 2) - Index
        End If
        ' |    |       |    |
        ' |    |       |    |
        ' |    |       |    m_lLength
        ' |    |       |
        ' |    |       pFrom
        ' |    |
        ' |    pTo (Index)
        ' |
        ' m_pMemoryPtr
        pTo = m_pMemoryPtr + (Index * 2&)
        pFrom = m_pMemoryPtr + ((Index + length) * 2&)
        memcpy ByVal pTo, ByVal pFrom, m_lLength - ((Index + length) * 2&)
        m_lLength = m_lLength - (length * 2&)
        'Append NUL terminator
        GetMem2 ByVal StrPtr(vbNullChar), ByVal (m_pMemoryPtr + m_lLength)
        m_lLengthUndoAppend = m_lLength ' Obliterate Undo Append position tracker
    End Sub
    ' #############################
    '   .Length
    '   Returns the length of the string
    ' #############################
    Public Property Get length() As Long
        ' Since the string is stored as unicode, every character is 2 bytes
        length = m_lLength \ 2
    End Property
    ' #############################
    '   .UndoAppend
    '   Undo the last append.
    '   Must be called before any intervening Insert, Overwrite, Remove calls
    ' #############################
    Public Sub UndoAppend()
       If m_lLength <> m_lLengthUndoAppend Then
          m_lLength = m_lLengthUndoAppend
          GetMem2 ByVal StrPtr(vbNullChar), ByVal (m_pMemoryPtr + m_lLength)
          ' Nothing to undo!
          Debug.Assert False
       End If
    End Sub
    ' #############################
    '   .Find
    '   Returns a position to the first occurrence of search string, or 0 if does not occur.
    ' #############################
    Public Property Get Find(StartPos As Long, StrSearch As String, Optional Delimiter As String, Optional CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod) As Long
        ' StartPos - what position the searching must be started from
        ' StrSearch - what string to search for
        ' Delimiter - if strings in StringBuilder are delimited by some character(s),
        '   e.g. if .Find 'rose' in '|melrose|rose|' should return pos. == 10, not 5
        ' CompareMethod - case sensitive mode switch
        Dim Index As Long
        Index = StartPos - 1
        If Index > m_lLength \ 2 Then Exit Property
        'if Search string is empty
        If Len(StrSearch) = 0 Then
            If Len(Delimiter) = 0 Then '1. Search == "" + no Delim -> return pos == 1
                Find = 1
            Else                       '2. Search == "" + some Delim -> search for empty value, surrounded by Delim
                'stady 1: if empty data -> false
                'stady 2: if ^|.*
                'stady 3: if .*||.*
                'stady 4: if .*|$
                'for 2,3,4: returns a position next to the delimiter, even if it is exceed the size of StringBuilder's data
                If m_lLength = 0 Then  'no records yet -> no matches
                    Find = 0
                    If StartPos = 1 Then
                        If m_lLength \ 2 >= Len(Delimiter) Then
                            If StrComp(ToStringLeft(Len(Delimiter)), Delimiter, CompareMethod) = 0 Then
                                Find = 1
                                Exit Property
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                    Find = InstrPtr(StartPos, StrPtr(Delimiter & Delimiter), m_pMemoryPtr, CompareMethod)
                    If Find <> 0 Then
                        Find = Find + Len(Delimiter)
                        Exit Property
                    End If
                    If m_lLength \ 2 >= Index + Len(Delimiter) Then
                        If StrComp(ToStringRight(Len(Delimiter)), Delimiter, CompareMethod) = 0 Then
                            Find = m_lLength \ 2 + 1 'returns a position bigger than the size of stringbuilder's data
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            Exit Property
        End If
        If m_lLength = 0 Then Exit Property
        If Len(Delimiter) = 0 Then
            Find = InstrPtr(StartPos, StrPtr(StrSearch), m_pMemoryPtr, CompareMethod)
            'Delimiter is ON
            'stady 1: search ^string$
            'stady 2: search ^string|$
            'stady 3: search .*|string|.*
            'stady 4: search .*|string$
            If (StartPos = 1) And (m_lLength \ 2 = Len(StrSearch)) Then
                If StrCompPtrEx(m_pMemoryPtr, StrPtr(StrSearch), Len(StrSearch), CompareMethod) = 0 Then
                    Find = 1
                    Exit Property
                End If
            End If
            If (StartPos = 1) And ((m_lLength \ 2) >= (Len(StrSearch) + Len(Delimiter))) Then
                If StrCompPtrEx(m_pMemoryPtr, StrPtr(StrSearch & Delimiter), Len(StrSearch) + Len(Delimiter), CompareMethod) = 0 Then
                    Find = 1
                    Exit Property
                End If
            End If
            Find = InstrPtr(StartPos, StrPtr(Delimiter & StrSearch & Delimiter), m_pMemoryPtr, CompareMethod)
            If Find <> 0 Then
                'consider len of delimiter
                Find = Find + Len(Delimiter)
                Exit Property
            End If
            If m_lLength \ 2 >= Index + Len(Delimiter) + Len(StrSearch) Then
                If StrCompPtrEx(m_pMemoryPtr + m_lLength - LenB(StrSearch) - LenB(Delimiter), _
                  StrPtr(Delimiter & StrSearch), Len(Delimiter) + Len(StrSearch), CompareMethod) = 0 Then
                    Find = m_lLength \ 2 - Len(StrSearch) + 1
                    Exit Property
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End Property
    ' #############################
    '   InstrPtr
    '   (analogue of Instr(), but takes pointers instead of strings.
    '   Returns a position to the first occurrence of search string, or 0 if does not occur.
    ' #############################
    Private Function InstrPtr(StartPos As Long, StrSearchFor As Long, StrSearchIn As Long, Optional CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod) As Long
        'Attention: no safe checkings here. Use with caution.
        If CompareMethod = vbTextCompare Then
            InstrPtr = StrStrIW(StrSearchIn + (StartPos - 1) * 2, StrSearchFor)
            InstrPtr = StrStrW(StrSearchIn + (StartPos - 1) * 2, StrSearchFor)
        End If
        If InstrPtr <> 0 Then
            InstrPtr = (InstrPtr - StrSearchIn) \ 2 + 1
        End If
    End Function
    ' #############################
    '   StrCompPtrEx
    '   (something like StrComp(), but takes pointers instead of strings + the number of characters. So, strings can be not NUL terminated)
    '   Returns FALSE, if strings are match, or TRUE if not.
    ' #############################
    Private Function StrCompPtrEx( _
        StrString1 As Long, StrString2 As Long, _
        cchCount As Long, Optional CompareMethod As VbCompareMethod) As Boolean
        If m_bIsVistaAndNewer Then
            StrCompPtrEx = (CSTR_EQUAL <> CompareStringOrdinal(StrString1, cchCount, StrString2, cchCount, CompareMethod))
            Dim pStr1 As Long
            Dim pStr2 As Long
            Dim StrBuf1 As String
            Dim StrBuf2 As String
            'preparing NUL terminated strings
            If lstrlen(StrString1) = cchCount Then
                pStr1 = StrString1
                StrBuf1 = String$(cchCount, 0&)
                memcpy ByVal StrPtr(StrBuf1), ByVal StrString1, cchCount * 2
                pStr1 = StrPtr(StrBuf1)
            End If
            If lstrlen(StrString2) = cchCount Then
                pStr2 = StrString2
                StrBuf2 = String$(cchCount, 0&)
                memcpy ByVal StrPtr(StrBuf2), ByVal StrString2, cchCount * 2
                pStr2 = StrPtr(StrBuf2)
            End If
            If CompareMethod = vbTextCompare Then
                StrCompPtrEx = lstrcmpiW(pStr1, pStr2)
                StrCompPtrEx = lstrcmpW(pStr1, pStr2)
            End If
        End If
    End Function
    ' #############################
    '   Class_Terminate
    '   Deallocates all allocated memory.
    ' #############################
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        If m_hHeap <> 0 Then
            HeapDestroy m_hHeap
        End If
    End Sub

  22. #22

    Thread Starter
    Member Dragokas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Updated to v2.1

    ' .Undo method has been added (allows to revert to initial state from the last write operation, excepting .StringData; 1 step only)
    ' .UndoAppend method has been added (do .Undo if only last operation was .Append) (by jpbro's request)
    ' .UndoInsert method has been added (do .Undo if only last operation was .Insert)
    ' .UndoOverwrite method has been added (do .Undo if only last operation was .Overwrite)
    ' .UndoRemove method has been added (do .Undo if only last operation was .Remove)

    jpbro, no problem. I also sometimes hate to see how the code looks when removing manually such last delimiter ", ".
    I just expanded Undo a bit to cover Insert/Overwrite/Remove. However, don't know is somebody will be fortunate to find where to apply undo on such methods in real task
    Last edited by Dragokas; Nov 17th, 2017 at 05:36 PM.
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Very nice update, thanks!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Quote Originally Posted by jpbro View Post
    For example, when building an SQL string I might need a list of field names all separated by commas except for the last field. In this case, the following:

    For ii = 1 to Fields.Count
       sb.Append Fields(ii).Name
       sb.Append ", "
    Next ii
    I often solve the above with a separate String-Array (which performs much better - e.g. in larger CSV-exports) -
    and it is not much more to code (same amount of lines).

    Redim Tmp(1 to Fields.Count) As String 'the Fields-Count is usually known before entering the loop
    For ii = 1 to Fields.Count
      Tmp(ii) = Fields(ii).Name
    Next ii
    sb.Append Join(Tmp, ", ")
    BTW - I'm not sure, whether the larger efforts (dealing with separate Heap-Allocs) is worth it in a String-Builder-Class -
    since I've found that a LeftHand-side Mid$-instruction works just as well (I use that simple scheme in the RC5-SB) -
    below is a small performance-test (based on a simulated CSV-export-scenario with 32 Cols and 100000 rows).

    Option Explicit
    Private SArr(0 To 31, 0 To 100000) As String
    Private Sub Form_Load() 'prefill a static string-array with the inputs
    Dim x&, y&, S$
      For y = 0 To UBound(SArr, 2)
        S = "Row" & y & "_"
        For x = 0 To UBound(SArr, 1)
          SArr(x, y) = S & "Col" & x
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Click()
      AutoRedraw = True: Cls
      Dim x&, y&, Arr$()
      Dim SB1 As clsStringBuilder, SB2 As vbRichClient5.cStringBuilder
      New_c.Timing True
        Set SB1 = New clsStringBuilder
        ReDim Arr(0 To UBound(SArr, 1)) 'redim beforehand (the Column-Size is known)
        For y = 0 To UBound(SArr, 2)
          For x = 0 To UBound(SArr, 1)
            Arr(x) = SArr(x, y)
          SB1.Append Join(Arr, ", ")
          SB1.Append vbCrLf
      Print "SB1 Dragokas", New_c.Timing
      Set SB1 = Nothing
      New_c.Timing True
        Set SB2 = New_c.StringBuilder
        ReDim Arr(0 To UBound(SArr, 1)) 'redim beforehand (the Column-Size is known)
        For y = 0 To UBound(SArr, 2)
          For x = 0 To UBound(SArr, 1)
            Arr(x) = SArr(x, y)
          SB2.AppendNL Join(Arr, ", ")
      Print "SB2 RichClient", New_c.Timing
    End Sub
    The RC5-SB (using Mid$) being about factor 4 faster on my machine (for such larger outputs).



  25. #25
    New Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    I agree with Olaf. I don't use the Mid$ method in VBCorLib, but do allocate a single string buffer and use CopyMemory, doubling the buffer size as it needs to grow. Using Olaf's benchmark, VBCorLib is an additional 30-40% faster than RC5. I'm not sure why. I want to think it's the difference with Mid$ and CopyMemory, but I can't believe it would cause that much of a discrepancy, so maybe the way the buffer is managed.

    This clsStringBuilder is nice, but it does seem a bit complex with buffer management. It does have a lot of features though. I'm always interested in seeing other people's implementations of similar classes.
    Last edited by killian353535; Nov 18th, 2017 at 06:48 AM.

  26. #26
    PowerPoster wqweto's Avatar
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    May 2011
    Sofia, Bulgaria

    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    @killian353535: Adding to a VB.Collection is about 40% faster than appending to a RC5 cStringBuilder.

    With an additional call to Len(SBx.ToString) the simple ConcatCollection still seems about 25% faster.
    vb Code:
    1. Private Sub Form_Click()
    2.   AutoRedraw = True: Cls
    3.   Dim x&, y&, Arr$()
    4.   Dim SB1 As clsStringBuilder, SB2 As vbRichClient5.cStringBuilder, SB3 As Collection
    6.   New_c.Timing True
    7.     Set SB1 = New clsStringBuilder
    8.     ReDim Arr(0 To UBound(SArr, 1)) 'redim beforehand (the Column-Size is known)
    9.     For y = 0 To UBound(SArr, 2)
    10.       For x = 0 To UBound(SArr, 1)
    11.         Arr(x) = SArr(x, y)
    12.       Next
    13.       SB1.Append Join(Arr, ", ")
    14.       SB1.Append vbCrLf
    15.     Next
    16.   Print "SB1 Dragokas", New_c.Timing, Len(SB1.ToString)
    17.   Set SB1 = Nothing
    19.   New_c.Timing True
    20.     Set SB2 = New_c.StringBuilder
    21.     ReDim Arr(0 To UBound(SArr, 1)) 'redim beforehand (the Column-Size is known)
    22.     For y = 0 To UBound(SArr, 2)
    23.       For x = 0 To UBound(SArr, 1)
    24.         Arr(x) = SArr(x, y)
    25.       Next
    26.       SB2.AppendNL Join(Arr, ", ")
    27.     Next
    28.   Print "SB2 RichClient", New_c.Timing, Len(SB2.ToString)
    30.   New_c.Timing True
    31.     Set SB3 = New Collection
    32.     ReDim Arr(0 To UBound(SArr, 1)) 'redim beforehand (the Column-Size is known)
    33.     For y = 0 To UBound(SArr, 2)
    34.       For x = 0 To UBound(SArr, 1)
    35.         Arr(x) = SArr(x, y)
    36.       Next
    37.       SB3.Add Join(Arr, ", ")
    38.     Next
    39.   Print "SB3 Collection", New_c.Timing, Len(ConcatCollection(SB3))
    40. End Sub

  27. #27
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    I'd be interested in seeing the ConcatCollection method. It must still have to iterate the collection and append into a final buffer. The difference with VBCorLib is that it is appending into a buffer with each call to Append so the final ToString method just returns a substring of the internal buffer. However, my way of doing things does prevent me from being able to Undo, such as the clsStringBuilder class was updated to do. But, yes the Collection class can be extremely fast with adding and iterating values. So that might be the best way to go if you're going to chunk as you did. VBCorLib doubles the buffer when increasing its capacity. Though you can set the capacity to a higher initial value if you know you're handling a lot of data. Cuts down on the doubling a bit. All-in-all I've seen many implementations of a string builder over the years. It's always interesting. Now if we can only get Olaf to share his
    Last edited by killian353535; Nov 18th, 2017 at 09:55 AM.
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Thanks, wqweto and Olaf. Nice tests.

    The RC5-SB (using Mid$) being about factor 4 faster on my machine (for such larger outputs).
    It's because of too frequent reallocations. For such large data, initial Chunk increasing size in VolteFace's SB should be adjusted to ~ like 10 MB (Const CHUNK_SIZE = 10485760).
    In such case above test returns on my machine in compiled mode:
    SB1 Dragokas 568,67msec 49845014
    SB2 RichClient 610,79msec 49845014
    SB3 Collection 407,87msec 49645012
    Malware analyst, VirusNet developer, HiJackThis+ author || my CodeBank works

  29. #29
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragokas View Post
    Thanks, wqweto and Olaf. Nice tests.

    It's because of too frequent reallocations. For such large data, initial Chunk increasing size in VolteFace's SB should be adjusted to ~ like 10 MB (Const CHUNK_SIZE = 10485760).
    In such case above test returns on my machine in compiled mode:
    Yep, much depends on the re-allocation-scheme.

    Though I'd consider an *initial* Chunk-allocation of 10MB a bit too much - in case the SB is fired-up
    as only an intermediate instance, to gather a few smaller string-snippets (in the 1-50KByte range).

    A dynamic chunk-allocation covers both scenarios - although a factor 2 (as used by killian) is a bit much for my taste, I usually choose 1.6 as a compromise.

    Here's an extract of the simple little SB-Class of the RC5 (I've removed the UTF8-stuff due to cross-refs into other RC5-modules)...
    The way it is currently implemented represents, what one can achieve without API-usage (being quite universal in small- and large-size- concat-scenarios without being a slouch).

    Option Explicit
    Private mString As String, mCurPos As Long, mBufLen As Long
    Public Property Get length() As Long
       length = mCurPos
    End Property
    Public Sub Append(ByRef NextPart As String)
    Dim lLen As Long
        lLen = Len(NextPart)
        If lLen + mCurPos >= mBufLen Then
           mString = mString & Space$(mCurPos * 1.6 + lLen + 8192)
           mBufLen = Len(mString)
        End If
        Mid$(mString, mCurPos + 1) = NextPart: mCurPos = mCurPos + lLen
    End Sub
    Public Sub AppendNL(ByRef NextPart As String, Optional NLChars As String = vbNewLine)
       Append NextPart
       Append NLChars
    End Sub
    Public Sub Clear()
       mString = vbNullString: mCurPos = 0: mBufLen = 0
    End Sub
    Public Property Get ToString() As String
       If mCurPos > 0 Then ToString = Left$(mString, mCurPos)
    End Property

  30. #30
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    I can see a factor of 2 might be too much at times. Never even though about changing it, maybe even letting it be adjustable. You've given me something to think about.

    So I noticed something about your extracted RC5 code and made a change to see how your test was affected. So I created two SB classes and in keeping with your no API-usage I removed one of the string allocations when you're expanding the buffer.

    in one of the classes I replaced:
    mString = mString & Space$(mCurPos * 1.6 + lLen + 8192)
    Dim NewString As String
    NewString = Space$(mBufLen + mCurPos * 1.6 + lLen + 8192)
    Mid$(NewString, 1) = mString
    mString = NewString
    Re-running your benchmark yielded a 10% speed increase. Now I can't comment how it would fair within RC5 since you stated you had removed some things.

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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Bumping the chunk size in Dragokas' code certainly improves performance at the expense of memory of course. It's usually slightly faster than RC5 in this case.

    I didn't try ConcatCollection because I don't see where that code is??

    I've just tried using an array of Strings with Join$ for the Value and it is giving me the best performance now (CStringBuilderJ):

    Option Explicit
    Public Enum e_AppendModifier
       [_appendmod_Ignore] = -1   ' Internal use
       appendmod_CrLf ' Append CRLF after primary append operation
       appendmod_Lf ' Append LF after primary append operation
    End Enum
    Private Const mc_BufferSize As Long = 128
    Private ma_Strings() As String
    Private m_NextIndex As Long
    Private m_UndoBump As Long
    Private m_Undoable As Boolean
    Public Property Get Value() As String
       If UBound(ma_Strings) <> m_NextIndex - 1 Then
          ReDim Preserve ma_Strings(m_NextIndex - 1)
       End If
       Value = Join$(ma_Strings, "")
    End Property
    Public Sub Undo()
       Dim ii As Long
       If Not m_Undoable Then Err.Raise 5, , "Undo buffer is exhausted."
       If m_NextIndex = 0 Then Err.Raise 5, , "Nothing to undo."
       m_Undoable = False
       For ii = 0 To m_UndoBump
          m_NextIndex = m_NextIndex - 1
          ma_Strings(m_NextIndex) = ""
       Next ii
    End Sub
    Public Sub Append(ByVal p_String As String, Optional ByVal p_Modifier As e_AppendModifier)
       Dim l_ReRun As Boolean
       m_Undoable = True
          If m_NextIndex = 0 Then
             ReDim ma_Strings(mc_BufferSize - 1)
             If m_NextIndex > UBound(ma_Strings) Then
                ReDim Preserve ma_Strings(UBound(ma_Strings) + mc_BufferSize - 1)
             End If
          End If
          ma_Strings(m_NextIndex) = p_String
          m_NextIndex = m_NextIndex + 1
          If p_Modifier > appendmod_None Then
             m_UndoBump = 1
             l_ReRun = True
             Select Case p_Modifier
             Case appendmod_CrLf
                p_Modifier = [_appendmod_Ignore]
                p_String = vbCrLf
             Case appendmod_Lf
                p_Modifier = [_appendmod_Ignore]
                p_String = vbLf
             End Select
             l_ReRun = False
             If p_Modifier = appendmod_None Then
                m_UndoBump = 0
             End If
          End If
       Loop While l_ReRun
    End Sub
    Some timings:

    Dragokas (large buffer): 711.53ms
    RC5: 880.38ms
    jpbro: 589.47ms

  32. #32

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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    jpbro, see post #11.
    BTW, here is a project with all 4 tests.
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  33. #33
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Here are the timings I get using Dragokas' project in post #32:

    Name:  StringBuilderTimings.png
Views: 8271
Size:  30.6 KB

    Strangely the length of the Collection-based demo is short 2 characters? Missing a trailing CRLF?

  34. #34
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragokas View Post
    jpbro, see post #11.
    BTW, here is a project with all 4 tests.
    A quite similar result to the "VB-Collection-Concat approach" can be achieved with the RC5-cArrayList (which has a Join-method).
    Adding the following into the Test-Setup:
      New_c.Timing True
        Dim SB5 As cArrayList
        Set SB5 = New_c.ArrayList(vbString)
        ReDim Arr(0 To UBound(SArr, 1)) 'redim beforehand (the Column-Size is known)
        For y = 0 To UBound(SArr, 2)
          For x = 0 To UBound(SArr, 1)
            Arr(x) = SArr(x, y)
          SB5.Add Join(Arr, ", ")
        SB5.Add ""
      s = s & vbCrLf & "RC5-ArrList" & vbTab & New_c.Timing & vbTab & Len(SB5.Join(vbCrLf))
      txtText1.Text = s
      Set SB5 = Nothing
    Will give the following results on my machine:
    SB1 Dragokas     659,40msec    49845014
    SB2 RichClient     674,27msec    49845014
    SB3 Collection     419,34msec    49645012
    SB4 Array     468,37msec    49845014
    RC5-ArrList     427,85msec    49845014
    Edit: Have just seen, that the retrieval of the resulting String-Concat was outside the Timing.
    To remedy that I've included (after each of the Test-Loops):
    Dim L&
      L = Len(ConcatCollection(SB3)) 'or ToString or .Value or whatever is needed to get the result
      x = x & New_c.Timing & ... & L
    With that corrected, the timings now look this way:
    SB1 Dragokas     743,69msec    49845014
    SB2 RichClient     731,06msec    49845014
    SB3 Collection     592,07msec    49645012
    SB4 Array     533,32msec    49845014
    RC5-ArrList     488,13msec    49845014

    Last edited by Schmidt; Nov 18th, 2017 at 01:57 PM.

  35. #35
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Dragokas, the collection isn't including vbCrLf. But that aside, I don't think the timing is accurate since RC5 does 99% of the work on each append instead of a form of chunking as the rest do. By moving the New_c.Timing to the end of the description string it will include the entire building process.

    With that I get the Array version as the fastest. I included VBCorLib for my comparison and added the vbCrLf for the collection version.

    SB1 Dragokas: 525.05ms
    SB2 RichClient: 535.24ms
    SB3 Collection: 442.38ms
    SB4 Array: 353.62ms
    SB5 VBCorLib: 363.50ms
    This thread has been hijacked with these comparisons, but it has been enlightening.
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    This thread has been hijacked with these comparisons, but it has been enlightening.
    Not problem, you all helped me a lot in understanding of alternatives and also how to improve my own fork in speed.
    I already done 1.6 factor increasing of Chunk and it show even more performance.

    killian353535, give me code example for VBCorLib based SB and I'll include it to the tests.
    Is that VBCorLib.dll (modified 08.06.2008) at Github is a latest version?
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    After moving all the Timing calls after any final calls to the stringbuilder implementations, I'm basically getting a wash between wqweto's Collection, my String() array, and Olaf's RC5 ArrayList approaches. Running multiple tests, sometimes any one of them come out ahead marginally over the others - all around the 500-600 msec range for me.

    Dragokas' heap approach with large buffer and Olaf's current RC5 StringBuilder implementation are slightly slower, both in the 700-800 msec range. Again, the winner flip-flops a bit between either in multiple timing tests.

  38. #38
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Quote Originally Posted by killian353535 View Post
    Dragokas, the collection isn't including vbCrLf.
    Yep, but that can be corrected with an:
    SB3.Add ""
    after the outer loop (similar to what I did with the cArrayList-approach - I think you also have that in your CorLib - worth a try I think).

    Quote Originally Posted by killian353535 View Post
    By moving the New_c.Timing to the end of the description string it will include the entire building process.
    Yep. In my prior posting I've suggested to use a Long-Variable to gather the resulting Len - but that will work as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by killian353535 View Post
    With that I get the Array version as the fastest. I included VBCorLib for my comparison and added the vbCrLf for the collection version.

    SB1 Dragokas: 525.05ms
    SB2 RichClient: 535.24ms
    SB3 Collection: 442.38ms
    SB4 Array: 353.62ms
    SB5 VBCorLib: 363.50ms
    You have a quite fast machine - could you run it again with the cArrayList included (and perhaps your own ArrayList-Join from your CorLib)?


  39. #39

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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    Made 6 tests with 10 rounds. Also improved my fork to init. buf. with 1 MB + every increase as *1.6 factor.

    SB1 Heap-memcpy 0,57223
    SB2 RichClient: 0,71915
    SB3 Collection: 0,48291
    SB4 Array: 0,52808
    SB5 RC5-ArrList: 0,509
    SB6 VBCorLib: 0,56692
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  40. #40
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    Re: [VB6] StringBuilder - Fast string concatenation

    @Dragokas, yes the v2.3 release on github is indeed the latest. It's been that long since an updated release, though I keep plugging away on the code.

    @Olaf, ok I've added the new comparisons to the mix:

    SB1 Dragokas		49845014 505.05msec
    SB2 RichClient		49845014 531.51msec
    SB3 Collection		49845014 410.09msec
    SB4 Array		49845014 353.82msec
    SB5 VBCorLIlb		49845014 365.48msec
    RC5-ArrList		49845014 324.62msec
    VBCorLib-ArrayList		49845014 375.55msec
    Your arraylist version is the fastest, pretty cool. Mine doesn't have a join so I had to fallback to joining the array that the list can output.
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